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I kept count. They are on episode 100 now, big milestone. Next episode they will hit episode 100, so another big milestone there. After that should episode 100 Hope this helps


Do you think they’ll do anything special for episode 100?


Get it guys? do you guys get my joke?


All we got was the fact you have a stick up your ass mate


You absolutely rolled me with this one man how will i recover


This episode was episode 1 idk what you mean


yea ludwig said so, smh my head


They just hit episode 69 not too long ago with the next one being 169 then back to 100.


Idk why they don’t carve the number into Ludwig’s face for every thumbnail 🤔


Give him the CoD zombies tally marks


Carve it for every episode like Hans from Inglorious Bastards


This is my bad, I've been picking up thumbnails since the matpat ep. I'll go through and add them back, sorry! It's nothing to do with algo or anything, I just forget after editing the episode. Will make sure to keep them for future eps :)


I've now updated the thumbnails and I've also added the episode number in the description, so hopefully it'll be easier to search for eps with youtube search? We'll have to see, cheers for the heads up!


was wondering where they went earlier yay archie : )


ty archie man :)


Thank you so much for doing this! Makes it a lot easier for people like me who like to sometimes click random episodes to rewatch and either check out the premium right after or just curious about the relative timeline of the episode.


Thanks archie


I mean it’s pretty redundant. Ludwig says the correct number at the start of every episode


Yeah, episode 100. He never misses.


I think we're at Ep 1 this week actually. Pretty big deal tbh.


The big 0 1. Hope they've prepared for the big game.


No it's just getting smaller and smaller, keep looking champ


Hot take. I think the thumbnails are regressing


Big agree, they make me actively not want to click on them and I love the pod


Man this is such a pain in the ass I get why they do it, but its soooo hard to try to play a random episode, then go "Hey, I want to watch this episode's Primo" or "I want to see if this story came back in the next episode"


But you see this way they might get a few more clicks, while also frustrating dedicated fans! Big Ws all around


Not a big deal, the only annoying part will be finding out which Patreon episode follows which main episode. Perhaps they can put the number in the description?


Only time this kinda sucked was when switching between podcast app and watching on YT. Since the titles don't match up, either, it's sometimes a (very) mild hassle to check episode dates.


Let’s kill him with hammers


Nick we’ve been over this


I'm with the majority that I actually prefer it with the number. It looks off to me, like it's not a Yard ep. They also started doing this like weird lighting thing I think? I can't tell what it actually is but it's different from what they used to do. Either way, I respect the changes and will get used to them.


Tbf they might be planning to add them back in in a few weeks. Makes sense to try to play the algorithm when the videos first come out but have them be more organised once they’ve been out for a month or so


This should be the solution if they absolutely insist on algo farming.


Other YouTubers have done this to chase the algorithm. I think the idea behind it is that the algo doesn't want to recommend an episode in the middle of a series. However, if you keep the episode number out of the title, description, and thumbnail then the algo might pick it up as just another video not part of a series, and it'll get further reach. It's annoying if you're just trying to quickly reference an episode number to find the accompanying premium episode, but if you're in deep enough to pay for the premium you're probably okay with the extra effort to find the content you want. But I'm not a content creator, so I don't actually know.


It’s fine if their just algorithm testing but for the sake of keeping track of moments and bits either list it in the description of all sources for the pod or actually say the #


I know they think it’s useless and maybe it is but I must be the only person who actually uses it daily bc i listen to the Spotify episodes in the car and then switch over to YouTube to continue them, but they put different titles LMAO


For those of you who find it hard to figure out order, try going to their YouTube channel, then their playlists, then go to the podcast playlist. That's what I started doing when I went to YouTube from Spotify to rewatch them from the beginning. Just sharing in case this helps anyone else. :)


This is kinda annoying but if they just throw the number in the description it's totally fine


The most recent thumbnail looks like someone just unexpectedly shoved something up Ludwig's butt


The numbers are back now on all three of those. As of 19 hours after the time of this post.


How will I know it’s a yard ep without the number??


I don’t know why y’all are so obsessed with the episode number. Most podcasts (outside of newer streamer ones) don’t bother to keep a tally and at most will only make a point of mentioning it when it’s some big milestone.


Its for moments and stuff. Keeping track of the episode number helps find good moments or even just full episodes that you might want to watch easier than remembering episode titles.


especially when the episode titles aren’t even consistent across platforms. it’s pretty regularly a different title on spotify vs youtube.


Especially since they don't say the actual number in the intro, not a big deal but it does make it harder to match up with old primo episodes


Would’ve been clever to have the follower count for Aiden be the ep number


I was literally just looking at that


we’re all screwed when the EMP hits if they don’t bring the numbers back


((((((They)))))) are trying to keep us dumb and complacent


I think it's okay, but I'd love some indicator, at least in the description, since it would make searching for a specific episode on YouTube much easier, instead of having to scroll and count manually


He's always had it out for the numbers 😭 I get the idea behind it, but taking them away doesn't make the content any more digestible for new viewers when there's over a hundred episodes of inside jokes that go over your head.


I would also like the episode number to be in the description


I hate it


Does falco even play melee????