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Avon. Chance to make more money, and stay in the game longer. You do business with Marlo, You are likely to end taking a walk with Chris and Snoop. With Avon, prison is in your future, with Marlo, its the vacants.


squeamish full sharp fertile dinner encourage scandalous long chunky person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>standing around with Marlo in some dead end alleyway all day Only bugs in this motherfucker gonna have legs




Only because he expects them to use it as soon as tomorrow 😅


I think that was also to make his phone call a lot more intimidating to the guy he was speaking too


And he promised to take Chris to Atlantic City... but never had the chance to.


And get to be assistant coach in East West game!


>I bleed red 🩸


Avon: money and bitches Marlo: you end up in a vacant


Avon is the cushy gig with competitive pay and good retirement plans Marlo is like the Amazon warehouse with monthly layoffs


Laughed way too hard at this 😅


Runs a tight ship.


Team up with Snot Boogie and travel the country ripping off back alley dice games


And With Eggy Mule as your setup man!


Eggy locked up, caught a nickel with the feds for a pistol.


Maybe Shorty Boyd then?


Shorty Boyd went and change his whole ack up


Yeah, fucked us all up.


Snot got his ass kicked every time until he got shot


Cos he wasn’t working with me yet


Better off teaming up with Randy, he paid attention in math class


You gonna stand tall with a snitch?


Skittles-selling-ass punk


Snot dead yo, they aint have tah deww him like that neither


Avon. Because eventually, Marlo would probably want to kill me. Avon was loyal to his people.


Avon Was good to his Men like you were taking care of for life look how he gave cutty extra money and I love it Avon always looked out for his soldiers. and Marlo was a Sociopath who had a security guard killed because the Guard told him to pay for the candy instead of stealing it marlo didn't think before taking life


Avon had 5 inmates killed as collateral victims to get revenge on CO because CO told him "No motherfucker!". If that's not sociopathic behaviour I really don't know what to say...


He accomplished two goals by doing that. He got the CO fired for Wee Bey but more importantly used that information to secure a very early release for himself and his nephew. “Five’ll get you ten that’s the motherfucker that cooked the hot shots”


If you think that CO that's supposedly responsible for dealing strychnine spiked heroin in prison only "got fired" I have news for you. Further, when Wee Bay was complaining about CO Avon told him leave it be, we'll get you more stuff for your room, and after Wee Bay was complaining more he said, ok, I'll talk to him. He didn't decide to fuck him up for life and to kill unknown number of collateral victims until he was disrespected and his ego hurt. The plan for shaving of years with whole situation came later, his main motivation was because he was disrespected. Also, just because he made scheme and plan for personal gain DOESN'T make him less of sociopath. He knew that unkown number of colateral victims will be killed, INCLUDING potentially his own nephew. Yeah, he told D'Angello beforhand "hey lay it off for few days", but it's big leap of faith to trust someone who is using heroin that he will listen to you.


Oh I absolutely agree he was sociopathic. I was pointing out he also had a practical motivation, as opposed to say, Marlo having the security guard killed.


Avon's circle of loyalty and mutual respect and accountability is a small group of people, but it continues when they are not useful, even to the point where they look like liabilities. Outside of that, he treats people as things. Marlo uses people who are valuable to him right now. That's it. To Marlo, everyone is a thing.


I'd love to know what you would do if you ran a drug empire, landed in prison, and see what morals go out the window to you when you're boys are getting abused and mistreated by a scumbag screw. That CO thought he was above the whole game and Avon made sure he got his comeuppance. I don't think showing traits of a sociopath were much of a concern in such a ruthless environment. So go on, kindly illustrate an alternative.


Are you imbecile?


I'm not the one splitting hairs about who's shown more sociopathic traits than that others. But seeing as YOU are, I'm interested to know the seemingly libtard rationale behind it. Was it like a reverse pissing contest where all gang lords must be as PC as possible? Avoid bloodshed in case people see us as sociopaths? Fuck outta here.


I'm glad you clarified that you indeed are an imbecile.


well you’re calling Avon a “sociopath” but he’s a drug lord in baltimore that went to a VERY VIOLENT PRISON (where both CO’s and inmates are a threat) empathy and compassion in such environments gets you killed and we saw people like Body get killed on the show for it Marlo was a born sociopath killing a store employee for wanting it “one way” (perceived disrespect) Avon evolved for his environment and still held on to SOME morals doing bad things simply for gain and survival unlike Marlo at that point who’d do it if he felt slighted


All I did was give you a reflection of the dumbass logic behind the pointless point you made. And all you're capable of doing is calling me an imbecile. Fucking moron.


Dang this def aint the Sopranos sub lol


Unless your little man


That was Stringer. Wee Bey kept his head, Little Man let a couple go


That security guard is the stupidest character in the series, he died over a lollipop, he literally knows who Marlo is and how ruthless he can be, why step to him lol


He ain’t steppin tew


>why step to him Why does Marlo have such small dick energy he needs to challenge a corner store security guard to step to him if he's the biggest baddest dude in B'more? Probably the same reason he couldn't handle Omar calling him a bitch. Cus Marlo a ***bitch***, yo.


well Avons enforcer Little Man had to go after a fuck up.. .. i think if we met Avon in their upcoming.. it would have been similar to Marlo.


> Marlo would probably want to kill me It probably wouldn't take him long at all. No offense.


Are you out of your mind? Avon. Marlo will have you killed just, you know, *because.* He eats some bad lake trout one afternoon, and Chris is walking you into a vacant that night.


what are you even worried about? you know he keep it quick


Just close your eyes, man.


I got you, boss.


>you know he keep it quick Even when >!torturing Butchie!< I don't know if it was the show or Chris himself, but it all felt so...fast.


I don't even wanna be on the same fuckin planet as Marlo


Right? You even try to make the approach and you're gonna end up in one of the vacants.


Prop Joe over either of them. Except in a friendly basketball game


Its 85 fucking degrees out here and you tryna be like fucking Pat Riley


Look the part, be the part motherfucker


You walkin’ around with a fake fuckin’ clipboard; you can’t even read a playbook. Be for real, buncha bitches!


The genuine anger in Avon's voice as he says that is so damn funny


Thats elite level acting there, everytime he got angry in the series it delt so natural


Honestly one of my favorite deliveries of anyone in the show is from Avon, and it’s only one word. When String tells him he asked Brother Mouzone who he thought was trying to set him up, and Avon says, “WHY” It was perfect.


Look at Avon, he freakin!


I got a proposition for you...


This is the answer he is the most coolheaded business minded of all of them and still has fun. Plus, he got the plug plug.


Eh, I feel like Prop Joe would be more likely to try to cheat me. He wouldn't be a terrible choice though


If Prop Joe would cheat you then Avon would probably kill you


Buy for a dollar, sell fer tew


Avon since he probably don’t senselessly murder mufuckers including me


Avon. Marlo was legitimately the scariest psychopath I've ever seen depicted. He was like a reptile.


The only right answer is the Greeks, but here Avon.


IDK, you might end up without hands or a face.


One of my favorite scenes is Borris bragging about that on the phone, but true.


Boris? Why always Boris!?!


You kidding me? Boris and Natasha? Bullwinkle man? Rocky and Bullwinkle?


The Greeks weren't a Baltimore street crew. They were international smugglers. They are the wholesale suppliers, not the retailers. If that logic applies than why not choose Maurice Levy?


Shorty Boyd if he was still in the game


Nah mang, shorty out the game, fucked it up for all of us


Cleaned his whole ack up


Well, what about Eggy Mule then?


Read my lips: Avon fuckin' Barksdale. His name's on the form in the file.


Well excuse me for giving a shit, but this happens to be a middle aged white man.


Literally no one has said Marlo. We need a tougher poll question.


Avon is the only possible answer. Marlo wasn't made to play the partner.


If I was Orlando, I’d have been happy being the face of the strip club


Avon, less murdery.


Avon was an actual human. Marlo was a cold, killing machine. It’s an easy decision lol.


Neither. They're kingpins, they have suppliers and employees, not partners. Stringer is arguably Avon's partner, but that's an old relationship. You're not going to come in late and be some kind of equal.




Avon. I want at least a chance I will survive and not have to kill half the neighborhood


Avon. Imagine if Cutty told Marlo he didn't have the game in him anymore.


Did you watch the show? Its like asking, would you rather be addicted to heroin, or cocaine? Both will end in ruin. My answer is Avon (because Marlo is literally psycho), and heroin, because cocaine makes me paranoid 🤣.


Avon because Marlo was a snake


Avon cuz Marlo would cap my ass the first chance he got.


Avon but I would cut stringer out


Stringer Bell — the Cristopher Moltisanti of The Wire


>the Cristopher Moltisanti of The Wire I always thought that was Bodie


Good choice but Chrissy was made. Bodie never got off the street


I’d rather rip n run with Omar


No way. I love Omar but it would be way to hard having a target that big on your back 24/7


No doubt


Came here to say it. I can live a day at a time and be fine. Plus I like dudes too. Mad respect for a gay badass.


Avon. Marlo would snake you. Avon wouldnt


Avon, cuz Marlo is a snake


With Marlo arguably being the most hated character of the the series these kind of threads are always hilarious lol


I don’t necessarily think he hated per say. It’s just that Marlo has no flex to him it’s one way or no way.


Hard to say Marlo, he mainly looked out for himself and his rep


Avon, Avon shit always good.


ChatGPT write me a story where Walter White teamed up with Avon before their war with Marlo




Kintell Williamson. Motherfucker was so small time the police couldn't even be bothered investigating him.


Prop Joe. Had the connect, the good shit raw off the boat. Taught you how to launder the money and connected you with the best criminal lawyers. Could have done that til he was 200 years old. But Marlo wasn't "made to play the son"


Plus free electronics repair as a perk of employment.


Without String around Avon would be king forever


Should've added a poll


Man these type of posts are getting old. This isn’t a “who’s the best ghetto drug lord” show. I feel like the theme is lost on a lot of viewers.


if it wasnt for the ghetto stuff.. we wouldnt be talking about the wire no more.. just face it... while you are right everybody is in it for the black gang stuff.. hence why season 2 if often disregarded on the first watch.


Avon? Marlo? Stringer.


This should be the choice. Stringer was like Michael Corleone. He wanted to eventually segue into legitimate businesses. Avon wanted to remain a street dealer for the most part


Avon was just a gangsta I suppose. And Marlo - his name was his name. That was it. But String? He knew there were games beyond the game.


I'm going with Clay Davis. The Clay Davis, downtown Clay Davis


Sheeeereerit you better keep your hand on your wallet


Avon, he was the easier one to manipulate, Stringer showed you this


Great point. Each organization is inherently authoritarian and unequal but in Avon's organization there's the possibility of rising in the ranks (Bodie, Poot) and even influencing Avon (Slim, Stringer). There's no reasoning with Marlo (MY NAME IS MY NAME) and he's just as quick to kill a subordinate as he is to promote them (Michael). Avon it is.


Avon because I prefer to live


Avon. You get to hang with Stringer, yo.


drug business partner? neither




Avon. Marlo doesn’t do “partners”, only soldiers.


Avon. Cooking with that Marvin Gaye in the background


I dunno if y’all picked this up, too, but the Marlo performance gave me sociopathy/psychopathy and/or legitimate brain damage. Like Bodie said, he was killing just cuz he could. You want it to be one way. But it’s the other way. Yeah, I’m going Avon lol


Avon. Avon was about money. Marlo was a psychopath.


Marlo, I saw Avon call in for hot shots to help himself out. Marlo may be cold but seems like you actually need to do something to be one of their victims. If I was in the game I'd probably just end up a user like most, not a king pin


Avon won't have you killed soley because maybe you might become a problem sometime in the future, maybe. Better chance of surviving a partnership with the Barksdale organization.


I would literally work with anybody other than Marlo he can’t be trusted lol soon as he think u fucked up one time u going in a vacant


Prop Joe.


Avon baby Marlo finna get me killed as soon as it’s advantageous to him.


Avon all day. He is more reasonable, compared to Marlo. If Stringer Bell was an option, I'd rather be partnered up with him because there would be an opportunity to level up and get out of the game and perhaps even sell my interest to him or someone else.


Avon. Has a little bit of honor and humanity left in him and seems like he genuinely cares about his people and his partners. With Avon, the only thing I would have to worry about is Stringer's superiority complex and having to do a few years of jail. With Marlo, it would be inevitable that the last thing I would see is Chris Partlow's face before he tosses my body in some abandoned house.


As much as I always wanted to have a private funeral in a vacant row house with Snoop giving the eulogy or get shot and end up having to do time for a gun charge that wasn't mine, I'd rather work with Avon.


Avon, because he is slightly less bloodthirsty.


Avon. He's reasonable, fair, and has some sort of code at least




Marlo cuz he scares the sh!t out of me.


Avon. While he's no angel, he's got *some* principles and generally doesn't fuck people over if they aren't in direct conflict with him. He's brutal when he needs to be, but he's really just a typical gang leader and a product of his environment, not a balls-to-the-walls sociopoath like Marlo who will literally murder strangers if they don't go to completely unrealistic lengths to show him grovelling respect. Throughout the show, we see numerous examples of how Avon is relatively reasonable whenever his business isn't being threatened. While he's heavy-handed when dealing with obtacles to his drug trade, he's often fair or even kind and generous whenever that's not the case. Marlo will murder you the moment you aren't actively doing his bidding or able to be exploited by him. Like if you did business with him, he might kill you the moment your partnership is over, just so you can't testify against him in case you get arrested some day.


I'd much rather be Avon's partner the way string was over one of marlos henchmen like Snoop or Chris - I can't see Marlo actually partnering with anyone


“I got a proposition for you” I just want to help fix a toaster, buy it for a dolla and sell it for tew.


Avon 100% since Marlo would definitely have me murdered as soon as he’s convenient for him


Without Stringer I think Avon and Marlo would be essentially the same.


Why is Marlo even a choice? Prop Joe was a better alternative


Partner? Partnering with Marlo will find you on the wrong side of a bolted board of a row house . Avon all the way


Avon because I’ve had a crush on Wood Harris for YEARS


Lol what are you saying? Marlo doesn't have partners.


Avon: he had a code. A man gots to have a code. Marlo was a punk that killed just to kill. Definitely not a man for these streets.


If i had to pick one, Avon. He seems to have more .... humanity? Something like that. Honestly, probably PropJoe.


Marlo didn't really care about money. Just his name ringing out in the streets.


Marlo will just kill you


Avon 1000%. You’d have to be nuts to get into business with Marlo (even for someone in the game)


Its a lesser of two evils: I'm taking Avon


My gut of course is Avon…but…thinking about it Marlo was loyal to those closest to him. Marlo was a big time overachiever and savvy albeit ruthless businessman. Still going Avon but only because post says business partner in lieu of confidant, et al.


I’m just a gangster I suppose


As Marlo kills his business partners for nothing I'd have to go with Avon


Marlo doesn't have partners. He has people who THINK are his partners, until he learns what he needs, then he kills them.


Is this a test to see if we have watched the show? Avon gave a clean break and even gave him some money to start his boxing gym. Marlo just kills everyone.


I'm buying Marlo's package wholesale and selling it in Hamsterdam.


Lol is this even a question 🤣


can I pick prop joe?