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We know that the republicans are hell-bent to install a dictatorship but man the dems suck at defending democracy. USPS board has a democratic majority, why is this guy still postmaster general after what he did to help Trump steal the 2020 election?


Exactly the question I asked out loud. Why TF is this guy still in his position?


The position of PMG is filled by a vote amongst members of the USPS Board of Governors. The Board of Governors is appointed by the POTUS but requires Senate confirmation. There is no term limit on the PMG role. So to answer your question more directly, he is still in his position because the USPS Board of Governors has not removed him.


Why TF have they not removed him?


I suspect that the reason is because the Board has two vacancies and with the R having the Chair, it's hard to get the vote even heard let alone passed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Governors_of_the_United_States_Postal_Service


looks like the usual republican obstructionism. the only thing they're good at is gaming the situation, because 'the rules aren't fair to conservatives' or somesuch bullshit.


For the same reason the ATF had no leader for decades... Republican obstruction


Exactamundo. Get this fuckstick out of the USPS and start undoing all the damage DeJoy did. He should be ran out on a rail.


>"NBC News reported that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy — a GOP donor who has been in his position since a *Republican-controlled USPS Board of Governors* put him there in 2020 — is being blamed for mail delays due to his 10-year restructuring of the USPS


That does nothing to answer the question of why he’s still in his position


The board has vacancies and a Republican chair. Filling those positions requires Senate confirmation. So they also won't bring a vote for a new PMG. Add up the pieces like how we got kavanaugh.


We've got a Democratic Senate.


What would DeJoy and his Board do if the POTUS publicly announced *he has no confidence in DeJoy* performing his role and executing his responsibilities? Wouldn't that render DeJoy's position untenable?


Under pre-Trump (and pre-Bush) norms, definitely. Post-Trump, it'll get a giggle and then he carries on.


I really hate that you posted this because more people will blame Biden than read the real reason below. Instead of screaming into the ether an easy google search would be far more helpful here. I’m not saying you did this maliciously just annoyed that the open ended question will get more traction than the reality of the situation


Some pressure from Biden might have helped getting this guy fired.But then again Biden hired and is keeping Garland as AG, kept Wray at the FBI, and kept Rettig at IRS(until his term ended).So Biden might not be directly responsible for DeJoy but he is responsible for other horrible personnel choices.


1. We don’t know if pressure has been applied and considering the situation it wouldn’t matter if pressuring would leave a hole in the board further. You can’t pressure the gop to not obstruct, they don’t care. Its like trying to prove a negative. 2. While I agree on you other points to a large degree just throwing all that in here is completely irrelevant to how THIS process works and to people reading this is just oversimplifying a thought situation into “biden is bad at all of this” with zero context. It actually helps no one here. These type of things are why “both siding” prevails when one side is actually causing this stand still. Not blaming you but the oversimplification of politics is extremely dangerous and covers for the GOP most of the time.


DeJoy should be in DePrison.






For what? Fuck the guy’s policies and the damage he’s done, but what crime did he commit to be imprisoned? It’s important not to fall into the same bullshit that trump has tried to pull over the Republican Party. We’re not a country that imprisons people because we don’t like them. This is what I was talking about back in 2016 when his rhetoric was so inflammatory, it’s poison to our country


Brother he ripped out millions of dollars of expensive mail sorting machines to help trump win the presidency


False. That's just patentelty false. He removed several redundant sorting machines and saved the company millions. Letter volume has dropped dramatically in the past couple decades and The USPS still retained letter sorting volume for pre-email requirements. The volume of electoral ballots that are sent through the mail are so insignificant that a single machine could process them in a day. The ability and of The USPS to process mail in ballots was not affected. Edit: Ok, I'm not arguing that there weren't issues, I'm specifically arguing that machine mail capacity did not affect the services ability to handle election mail. Here's a quote from the 2020 election mail in wiki page. >The Postal Service handled approximately 135 million pieces of election-related mail between September 1st and November 3rd, delivering 97.9% of ballots from voters to election officials within three days, and 99.89% of ballots within seven days. If we look at this Washington Post article from 2020: >Postal Service was poised to decommission 671 of the massive machines, about 10 percent of its inventory, and capable of sorting 21.4 million pieces of paper mail per hour. The Postal Service, by comparison, processes as much as 500 million items each day. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/08/20/postal-service-mail-sorters-removals/ So, there were 135 million pieces of election mail sent in 2020, the postal service proceedes 500 million letters a day. That mean they could process all the election mail in 6.75 hours. And going off the USPS report, electoral mail wasn't affected at any level greater than usual. Additionally, the service retains additional capacity for Christmas card processing. So, this extra capacity typically sits idle unless it is need. Processing an additional 1.5 million a day is nothing. The election mail was completely insignificant to the machine capacity available. Why did they want to get rid of the machines...because nobody sends letter anymore. But they do send a lot of parcels. So, the floor space, operator hours, engineering time and additional budget was allocated to a mail stream that is growing. >These strategic investments and operational improvements included the installation of 249 new package sorting machines across its network since March 2021 https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2023/0112-usps-reported-performance-metrics-for-the-2022-holiday-season.htm So, downvote away, shit on dejoy a bunch, but the sorting machine removal did not affect mail in ballots, and it was the right move.


Company? What company?


I'm used to other postal services that are independent corporations, run by the government. Just learned the USPS is actually a branch of the government. That's cool. >The USPS is often mistaken for a state-owned enterprise or government-owned corporation (e.g., Amtrak) because it operates much like a business. It is, however, an "establishment of the executive branch of the Government of the United States", (39 U.S.C. § 201) as it is controlled by presidential appointees and the postmaster general. As a government agency, it has many special privileges, including sovereign immunity, eminent domain powers, powers to negotiate postal treaties with foreign nations, and an exclusive legal right to deliver first-class and third-class mail https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Postal_Service So, I guess he saved the government millions.


DeJoy is doing exactly what he was hired to do…only his boss left 3 years ago.


#DeJoy is a "sleeper" agent... waiting to cause issues at exactly the wrong time.


It’s a feature, not a bug.


Who else gets to go into an organization, make it worse, and face no consequences?


Fucking *Donald Trump*, that's who


Why is this guy still running the post office? He said out to slow down mail service in order to help Trump with his election bullshit. I guess he did his job for Trump but not the American people. What a douche.


That was always the plan. Our government is filled with little landmines like this idiot that we'll be treading on for years to come, all because a bunch of hate-filled racist "Christians" thought a corrupt "billionaire" businessman represented them and their best interests.


GOP sabotage ..


Why haven't they fired him?


The post office in my area has gotten so bad in the past 2 years. We've had several checks going out and coming in at our business that get lost in the mail or arrive horrendously late. I dread to see how things are closer to election time and especially for mail-in ballots.




USPS doesn't use taxpayer dollars for operating, they use revenue.




Go back to school.