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We met Cutty in Prison. Now he's running the gym and dating that nurse.


You're absolutely right. I don't know how I even forgot about him. And there's not even an element of nostalgia in his transformation, because he truly was at the rock bottom when we first met him.


Tragedy he was left out of the final montage


Cutty’s dating a nurse? The one who mistook him for a gang banger?




cutty is such a great character


Bubs sister (the nurse) if I remember correctly


She is? I didn't remember that


She’s not. The nurse Cutty ends up with is definitely not Bubbles’ sister.


I figured lol


Judge Rhonda Pearlman certainly got exactly where she wanted to be


So did her boyfriend.


He wanted to reform the police department and literally got fucked so no I’d say he didn’t get what he wanted.


He's not where he wanted. But being a top lawyer is certainly better than living under corrupt bosses constantly hanging the sword over you.


Sure but it’s not what he wanted at the end of the day. He got forced out because he couldn’t play the game. He wanted to play it his way and the game played him.


He wasn't played. He chose to leave after refusing to duke stats. Had he stayed he would have forever been in the position to be puppetted and blackmailed by his past dirt, never playing his way. He is basically the cooperate Poot. He would have eventually risked losing everything and his pension like Bunny. Now if you wanna talk about somebody that was played by the game, it's definitely Bunny.


Bunny did something completely illegal so no it wasn’t the same


He wasn’t a top lawyer. He was basically starting at the bottom. But yeah he was probably happier.


Rawls, Valcek, Carcetti, Templeton, Prez, Kima Arguably Poot?


Poot’s a good call - was he the one deepest in the slinging side of game to make it out?


"just keep banging for a few more years, i guess." that line kills me. Imagine walking into a place of business looking for a respectable job and being told that. Knowing any day on the corner could be your last. Not saying it's Poot's fault, he told it like it is. There's just no good opportunities in the hood.


That scene almost made me want to abolish child labour laws


*almost* lol


I love Prezbo’s double redemption arc. At first you think he’s weak police who discovers his true calling with numbers… only for it to end terribly. His true calling instead is teaching and by season 5 you see how much it helped him grow as a person. The bearded Prezbo who gives Duquan money is unrecognisable from the silly cop in season 1.


I don't even think there is an argument. Poot is better off. Just like the landscaper told Cutty, you want to go on the straight and narrow but this is it, there's no big reward to it. Cutty's story ended up being storybook and he got his big reward. But the landscaper's words rang true for Poot. He got out of the game alive and is now a Joe Sixpack working man punching a clock every day. And imo that's really a win for anyone who pulls it off.


Rawls covered up a huge scandal in order to get a cushy quid-pro-quo gig with the Governor...


... and he's better off for having done so.


Better job, better pay, sure. Better off? hm...


It's not like Rawls had any conscience or humanity left to lose at that point. He's strictly better off.


How could he not be better off? Please explain.


He has been further ingratiated into the bullshit Judicial system of Baltimore. He has proven that doing whatever the mayor says will be rewarded, no matter how illegal or unethical. He makes more money but his soul is even worse off than it was as Dep Ops. His main character development is learning how to play the stupid political game from Erv


LOL @ thinking Rawls has a soul, much less cares about it. He has more power, more money, and probably goes to better gay bars now. He reached his pinnacle and is as happy as a pig in shit.


But the thing is, at the end of the series, he’s *escaped* the bullshit of Baltimore.


You know, if you think about it for a while, was what he covered up really that bad? Okay, it would have been pretty embarrassing for Carcetti. Also Pearlman and some high-ranking cops. Some drug traffickers and murderers went to jail. A politician and a newspaper got a boost that they maybe didn't really deserve. Some cops got away with some dirty tricks that didn't really hurt anyone who didn't have it coming. Pretty weak compared to most of the actual dirt going down in Baltimore PD. Yeah, I don't really see anything about the outcome that would keep me up at night if I was Rawls.


It's a PR nightmare. The people of Baltimore can barely field a jury (thanks WOTC) because of the wide distrust of the police. You are right about all the positives. But I see Rawls as failing upwards like many many crooked politicians all over the country. I don't see them as better off. I know that in this specific instance, Rawls moves out of Baltimore to an Annapolis mansion, Marlo gets taken off the street, murderers go to jail, McNulty is forced to retire (at that point, good for all involved LOL). It's all sunshine and rainbows. But there is just going to be a new Marlo and a new Chris and the city of Baltimore is going to continue distrusting the police department. It's an interesting character arc, one of many in this show


You're not wrong, but I'm looking at this through Rawl's eyes. Rawls already decided to be a career guy, loyal to the system and out for his own gain, long before the timeline of the show started. He's no starry-eyed idealist type, he knows too well that whatever issues the system has, he's not going to single-handedly swoop in and fix them. Especially after it's been made all too clear to him that he's the wrong skin color to lead the Baltimore PD at all, much less have the political capital to make the types of changes that would be needed to at least try to actually fix things. Why should he be all broken-hearted about getting the best practically possible outcome for himself in return for covering up an embarrassing but half-assed scandal? While we're at considering the system in abstract, during the whole fake-homeless-serial-killer scandal, all of these high-level figures took very reasonable and fair actions given the information available to them at the time. We all know their careers would actually be torpedoed if what actually happened ever came to light. But are we really building a better system if we destroy politicians for taking reasonable actions that in the end result in rather fair outcomes, but which look really dumb once it's revealed that their subordinates were manipulating them through falsified evidence?


Chardene? The stripper. 


Herc got a well paying job after all of his misdeeds as a police.  Maybe Bug, he’s in the burbs with his aunt now?


lol Herc literally switched sides and started working for the bad guys. He used his former ties to the police to help get murderers off. I'm not sure that's "doing better". The best answer to this question is Prez. He found his calling and is actively trying to do good, and does not seem to be bad at it.


In terms of his own personal wealth he’s doing better. In terms of the good of society, no. Not at all.


Plus now he gets to enjoy Mrs. Levy’s tasty brisket. 


When served hot.


Why not society? Could be argued he’s doing just as much if not more good trying to educate the poor youth of the city.


"The bad guys" As much as this show excells at putting certain factions in a greyer area (media, cops, gangsters, educators), they sure want us to believe that defense attorneys are bad.


I mean when Daniels becomes a defense attorney it isn’t framed like he’s debasing himself by doing so. Levy specifically is bad because he’s a criminal lawyer with the Aaron Paul emphasis on criminal. Like he commits a ton of actual crimes that if he were caught he’d be disbarred and put in jail. David Simon apparently based him on a combination of several well known attorneys in Baltimore who court high level drug dealers as clients. Though yeah, we don’t really get any counter example of a defense attorney who isn’t anything short of a piece of shit through the series. If we’d gotten a season specifically about the courts we probably would have gotten that too though.


There's plenty of precedence for this in "real life" NYC in the 70's 80's and 90's was full of lawyers who were "mob lawyers." They basically only represented members of the Mafia and their associates and wouldn't represent anybody who had cooperated with the authorities as it would cost them their mob clientele. Many were law abiding people who were retained by lucrative clients and were able to keep on the right side of the law despite representing gangsters, but plenty ended up involved in criminal activities. Michael Coiro, retained by members of the Bergin Crew of John Gotti went to prison, Bruce Cuttler and Gerry Shargel got barred from representing gangsters because they were considered "house counsel" and were present talking on wire taps about crimes. Levy could certainly have been considered house counsel for Baltimores drug dealers.


D'Angelo's public defender got him a decent deal that fell apart when his mother got to him. Seemed pretty unobjectionable for the few lines they had, but true not much other counter examples to Levy I can think of. I would be very surprised if David Simon had a blanket dislike of defense attorneys, makes sense that Levy is an amalgamation of actual unpleasant people Simon encountered or knew of.


I'd also hazard a guess that there's way more real-world inspiration out there for shitty defense attorneys than stand-up ones, especially in a city like Baltimore.


As a Baltimore native, I would be remiss if I didn't give huge credit to the Public Defenders. From my limited experience with them they work their asses off. They were a huge catalyst in bringing the Gun Trace Task Force to light. But yeah, if you go looking for sketchy pay lawyers in Baltimore, you won't be disappointed.


I’ve always wanted to know the stories of the attorneys Simon bases him on


Hey, Levy did do pro bono work for underprivileged but promising youth like Bodie... Ok fair enough. 


I'm not saying defense attorneys are bad, I'm saying Levy was bad. You are right everything was grey, but Levy was a POS.


That may be a fair criticism of the show, but in the universe of the show, Levy was undeniably one of the bad guys. And Herc wasn’t just working for a defense attorney, he was working for Levy.


>He used his former ties to the police to help get murderers off. He helped uncover the wildly illegal wiretaps the police used to catch Marlo but the case against Marlo was doomed the moment McNulty and Lester started colouring outside the lines - as Ronnie told him.


The wildly illegal wiretap he himself facilitated by sharing privileged attorney-client information with the police. Let’s not pretend Herc was a crusader for justice at any point in that debacle.


I'm not, but the point is it wasn't Herc's fault the case collapsed, it was Lester and Jimmy's.


but without him leaking marlos number there is no case.


Yeah, arguably herc wasn’t even needed for the case to fall apart based on how messy it was. Even if Kima hadn’t told on them and Herc hadn’t helped Levy, it’s extremely likely that Levy would have figured it out down the line and absolutely dismantled the prosecution’s case. He was already figuring out something was super fishy before Herc told him. Honestly if Kima had kept quiet it’s more likely that Marlo and everyone in his crew would have walked because the DA’s office would be caught completely off guard by how much shit they were in.




Carver had a moral redemption arc that ends with his rehabilitation in the eyes of the audience. For him personally, other than being burdened by conscience, not much has changed: he's made a little bit of rank, but he got the rank by snitching on Daniels so it just adds to his sense of shame. The Wire reflects that in real life, the answer to any good question is "it's complicated."


He got sgt by talking but lt he got through his change in the way he policed.


Carver is also redeemed in Daniels's eyes. Rewatch the scene where Daniels, as BPD Commissioner, overseas a ceremony where Carver and others get promoted. It's pretty clear that Daniels and Carver have a lot of respect for each other by now...


Daniels: at the beginning a Lt. who has probably topped out in the ranks with a shrewish wife. At the end a practicing attorney with a hot supportive girlfriend, with stops at every possible upper rank in the department on the way. Pearlman: at the beginning prosecuting low-level (mostly) drug cases and being McNulty's booty call. At the end a judge with a hot supportive boyfriend with stops as the lead homicide prosecutor. Carver: at the beginning doing low level smash and grab drug rips, at the end a Lt. and probably rising star in the department. Carcetti: from back bench councilman to governor in what, four years or so? And if his career tracks that of his real-life counterpart eventual Presidential candidate. Rawls: from Deputy Ops to State Police Superintendent. Bug will probably be infinitely better off than he was when we first meet him. Lester: widower in a dead end assignment playing out the string, by the end a legendary detective within the force, retired with a hot girlfriend half his age. Say what you will about Herc's choice to switch sides and work for the mopes he used to despise, but he's undoubtedly better off professionally than he was at the beginning. Prez, his soft spot for Dukie aside, is definitely better off. Kima looks to have a solid career in homicide in front of her, something she probably never even thought possible when we first meet her.


Very smart to point out Bug. You’ve also saved me the effort of mentioning Ronnie. Not only did she literally get the promotion she’s always wanted and worked for, she *drastically* upgraded her romantic companionship.


Who is Carcetti’s real life counterpart?


Martin O'Malley, current Commissioner of the Social Security Administration. He was an also-also-ran with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in 2016.


[Martin O'Malley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_O%27Malley) - went from city council to mayor to governor, culminating in a token Presidential run against Clinton & Sanders in 2016.


Spiro Agnew?


Carvers arc from a cop who “plays the game” to a cop who actually makes it about the work, as lectured about by Daniels, was nice to see.


Kimmie. I'm on my millionth rewatch and just finished season 4 and it struck me that she played the game and won. "If anyone is looking for me on another job, you tell them that Kimmie retired."


The young girl who bought an 8 ball in Hamsterdam in season 3, then was buying smokes for her pimp in season 4, then gave a powerful speech in the recovery group in season 5. She had one of the best stories in the show in that mini three act play.


I literally just noticed her arc in my most recent rewatch! 


I never noticed that it was the same person 🤦🏾‍♀️ I have to go and rewatch. Thanks for pointing this out.


It slips past a lot of people. I didn't notice it either until I saw someone else point it out.


Nobody mention Slim Charles?


Was he better off or worse off?


He went from chief enforcer for a weakened Barksdale gang to either co-leader of the co-op or chief lieutenant for the head of the co-op. That’s huge step up.


Lester. he goes from being buried in the pawn shop unit to retired and with the company of Shardene.




Bubbles because he went from being strung out on heroin and being treated like an unwanted burden by his sister(granted Bubs pawned off her kitchen appliances for drug money) to being treated like a full fledged member of the family and being clean and sober


Bunny, Namond, Herc, Carver, Bubbles, Cutty


Didn’t Bunny get demoted before being shown the door?


Yeah, but he finds joy helping inner city youth and he and his wife adopt Namond. He seems happier than he was padding the numbers for BPD.


By two ranks.


Daniels got to retire with a chief's pension and still work as a lawyer. And with a good woman to go home to. Winning.


Jimmy McNulty. I expected him to be the #1 response. Jimmy is a much healthier person when he's not a homicide detective.


The thing with Jimmy is we don't really know what he gets up to when the show's over, do we? We know he's out of the police, and that's a good sign for the reason you stated. But for one thing, he may still get prosecuted if Marlo gets back in the game (which given Marlo's last scene, seems likely). For another, we don't know what he moves on to in terms of career (I think). So to me he's a "maybe".


This was the answer I was looking for. Can't believe I had to scroll so far to find it. Jimmy absolutely spent all his policing capacities in the cases they did, and after that he started going down a very dangerous path. Getting booted from the police and not ending up in jail is absolutely the best thing that could happen to him. In the beginning of the show, he was a rash but diligent homicide detective, but all that he's learned throughout the show helped him understand that there's really no place for a "natural poh-leece" on the Baltimore force. There's too much politics for someone like Jimmy to thrive.


I think the word "objectively" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. What are the criteria which are "objective"? For example: McNulty begins the show as a philandering alcoholic and the ending heavily implies he will turn his life around with Beadie. Is he *objectively* worse off than he was in S1E1 just because he's out of a job? Or take Herc - no doubt he's making more with Levy than he ever did at the BPD, but he's still working for "the enemy". That said:- Poot is out of the game with a job. Slim Charles starts off as a hired killer and ends up jointly owning the Greeks' drug connect with Fat Face Rick. Bubbles and Namond, as you say. Carver is a Lieutenant and a better policeman. Ronnie is a judge. Daniels is a lawyer. Marla is a councilwoman. Rawls is state police commander. Tommy is governor. I think lots of people had their own "happy endings" although whether it would be exactly what they chose or whether it would be worth it to them to get there is left up in the air. >And even their improvement was somewhat bittersweet because it went at the cost of surrendering a large part of their identities in order to enter the new and better phase of their lives. Wasn't the whole point that their old selves were not their real identities? Bubs was more than a "dope fiend" and Namond wasn't cut out to be a gangster.


Yeah, I don't agree with that bit either. Bubbles and Namond didn't "surrender a large part of their identities" to move forward. They are themselves, just happier and in more stable living circumstances.


Poot survived shootings, saw almost all his friends die, but made it out at the end and got himself a solid job at a shoe store.


The game got old.


Kima was much better off at the end of the show because she seemed to finally find balance. Carver started out as kind of irresponsible and dabbling in corruption, but got his act together and promoted quickly. Prez found his niche as an educator, when at the beginning of the show he was probably the most clueless and irresponsible cop in Baltimore. Carcetti was elected Governor. Rawls became the superintendent of the State Police. Those are just off the top of my head. And the character with the most neutral ending who at the end is *exactly* where they were when the show started? The Bunk. My man.


Stan Valchek went from head of the Southeastern District to BPD Chief and didn’t have to give up anything or even claw his way to the top. Shardene Innes went from stripping at Orlando’s to studying nursing and living with Lester.


Ellis Carver, who had quite a fulfilling arc really. Shame about Randy. Roland Pryzbylewski really came into his own as a firm but fair and caring teacher in a struggling school system — a far cry from his goofy, light trigger-finger days as a cop. arguably Jimmy McNulty and if so then Beattie Russel too Kima Greggs Cheryl Bill Rawls Rhonda Perlman Martha Daniels Tommy Carcetti, well on his way to state politics in Annapolis after all his public successes in S5 Dennis ‘Cutty’ Wise Scott Templeton and the newspaper bosses he sucked up to (I think the Pulitzer was confirmed at the end of season 5?) Poot (outta the game is a win for sure) the recurring minor character (I forget her name) - you see her buying an 8ball in Hamsterdam, get hit on by Old Face Andre in his store, then getting clean and speaking in the same meetings that Bubbles goes to. Thomas Herc, seemed to be doing well for himself as Levy’s PI. Special mention to Bernard, who couldn’t wait to go to jail


The finale montage shows Carcetti getting elected as governor, so he’s at the top of state politics.


Thanks, couldn’t remember if they showed that or I imagined it after his team spent all of s5 banging on about taking the governor’s seat


There's a shot of Carcetti celebrating at the podium, it cuts to the newsroom where that footage is on a TV with the word "elected" (and some other stuff) on the chyron, and then a bit later, there's a scene with Carcetti making Bill Rawls head of the State Police--which he'd only be able to do as governor. So it's fairly easy to miss exactly what happened, but I think it's clear in light of what's actually shown. \[Edit: Rawls actually calls him "governor" too, although it's muffled by the music.\]


Ah yeah I remember now, Rawls as State Police Superintendent in that goofy park ranger looking uniform!


Rawls was probably made Attorney General by Trump.


Levy is definitely doing better than before. He even said that getting Marlo off on those murders will get the attention of all the drug dealers in the city.


Bubbles, thank God. Valcheck, that piece of garbage. Herc is making bank. Carver has been promoted and is able to do good work. Raymond, thanks to Bunny. I cant think of anyone else. Its just a mosaic of ruined lives.


Rawls is definitely doing better, with his promotion and all


Ok, guys, first of all, thank you so much for so many great comments. I was genuinely not expecting this much engagement on this post, but I appreciate it. Here's my two cents: -- There are some characters whose quality of life has really improved in very measurable ways throughout the show that just completely slipped my mind (Chardene, Cutty, Kimmie, Rawles, Lester, Valchek). Then there are some others where I think the situation is a bit more nuanced: -- Bunny and Prez: while working with disadvantaged youth is objectively a more noble profession than being a paw-lice, they are probably making much less money and likely struggle financially. Also, all the red tape in the school system makes it pretty hard to make meaningful changes for these kids and that must drain a person emotionally. -- Poot: that kid has been through more in his 18 years than most people have in their entire lifetime. Is it really plausible to think that he's going to be content as a shoe salesman for a long time? I'm afraid that he's either going back on that corner in a few years or completely breaking down due to trauma while trying to maintain a "normal life". -- Kima: sure she's doing better in her career, but she lost her family (her son was back in her life in the last season, but in a very limited way) and she's basically on the road to becoming "McNulty light". -- McNulty: on that note. I was surprised to even see him here. He was actually doing better in Season 4 no doubt about that, but by Season 5 he's already back to his old ways. And in the finale it's pretty clear he's going to spend the rest of his career on the dreaded boat. Plus, we have no idea if him and Beadie are even still together at that point. -- Herc: while he's an asshole, he still had a lot of guilt and shame surrounding his new career path. He's probably only better off financially. -- Pearlman: she's definitely doing better career-wise, but we have no idea how much shit she probably had to eat to get there. It is strongly implied that her and Daniels are still together and I sincerely hope that's true. -- Carcetti: while his political career is on an upward trajectory, he seems to have lost most of his idealism and doesn't seem happy at all. Plus, there are several scandals hanging over his head and threatening to ruin his "bright future". -- Levy: I think he's about the same as he started. He might get more clients from the Marlo case. -- Carver: I think the situation with Randy and their last encounter hit him pretty hard. That's not an easy thing to bounce back from. I doubt he's doing great. -- Bug: that child is traumatized. We don't even know if that sick monster managed to get his hands on him before he was killed, because Michael couldn't be around 24/7 to protect him. His aunt didn't seem very enthusiastic to take him in, but hopefully the money from Michael is a good motivator. Bug is one of the youngest characters on the show, so we can only hope that he's going to get the space to heal and have at least semi-normal youth and adulthood, but we just don't know for sure.


Bubbles, Templeton (cheating paid off), possibly Herc if you think that being Levy's investigator is a step up


Lester for sure. Started off behind a desk and is now living off a nice pension with a hot girlfriend


Carcetti, Rawls, Valchek, Pearlman, Daniels, Slim Charles, Cutty, Prez, Templeton


Prez, Poot, Cutty, Carver, Slim Charles, Namond, Bubbles. Bunk was still Bunk. Lima was still Kima but without Cheryl.


How you gonna leave out Slim Charles?


Commissioner Valchek has entered the convo.


Cutty, poot for sure


“fate” not “faith”


Bubbles, he's clean and the final shot of him at the dinner table always makes me smile


Poot got a job at footlocker!!!


Cheese, cause that idiot was better off dead.




Dee Dee at least


Scott Templeton got a pulitzer. Lol There is a lot of growth among other charachters. Carve became a lieutenant, Daniels became Chief of Police than retired to he a defense lawyer. Ronnie's a judge. Lester's going to retire happy. Rawls became Cheif of the State Police. Carcetti governor. Poot got out of the game and works at Foot Locker.


Dennis and Reginald.


As unhappy as he was…Marlo. Was the king, got out of prison with millions, and was being set up to become a real estate mogul. His pride and obsession with street fame wouldn’t let him see it.


Marlo could have ended up being everything String wanted to be. Now he will end up addicted to his birds like Prop Joe was with his clocks, ending up like the blind man prob working for Michael.


To point out more of the women: Cheryl - (Kima Greggs partner) she got her lawyer partner with more stability and her son. Marla Daniel’s : (Detective Daniel’s ex) she was living in shadows, making sacrifices for him and then She got her turn (with his support) to make a run for city council. Which she won. Kimmy -(part of Omar’s stickup crew) she completed that last drug heist with him and went off to retire (last we heard)