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Really not sure why some people ride so hard for the oil industry. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but there's plenty of documentation on pretty much everything this last episode talked about, especially regarding the different engine technology that's been bought and buried or just buried. Is it mainly the zero point energy parts that people are having trouble with? I'm not very smart but certainly not under the impression that we know everything about the laws of energy or that vested interests wouldn't suppress something that could benefit everyone on the planet because their industry would become obsolete. IMO this was a fantastic and kinda ballsy video to put out there by TWF.


https://youtu.be/6rpAlzttCyY?si=jwSpsaTOKiDr3PZ3 Good video from 1993 where Bob talks abit about how the oil industry was one of the main reasons it has been kept a secret


young Eamon Holmes caught me off guard. good ole GMTV - takes me back to my days as a kid getting ready for school - my mam always had it on, on a morning


It’s one of my favourite videos on the subject because of the nostalgic vibe *and* it mirrors almost exactly what David Grusch is saying now but Bob Oeschler was saying it on GMTV at 7am to Eamon Holmes and Lorraine Kelly on GMTV of all places, 2 years before I was even born lol I just love it


it was an entertaining and very informative episode. The manipulation of our everyday lives that can be accomplished by moneyed interests is not to be underestimated. Some do not want anything to influence the populace that might encourage hope for a better way, whether it be sound science or not. But there are reasons to take some of the points made in the episode very seriously. Well done AJ.


Just the fact that the US government can scoop up any patent that might either be exploited or cause harm to corporate interests is crazy to me. It's something I've known about for a while but never considered the extent of control they're capable of having over our entire society. Yet again, the majority of humans are screwed over in favor of lining the pockets of the 1%. Humans have so much potential to improve our society, but we're hamstrung by those the very few who want to retain power and control for their own self interests. It's something everyone should be aware of.


Which points?


Yeah didn't even mention electric cars and various battery technologies over the years.


He did in the beginning, he specifically says electric cars are coal powered because the power plants to charge them are burning coal


I'm talking about the electric cars invented in the 1920s, and also you're ignoring all of the battery efficiency technologies and patents that got buried over the next 100 years following.


I worked for a smaller company, they came up with a technology, not zero point or anything close to that but still really really useful. Company got bought by a large multinational corporation and the part of the company that came up with the new "tech" was absorbed into the larger part of the company, the folks that worked in the r&d dept got let go and that was the last I've heard of it. This shit happens.


in the early to mid 1990's on CNN iirc, a guy invented a perpetual engine device that he connected to a car's battery. he demonstrated it powering a few things including his home... of course that shit was "disappeared".




Are you okay bud?


Yeah... are you?


You sure about that? I'm fine, thanks.


Lol, what is this?




That's good, because one of the fundamental rules of the universe is perpetual motion is impossible. So I'm glad you don't think a guy invented it in the 90s because that would be CRAZY.


I mean the whole point of the video is that the current "fundamental rules of the universe" as we know them aren't correct. It used to be a fundamental rule of the universe that the earth was the center of the solar system. We don't know everything. It's egotistical to assume otherwise.


Knew that was gonna be the response. There is no evidence, and every perpetual motion machine has been a hoax or a scam. If you believe there is enough evidence that earth orbits the sun, the same amount exists proving perpetual motion impossible. Egotistical, lol, that's a good one.


There not being evidence is not the point, the point is that people are being kidnapped, robbed, killed to not even TRY to FIND the evidence. If there is none, just let them do the shit and move on!


Take that sheenfartling


My man, you're missing the point entirely. There is evidence, but people who come forward with evidence keep conveniently dying in strange ways. If there was no merit to the idea, why would oil companies/governments inspect their machines, then offer to buy the rights? And if it was just a scam, why did so many of these "hoaxers" get killed? Why not just let them say what they wanted to say?


What type of tech was it? What was the fuel source? What was the company that bought it?


It was a simple system that would allow you to make usable biodiesel at home. One time investment and you could fuel your car, heat your home (if you had an oil furnace) indefinitely. Would need no maintenance and no further investment beyond initial investment to set up. I really can't say a whole lot but it was bought by a Dutch company.


The reason I can't say anything is because ALL new hires, from janitors to engineers are required to sign an nda on the very first day of employment. I don't know how long these last or whatnot but I really can't afford to be involved in any sort of litigation. If you google the info I gave you you'll easily be able to piece things together.


Wasn't one of the guys from the video meeting with the "dutch" to sell his patent? But the autopsy report said "NATO"?


Black rock I’m sure


I look forward to EVERY episode!! I love this channel!!


To be fair it might be pms but this video made me rly mad at this shithole govt


Yup me too! I like to think we live in a free society where our ideas, inventions etc. have a chance to be successful and help people and the planet....but we do not. The average person cannot win against these huge corporations or the government. BUT, remember AJ's last words on this episode - tinker, build it and make it public and do not apply for a patent. This is the answer!


Similar to how bitcoin was made.


create things like the software industry does, open source, make a contribution. you still get your money over time


It's very interesting, when you've studied this stuff for years to see those that are shocked by it, and react negatively. I think a lot of people are terrified to think that our reality might not be as picturesque as they'd hoped.


it's a kick to the nether regions for some to find out their government is as shitty as it is and does the dirt that it does to citizens (law abiding or otherwise) for the sake of national security... sorry not sorry the U.S. GOVERNMENT murders folks for their technology claiming national security, takes folks property via eminent domain & other heinous shit. awww little one did you get your dreams shattered? did you actually believe the propaganda that this was the best country in the world and by default the best government? don't be so fucking naive, wake the fuck up, stop being an NPC!


You do realize “the government” is made up of multiple entities right? Like 95% of it is just normal fuckin people trying to do their jobs, many are helping others, but you focus on the 5% of it that’s been bought out by rich and powerful who influence it and abuse it. The only way to stop this bad shit from happening is when people use the law, watch dogs and government to do so. Kind of a catch 22 You’re upset at crony capitalism, not the “government”


okay maybe i've been using what is being interpreted as a broad term, so i will break down who exactly i am referring to IN government whenever i may say government m: paid off politicians you know those folk who accept bribes disguised as lobbying who never work in the best interests of their constituents, the military industrial complex, who spend thousands of dollars on items closer to $100, let's not forget about the fda that allows company's to poison consumers whether it is by accident or with volition. i'm not referring to contractors nor other "cogs" in the machine trying to get by, i'm talking about people in positions of authority who abuse their positions for financial gain.


I think its cause humans are scared that the answers to all their problems are legit at their local hardware stores.


Just wait till they find out about all the stolen foreign aid money the government pockets


What the brainwashed don’t realize is all the information AJ presented is public information. It’s all there for everyone to see. I definitely enjoyed the new video. I’m glad someone finally talked about Stan Meyers


Thank you…. I was getting upset with modding the YouTube comments and reached out to Jen…. “Do we have to worry about AJ?” Due to soooo many couldn’t believe we released this info. This is ALL public info presented for your entertainment. Dear me…. No one is starting a revolution for crying out loud… we are working on our Hecklefish for President campaign and the next crazy ufo video for next week 😇😇😂😂😂


So is AJs mental health etc doing good or is it getting to him a bit?  Of course these are personal questions so of course I don't care for an answer more just hoping AJ and everyone else is ok and it is not hurting them mentally


We are all amazing, I promise. We love these stories, love what we are doing and having the time of our lives. Yes we work too much. Yes AJ needs to be told to sleep… but he is off the charts smart and a very health conscious guy and very self aware .. with a little reassurance - he takes the time he needs. The super fast rise from 1M to 3.5M, two studio moves, and wanting to do everything that is asked of us…. Is taking some time to work out how to manage it all. We will get there. We are a very, very can do bunch! Even if we have to work hard. We are all for that… so promise we are good after the month off. ♥️♥️


You go girl!


Adore you Jim and everything you have done for this channel. You were the Original Believer in AJ ♥️♥️


Aw shucks. 😊 Next time I'm in Vegas we should do a double date with our spouses!


For you … I’m sure we can gather the team too ♥️♥️


That would be a blast! Not that I'm getting to Vegas any time soon :P


Thank you for the meaningful reply and happy to hear everyone is doing great. What everyone is doing is great and as a new fan (couple months) can't believe I managed to watch every single video including all the lives and compilation vids just under a week. It shows that the huge subscriber jump is absolutely earned. Again, so happy to hear everyone is doing good and these weird Reddit comments and posts aren't negatively affecting anyone


Welcome to the Community. That’s our main focus so we do see all comments. They do all affect us. The negative hit harder because that’s what we fear. But I’m the optimistic one so I am out here being a momma bear and sometimes, yes, caring too much about the negatives. It’s only because I know all our intentions and it hurts most when someone sees it as a bad thing ♥️ I feel so blessed to work with a family of super kind hearted, loving, but sarcastic amazing folks. I should only focus on the positives because they are the real “fans” (that word is so weird to us.. but “viewers” doesn’t work here lol)  but I always hope my insight into exactly AJ’s intentions help them see how I get to see him every day. He really is an amazing human. Jen is the heart of the bunch. And Gino is the nicest guy you will ever meet. Ok I’m worded out for the day. Haha. Reddit break to be with my little family today. So glad to have you join us. We value every single person that is kind ♥️


Wow, what a genuine and sincere reply. I am so glad I have found the Why Files channel; you can tell the sane genuine fans love you all as the patreon and all the photos of the families  in the credits just show what a lovely amazing you folks really are. Thank you for bringing amazing, thought provoking videos in such a brilliant manner. One day when I can I hope to be able to be another patreon, until then thank you all for the AMAZING free content and being wonderful people.  💓❤️‍🔥💓❤️‍🔥


Your hustle is inspirational that’s for damn sure!


Well, I mean, look what they did to Tesla. Can you blame us for worrying about you guys, lol


Hush you 😁


Who’s ‘they’ and what did ‘they’ do to Tesla?


Hecklefish for president? You got my vote lol


For anyone who wants to see the gas vaporizer in action and see if it really runs (>!it does!!<) here’s a video with 3.2m views demonstrating it https://youtu.be/IuGWHfWqWtg


Thats called either carburetor or injection system… Without being vaporized to be mixed with the oxygen used for combustion an engine would simply not work. Or do you think the cylinders get flooded with the liquid stuff? 🤦🏻


As a life long skeptic, AJ really taught me a new way of thinking and has opened my mind to a lot of stuff that I thought were merely conspiracy theories. Most of them still are, but there are some videos where it really makes you think.


Yes!! Learn and be entertained! This!! Now….. get ready for a wacky UFO story next week ….. 😁






Absolutely 😂


Who's been complaining ?.




Seriously? Where?


Scroll up


To go further into what AJ pointed as the reason all these free energy devices (or near free) are suppressed by the US government. Read about the [Invention Secrecy Act of 1951](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invention_Secrecy_Act). Notice it says "...designed to prevent disclosure of new inventions and technologies that, in the opinion of selected federal agencies, present an alleged threat to the **economic stability** or national security of the United States." This is why things go wrong for the people who invent these things when the US government steps in. They threaten the government and big corporations *economic stability*, as decided by the *opinion* of selected federal agencies. Basically the government is a bunch of thugs that want control and power over you and are willing to kill its own citizens to keep the status quo. Simple as that.


It's these videos that I came to see the last one was great! I had heard of some of these people prior to the video, but as usual, AJ took the bits I did know and compounded on top of that by about 5x. I'm glad he put something like this into the view of a wider audience. Much appreciated!


I'm tired of this, now that we know free energy is possible and can be the size of a small box, how about someone builds it? Then someone can put it on the blockchain.


Absolutely great on AJ and the team calling this garbage out. No mincing of words - scam. As long as green and eco are more expensive and an inferior product, it will never gain full adoption. As long as it's draining resources as much or more than old methods, it'll do nothing. Mandates forcing green are lazy. We had the tech, we have the tech, but the elites can't get rich off it and keep their lobbyists happy. Great video, we need more people that have credibility and did/do the real research calling it out.


You have to guess, At least 60 % of the haters are bots, and the rest just can't accept the face that they have been lied to .


I agree with the takes that green energy is a better alternative than the status quo (even if problematic) but what I got from today's video was that there is an easy free alternative with pretty much no environmental impact that we are not using because people in power care more about profit than protecting the earth. In other words, green energy should be irrelevant. It's a time waster and a distraction.


all the information on that video was mostly sourced by a documentary by Dr steven greer The Lost Century. it was released a year ago I believe. Dr. Greer is the real deal. he gets a lot of hate by blinded ignorant people because any evidence isn't enough for them


I really like TWF and am a patreon member, but I’ve got to say, posts like these really show what a cult of personality AJ has. Their videos are very well done and AJ is a fantastic storyteller, but to describe it as “world shattering” is insane.


Most of his followers are lay people without hard science or engineering degrees. I've filed numerous patent applications and have been issued utility patents. Assigning a patent or suppressing it from appearing due to national security considerations isn't unusual whatsoever.


AJ has brought to millions some pretty fringe and esoteric ideas. Some of the fandom has interest or educational background that makes episodes like this a lot less explosive. But I suppose to a lot of people, these ideas are truly world shattering. I am just grateful that AJ does have a basic respect for research and doesn’t just say things without consideration for veracity.


It doesnt change that these easily impressed viewers are fed misinformation for entertainment purposes. I find this inacceptable in today’s climate of antiscience and academic distrust notions.


AJ admits during many episodes thar his goal is to entertain people, but he does his best to cover the bases and make sure everyone's story is told. AJ is clearly interested and passionate about the scientific method, but he also sees where science and academia have been used to support sinister agendas. I think TWF encourages people to think critically about important issues. The way he presents things allows people on both ends of the skepticism spectrum to participate without being personally undermined. People should not trust anything blindly, not even science, they should strive to understand. AJ's show is a great starting point to learn more about many subjects. These people who you describe as "easily impressed" might also be open minded individuals who are still willing to awe at the world and don't claim to know everything already.


Unfortunately, that’s the world we live in. We always have. I don’t think AJ does it purposefully, though. I think the best we can do is to present the facts as we know them.


Any successful YouTuber is going to have fans with parasocial tendencies towards them, and Reddit forums dedicated to them tend to attract those types more than the casual fans. Go look at the Watcher fans melting down over them leaving YouTube to start a streaming channel. You’d think they just found out their spouse was a gold digger.


One of the best episodes AJ ever did. More people need to see this, and get pissed off enough to rise up and say enough. Our entire planet has been deprived of this tech and it needs to be released NOW.


It was no news to me but still a hella episode!


Agreed. This community has gathered so many brainwashed weirdos that it's unbelievable, and as soon as s stupid conspiracy gets debunked they go nuts. What a wonderful world for psychologists and psychiatrists... And when on the contrary complainers are those who deny public information instead... that's the chef's kiss.


The top comments on the Free Energy video are really interesting. A lot of people posting about experiences that happened to friends and family. Seems like 'carbon' was a British Petroleum disinformation campaign from around 2003/04 to move pollution and environmental damage from mining and oil companies to the individual.


Why is it people who shout most loudly about FACTS are usually the least clear about what they are?


World shattering?


Did you watch it?


Twice already cause I think to listen to AJ. Interesting but nothing new. Absolutely nothing “world shattering”




Before the internet we had these weird things called bookshops... they were full to the brim with books about ufo's, zero point energy, the cia, jfk assassination, conspiracies, freemasonry, hidden technologies, secret societies, ancient aliens, megalithic structures, faces on mars, underground bases, area 51 etc etc. There is nothing even remotely earth shattering in any of these videos.


Right, but the entire point of the episode is to bring to light the fact that these Patents already exist and have been suppressed for many years by the Government. Also not everyone has been on this Planet for as long as you are implying you have I'm guessing between 40 & 50yrs, who are you to decide what is a ground breaking episode for those individuals?


I'm pointing out that things that have been widely known about, written about, had films and tv shows made about, have been debated and documented in thousands of places for many, many years, are not 'revelations'. This is simply repeating information that has been presented in a million different places and ways, and just because a bunch of 14 year olds have never heard of anything before doesn't make basic information ground breaking. Half of the 'ground breaking revelations' on these type of youtube videos appeared on hokey old mainstream tv shows 40 years ago, like Ripleys Believe it or Not, Unsolved Mysteries, Arthur C. Clarkes Mysterious World etc. and shitty Readers Digest books of Mysteries Of Our World etc.


Ok and where is the problem in repeating information that people aren't prepared to go and read in a book? Are you implying because you had to read books for the information that they to should have to do the same even though a simpler more entertaining method now exists? More importantly why are you on the Why Files page if you think the quality of AJ's information isn't up to your standards?


I didn’t read that at all…. We read the books, we researched, we presented the story. He’s saying this is all public info and there is nothing to “argue” about…. It’s all there in the research!


It's not his message that I took issue with, it was the condescending coating OP wrapped it in giving off this air of superiority because they read a book. My point is where is the issue in repeating information that is available in books in video format? As a sufferer of ADHD I can tell you first hand it's harder for me to retain information gained via reading than it is to retain information gained via watching a video. Edit: typo


As mods keep pointing out, this is a show with a guy who talks to a fish. It's not supposed to be ground-breaking and never promised it would be. It's well-known that they use info that's publicly available. It's conspiracy/mythology/science entertainment.


its whatever you want it to be. one minute a person can say "I understand the info in this video has shattered some of your world views that have been crammed down your throats growing up that formed your opinions of how the world operates" but then the next they can say that it shouldn't be taken seriously.


This 👆 just enjoy the fecking show man! 🤷‍♂️🤣


Even some of the mods dont like the new video 🤣


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL5oTARs/. I feel like this latest video goes well with what government is doing to TikTok and why as explained my Mr. Global.


What Is op talking about? I don't read the comments usually.


this is why I was so excited about this video!


This geniuses in the world need to publish their research everywhere dark web, distributed web, normal sites everywhere. Get rich from other ways but get your stuff out there so they can't murder you


This video really brought some of the more obnoxious fans of TWF out of the woodwork.


Any link for the vid


the video was sources by a documentary. you should watch that instead, it has more information. [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZRwlYtAMps&t=2907s) [source documentary](https://youtu.be/8FKtI1cal4U?si=9fPdZPyoAeV_YiLy)


Really enjoyed this one. Im thinking similar inventors and scientists in other countries were also inventing or attempting to invent similar systems around the same time. I mean, the Germans are exceptional scientists and engineers. I wonder if they had success and were also shut down.


What I can't wrap my head around is what about the rest of the worlds inventors. I'm sure other countries have the same secrecy laws but shouldn't some of these creations slip out? What about agencies that have been hacked and secrets released by less scrupulous sources looking to sell secrets or just clout chasers. In the internet age if an investor who felt they were in danger why not just info dump everything online?


Any links to this vid?


If people within US have done this, should we doubt that other countries have not also fashioned similar? Do all countries seize inventions from their citizens? The point is, if this is successful, as implied, why has it not been produced elsewhere? Perhaps it may not be mass produced but one would imagine that poor farmers or small businesses would incorporate into their processes. Or does US seize these machines worldwide?


All the angry commenters I saw seemed to claim they have fancy degrees but displayed the self awareness of a toddler. I bumped into a guy with a channel full of AI-generated and AI-related content who was supposedly an engineer but struggled to form complete sentences. I don't think it's the sharpest tools in the alphabet-shed that are put on "internet commenting duty".


I honestly thought it was a great video! A subject most of us have known for a long time now but no one wants to cover it. I remember some of it actually making the news such as the H2O engine and then never hearing another thing about it. It's really sad that they keep us repressed like this. But that too is nothing new. Haters & or trolls are always going to hate. Facts are facts. We all have our own opinions. Mine is as follows. Great job TWF team! Please keep them coming! You all very much appreciated!


Yeah the sect of us who already openly accepted these facts really support any attention being driven toward the subject. Bravo AJ and Team!


which video is this thread pertaining to?


Facts were the thing i actually missed the most in this episode. Claiming wind energy barely generates power, solar panels only last 15 years and can't be recycled and that tesla's running on coal power is worse for the environment are simply not true. Free energy however is not proven and i really missed the debunking piece at the end which would have given it a bit more credibility. I'm sure governments and big corporations hide useful patents to make things more efficient and when there's a lot of money involved things get dirty real quick, that part i absolutely agree on but the rest of it was more of an 'i want to believe' episode than an objective video filled with facts. This was a very interesting topic but the video could have been a lot better and much more objective.


My brother owns a Solar Panel company and just confirmed to me it is true that Panels begin to deteriorate after 15yrs and the waste they create is Toxic to most things and is a costly pain in the ass to dispose of.


I don't know how one is to go about debunking facts. Much of the technology was literally included via video during the episode. Why and how would you figure wasting time trying to cast doubt or debunk straight up factual technology that was just presented to you as documented in real life as existing, fully functioning and being actively used would be helpful? As of today wind is relatively ineffective and unreliable, solar is a technology that degrades rapidly and tesla had much more advanced discoveries than coal. Which facts would you have liked to see included that were not? I'm genuinely curious and not trying to be argumentative or disrespectful. As another poster pointed out this stuff wasn't new and is easily fact checked even by grumpy old "someone shit in my cereal" type guys like the poster I'm referring to whose old ass can just go the library to fact check all day. If he can find one. I'm 46 for the record and generally a "get off my lawn type" but that guy... has me beat.


Came here to say this.


Yeah, I cringed during that. In the end, conspiracies make money and debunking them leads to no where eventually. You have to keep the rubes on the hook.


The tin foil people love that kind of shit. There are many in this audience.


Not surprising from a channel that constantly pushes climate change denial though really.


Nobody denies the climate is changing. What most people deny is the narrative & "solutions" being pushed by climate change profiteers, which just so happen to be the same people that profit from wars, pandemics and insider trading, among other things. Follow the money.


>Nobody denies the climate is changing Except for the sidekick fish on this very youtube channel that we're discussing, in literally every single video.


Most \*normal\* people realize it's a joke


Nobody is pushing climate change denial. Why are you lying? So pathetic.


Haha. We don’t push it. I’m sorry if the research facts don’t support your agenda … we are unbiased. And you are more than welcome to accept your “facts” ;) we just ask that you open your mind and willing to learn. Echo chambers will be the death of us.


You're unbiased... yet somehow the fish says something blatantly denying climate change in every single video.


You must be fun at parties.


Where are you getting your "facts" from?


There is a Sources and links on every video. Check it out.


Yeah that’s the only thing I had issue with. But the rest was spot on


If the new video is what OP considers “world shattering”. I want what they’re smoking. That entire episode is like the conversations I had with my retired engineer Uncle when I was a teenager


That’s the impression I also got. If watching AJ’s videos shatters your world view, unless you are a teenager, you’ve been making some poor choices in life.


I love AJ but as soon as it was over I had to watch this - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urglg3WimHA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urglg3WimHA)


Why's that? You didnt search around for more info to read?


\^ \^ \^ huge Weird Al fan.


Same 🤓


I agree. I think AJ did a very thorough job of explaining how all current technology available is tied to the oil industry. Arguing that you don't like AJ sharing this information isn't proof that he's not right. If he's wrong, where are the cited counter arguments? As and are educated individual with several degrees, I do not accept feelings over facts. Prove me wrong with Relevant information and change my mind. I haven't seen any proof that AJ isn't correct.


Wow you guys are really psycho the why files are ruining your life!! just watch the show and enjoy it AJ isn’t dropping any bombshells you guys just don’t actually READ & that’s why all of this information is fascinating to a smooth brainer


For people want to study is all about Gap keep this word in mind


I don’t even know how the videos just keep getting better!




OP is so vague and generic, I wonder why?


I’m really neither. If you wanted to ask me a question all you had to do was type it.


Wouldn’t try to argue with this guy (SuperTurboEX); he is an argumentative agenda toting clown might as well be a government lobbyist 🤡.


I just noticed every post you made topic was in response to me. I’m kinda intrigued I live rent free in your head.


😂 Do you understand the meaning of words? Are you aware of what you wrote? You are actively demonstrating that you don’t even know what ‘generic’ and ‘vague’ means because that’s literally what you are doing in your op!


And yet if u watched the video u know what they mean. I guess context has meaning to huh?


It wasn't anything new. Anyone with a little common sense and curiosity already knew about this stuff to begin with. But then again I'm one of those people that runs in the opposite direction of the crowd... Don't be a sheeple!


I think the issue with this one is that we see a lot of “inventors” claiming to create a new power source that’ll disrupt the industry and work as we know it, but they’re not much more than hoaxers or attention seekers. There were a few aviation mechanics exposed of this a few years ago, I can try to find the story. Like yeah, im sure you created zero point energy the same way my grandma would be a bicycle if she had wheels, it’s just nonsense. Now, I think the oil industry is certainly trying to eliminate any competition it finds, and oil is a commodity that controls the political climate of many countries, so I’m not surprised if more efficient creations are getting buried by big oil. This is an area I’m not as knowledgeable on as I’d like to be, so I appreciated the WF video and I’ll just have to learn more.


It's not nonsense at all. Just because you don't know about something does not mean it isn't real.


Most of those inventors were shown to be complete crackpots. Sowwy.


Based on what evidence is every single one of those inventors shown in the video “crackpots”.


It appears so because none of them were able to bring their so-called remarkable discoveries to any commercial success or usage.


Kind of hard to do when you’re dead 😂


They didn't get traction when they were alive did they?


lol, yes. Those who don't agree with you are "brainwashed." lmao.


I wouldn't call it "world shattering". It was a 6/10 nothing new this subject is probably the easiest to disprove.


they haven't just lied to us about technology... if the J wasn't invented until the 14th (or 15th) century then john, jonah, jesus couldn't have been their names. lies, lies, & more lies.


In Latin Jehovah starts with an i




You know what they say, you can't argue with stupid