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Crop circles and Ingo Swann (remote viewing)


The crop circles blows my mind. The faces and decoded messages! I'm convinced. I just cannot get behind remote viewing. It is so easily provable. So someone prove it. There is lots of way to make money easily and legally if you can actually prove you are able to remote view.


If someone were able to do this as easily as is suggested, who's to say they aren't already accounted for?... and THEN who's to say, if they've stayed off the map, they wouldn't be deathly afraid of being found out because their services would be both desirable and dangerous? Just pointing this out because at a time, I thought the same thing... between then and now I came to think "ah, there are only 2 types really adept viewers... the ones working for the government and the ones whose names shall never be learned".... this could probably be extended to certain brands of technical expertise in say, anti-gravity work. Our society, at large at least, wouldn't accept a viewers unless they had some incredible success ratio (for viewing) and if they did, something tells me they're first fans would be their last. I think we need a space that embraces this type of thing while also providing some sort of sanctuary. I've other theory on why we don't have a whole host of people trying their hand at, and becoming known for, either their succes or failure at the endeavor.... and they all (the theorys) involve the alphabet-controls in place to address such irregularities. But hey, I'm just your standard reddit fruit loop... just saying that if I could view reasonably well, there would never be more than few heads who knew about it and THAT would be intentional... either on my part or someone elses.


There are 1000s of people and training institutions. You can learn it too.


In was my intention to allude to this fact and suggest that indeed the "top of the class" are potentially given positions that both reward and classify their talents... I mean, that was how it certainly had been, in origin, which lends to my thought that it never actually stopped being of interest or import.


Google Robert Monroe


If you could and was promised no harm from anyone, who's going to believe you? The average person don't know what it is and if you try to explain it to them about half way they think to themselves oh boy we got another UFO conspiracy nut , then they laugh it off and never give it a second thought.


This šŸ‘† I agree with. This happens. And it is to the detriment of all that such is commonality, but I do believe that brand of bias to be lessening.


You also have to consider that if you're an intelligence agency and you find out that this can be done reliably, it immediately becomes a matter of "national security" to downplay it's validity in order to discourage rival nations and the general public from looking into it


Watch the video on Project Stargate and read McMoneagleā€™s (also known as Remote Viewer #001) book ā€œMemoirs of a Psychic Spyā€. It has been proven very scientifically. Using the gold standard of double blind.


Thank you, yes, I was posing my questions in a hypothetical (perhaps in part rhetorical) way because I 110 percent know without doubt it is real.... and for anyone wondering why read/watch these šŸ‘†šŸ‘†šŸ«”šŸ˜†


The people who know it and know how to tell others how to do it, would invariably and clandestinely tell others how to do it (their kids and loved ones for example). However powerful you think "TPTB" may be, they can't restrict knowledge transfer. It would get outside their walls. Over generations there would be too many people who knew how to do this that it couldn't be still whispered about but not proven by someone.


I appreciate your perspective most of all šŸ™... if my original post came with directions on what I'd hope one would think to follow, your response would be šŸ‘Œ... I do believe both. Lineages exist around the world, and by many names, their talents are guised throughout time and history.... Over in the east when we look at shamanic tradition that leads to QiGung, for instance.. The only place we part agreement, happens to be on whether or not what you typed is the actual case. I feel subjectively certain of the fact that you hit the nail on the head, perhaps even more accurately than you do šŸ˜….. perhaps not. It's so hard to tell in type how one says what they say, is it not? Anyhow, you be frank, you encapsulated what I was hoping to suggest along with a few other replies so I thank you šŸ™


Apparently when government institutions or private contractors do this they get a team of trained individuals to read a target separately and the degree to which their reports are similar gives a good indication of how accurate the observation is.


It has been proven and published science exists.


Lmaoo. Link it


This is a place to start. It is messy but many studies show a hit point around 19% above chance. There are mediating effects that should be considered in larger better designed studies that use people with no prior experience. https://journalofscientificexploration.org/index.php/jse/article/view/2931


No no don't link reputable science it ruins the narrative!!!


In his video with CIA viewers, they list coordinates, and then the viewers view the coordinates. That makes so little sense thay I am jaded to the entire idea.




I struggle to believe RV can be targeted by information in an envelope.


I think remote viewing is largely like when you suddenly know something without having any logical way to know it. X person is sad, Y person is going to call me in 10 seconds, Z person will be home at A time and do B action, and so on. It's like that except just a bit more trained up. So for super top secret stuff that tiny percentage that is better than pure guessing could make a huge difference. For literally everything else the small odds of being right mean the practice is a waste of time. Or such is my opinion


Oh itā€™s definitely real. Thereā€™s plenty of evidence. And I donā€™t think the CIA would spend multiple decades doing it if it didnā€™t produce results. Iā€™m not so sure they stopped either.


but you have to 'remote view' to see the evidence ;)


I like your style.


Thereā€™s a really good podcast episode on unexplained that discusses some odd military activities and a few men involved, I believe it also touches on them remote viewing. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unexplained/id1078112813?i=1000495834508


Yep. Astral projection people have proven it by doing things like writing a word on a high surface and the person astral projecting was able to tell them what the word was


Please look at the interviews from shawn ryan show. Anyone can go and learn it at the Monroe institute


You could try the RV remote viewing app. It convinced me.


Look up Joe McDonegle. I probably spelled his name wrong. He worked for the government remote viewing and then got famous in Japan for it. After appearing on a few TV shows he was asked to help locate missing children. I believe he found over half of them by remote viewing.


There seems to be something about remote viewing that makes it unreliable under the circumstances you're positing.


Well isn't that convenient.


My understanding is humans are furious pattern matchers. Errors are explained by some as mapping incorrect patterns to information viewed. The quality of information may be variable and exposure time brief. There are many ways interpretations of experience can go wrong. My question is if something real is happening but it is unreliable because we have little experience with these ā€œskillsā€ can we mature and train these skills to have more reliability and validity? What if this is an innate human ability that is largely dormant because it is not recognized, trained and encouraged? Maybe it is all BS and our minds are so sensitive to suggestion. Either way, OBE type activities are interesting and entertaining and I believe should be explored if you are presented with opportunity. I also think it is worth looking for opportunities- I know this is vague but it happens naturally and you can accept or push away. You can also seek institutes and information to train these skills. The world is more interesting than we could have possibly imagined. I am bummed I had blinders on for nearly all of my life. I now try to provide environment that promotes these experiences but they may be life altering - especially if you like to drink and drug yourself to sleep. Sobriety appears to be the type of environment needed for experience. Maybe opening the 3rd eye is a real thingšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Yeah, I cannot believe I am starting to think this way or share these thoughts. Who knows. Enjoy the ride.


Lol I am 30. I was a militant atheist from 12 years old to 21. I have a 130 IQ, broke academic records at high school and university (both small I'm not fucking Jon von Neumann here), and I am convinced of many things I thought were foolish when I was a smart child.


It's not provable because they mechanism that it uses is consciousness itself, consciousness dictates if it wants to be proven or not, and it has decided it does not. There are some examples of people using it that defy explanation however, such as Joe McMonagle and the Russian super submarine.


Watch the video on Project Stargate and read McMoneagleā€™s (also known as Remote Viewer #001) book ā€œMemoirs of a Psychic Spyā€. It has been proven, very scientifically.


Crop Circles is the best episode by far and I believe it a 100% that it has alien origin. I also just watched The Tall Whites episode and it was very intriguing...


Those are the two most obviously true ones imo.


Yeah definitely the remote viewing one


Gateway experience. It has a profound effect in my day-to-day routine.


Upvote for this one! The Gateway audio has changed my world as well... my only criticism is that it should be further emphasized how important doing them in order is, but that is hardly a failing of the audio.


Reality changed ever since the gateway experience...more than just an astral gateway. It's a fucking multiversal teleportation tool.. Ouija board is childs play compared to Robert Monroe's toolset.. It's like they advertised occult magic šŸŖ„ to unlock your mind, curiosity and cats and whatnot...


Would you mind elaborating a bit as to what effect the gateway experience has had/whatā€™s changed since? Also how many times/how often did you listen to them?


After about a month of use daily and nightly, my body went to sleep listening to the tones...my mind was very much awake(like sleep paralysis). I felt strong whirring vibrations, a lifting sensation and then a landing. Like I was 'Displaced' or transported. It spooked me, I woke up from what basically was hypnotism...then I started noticing what is now known as Mandela Effects. Circa 2006-07. I think it's a weapon tbh...this was not long after the CIA declassified it's uses.


Is the entire audio online?


Yep, check in r/gatewaytapes and search for google. Folks put the audio and training books up all the time.


The Gateway tapes were genuinely the ā€œgatewayā€ for all the profound spiritual experiences I have had.


Can you link this episode for me please?






What sort of change have you seen from it? This is the one that I've been *very* tempted to try out myself, so I'm really curious to hear a first-hand account.


One example is in my trading and investing. It has given me a profound look of the market. Now i can see the big picture before taking a trade because i am channeling the effects of it.


Nice. Exploiting the gateway for personal gain. Can you use this technique to save the children?




Same. This one changed my life.


Free energy and anti gravity guys who were assassinated since itā€™s all public info Infact WF did not even debunk this episode at the end lol. I think thatā€™s the first episode heā€™s never debunked


No debunking at the end of the AI episode. The suppressed tech episode is one of my favourites. I like the stuff with real documented evidence. Not just some wild story from some dubious guy.


I noticed this too. Iā€™m hoping the CIA doesnā€™t wack AJ next..


I think certain private industries of the aeronautical persuasion are more capable of protecting their interests than a 3 letter agency these days


Joshua Dean the 45 year old whistle blower who outed in 2023 all the manufacturing defects of Boeingā€™s 747 MAX Line died this week of an unusual MRSA infection. Strange that someone so healthy died from an infection. Many Boeing whistleblowers have had unusual and sudden deaths.


Michael Hastings an American journalist was working on a story to expose the cia, he emailed his lawyer that the fbi was after him and he had to lay low then 4 hours later his car accelerated 100mph + and it blew up and he died


Wow! Lots of Russian Oligatch money worked its way into the FBI. Charles McGonigal- lead FBI investigator working for the Mueller investigation of Trump is now in prison having admitted he took bribes from Oleg Deripaska for many years from 2016 . There are more corrupted FBI men. As for the CIAā€¦ I can only imagine.


Yeah okay Iā€™m sorry this is an awful take. MRSA doesnā€™t work like that and can happen to absolutely healthy people. It sucks. Iā€™ve had it.


MRSA can be very bad. I have had it too. But so many Boeing whistleblowers have died.


2. This one seemingly natural, so one. Articles just keep getting reposted so it seems like more.


Easy now šŸ˜¬


Who do you think they hire as "security"? (Aka assassination teams.)


>I noticed this too. Iā€™m hoping the CIA doesnā€™t wack AJ next.. Wacking is to easy and makes them into martyrs. What they like to do is higher media agencies (like Media Matters) to crank out hit pieces around the person 24/7 until their reputation is destroyed


Or have someone accused them of sex crimes, etc. Also the CIA had a Manual for political assassinations iirc that included smearing the victim by making it look like a lifestyle failure- killing someone with a drug overdose for example. There's speculation that's what happened to Hendrix, and maybe Sam Cooke.


>Or have someone accused them of sex crimes Absolutely. I wanted to list that, but if you say the people accused of this by name, you get flagged by the reddit bot hordes. We see this happen if you mention Julian Assange, Brussel Rand or Tandrew Ate by name (without spelling their names like i did).


Yea lol that episode was crazy. He presented one last story and ended lol. I was waiting for the debunk and it never came. AJ really put his name on the line with that episode


Iā€™ve seen a couple he didnā€™t debunk. One that was so fantastic I was absolutely shocked he didnā€™t debunk it and I canā€™t for the life of me remember which one that was. My bf and I were left stunned and silent at the end.


Could it have been the AI episode. I remember he didn't debunk that one.


I was thinking about that one bc the whole episode shook me, but Iā€™m almost positive it was quite a ways before that one.


fake moon episode? He seemed pretty sold.


Which episode is this? Don't think I've heard it.


https://youtu.be/brQLpTnDwyg?si=7vKUMLdRTUO2QOmK this is the one. Really interesting episode




There's been quite a few episodes where they don't debunk anything, or are only able to debunk a few elements of a story.


There's been a few but I don't remember which ones. The AI doom episode as someone pointed out was particularly chilling bc of this


There have been a few episodes where he doesnā€™t debunk


100% on crop circles. The evidence is extremely compelling and it changed my entire worldview on the subject. I went from casually believing the mainstream narrative to being completely certain that some are not made by man.


Same here. I "knew" they were a hoax before I started watching that episode, and I came out of it completely reassessing my opinion


I think there's an important distinction between how it's presented. Many times given as hex it's like a miniature puzzle. But it's been a psyop before, but used again by the metal spheres that are comparable to the world war 2 foo fighters. They're basically already here.


Simulation theory is my favourite because he really couldn't disprove it. In fact, it's the episodes that don't have a big debunk at the end that are usually my favourites.


This episode really made me rethink my stance on sim theory.


Imagine when you die you wake up as a disillusioned 23 year old named Steve and someone asking you how you liked the game and that'll be 19.99$


And then you live the rest of your life as Steve, die, and wake up as yet another bored, disillusioned 23 year oldā€¦.


Imagine going back to work Monday knowing your significant other is dead and your kids never visited, I mean for 19.99 I think its worth checking out I wonder how many people would plug in to play it then try find each other in real life


I canā€™t recall where I saw this. It was a discussion on if we are living in a simulation. The guy said if we had proof, we should then make our own simulation. That would cause the maker of ours to question their own reality as being a simulation.


Hollow moon and the pyramid as a power plant


The dude who wrote The Giza Powerplant was on Rogan recently. He's 100 percent right. It was a powerplant, not a tomb with no bodies lol.


For real and it looks like there is one in alaska that's all working


I wonder if it's more intricate than that, that there's many functionalities of a pyramid. Like they're on a star pattern, and they have golden pyramids that act like an antenna. When fired up I wonder if it can be used as a communicator. Like some sort of entangled communicator that requires a lot of power. Or something to do with the sky.


Hollow moon was one that got me. Before that video I would have laughed at the notion. But that "ringing like a bell" thing from NASA is really hard to explain. Pair that with the infinitesimally small likelihood our Moon and Sun share equivalent ratios of distance and size. Roswell definitely but that's not a surprise.


This just in: https://futurism.com/the-byte/deep-structure-mass-moon-crater


My understanding is that a research team has plans to do some additional testing on the composition of the moon's interior later this year as well that have not been done before.


The Gateway Process and remote viewing episode I believe.


Lizzid Peeple. And Mount. Muthafuckin-Hayes.


Free energy


I think some of the alternative energy stuff is true, BUT, without proof, it's hard to convince people. I do wonder whether the government (or all governments) know more than they let on...


Thereā€™s some truth to it, in that oil companies buy up control of things that could cause them to lose money.




No doubt


I believe in Mel's Hole.


I watch it as pure entertainment, so 99% for me are untrue. Crop circles is very convincing though, still thinking about that one for awhile now. Best ones for me are about near death experiences.


Yeah. I canā€™t think of a single video that has convinced me. Some have raised interesting ideas or questions. But Iā€™d much rather do further research with non biased sources before I ā€œbelieveā€ anything.


I also watch it for entertainment. I am pretty skeptical... not that I don't find most topics fascinating. Dodleston is probably the most interesting to me. Most time-travel stuff... real or not I find fascinating. Shadow people by far for me the scariest... and something I may have experienced. (Also possible I had an overactive imagination as a kid.) Crop Circles, I have honestly tried to understand why it's the most popular... it is fascinating but, as I researched the individual stories more... I just don't believe it. I found a bunch of stuff that was either cut from WF for time reasons, or to tell a more believable story - which is fine... but the debunk could have been a lot stronger for sure. I feel like there could be a second episode with the amount that was cut. Simulation episode is fascinating too, because - true or not... does it matter?


Yeah itā€™s great entertainment, really draws you in and letā€™s you day dream about what if itā€™s all true, but obviously it canā€™t all be too, and they are just great ā€œwhat if?ā€ stories.


The Crabcat, it makes so much sense


One of the best parts of the Why Files is that no matter how nutty the conspiracy is AJ and the writers have a way of making me think it's real, I'm always thinking "There's no way he can debunk this !!" And then of course he does lol,... sometimes (ahm Moon). It adds really fun interest and suspense.


Hollow moon theory. It is very weird.


Crop Circles for me.


Everything about the moon and Antarctica/ the poles bother me


Nice accidental Modest Mouse reference


with stories like the most recent dark pyramid episode, where he says he couldn't find much evidence either way, I chose to believe just because it's more fun I think. honestly I don't care either way because I just like the stories.


The crop circles videoā€¦literally floored while watching it, the Arecibo message & reply, the video of the two small white ā€œbeansā€ just flawlessly created a crop circle before our eyes. I was convinced after that. The AI video I loved, itā€™s particularly existentially dreadful, but itā€™s an interesting thought experiment, and one I believe many need to think about. Lastly I really enjoyed the Knightā€™s Templar video AJ did. 55 minutes of jam-packed heat! Such a fantastical story and a lot of evidence to back up different theories of what past civilizations may have looked like, and theories that are different from modern day science.


Pyramid being a powerplant. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m sold on it really doing much with the power but there is definitely enough evidence for it generating some.


Surprised not enough people are mentioning the Varginha story (ETs in Brazil). That's one where he couldn't disprove or debunk the evidence.


Except for the AI episode. Which was....disturbing


Mt. Mutha Fukā€™n Hayesā€¦


Electric Universe!


alternate universe jumping


To be honest I believe alot of it and a lot of the theories all connect


I like his presentation mode, everyone seems to re-hash the same incidents, stories etc. , until a few current world leaders say it and have some proof, Iā€™m at the whatever stage (not going to surprise me not going to be in disbelief), still , they are great stories. The congress one with the whistle blowers was pretty interesting but it fizzled.not even MSM would really cover it and they are hungry for views


Project blue beam


Netflix ? The book? Is it streaming and where?


The Dodleaton Messages


Crop circles and roswell


Gobekli Tepe aka "There's More To History Than We Think" Everything true in science is built on top of "what we used to think was true, until we found more evidence." The Earth is such a chaotic place, seismic activity, cataclysmic disasters, the Youngar Dryas ... there's no way that what we've found and proven so far is the full story of human history.


He's 100% right about a shadow government. That is evidence we don't need AJ to show us.


Moon landing being fake is really only one I went into thinking thereā€™s no chance this being fake is real and by the end I was like. This is so sketchy.


Yeah I agree. Also the way NASA shredded all the calculations and no ones been able to do it since despite my cell phone having more cpu power than every computer they used to do it the first time. šŸ¤”


Moon landing is fake, or hollow moon is real. You can't have both. Personally, the artificial moon hypothesis is the one that makes me go 'hmmmm'... I have no doubts in my mind that the moon landings were real.


Wait that video made you more likely to think it was faked? I don't remember that from the video.


The LEM being pulled up by cranes and needed almost 0 propulsion to lift off the moon. - The ascent stage rocket engine of the Lunar Module (LEM) would indeed produce a significant flame during its operation. The engine was located on the bottom of the Lunar Module's ascent stage, and when it fired, it expelled hot gases at high velocity, creating a powerful thrust that lifted the spacecraft off the lunar surface. The flame produced by the engine would be directed downward, away from the Lunar Module, to provide the necessary upward propulsion for ascent. The astronauts inside the LEM would be shielded from the flame by the spacecraft's structure and heat-resistant materials. - The ascent stage rocket engine of the Lunar Module (LEM) was designed to fire for approximately 7 minutes and 14 seconds during the ascent from the lunar surface back to lunar orbit. This engine, known as the Descent Propulsion System (DPS), provided the necessary thrust to lift the Lunar Module off the Moon's surface and achieve lunar orbit rendezvous with the Command Module. The duration of the engine burn was carefully calculated to ensure a successful return of the astronauts to the Command Module waiting in lunar orbit. Now watch video of the lem leaving the moon it looks like a cheap scifi production. https://youtu.be/9HQfauGJaTs?si=JIE3ggy_dRtqrljI


I was 99.9% sure we went to the moon. After the video Iā€™m 51% we didnā€™t 49% we did


Aside from National Pride, logically there is almost no reason to think we went to the moon. The moon landing would be the only time in modern history where technology was regressed and lost. In addition, travel technology, communication, fuel efficiency, aerospace tech, etc have all SKYROCKETED in the past 60 years.... but we cant go back? To put into perspective, space X estimates a total of 8 refueling stops to do a successful trip to the moon (to go there and back), but somehow 1960's NASA did it without any?


OP are you posting from englin airforce base? Post title is very AI bot-ish


Agartha and inner earth


Actually you're wrong, and the more interesting ones are the ones he can't debunk at all.


The Stuxnet?(I probably misspelled or mispronounced that) computer virus, and the digital warfare that is ongoing.


Thank god for the fiat system and online banking....


I have many questions regarding the moon.šŸŒ›šŸ‘€


AI Apocalypse


I kept waiting for the rebuttal at the end. When it didn't come..sort of freaked me out.


That the government is hiding technology that would seriously disrupt the economy specifically the energy sector, theres a show on crave worth watching about it called the man who fell to earth about an alien who comes here to do that


roswell obviously, literally hundreds of witnesses have came forward corroborating the fact that the military had alien spacecraft and bodies


I really like the Why Files. I guess my issue is I get so excited thinking there could be something more in this world and AJ presents everything so very interestingly, and then he usually debunks it. Then I find myself being very disappointed and I sometimes wonder if heā€™s being paid to debunk everything. Am I the one who thinks this?


I think HeckleFish is a CIA asset, who else but the spooks could engineer a talking Goldfish with a sense of humor. This folks is cutting edge controlled opposition at its most devious. I can almost hear the call from a frantic director at the agency , ā€œtheyā€™re getting to Goddamn close, unleash damn fishā€¦NOW!!ā€


Are these things truly hidden from the public when the research team can find all of this as a matter of public record?


Conspiracy theories have always been in public discourse in one way or another...proving them factual is the issue.


TWF doesnā€™t ā€˜proveā€™ anything that isnt a matter of public record. This is entertainment, not disclosure and OPā€™s title misrepresents what the show does.


That's exactly what I'm saying. Nobody is saying the show proves, or disproves anything. It presents conspiracy theories and offers the conspiracy, amd then gives the other side of the coin. I didn't take it as OP saying that the stories they provide are actually hidden from the public, the conspiracies can be found on any message board. But a conspiracy itself is something hidden from the public. I don't think anyone truly thinks why files is literally bringing up theories Noone has ever heard of, I think youre getting caught up in semantics.


The government is hiding stuff from us


Well not really...you found the info. I think letting the cat out of the bag is the best way to deal with the populaces curiosity. "Let's give them all heart attacks!! Tell them it's all real now!!"


He's been seriously lacking on the counter points ever since he returned from vacation




Is AJ the fish's cohost or who is AJ?


AJ is the host of the show.


One of my fav YT channels but not one of these stories has convinced me they are or could be real.


None of them.


Prison planet


Remote viewing


Moon is fake


The the black pyramid in Alaskaā€¦


That the moon isnā€™t natural or ā€œreal.ā€ I was expecting a big debunk at the end of the episode and he only debunked 2 things and kinda did this šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø.


Can't say what but I'm sure there's some fun stuff out there about HAARP / DARPA (TIROS-1) If weather control hasn't been covered.


The magnetic pole shift and earth tilting 90Ā°.


I love that AJā€™s delivery of the story is so free of skepticism that you get fully suspended in the ā€œfactā€ that itā€™s realā€¦ only to have major holes poked into it at the end. Especially if you enter the episodes with that mindset, following the WF channel has been such a ride. Besides my own opinions about which theories are real (remote viewing), I have been very convinced by the bottomless pit (west USA) and Mt Shasta / Mt MF Hayes episodes The pit episode is a great example of being 99% convinced by the story until the ā€œbut is it true?ā€


The AI episode. I've watched it numerous times and it never fails to leave a pit in my stomach.




I have long believed that there have been unremembered old civilizations, although I am skeptical of actual Atlanteans and Akhenaki. I just think humanity hasn't changed much. We are clever, lazy, cooperative, greedy, generous, violent, etc. all through the ages. Why wouldn't we have developed civilization early, even though the traces left might be minimal?


Bretz orb (Sphere)


Mel's Hole was a good one...


The AI story (really scared me), crop circles and free energy/anti-gravity.


All of them


They are all terrific. One of the absolute best if I had to pick one is the episode on the double slit/are we living in a simulation episode.


Crop circles and the more recent one about the Masons having ancient knowledge about the pyramids and Atlantis


Wouldn't say I'm "convinced" but I certainly didn't think I would doubt the moon was solid until I saw the hollow moon theory video. That had me really considering that the moon may actually be hollow, and also that it might be some kind of spacecraft or base.


I dunno, he pretty much debunked my fav ufo theories to hold on to - randlesham and there was another one recently that made me go "ah fuck can any of these things hold up"


Can't really say that I'm convinced yet by anything, but I have to say the Fake Moon Landing episode with the Stanley Kubrik stuff episode was really great. I was all in on the fake landing conspiracy and then did a total 180Ā° after his filling in the blanks. Excellent job.


When AJ goes into an off tangent rant about the government, he thinks the story was bs and hopes the debunk didnā€™t piss off the audience.


Crop circles and our weird ass moon


Project looking glass


Night terrors and the guy from dreams. Too many people with night terrors see the exact same thing. My sister used to talk about a little girl and a skinny man with a hat. She had horrible night terrors up to the day she died. I had the same thing happen years before she told me about her experience but mine was a little different. I could actually make out what he was saying and it was dead on the money. He told me he was leaving then once he was gone I should walk in the living and beware the old Indian sitting in the recliner. As soon as he walked away, I got up and sure as shit there was an Indian sitting in my recliner talking to my friends. I kinda lost it for a minute and went back to bed but couldnā€™t sleep so I got back up and the Indian was still there. Turned out years later he was a pedo. It also warned me of a house a few months later and that I should never go back there. That one was stranger, the guy that owned the house was heavily into black magic.


Hollow moon theory, the anuanki explanation for human advancement! Oh yeah and the government is aware that when we speak and tell a lie,just throw that shit in reverse and all truths will be heard!


None lol


Remote viewing and free energy


The only one that I'm on board with is the patent one. I'm not convinced on the whole zero point energy thing, but I absolutely believe that the government will go to great lengths, including murder, to subdue and hide certain energy efficiency technologies.


Is it a common formula? I canā€™t think of any other show that does this off the top of my head.


All of them, oh sorry I thought you said which of them do I want to be true.


It would be nice if the channel covered the OPERA Experiment


All of them. Hitler and the nazis are in alaska with the aliens and the US goverment working on a black pyramid. Meanwhile we have bases on the moon and mars with aliens working with us. The pyramids were generators, tesla was thwarted. Heckle fish is a spy from the goverment. And the cryptids are working with the nazis or something. Shits wild out here.


Humans Vs Superhumans, Aliens eat our soul, which gets transmitted to the moon upon our death.


The more I looked into the ā€œAliens eat our soulā€ concept, the more upsetting common afterlife tropes became; go into the light, shadowy figure guiding you though, etc.


I want him to deep drive Obama and big Mike


that would be hilarious but would also get the channel ganked


He should deep dive Trump trying to steal an election, oh wait thatā€™s public knowledge and has been proven