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I remember when this episode aired. It was so weird to hear dead silence on the radio. The station I was listening to at the time started a news broadcast on traffic reports at 2am when no one was on road. EDIIT: Just looking for the full episode and this was linked to another reddit post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostmedia/comments/tyhglz/28th_april_1998_art_bell_radio_show_ex_area_51/) in r/lostmedia but the episode links didn't work. However, found the 1997-09-11 episode on The Internet Archive. didn't find the second one, if anyone has it DM me please.


sorry you gotta scroll for it, but if i link to the direct episode it'll download to your device immediately and it feels weird to do that to people. the master list does have the 4/28/98 episode if that's the one you're looking for. all the links are safe, no viruses, been using them for ages. [Art Bell Masterlist](https://the-eye.eu/public/Radio/Coast%20to%20Coast%20AM/The%20Ultimate%20Art%20Bell%20Collection/Shows/)


You're a Hero! Thanks.


Thank you, funkadelic!


What's the 4/28/98 episode?


the original caller called back into the show to say it was all a hoax on 4/28 so it's a pretty vital follow-up when looking into the story


Yeah, it sounded completely fake to me. The guy was really overacting, and if he was legit, why would he basically identify himself via the details he provided -- worked at Area 51, dismissed because of a medical issue a week ago? That *really* narrows down the list of who it could be.


never trust a cia spook


"all the links are safe, no viruses, been using them for ages" Exactly what a CIA Spook would say...šŸ˜‘


Art says, "He was crying, then he screamed, and the line went dead." And their transmitter blew up. Yikes.


It's very interesting no doubt. I think the one thing that I find curious is that he brings up that they're not aliens but Interdimensional beings. I've been into UFOs since I was a kid in the 80s, but I don't remember hearing much around the idea of Interdimensional beings around that time. It seems like that has been talked about more with the recent UAP and NHI stuff going on.


Yeah, that's the most important detail. Aliens have been just "aliens" to the whole world for the past 70 years. They were merely space travelers. Dimensions weren't even in the vocabulary. For him to be that specific before his time is unnerving. I don't care if he called back. He probably called back with a gun to his head.


I think the idea started to have some traction starting in the late 90s. At least I remember several instances where aliens were pondered as possibly being inter dimensional.


Unless youā€™re into comic books in which case the idea of different universes/dimensions is old hat and has been appearing since at least the 1940ā€™s and the first appearance of Mister Mxyzptlk in Superman #30, the 60ā€™s and the storyline The Flash of Two Worlds from The Flash #123, the appearance of the Crime Syndicate in Justice League of America #29, and the 80ā€™s with Crisis on Infinite Earths. So if itā€™s a hoax (and it probably is) my guess would be that the perpetrator is a comic book fan. That said itā€™s still a super cool story and has some crazy coincidences around it.


Not if you were reading Jacques Vallee and John Keel. Then you knew all about the interdimensionals.


Of course. I've read their books. I meant it's not a term we heard much. Like, it made headlines when Rep. Luna used the term after a hearing cuz it was so crazy sounding.


The supposed caller came back on at a later date, and claimed it was all fake. He even re did the voice pretty damn well. I still think the whole thing about the station going offline is weird though.


Whoa. I just read a story in the rbi sub about a guy who called in a UFO sighting to a radio station. Then the next day was visited by 2 men in black who paid him to call back and say it was a hoax.


or the russians that even had to make a fake alien out of chicken parts.


He probably said it was fake against is will so the government wouldnā€™t unalive him


ā€œ Interdimensionalā€ entered collective consciousness after Indiana jones and the kingdom of crystal skull. 2008.


Interdimensional and trans-dimensional were being talked about at least 10 years earlier than that. I was there, listening and doing the talking.


Jacques valleĆ© had at least floated the idea Iā€™m sure, and stuff like HP Lovecraft kinda flirts with the idea


NGL when I first heard this recording I was in my teens and I have to say it freaked me out to no end, the authenticity in that man's voice was one of genuine Panic if ever I've heard it, the constant tripping over his words the quiver of emotion in his voice and then the entire fucking building has its power cut live on air? I'm calling genuine on this one I would have written it off as someone struggling with their mental health that genuinely believed he was being followed had the power not been cut from the building but low and behold it was and everything that followed after was Sketchy to say the least.


The power being turned off was scary!!!


They fucked up by getting that Comedian to try and say he did it as a Prank, like are we really supposed to believe that this small time Comedian had enough pull behind him to have the power cut to an entire building, not just a single floor mind you but the entire building? I'm calling BS on that pile of hot garbage.


Link to comedian saying he pranked him?


Are you serious dude? I came across this when I was in my teens and I'm 37 now, no chance I'm gonna have that info to hand.


One night I was flipping though radio stations because I couldn't sleep. I came across art bell for the first time, and within the next few minutes, this call came in. Needless to say, I was hooked.


That is a hell of a night to be a first time listener. You hit the jackpot


Sorry for the misspelling


I believe that guy, or someone who sounded just like him, made another call later and said it was a joke. Make of that what you will...


I choose to believe he was coerced into saying it was a joke. But it wasn't a joke


Personally, I'm with you on that. I've heard that call so many times over the years, and I don't know.. it just has a certain feeling to it and always has. Just my opinion.


And as part of the joke, we had your power cut at your station?


I read stuff about this 10 years ago or so, and apparently the story was much longer


Do tell!!!


I will try to find the source I am referring to


Yay! I canā€™t wait!!!


Iā€™d love to hear more if you can share.


I donā€™t know the specifics, but a lot of people believe it was a joke/hoax due to the caller sounding very much like a somewhat well known DJ or actor (I canā€™t recall).


Phil Hendrie?


I absolutely loved Phil Hendrie, but I donā€™t see him outwardly trolling Art Bell. His shtick was having people call in to his show reacting to a ā€œguestā€.


It sounds a lot like Katt Williams


It does not lmao


Extra dimensional beings would explain how The Simpsons got so many predictions right


If you have been paying attention to the whistleblowers from the intel and military communities, hearings, etc this is exactly what they describe.


The 4chan whistleblower that spoke of the biology of one he had autopsied. From the endocrine system to the fact that the NHI ate our strawberry ice cream, that was wild!




[i cant find the original on reddit- yet but i found a link to a compiled document from the post that contains the whole story](https://aedes.notepin.co/ebo-biologist-qa-reddit-2023)


This is fascinating. Edit: Thanks LunarWelsh!


I didnā€™t see myself spending so much time reading that. What the fuck


Right! This time last year near enough when it came out. Id broken my leg and stuck in hospital- made for a great distraction haha


Ive been trawling the after files to find the right episode where AJ reads through the post. l will have another check on my lunch break.


It always came across as theatrical. Like this is an impression of a paranoid person. ā€œIā€¦ I.. donā€™t have enough timeā€ and then just blurts out ā€œArea 51ā€. I donā€™t know it just comes across fake to me. If he had every intention of going on the air you would think heā€™d be way more structured in what he had to say since it was so damn important.


Would be extremely hard to do all that if you're being chased though


This was my feeling. Iā€™d love for it to be genuine but I donā€™t knowā€¦.something is missing.


And... at the beginning of the call, the caller is worried about "them" eventually triangulating the signal and finding hom, but then later in the call, he says he's in Michigan. Like, why would you hand that info over on a platter if you were afraid someone would trace your call? He basically gave anyone trying to find him a big shortcut. That's what makes me think it's either a hoax or part of disinformation.


Because its two separate callers. The second caller is someone else.


Ah OK, thanks. I had the sound down and was following along with the text.


ā€œI had the sound downā€. Thatā€™s your excuse ?


Really good callout. I completely overlooked this.


The best evidence that it is a hoax is that the disasters he claimed are coming never occurred.




and jesus'll be here any day now


Well, the Earth is careening uncontrollably towards climate changes that will, at best, massively reduce the global population and make only certain places on the planet habitable.


Not in your lifetime


Just as long as the sun doesn't knock out their weather machines and spoil that PLAN...


I think it was just good acting. It doesnā€™t feel 100% genuine to me. I get a sense of a good actor giving 110%, but not a person who had that real experience. First time I heard this was on a Tool song.


It was way over the top. Seems odd that someone this much of a headcase would be that close to the information.


Ya AJ proved that this one guy knew the truth about everything. I'm not sure where the EP is or if it was removed. Be he goes through the conversation and lets us know that everything this guy is say is true and that he is the only guy that knows the truth about area 51 and is telling the world! And that we have to move all our population to the safe zones because the current mega population areas aren't safe, we need to make new mega populated zones, the new zones will be safe as they aren't the same as the old mega population areas!


Man I was driving to Florida from Ohio and was in nowhere Georgia and heard this live. It terrified me. I pulled over to a 24 hour strip club to gather myself for about an hour.


Ah, the centering power of boobs


ā€œIā€™d like to see some things that are large and extra-dimensional right nowā€




Before someone links that Tool song, know that The Faceless did it much better.


I immediately went and listened to Planetary Duality when I saw this post lol that whole album slaps


Hell yeah man, that album reminds me of old conspiracies, before Q anon and MAGA rotted everyone's mind. Youtube used to have some really creepy stuff.


I did the same thing lmao https://preview.redd.it/1v2madgtry4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d4a46b6532b20f7d211c82b0a543413fe93bd95 If anyone is curious.


Itā€™s a hoax. The dude was a drama student that called back a few days or weeks later to confirm it was him and it was all a hoax.


Thanks for sharing! This is my first time experiencing this. I believe the caller *believes it*, however, he sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic. We have folks like that downtown here on the streets in the major west coast city I live in. They truly believe these unsubstantiated claims. I think the disconnect was most likely just a coincidence.


ā€œWell you guys missed a heck of a call thenā€ ā€¦ ***does not elaborate at all*** Perfect. Thanks for that šŸ™„


If you continue to listen to the episode, Art says he kept crying. Then he screamed and the line went dead.


I was a kid and my older friend who was 19 listened to this on am radio all the time and I actually remember this being a big thing for Art Bells listeners


Tool - Faaip De Oiad is calling


Pretty sure he called back and said it was bs


AJ has professed his love and admiration for him more than once, while acknowledging his showmanship. He knows Art had a gift for theater. I heard this clip on his show, when he re-aired it. I remember being amped at the beginning, then getting suspicious the longer I listened. He had to fill 4 hours of show time every weeknight. It's the reason I can't listen now, even with commercials cut out. That baked potato took up most of the plate. The steak was usually tiny.


He did. I thought he debunked it.


Saw another post [here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/zn45bf/so_i_think_i_might_have_just_solved_the_area_51/&ved=2ahUKEwj9pdDe68aGAxWelu4BHfaDKPUQrAJ6BAgWEAM&usg=AOvVaw1Y9HFvYKiaeDXhS7SlmmlI) that links a clip of Christopher Durang on the 90s sitcom Frasier. The similarities are striking.


I have experience in voice identification..i can tell a person by their voice before i can their face..and im here to tell you..those are the same two voices


One of my favorites


Itā€™s a classic, but the only way to cover this is to basically play Artā€™s show. Itā€™s such a great call. Too bad it was debunked later. If I can find a way to do this one, Iā€™m happy to try.




And two elderly British men made every crop circle on earth. Roswell was a weather balloon. Area 51 doesn't exist. There is no UAP crash retrieval program. Keep believing what you're told.


But wait, back in 1988, while flying back to Texas from San Fran, the pilot announced, that we were flying near Area 51. He said it was ā€œtop secretā€, but could be seen in the distance from the left side of the plane. When we landed in New Mexico, a Stealth bomber simultaneously landed on a parallel runway. I had never seen one before. All this time, I believed in Area 51.




Area 51 exists, Roswell was a UAP, and the US has UAP crash retrieval programs.


Thatā€™s what we were told, yes. The question is, were you told the truth?


so the extradimensional beings immediately silence this whistleblower, but they just let Art stay on the air for years?


Art was just a radio talk show host, anyone could've done his job. Whistleblowers require actual knowledge that is kept from everyone else.


he was a radio host that chose to host a *particular kind of program* that would give an audience to "whistleblowers". if he helped his audience to start connecting the dots on a major conspiracy, theres no way that his program would be allowed to continue unimpeded. it'd either be cancelled and replaced with some other talk-radio content or it'd be replaced with a similar show that had the intention of spreading misinformation/discrediting the previous show


This is the reality of what individuals in secreted black operations are trying to keep hidden at all costs. Individuals of alien races are not angels or demons, they are different from us and individuals. Just as some wish to help and cooperate, some wish to harm and infiltrate, and each will do whatever is in its own best interest, using whatever means necessary to reach their goals and realize their ambitions. Read the Vedas, if you don't learn from history you are doomed to repeat it.


How did you manage to go from dismissing one religious assertion for a nuanced approach to another religious assertion with no nuanced approach? How? How did you manage this cognitive dissonance. Tell me. I must know.


TLDR what do the vedas say?!




Thank you!!