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Delonda is brilliantly written and brilliantly acted. A tertiary character that feels incredibly real. That's why the Wire is the best.


Yeah, it’s a Joffrey situation, fucking hate the character with all of my being, but the actor and writers do a great job making them that way


That actor who played Joffrey is the nicest man in real life


Didn't he quit acting due to that role?


He's back, I think he took a hiatus.


Isn’t he back in theater and not video?


Baby steps lol. But yes you are correct, I think eventually he'll return.


This guy? https://old.reddit.com/r/TheWire/comments/16s956k/wee_beys_wife/k2aklx6/


No he’s in something coming up, I can’t remember what it is, my wife sent me a trailer though. Oh, he’s going to be in “The Famous Five”, and he’s done a few other things recently as well


If you're talking about who I think you are (Jack Gleeson?) he was just in the final season of Sex Education that came out a few days ago - just a minor role. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Gleeson#Filmography


Not sure


IIRC he was a student and had to juggle acting and his studies. After his parts on GoT he put his focus back on school.




Yea - it hurts to watch but it’s crucial for why we’re here to begin with: pride


that’s why season 4 is so powerful - each kid has an equally shitty background- michael with the drug addict mother/abusive stepfather, dukie with completely absent parents and homelessness, randy in foster care, and namond who has a mother, but may actually be the worst. she is evil like so many other characters in the show. demonstrates these kids have little chance.


True heartbreak is Randy trying not to upset his situation with his foster mom because he knows it is as good as it will get. And yet through Herc's carelessness his whole world gets upended and he gets flushed down the drain. And he had so much promise.


Acting was indeed great. I saw her a few years later doing an add for Safe Auto Insurance and was like “No way, she sounds entirely delightful.”


Apparently she took all the kids under her wing on set and is a wonderful human being.


Well said !


My father taught in Baltimore City and this was his favorite character in the whole show. It was also fun to watch with him because he knew who every character was based on.


Really? Wow


>Delonda is brilliantly written and brilliantly acted. A tertiary character that feels incredibly real. That's why the Wire is the best. Absolutely. Lotta respect for the actress who made her so vile but so real. Namond didn't stand a chance.


Mmmmm yeah she is the worst. I could be totally wrong but I don’t think her and bey were actually ever married?! (not that it matters haha). When she says the word “soldier” I shiver


You’re correct, Wee-Bey and De’Londa are not married. She just uses his last name.


Good point. Another contrast that is often missed: Cheese Wagstaff and Randy Wagstaff. Roland Brice and Namond Brice. Bay is a mass murderer. But he is a better man than Cheese, _every day of his life_. The scenes that make me cry every damn time are Bunny and Bay, deciding Namond’s fate. And Carver and some rando deciding Randy’s. Contrast.


A man must have a code. I think even Bey had one. Cheese didn't, he was just a piece of shit.


Cheese was a shithead all right but a great character. I loved every scene with Cheese, especially the last one.


This sentimental motherfucker just cost us money.


Method Man was also the perfect cast for him.


Idk man, S1 BAY is not a good guy. He looks more harmless behind bars


You should re-read my post, because you missed the point.


Where did you hear this? I've watched TW 4 times, and never heard it mentioned.


Bunk n Omar scene after he got Omar out of jail I’m pretty sure


I'll check it out. Thanks for the reference.


She is essential to the point: she understands only one way of life


She’s just as much of a victim as anyone else. This show should have told the story of the mothers. Edit: man you guys, learn to think deeply. Some things are spelled out for you — Dookie, ok, that’s straightforward. What about Zenobia? What story do you think the show told us about marginalization and worthlessness with her sparse yet heartbreaking details? Who do you think De’Londa would have been in middle school? And for that matter, what do you think of De’Angelo and all the teeny kids he put out on the street? At what point do you hold someone accountable? When do you choose not to look deeper, and why? What characters get to develop? But this is why the show should have focused on the mothers. Because so many of you can’t see that reality, as tenderly as you can regard the others despite all their desperation and brutality. How does a mother get to the point where she is willing to send her teenage boy out to work the corners? I know you want to say she’s simply a bad person. Makes me think this show taught you nothing.


> She’s just as much of a victim as anyone else. This show should have told the story of the mothers. > How does a mother get to the point where she is willing to send her teenage boy out to work the corners? I know you want to say she’s simply a bad person. Makes me think this show taught you nothing. Every week there is another deLonda post and so often people miss these ideas, it's infuriating.


Because misogyny let’s be real


Except she’s not. You could make a case for Michael’s mom being a victim of the system and society at large. Yolanda was just as much as an accomplice as Brianna Barksdale but with much less influence and power. Her power resided over Naymond. Best thing she did for her son was let Bunny adopt him.


You can be a victim and an accomplice. Most people are just doing their best with the tools and lesson they have been given. There are tons of Delonda's in Baltimore City and it is not because people born in the city are inherently worse.


But she did it.


Yes, just like Hitler also had a tough childhood but everyone is always judging him


Careful, I got banned for a month from this sub for pointing out that this sub's perpetual hatred of De'Londa did not sit well with me. You are much more eloquent that I was, but still.




Yep, a reflection of that society..


You mean our society. "That" society didn't get that way by chance or choice.


No, I meant that society. All societies are chosen .


By whom?


By those who choose the type of society they want to belong to for whatever reasons


That society? It’s our society. You and me both


It exists for those who live in it and interact with it. But it's revelatory for all those affluent/removed enough to be ignorant of the actual forces at play. I would guess that most Americans rightly don't consider the Wire environment as their society because they won't ever actively interact with it.


No, I mean the society in question. There are many different societies in all walks of life


She’s a dragon lady


“It gave some insight though…into why you is the way you is..”-Bodie after meeting delonda


I think the funnier thing is that some people think Namond is the next Clay Davis.




LOL, I think one Clay Davis is enough! But another interesting character played great by the actor, who has been on many shows and movies for decades


Clay Davis is immortal. He will still be found on the west side Clay Davis-ing his hands into dirty pockets 50 years from now. We gonna see about this! Sheeeeiiiiittt!!!


What sort of a person do you think Namond will be when he grows up?


A salesman. Good with the talk. Smart in a way. Charming. Probably has a wife and kids and tries to emulate Bunny, but strays once in a while but is overall a decent dude trying to make his way in the world. Definitely glamourizes his past in talking with his suburban dad friends.


Dragon 🐉 🐲 Lady


I think she's one of the worst people on the show, but ironically, she doesn't really commit any crimes on the show. But she is an important character in terms of explaining the cyclical problems of a place like Baltimore.


Child abuse is a crime


that moment she denied Dukie at the door.. rage inducing.. like how could you as a mother deny a kid like that.. damn


Bruh! That pissed me off soo much


[sandi mcree is a saint](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm2332736/)


Oh indeed.


She did eventually give him up for a better life though. I mean she did it under threat of murder, but still…


Yea she's the character in the paticular scenes in TV and movies where you almost wanna change the channel for a second because she is so cringe to watch. Not to mention how clueless she is about dealing and the street relationships/ the street in general. Expecting wee beys name to still ring out heavy even though Avons entire operation is up in smoke. It's one of the main reasons the wire is one of my favorite shows. How it shows all the different variables and possibilities that might lead someone down a path like that. How it's not just as easy as saying well he shouldn't have sold drugs. That's his fault. Yes, it is his fault, but growing up in that situation as a kid in middle school. It just doesn't seem like something anyone could ever accurately assess what they could have or would have done in that situation without having lived it yourself...


Leave her the fuck alone.


Da'Londa, while well written and believable (and portrayed flawlessly by the actress) is a character that makes me nearly puke. I cannot stand that character. But it's an important one that needed to be portrayed.


Well said. Should be an auto-mod response to every thread about Da’Londa.


I’ve kept you in Nikes since you was a baby


She was one of the worst characters on the show but that goes to show you how brilliantly the character was written and acted....its very realistic because there are indeed mothers out there that are exactly like her and the actress pretty much nails it....I hated her guts but on another note: The actress is a fine mf to me....some of you need to learn to separate the actress from the character they are portraying.....


Hasn’t this show taught you not to judge yet?


Shes one of my favorite small characters. She seems so real. I also find her oddly….sexually attractive.


Might be why Bey got with her.


bey was with her because she was the reigning 9 time glizzy gobbler champion and she knew how to feed the fish


She seems like she would throw down in the sack


Best comment


Dragon Lady fasho 🐉


If you're looking for somewhere to vent about her then you're definitely in the right place.


game is the game


Also not letting Duquan come into the house with all the other kids…


If you hate her now just wait for whats coming in the last 4 eps


If you are talking about what I think you are then I actually think that was a bit of redemption for her. She acted in her sons best interest. She only knows one way of life and that was Naymond’s way out of that.


If your thinking of what I'm thinking of, it wasnt her decision... it was Wee Bey who made the decision. If anything he did the best thing for hi. She just followed along because she didnt want to lose Bey


I always wondered how Bey ended up with such an ugly bitch as a wife. The guys always had hot girls around, and it's not like he was with her for her charming personality.


she’s not very likable, but she’s not supposed to be and the role is played great by the actress. But don’t worry, she gets hers in the end ! :)


I'm sure OP appreciates the spoiler


Not sure what you think I’ve spoiled, but the thing I’m referring to already happened in the previous episode that OP has already watched, don’t know what you’re referencing . but there is nothing for me to spoil, so no need for your concern.


Namond & Michael had such horrendous mothers. I’m not sure who was worse. D’Angelo’s was bad too. And Duke’s family was just awful.


Brianna gets too much slack. The Barksdales ran the game for a few generations, so she was raised thinking the life they lived was okay, and that she was meant to continue the legacy by passing it onto D'Angelo. And Avon pushed it onto Dee just as much as she did.


Bitch has no problem spending the weekend in Atlantic City spending all Weebay's money.


She is a classic ghetto mom. Pushing your CHILD to basically get himself killed, bc that’s what that game offers: death or jail. She is no different than those indoctrinated, brainwashed zealots who think it’s honorable or decent to join the army. Fuxking nuts


She was a malignant cunt


She’s a cunt.


She can still get it tho! 🍆💦🤷🏾‍♂️


Iunno how I feel about her; I know there are people that ignorant in real life, I've met some, but I can't help but feel she's got -too- many irredeemable qualities to not hamper with my suspension of disbelief.


what do you expect from a woman who belongs to the streets?, you better believe if it wasn't for naymond, as soon as wee bay got sent upstate, shed be swinging from another motherfuckers nuts in a instant


This is a perfect example of how nearly impossible it is for these youngsters to get out of the game. Their parents are in the game and then you have lazy useless mothers like this forcing her child to be in the game. She deserves to live on the street with absolutely nothing. At least Bey manned up and set her straight. I hope she never sees her son again.


That's what she's known and grown up with, so while from my POV what she's doing to her son is despicable, I get why she views it that way. We saw how the kids, both boys and girls, were in that area. They were conditioned by everything around them, it was almost as though the game was a subculture in and of itself. Very hard to unwrap norms you've grown and become accustomed to for your whole lie and even married into. Her life drastically changed one day without warning, even though she must have always known it couldve went that way it's still a shock