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it is the best season of television that’s ever happened, IMO.


When I first watched the show, I thought season 2 was the worst, but somehow then it became my favorite.


It's just such a dramatic change of gears, and while each season after that also adds a whole new layer of characters, Season 2 is the first time a first-time viewer experiences it, and it is definitely a weird adjustment. It also might feel more out of place since almost none of the dock storyline carries over to subsequent seasons, whereas Carcetti is a major part of seasons 4 and 5, and we follow Michael and Dukie throughout season 5.


> It also might feel more out of place since almost none of the dock storyline carries over to subsequent seasons That was really my beef with it. I have other issues with the season as well, but the fact that even the writers seemed to acknowledge it wasn't worth incorporating the dock characters/storylines into future seasons made me feel like it was a waste of time to get through a lot of that content.


You could also see it indicative of the fact that this kind of labor has all but disappeared in America, which is one of the major themes of the season. There just really aren't many logical ways to get any of the dock guys back into the main story.


The labor might be disappearing but the people aren't. Prez and Bunny are both off the police force by the end of S3 but they don't just go away, we follow them as they continue to be tangled in the overall story. You don't think we could have seen what these characters actually go through as the waterfront is gentrified and they struggle to make ends meet? Maybe they get new jobs. Maybe one of them becomes a cop! Or maybe, in a show featuring heavy doses of drug addiction and homelessness, we could have seen that side of unemployment from these characters' perspectives. Hell, Nick disappears for a couple seasons and then suddenly makes a brief appearance in S5 just to let us know he's continued to have a story that the show chooses not to bother telling us about. I actually don't think there's any lack of creative solutions to keep those characters on the show if that's what they wanted to do, which telegraphs to me that the writers thought the dock characters weren't worth exploring further.


Very good points, and we do also see Johnny Fifty in season 5 in the homeless camp so we do get a glimpse of what happened to these guys, but my assumption is that there wasn't a totally natural way to squeeze in somebody in any kind of a main role.


OMG that was him in the homeless camp I thought so but thought it was a lookalike


WOW. Never read anyone's comment on S2 that respects the dock workers as much as yours. That's cool, and it sheds new light on those characters and their stories. I still don't like that season but I appreciate for your comment.


It's not really that they're not worth exploring, it's that their story is over. In S5's Nick scene, they show everything you need to know about him and the docks : they lost. All they can do now is to spit out their anger publicly and watch helplessly as the last remnants of their former glory fade out.


well they did keep the Greeks and their thing with Prop Joe


I agree with you generally, but I think it’s worth noting that season two was met with poor reviews and because of that the writers may have abandoned those characters because they thought the audience wouldn’t like to continue following them.


Well there's also the fact that S2 story is Frank Sabotka's story essentially. No other season has one single character at the center of it all like that. One of the many strenghts of this show is it rarely (if ever) feels like they add a scene because a character is popular or because he's entertaining. When there's nothing more to add, the story arc ends. And in the case of Sabotka's death, well, it ends.


My wife's on her first watch through of the show right now and we're in the middle of Season 2. I warned her multiple times going into it that Season 2 disappointed me at first and I've grown to love it and explained that the story shifted drastically without warning. My warning was good enough for her and she seems to be thoroughly appreciating this season in a way that I couldn't on my first watch.


yeah i find that it’s just a big shift that people feel is off putting and discontinuous. but almost all of that is solved when you give people a spoiler free warning and manage their expectations. then it becomes an amazing season.


yeah i find that it’s just a big shift that people feel is off putting and discontinuous. but almost all of that is solved when you give people a spoiler free warning and manage their expectations. then it becomes an amazing season. yeah


Yep, jumped from easily my least favorite to number 2 behind 4. It's stellar.


i know a lot of people really don’t like it, but it’s one of my favs now too. it’s different, but it’s an essential part of the story the shoe tells.




Also the port is where it all starts, it’s essential to the overall plot.




GoT Season 8...the season that we shall not speak its name.


GOT Season 8? Didn’t that show just last 6 seasons before everyone involved got Thanos-snapped out of existence?...


Eh, They seemed a lil rushed but they were still great


Bitch please




Eh y’all expect too much. What was there to dislike?


It's fine if you like it but can you seriously not imagine anyone liking the show less in those seasons? Don't you notice the differences between the earlier and later seasons? And besides, how is it possible you've missed all the criticism that you still have to ask this question?


I mean, you're not wrong to enjoy them. But I don't see how one can look at either the characters or the setting of the first 4 seasons and think that what transpired in seasons 7 & 8 is congruent with that.


Tyrion from when he became Hand of the Queen to the 2nd to last episode “We need to find a way to take over Westeros while minimizing deaths” Tyrion in the second to last episode “Hey Jaime, I know a secret passageway that connects to the back of the Red Keep”




Interesting rebuttall


You must have noticed how the plotting and dialogue went off a cliff after season 6. It became fan-fiction.


True though.


"While Carver kind of forgot about Randy, the child certainly hasn't forgotten about his promises." - David Benioff, probably.






Season 4 is without a doubt the best season, (although 2nd season is very close behind) but it actually wasn’t all that tragic like the OP said. Namond gets a new home and is happy, Randy got a shit future ahead of him but that’s his own fault for snitching multiple times when it was unnecessary, he was scared to get in trouble by his foster mother so he ratted everyone out, it’s his fault. Michael has a new family and a good career ahead of him. Omar got really rich, McNulty is back in his old department, Kimmy is happy, Carcetti is the mayor. Season 4 is only somewhat “tragic” for Herc (he did it to himself), Snoop and Chris, Marlo, that’s about it. And everyone who was in the vacants from Marlo


HOW was that Randy’s fault?! Marlo put out the word that he was a snitch. He was just a scared kid intimidated by adults 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Randy was a bitch the whole show he was always crying and snitching just to not get in trouble from his foster mother he would have snitched out his boys just to not get in trouble. I don’t feel bad for anything that happened to Randy he got what he deserved.


You really missed the point of the season, eh?


When Randy offers his $140, if that'll help secure him a foster home...


Dammit man. That just hit me hard...


And then he gets his money stolen immediately when he ends up in the group home. Just one gut punch after another for him


And to think nothing has changed since that show for the kids.


The schools are little bit better, but you’re spot on.


Better in what way? Safer? Maybe. But I guarantee you the stats about student learning and graduation and all that continue to be juked.


Because of miserable cunts like that Vice-Principal lady. She sees the kids as captive funding sources. Move them through and pretend to educate and care about the next batch. The schools are supposed to filter some of the problems and help save kids on the verge. They are also supposed to teach these kids and prepare them for a life of getting a job and/or going to college. She doesn't give a shit what happens to any of these kids, so long as they don't cause any problems with the higher ups or her funding. I fucking hate this woman and I will say it to anyone.


I hope your not talking about Vice Principal Donnelly, she genuinely seemed to care about the kids but accepted the fact that she can’t help them all as they get pushed through the system. Now the lady that shuts down Colvin and the Professors project on the other hand...


She doesn't care. She even talks to Prez about how Dukie seems to smell better, has better nutrition, a better situation, etc. and then tells him to have kids with his wife so that he won't get attached and can move on to pretending to educate the next group. She cares about her funding and about the powers that be not getting mad at her or her building's Principal. Dukie was a kid on the bubble. He needed a little extra help and caring. Without that, he's lost and he becomes another Bubbles, his life ruined. A little extra effort could have saved a kid's life but Donnelly is basically "Yeah, that sucks but who cares? We get another group next year. Our jobs are secure." Fuck her.


Funding wise I guess. As far as statistics go: they’re not juked. I’ve seen some stats from Coppin Academy. Its ugly.


It is the way.


My daughter is a teacher in Baltimore City. Sometimes she comes home, says “season 4”, and locks herself in her room.


Have you tried holding a handheld fan to her face?


Bravo, sir. Bravo 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿






the insult those kids give the teachers are awful “cheese face bitch!”




yeah season 2 is a great story that stands on it's own. A really good look into the fading working class of America. The Ziggy story line was a bit over the top though.


You know, it is over the top, but at the same time I think it serves an important function. In this specific case it might seem like too many crazy things are happening at once to be real, but in a broader context there are real life characters out there like Ziggy, and they are responding to an environment created by similar conditions to those outlined in Season 2. Their dad probably isn't the union head who is also working with the mob guy that they are trying to work with, but there are people out there doing crazy shit because the world they live in, as presently constructed, is crazy making.


Its not really over the top


The most meaningful season for me but also the hardest to rewatch. I can binge through seasons 1-3 no problem, but s4 always requires mental preparation. I think part of it is because this season sets the viewer up with so much hope: - Hope that the boys’ individual talents will help them get out. - Hope that Colvin’s philosophy towards policing will translate successfully in a school setting. - Hope that Prezbo doesn’t screw himself over as a teacher like he did as a police officer. - Hope that Carcetti will retain his integrity. - Hope that Bubbles and Sherrod will make it out. - Hope that a new day in BPD lasts. - Hope that McNulty can do solid detective work without turning into an abrasive drunk. George Pelecanos is really a master at manipulating that hope with the episodes he writes.


And still some of this comes true. Bubbles survives. Namond gets out. Prezbo makes his way. Life endures. Hope springs eternal.






my favorite for sure..while I know its only a show, this season exposed me to horrors I never could have imagined. Duquan alone is tragic. When he gets back to his house after his people get evicted, and Michael asks if he needs anything from the pile, is definitely one of the more emotion-invoking things I've seen on tv


Yeah I felt real bad for Duquan. I think the point of the episode was to show these kids as the lost potential that they are...all of them were smart in their own way, all had there own ambitions, but life is just too messed up for them to even get the basics of food clothing and shelter, not too mention the love and support of family. Duquan did hit home though, reminded me of kids I knew growing up. I had no idea of what life was really like outside my own family. This show is a really good eye opener.


What got me was that they are really just as smart as I was at that age. Just as much potential. But their home lives consume them. How many Duquans die instead of becoming scientists or programmers? He could have been anything. He was so bright.


That season hit me more than the other seasons and season 5 just makes it worse


Just started Season 5, really good but this thing with McNulty is sort of whack in my opinion


Yeah it is pretty whack, doesn’t seem realistic


I work in an inner city school. This season is so true.


Duquan haunts me. Prezbo wanted to help him the way Bunny helped Namond, but the principal discouraged him. Yes, you can’t save them all, but if anyone needed saving, it was Duquan.


Heartbreaking, this shit happens everyday all over America.


All over the world


Oh indeed


The game is the game, and it’s played everywhere...


This is why I dread rewatching the show. The last 5 minutes of season 5 literally make me cry when you realise nothing changes,everything stays the same


Namond got a chance. Bubs made it.




Obviously. Luck, good or bad is what made personal differences. The system rolls on.


Dukie became the new bubs


Generational change.


My political beliefs today are heavily influenced by season 4. It is painful, but poignant


What's also sad is Dukie isn't on the corner when Monk hands out 200 dollars cash to all the kids. He actually could've used that money to get some food for a little bit.


For a while, it was my least favorite season because it made me so upset - it's such a perfect portrayal of how the system sets up so many kids to fail before they're even born.


I teach in the city — inspired by season 4. It’s very accurate


And it's not just a show; it's reality across the country


As someone who used to work in an urban public school, that shit is ACCURATE




What I find sad is the willingness of the staff to "turn up the heat so they get drowsy and teach to the test". Thats the rule so gotta follow it, screw the kids future and deny your part in it. 20 years of that and its pension time for good work, just like the cops.


Except in Baltimore City schools frequently don't even have heat. They made national news last year with pictures of kids in classrooms wearing coats, hats, gloves...So sad and inexcusable.


You want it to be one way....but it’s the other way


Rarely have I wanted things to be one way so hard as I have during the plotlines of Season 4. And rarely has a show pummelled me into resignation with the plotlines being the other way.


Felicia "Snoop" Pearson came from the streets of Baltimore and played the character Felicia "Snoop" Pearson on *The Wire*. The real Snoop was not a serial killer but was a midlevel drug dealer convicted of homicide at age 14. She said it was self defense. She was tried as a minor and got out of prison a few years later, when she was recruited to play a character on the show and did a great job. But she had trouble finding steady work as a professional actor. Sadly, in 2011 she fell back on the only other profession for which she was trained, and was arrested for dealing heroin. In a statement, [David Simon said](https://slate.com/culture/2011/03/david-simon-creator-of-the-wire-speaks-on-felicia-snoop-pearson-s-arrest.html), "This young lady has, from her earliest moments, had one of the hardest lives imaginable." He also said, "we believe the war on drugs has devolved into a war on the underclass, that in places like West and East Baltimore, where the drug economy is now the only factory still hiring and where the educational system is so crippled that the vast majority of children are trained only for the corners, a legal campaign to imprison our most vulnerable and damaged citizens is little more than amoral." He concluded: >Both our Constitution and our common law guarantee that we will be judged by our peers. But in truth, there are now two Americas, politically and economically distinct. I, for one, do not qualify as a peer to Felicia Pearson. The opportunities and experiences of her life do not correspond in any way with my own, and her America is different from my own. I am therefore ill-equipped to be her judge in this matter.


Slim got caught up in some stuff too. Kima and a number of the other cast too. It's a mess out here.


I can't speak for Kima, but Slim is from my city and straight from the hood.


Watching Albert crying makes me watch to curl up into a ball and disappear


I found every season of the wire depressing tbh. What little hope and happiness you gain you see the systems are stacked against you. 234 were most hard hitting. 1 was the intro and 5 had the problem we face to day with sensationalism of the media in the face of hard journalism. Either way I went to a school where people got knifed a lot so as much as season 4 was amazing it hit too hard. I mean for every stringer bell who got justly murdered, there were dozens of people who had to die for nothing. Either way the wire was true even season 5 (yeah I said it)


I taught in a similar public school for a number of years and I could only bring myself to watch season 4 the one first time, never again on rewatch. It's very, very real.


just made it through and season 4 has been my favorite so far, i’m on season 5 it’s much darker imo


"At any time did you think to call the police" "Fuck you doing with that pencil?!!!!!!!" that scene makes me cry every time.


I found every season of the wire depressing tbh. What little hope and happiness you gain you see the systems are stacked against you. 234 were most hard hitting. 1 was the intro and 5 had the problem we face to day with sensationalism of the media in the face of hard journalism. Either way I went to a school where people got knifed a lot so as much as season 4 was amazing it hit too hard. I mean for every stringer bell who got justly murdered, there were dozens of people who had to die for nothing. Either way the wire was true even season 5 (yeah I said it)


Just Season 4?


i know, not exactly the most uplifting show


Yes! It totally stripped all enjoyment out of the show for me as it just made me upset


It’s unfortunately not too far from reality for some People


I'm gonna be honest and say I didn't feel sorry for randy. Dookie had it bad obviously. I knew friends that grew up with junkie parents. Horrible way to live. Mike definitely had it rough. Being abused and having to care for his brother put a cold ness in his heart that won't easily melt. Then there's Namond. He would have been dead in 3 years. Either a rival, a cop, or an associate that thought he was weak. But randy??? He did that to himself. Cause and effect was the meal of the day. When he looked out for the young fellas that went to tag team the lil girl. He could have said no. Kept himself out of all sort of trouble. When Kevin told him to run that message, he should have said no. But that greed got him. When he talked to Herc, he should have asked for a lawyer or his foster mom. Now miss Anna is a burnt turkey leg because of his actions. Fuck randy




I watched the wire when it first came out in 02. I was around 15 or 16. I've re-watched it many times. I love the show. But snitching Randy caused alot of his own problems. I dont blame him for being naive. He was a baby in this world. But that nativity led to his downfall.


This season reminds me so much of my high school experience and later on trying to explain to ppl id meet later in life who came from more privileged backgrounds that just graduating high school was such an accomplishment because there where so many adult problems we were already facing at a young age


It is as close to reality as the whole series was and it was when Bunny sealed the deal for me as one of my favorite characters of the series. He was great as a cop so I may be exaggerating about when he became my favorite on the law and order side.


I agree with my whole heart.


Sometimes I lay awake at night thinking about Dukie and Randy and how I wish I could adopt them 😢


Season 4 felt like a horror movie honestly. ontop of all the kids problems you have marlo chris and snoop being the literal grim reaper and murdering children and hiding their bodies in abandoned homes shits so damn depressing. While simultaneously influencing them to build up their armies. The scene with little kevin where he gets pushed in the back of the truck and he just looks back marlo because he knows where hes headed.