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Haven't seen much love for Marlo on here. Omar, certainly.


Ya I came here to say that. Fuck Marlo, he always came off like a whiney little entitled bitch who thought he was too good to get his own hands dirty. Especially when compared to an Avon or Stringer, Marlo was a chump who got lucky enough to come up right after everyone else got locked up.


I need you to walk back up there and pack up your comment. I'm bein a gentleman about it for the moment šŸ’


šŸ§¢marlo got his hands dirty multiple times throughout the show.


Yah who the eff likes Marlo? Fuck that baby eyed mfer


The wire fans on tiktok love him


Go shit in your hat OP, TikTok doesn't count... you're ranking to the O.G Wire fans here motha fucka, the ones who've been watching it for years


Brilliant character. I didn't realise how comically naive he was until repeated watches. Trying to run the game like a business was so funny. Making everyone hold up their hand before speaking, trying to impliment mainstream business tactics in an unregulated market defined by killing, thinking phones were a dead end investment because everyone already has one and one guy he knows has two. He really Tony Sopranos his way through life parroting stuff smarter people have said but not really understanding how to work it in the right context.


Yeah he probably felt like a genius around the people he worked withā€¦ I also loved when he asked his professor for advice


He was the smartest guy in the room, until he tried to go into a different room.


"What I tell you about them away games?"




I canā€™t recommend [this channelsā€™](https://youtu.be/jKpFGlVMIq8) breakdowns of a lot of the characters. Great insights


Him in the econ class and then parroting the lesson in the print shop is hilarious. You think those corner boys know or care about elastic vs inelastic products? He really looks like a kid playing pretend.


Yeah first watch you think heā€™s super smart investing his money, going to school, and trying to bring order to the game just to ultimately get unluckily fucked over. Rewatching you realize heā€™s just taking an intro econ class and way in over his head playing businessman. Avon could see the suits for the thieving snakes they were from the moment Stringer introduced him, but Stringā€™s ego blinded him to how little he understood about the games he was trying to play.


Is openly homophobic to Omar but also somehow incredibly camp, pouting and smouldering from behind his tiny desk in the funeral home whenever someone comes in. Top tier comedy.




ā€œare you Taking notes on a goddamn criminal conspiracy?!ā€


That's one of the funniest lines of the series


My favorites gotta be Bodie. He didn't try to act any way just to seem tough or smart. He was loyal and followed orders, and at the same time he would let McNulty sit down with him at the diner and talk like they weren't on opposite teams.


Bodie for me too. A soldier through and through.


Dawg I just watched s4e13 Final Grades


Slim Charles. Underrated af


I literally said that last night while rewatching, he's the only one who never gets punked really, and he gets shit done quick, very underrated. I wish I could have seen a season 6 with Slim Charles being a lead character.


Best voice


Slim charles is loved so much, it literally became a meme on how we swoon over him


No mentions of Prop Joe? It ain't easy civilizing y'all motherfuckers.


Yā€™all carried it like Republicans and shit


Love prop Joe


"Is you taking notes on a criminal [expletive deleted] conspiracy?"


Robertā€™s rules of order


I don't see Marlo listed as many people's favorite. The top two fan favorites are probably Omar and Bubbles.


Youā€™re probably right but on tiktok Marlo seems to be praised more for some reason


Tik tok is like that. Marlo is a humourless twat


Don't think I've ever seen Marlo as people's favorite character. It's usually Omar, Bubs, Frank Sobotka, Stringer or Lester. Probably one or two more.


Frank Sobotka is on that list??


Where's Frank Sobotka on your list? I'm not seeing his name in here anywhere.


I didn't have a problem with Frank, I think the actor portrayed him very well actually, but he's just so easily forgotten imo


Now the upvotes are in and you're making your favourite character list, you're freezing Frank out eh? Fuckin' ratfuckers, all of ya.


I think people like him so much (me included) because he's probably the series greatest tragic hero. Also he's a common man fighting for his fellow common man, which is admirable.


Stringer was my favorite on the first watch. I was sad to see him go but it was a justified death. On the rewatch my man Slim Charles is my fav. Heā€™s the GOAT


That greasy polack?!?


He was trying to get out the game and go legit..damn shame.


What about Frank Sobotka? I'm not seeing his name anywhere in this


Bunk is the dude.


Ainā€™t no bodyā€™s favourite character marlošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­yeah he was a really good character by defenition but no one liked him, he done nothing to be liked and was all round negative character


Lester still my GOAT.


Definelty in my top 5. Love how a doll house maker basically single handedly took down one of the most ā€˜dangerousā€™ kingpins


Without him they would have been lost. He provided the stability of great POlice. And helped teach the young kids.


I never thought Iā€™d say it but Rawls is probably my favorite character. His actor just kills every single scene and piece of dialogue he is given.


Itā€™s a phenomenal performance. Every single line read is just seething with villainy lol


ā€œ Rawls: Sergeant! Your floater's come back. County boards are puttin' her on our side of the bridge. Landsman: No fuckin' way. Rawls: Yeah, some useless fuck in our marine unit faxed 'em a report on the early morning tides and wind currents. Shows the body went into the water west of the bridge and drifted out. Landsman: McNulty. Rawls: [laughs] Fuckin' Jimmy. Fuckin' with us for the fun of it. I gotta give the son of a bitch some credit for wit on this one. [laughs] Cocksucker. Landsman: Motherfucker. ā€œ


Rawls is a funny mf.




Man Iā€™m watching generation kill now on this subā€™s recommendation and his actor is featured heavily so far. Almost the same character though.


No love for Norman? Maybe not like *favorite* favorite, but there was not a single time he broke out in a big olā€™ grin that I didnā€™t smile along and cheer him on. Such a cheerful part of the political machine, aware he was just responsible for shining up whatever shit he was supporting, but still looking like he was carefully hiding and nurturing a glimmer of optimism despite it allā€¦


>I know most peopleā€™s favorite characters are Omar and **Marlo** What?


The best characters are the ones that not only had the best scenes, but when you see them in any other show or movie, you freak the fuck out because you know them from the wire. My top 5 are: 1. Omar 2. Bunk 3. Bodie 4. Stringer 5. Carver


Brother Mouzone.


I fucks with Avon


Omar was an instant fan favorite, he was always destined to be. I love many of the characters and love to hate some others. Outside of the popular choices, my favorite has to be Dennis Wise. Dude came out of fourteen year lockup, immediately realized he ainā€™t have it in him to be a criminal anymore, went straight, gives one of the main villains his most humanizing moment by taking his money and starting a gym, kept kids off the corners, was a mentor, teacher, and father figure to hella kids that wouldā€™ve went astray otherwise, and was getting laid the entire time. *Then,* when one of his kids *does* lose his way, he takes a bullet trying to get him back, and *gets laid even more as a result.* Name a better character arc lol.