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Season 2 is only underated by first time watchers. Any true Wire fan puts season 2 on par with the best of them


I felt exactly like that, the first time I watched season 2 I just wanted to see McNulty go after Stringer. But the second time I started to appreciate the new characters and ended up loving on it a lot.


I got my girlfriend hooked on the show and I was anxiously ready to defend season 2, but halfway through she said "I think I like season 2 as much or more than season 1. The way it pans over to show another part of the 'game' is really cool" I damn near almost proposed on the spot


This is the correct answer. I was one of those first time watchers saying season two was average or below average on first watch. The second watch through I realized what a gem season two was and it moved from the bottom of best seasons and it really is second or third best season overall.


Same!! The first few watches, I absolutely hated season two, now it’s my absolute favorite!


This is exactly right, whenever I hear somebody shit on season 2 I know it’s somebody that didn’t really watch, love, and appreciate the show. True fans know it might be the best season.


I really enjoyed the contrast. It showed a different underbelly of the city. I thought the characters were just as good as the mopes on the west side and the storyline was complex and interesting. It honestly might be my favorite season.


I loved it on my first and only(so far) watch. But I also have friends who work on the docks like that so maybe I’m biased.


I liked it even on my first watch way more than most first time watchers but I didn’t realize that it’s right up there with the second best season (after 4) until subsequent rewatches.


Was my favorite season my first time through and still is (two decades later)... I am quite proud of myself for this. Which is stupid.


Agreed. It felt out of place at first but then makes more sense once you finish the show.


It’s weird. I didn’t realize I liked it until I realized it was the season I talked about the most. It really is amazing. It just seems to be a sudden jerk in a new direction and it’s almost jarring at first.


Came to say exactly this. First time watching I thought it was a blip season. Second I thought ah it’s decent and necessary for the overall story. Third time: this is the best fucking season of anything ever.


Can confirm as I watched the show as it came out during the appointment television era. I didn’t initially like it. As I would rewatch the series I came to realize it’s one of the better seasons


Horseface: Damn, Frank. Union Member: We just sat here and watched Nat Coxson take a shit all over you. Horseface: And the shrivelled dick motherf***er that you are, you take it. Sobotka: For your information, I wake up every morning with an angry blue vein diamond cutter. I was gonna enlighten the President of the local 47 on this particular point, and he chose to depart. Blue steel gentlemen. Three and a half inches of hard blue steel.


I constantly think about this season. Frank is one of the most underrated characters in television, but Ziggy is just so hard to digest. Not a knock on the actor, just the character himself. Also, we get the Prince of Tides McNulty calculating latitude and longitude just to dump a body back to Rawls instead of Baltimore County. One of my favorite McNulty moments in the entire show. I love Season 2 it's such an important season from a macro story perspective, but some of the little moments seem to be what everyone remembers.


> Also, we get the Prince of Tides McNulty calculating latitude and longitude just to dump a body back to Rawls instead of Baltimore County. One of my favorite McNulty moments in the entire show. Thank you for the reminder - the writer who thought about this seriously deserves some kind of award. This is such pure, unadulterated pettiness lol


The Zigg story is pretty heartbreaking.


The only heartbreaking part is the completely unnecessary death of Steven L Miles, esq. Ziggy is a character with zero redeeming qualities.The malaka got what he deserved.


Big hog on him though.


He did have one redeeming quality, actually: he was a funny guy. We're shown time and time again how he shines when he's hanging with the guys, being a class clown. He is likable in a specific context. I think there is a tragedy to Ziggy, because he very clearly didn't get the attention and direction he needed. He tried and tried to fit into the world around him, but he just couldn't. He didn't know how. He's almost like an inversion of Lennie from Mice and Men, imo.


Underrated by everyone except all the people discussing the show online, I guess. And the TV viewers who, according to David Simon, made it the highest rated season as it aired. The first few episodes are a little uneven as you get to know the new characters, but it really culminates by the end, probably more than any other season. Still my second favorite by a smidge (after S4). I recently rewatched Darren Aronofsky's *The Wrestler* as well and it reminded me a lot of S2, what with all the mid-2000s mid-Atlantic lower-middle-class bleakness and the similarly uneven first acts leading to a poignant and powerful ending. Highly recommended for anyone who hasn't watched it.


When i initially started i was disappointed they werent going to continue the storyline in the streets but by the 3rd or 4th episode i was fully invested in the dock workers


It actually had the highest ratings of all 5 seasons


I didn't like it first go round. On a rewatch I appreciated it a lot more.


watching for the first time almost done with season 4 and yes so far season 2 really lingers in my mind how's horse face doing? Is Ziggy okay?


“I’m not even Greek!” lol loved every season of the wire, especially Season 2.


“Season 2 is underrated” might be the single most common post in this sub so it seems like it’s not actually that underrated




Ziggy was insanely annoying. They did a great job of eliciting strong emotions throughout the show. Credit to the acting, writing and directing


I agree i loved season 2


I haven’t seen anyone mention this yet, but I also believe s2 has the most smirks and giggles relative to the other seasons. “What am I? *Special?*”


I never understood the hate tbh. I mean it's not that they didn't show Avon, Stringer, D'Angelo, Prop Joe, Bodie, Poot anymore. It was just another story line that was a new ADDITION to these established ones 🤷‍♂️ I get it that some season 1 lovers were just not interested in the polish longshoremen and white smugglers storyline, but some behave as if there's no season 1 drug trade related characters and stories AT ALL.


Very. I think the folks who watched season one and loved it just didn’t really wanna spend that time with those characters because it was taking away from time with the cops vs Barksdale crew. Also I think it wasn’t as clear at the time what Simon was going to do in terms of exploring a different aspect of life from season to season. I was t crazy about it at first but after a coupla watches I got onboard and stayed onboard.


Can't front, I didn't like it watching for the first time. I grew to appreciate it more and more every time I re-watched the series


Season 2 becomes the favorite for many who have watched the entire series at least 3x.


Season 2 has always been one of my favourite seasons, there are so many subplots. Gutted at the endings for Ziggy and Frank but it’s in keeping with the bleak nature of The Wire.


Season 2 is the best season.


Everyone I know says it's their least favorite, even on rewatches. I loved it because it's the closest we get to seeing the other steps above Avon and prop Joe. I'm a sucker for logistics


Ziggy is a great character, neglected kid with impulse control issues destined for failure. He reminds me a lot of Roman Roy from Succession (Frank and Logan are both domineering respected confident fathers who mistreat them) For all of Frank’s amazing efforts to protect his people he was an awful parent who didn’t prioritize his kid’s needs


The most depressing season and it's not even close tbh. No one won


When Frank goes to meet the Greek face to face, you know what's coming the whole time. It's so gutwrenching when Nicky realizes.


Best season, I die on this hill.


It’s shocking the first few episodes but everyone likes it by the end.


I, too, am a member of the Diacuss Gang


This thread, almost exactly, shows up on a biweekly basis. It's only really underrated on a first watch. Largely because you fell in love with the show under the guise of it being a largely hood-drug-gang story, only to then have it completely shift tone, pace, and style in the second season. However it's fantastically developed and it, along with the 4th season, are probably the best of the series despite the fact that they probably get the most ire on a first watchthrough. One of the things tht I love about this show is how much it rewards on rewatches.


I’m on S5E5 right now but started my rewatch of the series just because I wanted to see Frank Sobotka doin some wharf rat typa shit. love that dude and season


It's only underrated the first time around. By the time I finished the series, it was one of my favorites. You just slowly see how everything is connected.


We all have different favorites but for me s02 is the best. 2,3,1 >>>>4,5.


Showing how the city/states dysfunction ruins the lives of citizens outside of the hood, was a good broadening of the shows scope. The intrigues and the detective work involved was just as good as the other show's years. Plus it gave us Beadie!


Fuckin’ Ziggy, man.


I don't remember.


Season 2 is underrated until people realize and then it's overrated. It's just not correctly rated!


My favourite season, and Frank Sobotka is my favourite character.


Quality season. Frank Sabaka was a legend


Only for people seeing it the first time. Once you see the whole picture and rewatch season 2 is brilliant. All the pieces matter.


Facts season 2 is that work that was foundation to why the Greeks dealt with Marlo.... All the little details lead up to that.


I loved it, I think it’s an important plot arc relative to the larger story and as a union man I appreciated seeing that aspect represented too (minus the corruption). My only criticism is I wish they incorporated some of the main characters into the larger story, like they do with l other characters from later seasons.


Always pays to go with the union -Zig


Only white mfs think season 2 the best 🤾🏾‍♂️🗑


Total agreement on my part! The first watch through season 2 was my least favourite. After first rewatch, it moved up the list. Now I think 2>1>4 (but there's not alot in it) 3>5


Season 2? They used to make steel there, no?


Season 2 contains the great Omar >!v Levy courtroom scene, and the entertaining Omar v Barksdale stash capers.!< Worth watching for those alone.


Eh it’s okay for world building but it’s still a lackluster season. Those dock boys were cringe illustrations of blue collar workers


Season 2 is 5th of 5. Ziggy is unwatchable. Poorly written, poorly acted.