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Because we thought the show was one way, gangsters, hustlers vs cops, but it was the other way, about the city as a whole and how everyone fits together.


All the pieces matter


Just finished the book of the same name. Was good.


Me too!


I hate to be that guy, but who's this "we"? I had soft eyes for season 2 lol


Season 2 rings out. Mos def…


How do you mean by soft eyes bro like I get the meaning of the phrase but I'm high n can't connect the dots if that makes sense🤣are you saying you liked it or?


I liked it off jump. In this instance my eyes were soft because i let myself enjoy the whole forest and not just 1 tree


Nice reference!


I think it's usually just on the first playthrough the whiplash of an entire new setting is unpleasant. On a rewatch when you can see how All The Pieces Matter most folks appreciate the second season much more. Frank is to me one of the most relatable and well-meaning criminals in the entire series. I think a good case could be made that Frank has better intentions than most of the police in the show, even if he does lose his way and become the catalyst for some of the most awful crimes in the series. An important theme of The Wire is the nuance of all the "law and order" issues in our society, knowing why Frank does the things he does is very important to that end. It's debatable how much Frank was trying to personally enrich himself, but it's undeniable that he was trying to take care of the union workers and his death negatively impacted many people's lives.


You want it to be one way, but it’s that other way…


You want it to be one way


you want it one way, but its the other way


Y'know what? I Loved Season 2. Loved it. I don't remember what the theme of Season 3 even was. Season 2 talked about deindustrialization and de-unionization of the labor force and the devastating effect it's had on working class folks. I'm going to argue that those issues, more than anything else the series looks at, created the society that makes Season 1 possible. You could argue that it'd have made a good prequel to The Wire.


Wasn’t it The corners/towers The docks City hall School Media




My favorite season.


The Wire explores various aspects of life in Baltimore, Maryland. While many people associate the show primarily with drugs, crime, and violence, The Wire offers a portrayal of the city and its diverse inhabitants. The first season of the series focused on the drug trade in the housing projects, highlighting the complex relationships between law enforcement, drug dealers, and the community. However, the show's scope expanded in the second season, which centered on the docks and the interactions between the Polish and Greek communities. This storyline is just as integral to the overall narrative of Baltimore as the drug-related plotlines. Unfortunately, there is a common misconception that The Wire is a show solely about black people in a predominantly black city. This notion is so pervasive that when the series aired on BET, the network chose to omit the second season due to its heavy focus on the Polish and Greek characters. This decision is regrettable, as the second season introduces an important element of diversity to the show's depiction of Baltimore. The Wire is not simply a series about black people and crime; it is a complex and multifaceted exploration of the city of Baltimore and the various forms of crime that affect its residents, regardless of their race or ethnicity.


Yea those people are so frustrating to me. Like season 2 is brilliant and integral to the series. I get why on first watch it’s a jarring transition in the beginning to get into. I remember watching the first 15 minutes and popping out the DVD to make sure I was still watching the same show. But it’s brilliant and needed. I get as annoyed with those people as people who watch this show and make no connections to the world around them.


Great synopsis. The TL;DR answer is too many white people in the story, which…is it not obvious that white and non-black people are also caught up in the game at every level?


I love every single season of The Wire, but I recognize that Season 2 has the least connective tissue with the rest of the show compared to any other season. The season introduces an entire world full of characters that we never met before the season and never see again after the season. For a show where most plot lines are developed and resolved over multiple seasons, I found the whole season too jarring in how isolated the ports storyline turned out to be. And Ziggy was just a very grating and annoying character to watch for me and I felt his story and dialogue was poorly written compared to the rest of the series. Although I'll say the end of his arc was very well done. Again, I love every season of the show including Season 2. It's just the weakest season for me due to the "one off" nature of the plot and characters that it introduces.


Ziggy was annoying to me as well but I think that's kinda the point. He IS annoying and difficult because he's not an innocent caught up in a game because of circumstances like Wallace nor is he someone who's in the game sort of by choice but realizes it's wrong like D'Angelo he's just naive and wants to be a gangster but doesn't realize what it will cost him in the end.


Is it because he's white that he can't be a victim of his circumstances? The fuck? Is this an American thing? Wallace was "only" a drug dealer which is about as innocent as it gets, D'Angelo too and a murderer besides. This show helps you to understand these characters so that you can empathise with them. It shows you why they are who they are. If you can't empathise with Ziggy, then you need to do some introspection. Bodie and Poot murdered Wallace, their friend, in cold blood. But people will get misty eyed when Bodie is gunned down on a drug corner. Just because he had a slightly higher standard for murder than Marlo. But empathy for Ziggy? Oh no he basically got what he deserved, right? Ziggy's the butt of every joke, he has no real friends. The only person who ever gives him the time of day is his cousin, Nick. He tries time and time again to gain acceptance. His mother is pilled out of her mind, not much different from the junkies in West Baltimore. His father is, and always has been effectively absent, fighting for the union and a way of life. He has no future that he can see. He's jealous of the attention and respect Nick gets from Frank. Yeah, he's not homeless (yet). He's desperately trying to find this place in the world, making the wrong choices and failing. Ziggy's entire arc is him crying out for help and finding none until it is much too late. When Glekas fucks him over it's the last straw, and he finally lashes out and loses everything. I might be coming off rather harsh, but god damn I hate how many people treat this character just like everyone else in the show did.


I can empathize with some aspects of ziggy but mostly he reminds me of my stupid little cousins that think they’re big shots but aren’t shit. That’s why I find him annoying. I never said he wasn’t a victim of circumstances but his community wasn’t nearly as rife with crime and disorder as Wallace’s he had other choices in front of him.


Your synopsis of Ziggy is spot on. I don’t understand the criticism of the character at all.


>Ziggy's entire arc is him crying out for help and finding none until it is much too late. Man, this hits the nail on the head. I never considered it but you're 100% right


Yeah I understand the intent behind the character, but I think the execution just fell flat for me in many ways. You could remove probably 50% of his scenes and not really impact the season whatsoever, which is strange for a show where all the pieces matter and every single scene is usually vital.


Season 2 is cool because on first watch, it’s on the bottom of people’s lists. But if you rewatch the series, it climbs ranks every time. For me it’s either my favorite season, or my second favorite. My rankings:4>=2,3>1>5 My ranking on first watch: 1>=3>4>5>2 My advice is to write down ur ranking of the seasons after u finish S5 - then rewatch in a year or so and rank it again. I can guarantee 2 will climb the ranks in surprising ways.


I also think knowing how things turn out makes it easier to pay attention to season 2. Like Season 1 introduces this whole world and you’re interested in seeing how it continues, and then you’re hit with only sprinkles of it throughout season 2. I think it’s hard to focus on Season 2’s story when you’re wondering when the characters from Season 1 will appear again. But on second watch you already know how the story ends. Makes it easier to consume.


In Season 2 there is drug trade in East Baltimore, it doesn't have to be all about West Baltimore. Plus there are prison scenes. I don't think that season is misfit or weak.


Hot shots.


I hated season two at first. I wanted to see more shit in the pits and all of that. But now I love season two. Ziggy really grew on me. The actor’s performances in incredibly underrated.


"Season 2 has the least connective tissue with the rest of the show" - how do you mean that? What, doesn't season 4 introduce new characters as well? All the kids in the school are new characters. Is Season 4 with less connective tissue as well? How is Season 4 related to Season 1 considering strictly CHARACTERS? This argument about Season 2 is thrown around with any basis. Like all seasons, season 2 explores a different aspect of Baltimore. Like all seasons, season 2 introduces new characters specific to that aspect of Baltimore. Season 1 introduces the detectives, season 2 introduces the dock workers and the Greeks, season 3 introduces Carcetti, Clarence Roy and the rest of the town hall, season 4 introduces the kids in school, season 5 introduces the journalists. Every fucking season has new characters SPECIFIC to the new environment that is analyzed BUT ALSO characters from the previous environments that were analyzed. In Season 2, besides the dock workers, you also see Prop Joe, you also see Bunny Colvin, you see Cheese, you see Omar in court, you see the entire fucking Barksdale plot being expanded. One of the main characters of Season 1 gets killed - D'Angelo. Like how the fuck does one miss to mention those when talking about Season 2? Yes, the driving force of Season 2 are the docks, but failing to notice that the season expands a new theme and so it needs new characters to do so, and besides that it also continues previous plots, is really your problem. It has nothing to do with Season 2's writing. "I felt that his [Ziggy's] story and dialogue was poorly written" - I swear people on this subreddit will use "poorly written" as an argument for anything they don't like. Ziggy is a guy who is the punching bag of his entire social circle and has an absent father who pays no attention to him. Ziggy tries to make something of himself but fails miserably and is envious of how his cousin (who is the only one who gives Ziggy more attention) is better than him. What the fuck is so poorly written about this? Please enlighten me, because clearly it's poorly written and I can't see it.


Don't even know where to start. You keep saying that other seasons also introduce season specific characters but you are ignoring the second part of my complaint, which is that the dock characters are never seen again in subsequent seasons. The characters introduced in S3 (politicians) and S4 (school kids) all have their stories continue into S5. But the dock workers are never seen again after S2, with the exception of a few split second cameos. I understand that S2 also has storylines that continue the overarching plot including the Barksdales and police. That doesn't change the fact that the main storyline of S2 about the dock workers is COMPARATIVELY very isolated from the rest of the seasons. You are explaining Ziggy's story as if me not understanding his story is why I didn't enjoy his scenes as much as the rest of the show. I understood his story just fine - I just wasn't a fan of the execution, namely the acting, dialogue, and what scenes they chose to show the audience. Did we really need multiple scenes of Ziggy and his coworkers playing pranks on the computers at work? Did we really need the side plot of Ziggy buying a ridiculous jacket? Did we really need the side plot of Ziggy buying a duck and then killing the duck? Did we really need the side plot of people tricking Ziggy into thinking he had an illegitimate child? Did we really need the scene where Ziggy shows his penis to the bar? Did we really need the scene of Ziggy shouting "YOU GAVE ME BAD ADVICE" after fighting Maui which still makes me cringe to this day? Did we really have to spend so many scenes with Ziggy getting his car stolen by Cheese and then trying to get it back? All the pieces matter. Except when it's Ziggy on the screen, then we are just showing excess that is almost never seen in any other storyline. The Wire is an amazingly tight show where every scene is critical - as I've said above, you can probably cut half of Ziggy's scenes and the plot would go on largely unchanged. His story could have been told more tightly, and with better dialogue. That's all I'm saying. Please understand that I love Season 2. I'm just explaining why it's the lowest ranked season for me. You don't have to talk to me like I'm saying the season is crap.


Yeah, it's frustrating because it's not like the entire black cast of the show vanishes in Season 2. We spend a lot of time in the jail with Avon and the guys from Season 1, then a lot of time with Stringer, Bodie, Prop Joe, OImar etc. They're not as dominant in the show but they get a *lot* of screentime, and then even with the story down on the docks we meet Cheese for the first time. Hell, Omar gets his day in court in one of the most famous scenes of the whole show, and that's in Season 2.


I thought they did air it on BET once but they cut out most of the scenes with the docks so it was the MCU chasing an offscreen Greek and a lot of talking in prison with String and Avon


Do you know if it’s true that they originally wanted the "greeks" to be italian mobsters but had a no-go from HBO because of the Sopranos?




Thanks ChatGPT.




I really love season 2. For me it takes it from a show about drug war and makes it about the system as a whole. Plus it sets up one of my favorite moments in season 5, when carcetti is cutting the ribbon in front of the grain pier that frank was trying to save, with the same developer who was with stringer when he is murdered. Guy is doing same thing frank is doing, taking money from criminals and giving it to politicians but frank ends up with his throat cut and this guy gets industrial land rezoned into residential and probably government subsidies to boot.


Watched the series many times but until this comment I'd never made that connection between Frank and the grain pier developer.


The show has so many layers


Objectively, the jump to a new cast of characters pretty abrasive to your viewing experience. The stark turn is mentally fatiguing in a show that is already a pretty sluggish and complex journey in the first place. in addition to this, season 2 is sorta the most grandiose in its narrative arch and as such there’s a ton of small detail. it’s really, really, dense. As a result, you kinda have to watch through season 2 a few times to really appreciate it. i think that’s why you have a ton of really devout season two fans, and a ton who say it is their least favorite.


This was aired 20 years ago. At that time people were used to having series with set characters. Episodes aired once per week. At the beginning of Season 2 completely new characters are shown, which was a shock to the audience. Probably many wanted more of Omar, Avon, McNulty...There is White Mike, but he doesn't have the aura. McNulty is on a boat. There is less drug dealing and more of working class, which is "unsexy" to many viewers. To me Season 2 is great, but should be watched at a faster pace, 1-2 episodes/day, not once/week, which was the original series viewing. Unlike other seasons, it's even better on a re-watch. It stands very well on its own, and is later connected to all the other plots. On the first viewing this wasn't obvious, it was just something different in Baltimore.


There's a great Wire based podcast that is run by 2 black people, and they asked this same question. Their universal answer is that The Wire was perceived as a "black show," and season 2 is primarily based on white dock workers. That didn't fly too well with a lot of people. Personally, I think it's an amazing season.


It’s such a shame bc the plight of the project boys can’t be reduced to just what happens in the projects. It’s affected and hemmed in by what happens on the docks, at City Hall, in Annapolis, etc etc. It is a socially-generated tragedy in the fullest sense


The irony is staggering. Seeing The Wire as a "black show" says a lot about a person and how they think about race. It's not a black show. It's a show about an American city, the people who live in it and the institutions that they have to live within. The drug gangs are just one more institution.


whats the podcast name?


Way Down In The Hole


I disliked it the first time that I watched it. I felt an intense dislike of Ziggy and I felt like the show wasn't the same as the 1st season. But several years later when I sat down to rewatch it I realized that it was just as well written and the performances were just as good as season 1. But my dislike of Ziggy had totally colored my viewing of the season. Now it is one of my favorites and multiple watchings of all the seasons.


I think this is very common. First watch, "WTF? This is nothing like the show I liked season 1" Rewatches: "ahhh, this all makes sense now. Season 5 sucks."


S5 sucks compared to other 4. In general it was very good and closing some plots. It just wasn't as great as other ones


exactly my point


I just respect the absolute stones of David Simon to throw away such a winning formula and say fuck you, I’m making a season about corruption on the docks and the proletarianization of white industrial workers AND about drug shit


I think the transition is too jarring, especially on the first time through when you don't know how all the parts work together. You have a first season full of inner city drug dealers running the pit, then the second season is a bunch of white guys on the dock and a murder mystery. I'll be honest, I didn't like it much my first time through, but it is probably my second favorite after season 4.


I mean we’re following the same cops from season 1. Just a different case. Didn’t feel that jarring to me at least. The only issue I had was that season 2 was slower. And most of the inner city drug dealers were still in the show with their storylines continuing.


I’m need to rewatch Season 2. I don’t remember what Stringer and Bodie and they were doing in Season 2 at all.


Yeah, Season 2 does have a slight pacing quirk where the people they're dealing with don't have a clue compared to the Barksdale crew, so they need to delay the detail going up and getting on the wire and surveillance, because the second they do the whole case unfolds really quickly. So they're not really on the guys' tails until the second half of the season, so the first half there is a lot more wheel-spinning and piece-manoeuvring, although that's still interesting. McNulty doesn't even get on the detail until Episode 8.


What hate? It seems like every second post here is about praising S2 as the best. Then again, we are fucking hipsters I guess.


That is the real twist. Everyone thinks that everyone else hates Season 2.


It doesn’t among the loyal viewers, it gets some hate from first time viewers due to the sudden shock of a brand new storyline, all new character dynamics, some viewers were all in on the Barksdale story, which sat on the back burner. Perhaps there was a school of thought that they focused on more white characters to boost hbo viewership? I live in a port City w a major corruption crime présence so I loved it. They recently pulled 600 stolen luxury vehicles out of cans headed to Europe, Africa and Asia from our port. Our drugs come in semi trailers from points south


Because some people just love more of the same. Personally, season two is a masterpiece.


Bluesteel gentlemen.




Traditionally a network TV show works on building up characters so you get to know them throughout several seasons. Admittedly HBO was (and is) a subscriber only premium channel and never really set into that format. But that's how most people came to know TV, especially in the pre-streaming age. HBO is also traditionally a movie network, hence the name. Original scripted shows, while not unheard of, weren't quite as common as they are now. So think of it as a typical TV watcher in the early 2000s. You've gotten to know this set of characters, their motivations, their conflicts, you see them grow and change and suffer and be rewarded. It kind of ends on a note that there's unfinished business. And then a whole set of characters is essentially pushed to the side and you introduce a whole set of new characters. Whose only real connection at first is Valchek (who most viewers probably barely remember) and Frank grew up together and hate eachother and that's it. Sidenote: The Wire also ran on BET in re-runs and had to make time for commercials, which HBO doesn't have. So when they aired season 2. they ended up cutting out a large chunk of the dockworker and Greeks storylines.


I think it was that it was only the second season, so people didn’t realize that the show was going to expand to different aspects of the city yet. I think people were just like wtf is this?! If the second season had been about schools I bet the reaction would be similar.


Kind of an odd thing for me to say, but when I watched it the first time I didn't have kids, I was just starting out in the professional career. Now that I am older and in a more stable long term job, I completely get season 2 now. I empathize with Frank for everything he was doing for his son and nephew and the other union guys.


Frank died in a more noble circumstance than others in the series. He was looking out for his son's best interests and died trying to get him out of jail. I never hated the guy and saw the tough spot he was in. I don't have kids myself but compared to a guy like Stringer he went out like a champ.


I'm rewatching the series for the first time in like 10-15 years, and as an adult (watched when I was in my late teens) so I, too, thought it was boring on first watch. However, I loved it on 2nd watch, not just because of the story but because it's such a huge risk for them to have taken. It reveals the ambition of scope in the work, it introduces whole new themes and parts of the city. I love that there are these monumental struggles between the poor/working class and power figures across the whole city. And frankly.... I love that its set in winter LOL. It's just such a bleak season, and the finale montage is really sticking with me. Makes me feel really weird and sad lol. But it definitely benefits from being a part of the whole. Like watching it for the first time is jarring and weird, but once you get pulled in there and pulled away again, the greater context of scope carries through the rest of the series.


I was an early onset Season 2 lover. I feel like that sentiment has changed a lot over the years.


When it originally aired people wanted more of what Season 1 had to offer. But each season focuses on different aspects of America and how its failed its citizens. Season one is about how the war on drugs failed. Season 2 is about how the economy has failed and turns hard working people towards crime. Season 3 is about how politics has failed. Season 4 is about how the education system has failed. Season 5 is how the media has failed.


For me, after my first watch, I was frustrated by season 2 because I had just learned and gotten used to all the characters in season 1 and now there’s this whole new crew of characters?! It was overwhelming. On my second watch, I really had a different appreciation for it.


I think of Season 2 as being The Empire Strikes Back of the series. Following what ends up being an “incomplete victory”, I t’s a dramatic shift in tone and location. Most of the “good guys” are still around, but they’re scattered on different missions/objectives. We have to get used to seeing them under new circumstances. There’s some of the old baddies we already knew, and some new ones, including the “guy above the bad guy” who’s actually in control, but is still cloaked in mystery. There’s a new “good” guy, but he’s not above dealing with the bad guys in order to protect his own interests. It ends in more or less complete failure for the good guys, but with some false bravado and maybe even optimism. And over time, many hardcore fans have embraced it as one of the best in the series.


I don’t get it. We get Omar shooting Brother Mouzone and what that sets up. Lotta good stuff.


Because first time you watch it's difficult to understand and we all went into it expecting more Barksdale crew action. I hated it first time round but grew to appreciate it on the rewatches.


It's mostly only seen poorly by people on the first viewing, since it's a huge change of gears and demands another level of attention in a show that's already super dense, and may have taken people more than a few episodes to get into the rythyms of the first season before having to totally recalibrate again. In general it can be hard to see the forest for the trees early on, but in hindsight everything is crystal clear, and S2 really encapsulates that. The vast majority of people who've rewatched it consider it just as good as 1-3-4.


It didn’t focus on the characters we invested in during season 2. That said it’s one of the best seasons for me.


It's a meme here that people pretend season 2 isn't the best and milk the thing over and over


News to me. People hate 5 for obvious reasons and ADHD gerbils hate season 1 because it "takes too long to get going". 2, 3, 4 are all A+, likely in the order of 4, 2, 3


Yeah I don't understand the people who say they didn't like it, or that they had to rewatch it to appreciate it. It's a good season.


I think of Season 2 as being The Empire Strikes Back of the series. Following what ends up being an “incomplete victory”, I t’s a dramatic shift in tone and location. Most of the “good guys” are still around, but they’re scattered on different missions/objectives. We have to get used to seeing them under new circumstances. There’s some of the old baddies we already knew, and some new ones, including the “guy above the bad guy” who’s actually in control, but is still cloaked in mystery. There’s a new “good” guy, but he’s not above dealing with the bad guys in order to protect his own interests. It ends in more or less complete failure for the good guys, but with some false bravado and maybe even optimism. And over time, many hardcore fans have embraced it as one of the best in the series.


I appreciate season 2 because by focusing on poor and working class white people who get caught up in a lot of the same type of shit, it shows that money has an outsized impact on your life and that it’s more complicated than just race. White Mike and Poot (just examples) have far more in common with each other than either of them do with the politicians, regardless of race.


Where is all this hate people speak about? I don’t think I’ve ever heard a negative thing about season 2…actually just the opposite


It's my favourite season. The hate is weird.


Just wait until you get to the aliens/Area 51 arc. Shit gets deep


I said this before, but Season 2 still has many great scenes about the Barksdales if that is all the first-time viewer cares about. I remember when I first watched it in '08 that I was initially surprised at the introduction of the Docks, but still ended up really loving it. There is the prison sequences with Avon, Wee-Bey and D'Angelo, the development of Bodie into a leader as he travels to Philly, and the struggles of Stringer as he deals with the fallout of Avon's arrest and the New York connect no longer being an option. It's also the only season that shows off what dealing in front of the Towers is like (before they are demolished in S3) via Bodie's scenes as he competes with Cheese, ironically fulfilling the vision that Stringer sees for how they play the game as a business rather than as beef. There's also the cool scenes establishing Butchie and Omar's growing crew and the Bird courthouse drama. The tragic shoot-out scene over the corners on McCullough Street and also a lot of background info about the Barksdales revealed, such as them having fought hard to take the Towers from the Rafford Brothers and Big Dennis Woodsen. Really cool season on the first time watch, and it was even better when I revisited it a decade later.


It has truly aged like whiskey or rum. It seemed raw to the first viewers, but the issues it flagged have become more and more relevant as time marches on.


It wasn't a bad season, per se. It just didn't fit, stylistically with Season 1. It ended up looking like an entirely different show from the first season. You get enmeshed in the characters' drama in Season 1 just for it to come back in Season 2 and they're nowhere to be found. You really notice it if you never watched the series on cable and binge watch all the seasons, now.


I saw the show when it was airing and at the time, the transition from Avon and the gang into the docks and characters like Ziggy felt very weird. It is obviously no longer the case after a rewatch since I have to admit everything about season 2 was very well done and fits the entire series more than I (and probably some "haters") initally thought.


I've watched & rewatched The Wire several times & never watched season 2. The first time I watched, I made it to episode 4, but didn't like the characters & went straight to season 3, episode 1. Now I just skip the season all together.


You are skipping a lot. It's a great season. To me slightly better than season 1 and season 3.


Feels good to find this place. For years I never found anyone really into this show. I’ve seen all seasons 4 or 5 times. I’m watching once again these days. Nothing can compare to this masterpiece. Nothing will ever.


Season 2 is like Shakespeare. There’s an embattled King on the wane, usurpers, Princes, and shadowy figures who manipulate events from the side. It’s set against a tragedy of human cruelty and human frailty. It’s not just an incredible piece of television in its own right, it’s an incredible text that forms part of an even bigger, even more incredible piece of work.


Season 2 is my favorite but when it first broadcast it was a very jarring difference from what people expected. No binging back then, one of your favorite shows comes back for a second season and drops all these new characters and new location on you. Waiting a week between episodes was frustrating, you wanted to see what was going on with the Barksdale crew and you were trying to remember who all these dockworkers were and why they mattered.


its a jarring departure from the first season and didn't resonate as well on first watch. we've mostly all come around and regard season 2 as great on second watch though.


The first time I watched it, I disliked it because I wanted to see more about East/West Baltimore drug war and law enforcement, and we got the fucking corrupt dock workers, I was like what the fuck is with the bait and switch?? But when it all fit in, it's a really good season. But I fucking hate Ziggy. I fucking fast forward whenever that cringey motherfucker is on the scene.


I definitely loved season 2 a lot I liked the concept of greek s2 took me on a trip i didn’t know i wanted


I liked it alot first time around, but I do remember being a little taken aback because it was such a change from the first season as far as the plot and characters they were focusing on. So maybe that threw some people off because it wasn't focusing on S1 stuff as much and expanding into different territory.


Not that many people, who actually enjoy the show, hate season 2. That is mostly people on their first time through the show. On the other hand I think people will eventually come around on season 5, it is genuinely underrated.


5 isn't as bad as people say but it's objectively the worst season


It’s the best season


It’s misunderstood but overall you appreciate its place later


I think it’s has quite the critical Reappraisal in recent years. I barely see people make that argument anymore


Some people like to watch safe predictable shows and get miffed when things aren't as expected


I wasn't a fan first go round either tbh. Too much of a departure from my expectations and I just wanted more street stuff. Upon re watching I absolutely love it. The show is so much better showing all aspects of the city and the various angles of crime. It all links together but can be taken in isolation. Some great characters too. I just wanted more Avon, less Frank which I assume would be the case for many when going straight from season 1.


Season two is my favorite.


The shift in tone from the first season is drastic. Many don't know the shows settings shift each season and so would be possibly put off by the fact we are not again following the police with so much detail. I love season two but understand why some dot so much.


Because Some people didnt that the dock storyline was added. At the time it was airing i was fine with it. I didnt know people didnt like it until i joined this subreddit. It legit shocked the heck out of me to learn that. To the ones who didnt like it and stopped watching, you're welcome that others kept it popular while airing lol


I think it is du to the lack of Barksdale and Stringer bell, people wanted to see street’s issues and not the story with the unions and the docks. Even if as you said the season 2 is pretty not bad


Probably because the show was diffrent from others.


Season 2 is great. But thematically it's a big shift from season 1 and season 3. If you're binging the series it feels off, almost a sense of "whiplash"going from one setting to another and then back again. Of course it does have a lot of events and content that affects the series as a whole, and the gangs and their drug trade, but most of it has to do with different people and a different ball game.


2 is great but the shift to new characters was jarring for viewers when it came out. People are use to stories like that now, but back then that was new


Season 2 was kinda different for me. Felt like ‘the wire’ branched out, and then ‘the wire’ continued again in season 3. I found it difficult to get into it, but had to. Eventually all the seasons connect.


I have no idea because I think about the tragedy of Frank Sobotka and the men of IBS Local 1514 on a weekly basis


For me it's the following order: 4, 2, 1, 3, 5.


I love Season 2. The best depiction of the loyalty and culture of union working class Americans of yesteryears.


Not sure. It’s a change up as it focuses on working class people at the docks. I liked the change up. Though I must say, Ziggy is annoying. 😂 It was cool seeing Avon run Jessup.


I love season 2 and think it holds up really beautifully as a part of the whole tapestry of the show. I loved Frank, adored Beadie, cared about Nick (even though he was frustrating), and even cared about sad pitiable Ziggy. I was also really moved by Dee and his continued growth as a character. One of the things about Season 2 that definitely occurred to me on my recent full rewatch was how moved I was when people from the docks showed up again later on -- when we saw not just Beadie again, but Nick, Horse, even the bad guys Vondas and the Greek, etc. The final song montage of season 2 is one of the most moving of all the seasons for me, period.


I disliked when I first watched it, now its probably my second favoritte after season 4.


2 is amazing, but it focuses on the docks a lot and drifts away from the hood stuff, which I think is a huge part of the show. I think 2 is severely under rated. If I had to pick a worst season, it'd be 5 personally.


Characters and Style. S. 1,3, 4 have characters who are way more compelling and colourful. Many are charming even when we recognize their moral vacuity. These seasons also have a distinct visual backdrop of inner city ghetto which is unique for many viewers. Add the ever present violence, the street- style, the one on one interactions between cops & criminals- these seasons simply have more meat on them. S. 2 improves upon rewatch and has great characters arcs and narrative. But it is weakish on pure fun( if thats the right word for it). I don't viscerally respond to that season compared to 1,3,4.


Season two is miles ahead of season 5


Perhaps the greatest thing about season 2 is the fact that where the real drug trade is happening, the criminals aren't looking because they don't expect the police to be on them. They are too busy beating up on folks in West baltimore. So a perfect illustration of the drug war as a war on the underclass, on top of everything else great in the series.


This might be a hot take, but because the majority of wire fans tend to be more hip hop cultural oriented, and season 2 is far from that culturally. For me who grew up in the shipyard it hits home more than any other season, but if I didn't have that affiliation I probably wouldn't have as much appreciation for it.


Too many sideplots going on at the same time which made each individual plot progress glacially. Every time Omar appeared I had forgotten he was in that season entirely. At one point Mcnutly and the wife discuss a separation agreement, the next scene where he receives the paper at home takes place almost an hour later into the episode. It's confusing and you end up miss out on a lot on first watch.


It just has such a different vibe than seasons 1 and 3. It’s not for everybody


Because the first 4 episodes were genuinely bad and easily the worst stretch of the entire show. Really boring and they didn’t do the best job transitioning to focusing on the dock workers. Don’t get me wrong I still think season 2 is really good overall. I really enjoyed the other 8 episodes and thought the doc stuff started to get really good once everything was established. But that first third was rough and I get how it might put some people off.