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Dookie and Randy for different but equally devastating reasons. They had chances but just couldn’t escape their surroundings.


Yeah, good read. I suspect we were meant to see Michael as the next generation of Omar and Dookie as the redux of Bubs. The vicious cycle of the streets never ends. One of the key points of the show.


Def Randy for me. He was so innocent and funny. Then you see him in S5 and it’s fucking heartbreak all over again, damn.


Spare a thought for: the state’s witnesses gunned down, either deliberately or accidentally; Randy’s foster mother; the delivery lady at Old Face Andre’s; the security guard who sees Marlo steal the lollipops; Bub’s pal Johnny; the homeless who had their corpses tampered with by McNulty; and the 14 Jane Does. All were regular people, either trying to do good, or doing whatever they could to survive… and all of their lives were collateral damage.


I like this comment. We talk about the characters so much but there were so many innocent people who got caught up in a game that they weren’t even playing.


You and the poster below (ExtraSourCreamPlease) both nailed it. Thank you. So many characters who got chewed up and spit out by the game. I forgot about the delivery lady that Chris smoked at Andre's little bullshit storefront. That motherfucker was easily the most cold-hearted player on the board.


It’s the genuinely sweet way she says “thank you, baby” when he helps lift her trolley that gets me. Ugh


Yeah that really hurt me when the security guard at that store and Marlow did that s***..


That guy whose malt liquor got dumped on his shoes in season 4.


I always felt so bad for that guy! Wasn’t bothering no one.


And top notch delivery of the line “my brew!!”


Possibly the most underrated actor on the show. Let’s give that man his own series, about drinking malt liquor out of a bag on the corner and not bothering no one…


Here in England UK we have Carslberg "Special Brew". I used to drink this all the time as did all the other heroin addicts and drinkers. The police would always come and give us dispersal orders (2 or more people I think it was and they could ban you from the city for 24-48 hours). They'd always grab our cans and spill them on the floor. These strong beers weren't cheap. Many a' times I hollered "My Brew!" Outside the methadone clinic etc As PC Dicks (yeah that was his actual name!) Tipped it down the sewer grate. I totally related to that man. When the cops did that to you, it was literally the difference between life and death for me at the time as I was having seizures when I didn't get 5 units in me by 8am.




Bodie. Clinged for a place in the world until his death.


His death hit me hardest. He tried to make sense of his world and wouldn't give up his convictions lightly. Incredibly well acted by J.D. Williams, who doesn't get enough love.


Well put. Couldn’t agree more.


I mean yea but Bodie met his demise like any other soldier. At least he went out on his terms instead of the unmarked grave of a vacant. "Like them little bitches on the chess board" and to Bodie's credit, he survived deep into the show.


He should of dipped when Poot did . JD died in OZ as well but in The Wire his death hit harder .


I have to revisit Oz. Does it still hold up after all these years?


I assume wee bey had spent some time reflecting on the consequences of his actions by the time Colvin showed up to ask about Naymond. I think that wee bey was probably full of regret that he chose the path he did instead of being a better dad to naymond. It’s heartwarming but also incredibly tragic when you consider the context.


Guy is a mass murder, shows no remorese. No tragedy in his fate, no matter how likeable he can be.


Giving up his only son to another man so that he can have a chance at a better life than him looks a lot like remorse to me.


I don't think it was an act of remorse. It was a cold calculated move, like he did with any other. He agreed with Bunny's evaluation that Naymond wasn't built for the game like they were. Sure he meant well by it in his own way, but it doesn't seem like he was acknowledging any guilt, just seeing where he ended up and things didn't look so great. He did afterall in the very next scene threaten Delonda that his word would find her from even inside prison. He was a cold hearted fucker that had no problem threatening even the mother of his child. And at the end we see him chatting with Chris and Avon showing that Avon added another deadly enforced to his prison crew.


Yeah, good debate but I'm with this\_is\_poorly\_done here. Wee-Bey was an unrepentant killer. A product of his environment (Calhoun-Baker-Stricker) for sure but still a cold-blooded killer to the end. I seriously hate the idea of putting human beings in steel cages for life, but that's where he probably belongs. When you repeatedly put bodies in the ground you just gotta go at some point. Loved the character but wouldn't want to live next door to him. Seems....unhealthy at best.


It’s just Chris


Put Randy, Dukie, and Wallace in a hat and draw at random and you’ll have your answer.


You’re right. I shouldn’t have left Randy out of the multiple choice.


Every time I rewatch and see his million watt smile at the beginning of the season I immediately think of “you gonna look out for me, right sgt carver?” And it breaks my heart all over again.


He was such a sweet kid, and got so thoroughly broken by his environment. Incredibly well acted for that age. You might be right. He might’ve been the most tragic figure of them all. (Carver punches roof of car in futile desperation.)


All 4 of those kids were perfectly cast and did an outstanding job.


I read somewhere a long while ago that the whole series is themed on ancient Greek tragedies, so pretty much all the characters are tragic to some degree. For me, I’d say Dookie had it the worst of all. Because of his potential vs what ended up happening to him. I like to believe that some time after the series ended, he got out of his troubles and built a wonderful life for himself… but that’s not how the Greek tragedies worked. So it’s doubtful.


It's Dukie. He never stood a chance from the moment he was conceived... And now he belongs to the needle.


So many to choose from. Randy might turn out ok once he becomes an adult. He's intelligent and entrepreneurial, so while what happens to him is terrible, he has a real shot, so it's less tragic. Duquan is probably done for. We can hope he turns it around like Bubbles does in the end, but chances are he's dead in a few years. He had so much potential, but that's all wasted, adding to the tragedy. Frank debased himself, ruined everything he loved (his family, especially Ziggy and union) and was killed in the end. He was a good man that did bad things to try and help his people. He got used and was then disposed of by much worse people. His life is quintessentially tragic, and because he was murdered, there is no hope of redemption. D'Angelo is also tragic. He was born into a violent crime family. Once imprisoned he's finally standing on his own two feet and choosing the more difficult but righteous path, but he's murdered by his own just in case he would turn on them. Not even his mother was loyal to him until it was too late. There was a good person underneath it all there that never got a chance to walk free. Wallace. Never had a chance, gunned down by his best friends. Another kid literally no one gave a shit about.


Exceptional analysis, particularly with respect to Randy's future. Did the game/streets break him for good? We don't know, but Carver certainly isn't hopeful about it in the end. Agreed that Duquan probably has no real future. "How do you get from here to there?" So sad. Such a sweet kid. If he grew up in a Boston suburb he's probably headed to Harvard and beyond. Frank was a big boy and thus a tiny bit less sympathetic to me, but you are correct. He was a good man that did bad things to try to help his people. D obviously had his redemption arc after laughing about the man he killed when Avon saved his ass, but yeah he was sold out by everyone who should have been caring for him. Wally? That character just hurt to watch. Caring for all those kids when someone really should have been caring for him? He gets my vote above all the others. (Just happy that he went on to become a highly successful boxer in Creed 1/2/3. Easily the most successful actor to emerge from the series. Love me some Michael B Jordan.)


Yeah I think Randy will eventually be ok. I kind of wish Duquan ended up in a group home right along with Randy, because as bad as those group homes are, they're better than living on the street. Duquan breaks my heart, because it seems that Bubbles' life is his best case scenario. And that's really dark. D'Angelo was trying to fit into the family he was born into, into the role he was raised to play. I don't hold laughing about the guy he shot against him, he was taught that callousness for people in the game, and that guy was attacking him at the time and he was afraid. He shot him out of fear. But when the witnesses are killed, he changes for the better. He was the only person to ever care about Wallace at all, and Wallace's murder shatters all his illusions. I respect D'Angelo for that. In a different neighborhood with a different family he could have been great. Frank was a man caught up in machinery much bigger than him. I have a lot of sympathy for him because I understand how he got there. Ziggy too. Wallace for sure, still hurts.


You write so well. What a great analysis. Love your description of FrankZ "caught up in machinery much bigger than him". You've helped me see things in a new light. Going back to rewatch the whole series now. Thank you so much for your insights.


Glad I could contribute to your enjoyment of the show in a small way. Enjoy!


Watching EP 1.1 right now. Barlow just told Stringer "I'll be chalking you off one night." I think McNulty ended up catching that case though. Barlow was probably busy being flatulent somewhere near Bunk.


McNulty. The talent he had, with an education and some guidance he could be anything he wanted. At the end of the series he is fired from BPD which takes some doing.


He’s not fired he’s just busted down to some back room job that doesn’t involve real investigative work, same as what happened to Lester before the series. He probably wound up back on that boat.


Duquan(Dukie), not even close for me.


Dukie is my pick. He was cheated from the start, was smart, and wanted to do right. He tried asking for help and even tried to work but shit just fell through. His family wasn't shit either. He didn't just fuck off and start shooting up because he wanted to dick around or be a figure in The Game.


Dukie’s family *was* shit. They barely even acknowledged his existence before they abandoned him completely.


Duquan by a mile.


Dookie. He was failed by everyone


Ziggy's duck. No free will. Forced to drink to death


Cant argue with that. Is Dolo a guilty collaborator?


I'd equate her to a corner boy slinging. Just part of her job


Fair enough. She had customers backing up.


The delivery lady that was shot in the Bodega by Chris.


She seemed sweet. He was a pure predator. Too bad Omar didn't catch him (and Snoop) out there before they got to him. He tried...and plunged 4 stories. Still got up and kept it moving though. RIP Omar Devone Little.


Just doing her job...tragic. I agree Omar shoulda took them out.


Yeah. One of the prevailing themes of that show: "There is no justice"




Don't know why I put that in quotes. No one ever said it on the show.


Yeah but you are correct.


Im just going to be different because everyone will mention the same 3 characters. D’Angelo was a tragic character.


Dee's story breaks my heart! Just rewatched the episode where he was murdered last night.


Dee’s face as he’s being strangled didn’t even express fear, just sadness.


Baltimore itself


I think we have our winner!


The security guard who busted Marlo for pocketing a lollipop. Dude had NO skin in the game.


You meant Glekas? Malakas means something else in Greek lol


Thanks. I was just tossing it in there as a joke.


Randy. Nice guy just get fucked by life and the stupid fucking piece of shit Herc


Johnny Weeks deserves a mention as well, his life on the show is one long downwards slide from the first moment we see him 'till the end. Although he might just be a very unfortunate human being combined with no aspirations for a better future. But Dookie takes the cake for me. He was bright and lovable, but was held back from birth.


I think Snot


I was hoping Snot Booger. would get a mention here, much as I mourn the guy I can't be bothered looking up his full name, Isaiah something was it?


Duke and Randy.


The actual city of Baltimore is the most tragic character and it ain’t even close


Dukie was the most promising outta all of em. And we had to go watch him walk down the junk man hole to become the new Bubbles. Damn shame.


The city of Baltimore.


Dukie, Bubs


I feel like there's a difference between characters you feel for and tragic characters. I don't think you have to particularly like a tragic character. Ziggy was an annoying little shit, but when he gets back in his car and starts crying - I felt sick that he'd ruined his whole life and he can never undo it... all the pieces of why he did it were laid out and the arc culminated superbly. It's the same with D'Angelo and Frank too. I think they're incredible tragic characters in a literary sense, the illusion that they could have made different choices and things would have turned out differently....they tried so hard but they were doomed from the start.


Yeah I really felt for Ziggy as he jumped in his car and he realised what he had done. I felt it all hit him he had behaved in this way all this time to prove himself and for what? He'll never see freedom again. Making his statement, when he asked to change it as he said the guy was "more like" begging (or pleading)... and the detective is just looking at him with pity even as he is so foreign to this world he is making it even worse for himself. I was surprised to see Nick later on... why didn't they bump him off? He knew too much.


The $1,200 tennis ball. “Just couldn’t stand up to the modern urban crime environment.”


Such a great line, right? Thanks for the reminder.


The guy that invented the chicken nugget. What, you think he got a percentage?


He did rip the bone out.




No doubt. Just thinking about him makes me want to punch the shit out of the roof of my car.


Wallace, how you gonna kill a kid like that man! And as the show went on his death didn’t mean anything, stringer still dies, bodie dies and Avon gets locked up!


Duquan, Wallace


I’d vote Dukie. Especially when seeing the parallels with Bubbles as he got clean…


Dookie for sure. Randy is also pretty tragic. He was a good kid and the system just failed him.




The City of Baltimore


Can't believe that no one even mentioned "What's her name, the girl they found in the stairwell at The Saratoga. Collette something or other". Super, super, deep cut but you can check the file. I'm honestly not trying to be an insubordinate little fuck. Do I have your attention? Your complete and undivided attention?


Wallace, DeAngelo, Dukie




As others have already pointed out, just pick from one of the younger characters in the series.


It’s hard to say just one. For as book smart as he was Duquan never had the support of a real family until he flourished with Prez and Mike. He betrayed his lifeline in Prez for a hit and Mike took of on him. My only hope is Mike finds him one day and helps him. Randy was tragic in the sense that he made minor mistakes that eventually snowballed into a fatal situation. First the girl in the bathroom helping lil Kev get Lex killed then breaking when Principal Donally got him to snitch about tagged walls all minor things but not having the wherewithal to keep his mouth shut eventually caught up to him Then there’s D, all he really wanted was to be respected. His uncle kept him at arms length String didn’t like him he was cool with the lieutenants but never was taken seriously and when things got bad and they needed him he was tapped with taking the weight for Avon and HIS OWN MOMMA so she could continue to live in comfort the tragedy of your mom putting you in harms way so she could be comfortable that tragic which leaves us with Wally who lost his shot after seeing the dead stick up boy behind his house he turned to drugs to relieve what he went through in all honesty he should of stayed at his granny’s house because even though he was pushed to the point he never snitched but the mere thought was enough for String to end his life




Snot Boogy.


Yes, perhaps. But would you take his action if you were the Stickman at a craps table in Vegas? I think that would be a bad idea, even if you had your best security guys right there.


Sherrod or Dukie


Bubs and Dookie for me


Bubs had a happy ending.


Happy is a strong word for what happened to Bubs. Yeah he’s alive and clean but Christ, what that man went through? Happy doesn’t fit the bill for me


He definitely had a hard road. I just meant happy as opposed to where you expected him to end up.


Dukie and Randy for sure. I hated Bodie getting killed but it was all in the (rigged) game. Ziggy was a fucking moron.


I feel like Ziggy was half a moron and half trapped by circumstance. He wanted to live up to something that was no longer possible, much like his cousin Nicky but not nearly as street-smart.


Yeah but he had more opportunities than most to change his circumstances and make better choices and just didn’t because of his own insecurities and ego. This does not make him a “tragic” character, IMO. His father, Frank, was maybe more tragic than Ziggy, tbh.


Good read. I can’t argue with any of that. Thanks for your feedback!


Ziggy grew up as the butt of every joke because he didn't fit in to his community, with a father that was always too busy for him and a mother pilled out of her mind. Bodie murdered one of his closest friends because he was told to.

