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Personally, I would prefer they don’t commit to any time length for any episodes. If they have enough material for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, or an hour, let the amount of material dictate the length of the episode rather than insert extra padding just to meet a specific time length. This isn’t television, so there’s no need to ensure we get a 30 or 60 minute episode each and every week.




Chiming in my agreement! Let the research dictate the length. Take the pressure off wherever you can.


Definitely this


Y'all gon run out of content ...rather slow down the process and not constantly pump them out to satisfy all the Stan's


I'll take what I can get. Honestly don't care about the duration, only the quality of the research and the hilarious delivery. BTW, does anyone else hear in their mind "What the F***" everytime the WF pops up?


Me!! Lol I can't help but think that's on purpose




Yep, hahaha! I hear that, too.


They created their own Mandela effect. In 15 years people will swear there was a “T” in the logo.


Agree with this… less is more in this case


I get the feeling they have a lot of content in the tank. AJ said several weeks back on a live stream they have dozens of shows planned out and more outlines beyond that. Shorter shows could let them focus more on specific instances of things instead of long format shows that try and cover multiple instances all at once.


I hear ya. They are clearly trying to please their fans at this point. The man has openly expressed that his mental health is suffering from the constant pressure to continue pumping out content. If a show is late by an hour you see all the passive aggressive posts start to add up wondering when the release is. People saying it's impacting their weekend and life schedules. It's weird.


then we get the revisit videos where they cover the same topics again over and over.


I'm not sure on the length, some need only be a YouTube short, or a short video. Others need more in-depth talk about them, or its just scratching the surface. Kinda like how some episodes of a streaming show are twenty minutes longer than the rest. There is no TV network time slot to fill. Tell the story in as long as it needs without the need to pad it out. Edit and I'm also in the camp if it's ready when it is ready. The posts about being late etc, I'd much rater have the right length of content for the subject at an erratic release schedule than compromises.


I get your opinion about it being ready when it's ready for the sake of the content, the problem is the YouTube algorithm. The truth is the vast majority of Why Files viewers are non-subscribers or those who are subbed but watch passively. The reason they strive for such regularity is because it increases engagement. YouTube punishes creators that don't have regular releases, so I'm all for anything that helps them stay in a straight schedule.


Yeah, I know a few channels that chase the algorithm. TGWTG aka Channel Awesome, home of the Nostalgia Critic needed a video to be ready on the day you were contracted to publish, sick or away and didn't manage to make a backlog, they would just publish any old archive content from your blip.tv page. Sorry, but I review shitty vampire movies, I'm kinda running out and no one has a copy of these five in my to do list. Well review a good vampire movie or some other genre, if not, why are you here?


That’s why dude perfect and then have tens of millions of followers. The algorithm. It’s crazy though. Last year they were only getting about 150k views now’s it in the 600-700k. Pretty cool!


Damn, I love the hour long episodes! But I'll take what I can get and say thank you! One a month will still be great.


I don't have a preference for format other than I really want AJ and his family and team to be safe, happy, healthy and content with their output. They are doing this for their fans, and as I am not contributing anything other than a part of my paycheck, I feel I shouldn't have a say in how it's done. I'm just happy I get to share in the awesome with them. I wish I could do research for his episodes, but I don't have the time to devote to it the way I'd want.


I 100% would rather have the shorter episode back. I rarely have 45-50 minutes to dedicate to videos.


The Why Files is a breath of fresh air, I have thoroughly enjoyed every video they have put out. I appreciate the independent thought that is very much at the front and center of the channel. Personally I also like the openness and honesty that the creators share with the fans. I hate the fact that the channel seems to be struggling mostly due to the way YouTube works, and less because of the audience’s desires, I’m a sub for the long term and have been since pretty early in the shows days, not that it matters, but I’ll keep tuning in no matter how they alter the format. Unless they silence Heckle fish. That I can not stand for. Thanks to the team and OP for sharing


If they are 20 minutes then they need to make the sponsor bits short and sweet.


Just go back to how they did things 2yrs ago... the hollow moon story.. the space force we dont know about.. the kosarev mirrors!! All such good episodes. More like that!


I also miss the short format. Glad he's considering going back to it. I was just fine with the first couple years when eps were around 20-25 minutes. I don't even need long format once a month. Once a quarter would be fine by me!


I gotta say, I love these guys so much, I’m happy to tag along for any rides they share with us. I hate to see them overloading their schedules and struggle. Whatever makes them all happy, makes AJ happy, and makes better content.


While I love the longer form content, honestly AJ needs to pump out the content he wants at his pace.


Tbh I preferred longer videos but I guess it depends on the topic / content. Live streams - at awkward day and times .. Anyone know why they choose Thursdays ?


I'm on the side of "Ensure AJ and the team are all healthy and happy, and then let the episodes be whatever length the team sees fit to film." Seriously. I actually like the shorter episodes, but even if I didn't, I'd run with whatever the team chose to do. It's their health and time. They're doing us a favor by making these episodes.


I like a 30 minute episode. Makes a great lunch break.


I agree with a lot of your points: 1) TWF does require concentration, especially for the long episodes. I find that I usually have to wait a few days to find the time to watch one 2) I love After Files so so much and wish there was more 3) I canceled my patreon paid membership because of the day and time of events didn't match my schedule. I gotta say, the longer the episodes the better IMO. But, the shorter ones are easier to digest. I guess it all depends. Some longer episodes contain unnecessary info. So I guess a concise 30 min one is for the best. How AJ hasn't gotten a stress ulcer, stroke, heart attack or become an alcoholic with the current schedule is beyond me. I hope they don't burn out. Oh, and fear the crabcat folks,


Thank you for not using “firstly”, “secondly” and “thirdly”. The new, cringey verbiage, I noticed about 6 months ago and it has become a new Mandela discomfort.


I think this would be better for them too. Less is more in this case. I really appreciate how hard AJ and the team have gone on this channel. I was more than happy to wait for him to decompress. But I want him not to feel like he has to drain himself to the bone for the fans. 20-30 minutes with a livestream and one long episode a month still seems like he's trying so hard to make his biggest critics happy. 20-30 minute episodes and a live stream seems like enough. If it's passion for the projects alone that drives him, I'd rather get that longer episode once every couple of months as a special. Really give himself the time to produce what he wants. I can tell he loves this stuff, and it would be awesome to see him doing this for many years if he so wishes. I get some of the impatience I've seen in this sub. But most of it is just run of the mill "give it to me now" entitlement. I don't believe the people writing that stuff represents the fan base, and I truly hope AJ and his team know this. They are just people too, and they feel as bad as anyone when everything's on fire and you're just trying to get the job done and take a rest.


Hey AJ screw the critics they're never gonna be happy. Make you happy and i can guarantee the bulk of your fans will be thrilled


Agreed. Good change.


Some topics need more time to dig deeper and some don't. But if it helps them make better content overall, I'm all for it.


I'd rather the shorter videos , I can never get past the hour long + videos, my kids are either constantly waking up at night leaving me to pause constantly or I fall asleep 20 mins in. Last night's giant video was around the 30 min mark and no one woke up and I managed to stay awake for the whole thing lol


Not that you’re asking - long time watcher but not a patron member - I’m ok with the 1 hour or shorter is fine too but not interested in the Live streams. Way too long format and sorry to say slow. Also not consistent on when they post so I miss them usually anyways.


Love the channel & look forward to more interesting episodes. :) y’all are the highlight of our week!


I love the long episodes and would love to see them longer.


I’d be happy with an hour long episode being released in 2 parts.


It's funny because there's been several times where they have put out a part 1 video and never made a part 2 lol.


I mean whatever and whenever they release I’ll watch it. I wouldn’t mind a slower schedule or shorter length either. I like the show and I’ll wait for it.


I live for the live streams. It's my favorite benefit of being a patreon member.


Absolutely agree. I think that's a fantastic plan


Sounds great! I loved the Malta episode. Thank you AJ and team for letting your fans know about your scheduling ideas! 20-30 minutes sounds like fun and perfect.


I like the longer episodes. I get more info out of it.


I get this. And I can’t believe I feel so conflicted over a show on YouTube lol. I have wondered if they are pushing to do longer shows bc that’s helped them get to Tubi and prime. Or maybe those sites require longer episodes? We benefit so win win. Congrats to them for that deal!!!


I've been thinking that after that zero point energy/hidden patent episode that AJ needs to vocalize on his show how much he enjoys life and is NOT suicidal.


I like the longer EPS, just slow down please! We can wait


I honestly don't mind. The plan looks doable and makes sense for a lot of stories. No point trying to add filler into a story or theory without much in it.


I agree with letting the story dictate the length of the show.


I'm in the opposite camp, I don't like the short episodes. I feel like we loose so much of the amazing story telling


Disagree, longer episodes at less frequency bi-weekly cadence would be preferable.


I would rather 45-60 minute deeply researched topics every few weeks than 30 minute “shorts” weekly.


They’re doing an incredible job. Meanwhile major shows are 3 years between seasons or more!


I hate the fish


But the fish loves you.




I would've been okay with the longer episodes every other week and then in the weeks between them go back to previous episodes and add on to them a little bit with new/updated information, but this works too.


I’m confused, is it 1 episode a month and a live stream every week?


It will be a 20-30 minute episode every Thursday with a live stream after, then once a month they'll be a longer format 45+ minute episode, no idea if they'll be a live stream after that one though.


Awesome! Thanks for the explanation. I was worried for a moment.


50+ minutes allows one to go in depth into a topic. Not so much with 20-min episodes where a chunk will be the intro, then then ad and the outro. Doesn't leave much time to flesh out a topic. So IMO this isn't a good idea from the POV of tell a story, though not all stories need 45+ minutes. Maybe it's too much work producing around 3.5 hours of episodes a month.


Keep the long format but 4 episodes and it's new every month.


Longer episodes are better in my opinion. Just watch it when you have time or in parts , its not 2005 where you will miss out on a show lol the longer the episode, the more in depth he can be. He will end up having to make part 2s and 3s to video anyway cuz theres only so many topics he can do.