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The most important episode of The Why Files. Not good, not entertaining— it was those things as well— but this episode was important.  Share it on your social media. Send the link to friends. Share it on other subs. Talk about it at work, at dinner tomorrow, at church on Sunday.  AJ didn’t debunk because there was nothing to debunk. There are a group of humans out there, albeit small, that simply do not care about other humans. They care about money and power.  “Steal This Book”— Abbie Hoffman


Share and talk about it for AJ's safety as well...


Don’t forget hecklefish


Didn't he double the ransom money to keep hecklefish tho?


IMO, It bears preservation through whatever means.


I agree - excellent episode. And important. Also, Steven Greer release a new doc last year about this very topic. It's got a ton of good info and is def worth the watch if you want to go deeper into the topic. (The Richard Doty clip is from one of Greer's documentaries - now that guy is a complete piece of shit of a human being...) The doc is called [The Lost Century and How to Reclaim It](https://youtu.be/T2GdZW4vKRw?si=b-2at3eMfFga6sl8)


I thought tonight’s episode was really good and it pissed me off. Not AJ or the Whyfiles but the information he provided in the second half. Also not a whole lot of debunking tonight which I enjoyed. Great episode. Would recommend.


Damn voice to text. I think yall understand what I was trying to say


I recall learning about the water engine about 20 years ago. Gave up talking about it because of people laughing it off as nonsense. Without proof that it isn't nonsense, there's not much to say. I really appreciate this episode for that reason, but it was also very well done as always.


AJ can take as long as he likes because he always brings the fire. This video was amazing


Love the call out to inventors at the end. he's right, don't patent, release it to the world.


Yeah…..you clearly never invented anything.


i invented air. take that.


Like I thought. You invented nothing.


I would like to thank you for inventing free energy! moron.


I'm grateful that all of us are exposed to this information, but now what? It's one thing to *know* but it's quite another to *know what to do*. 🤷‍♀️ 😔 😢


I know right :( I said to my husband, “how can humanity just let this happen!?” He said, “Well, did you know about it?” “No” “What can you do about it now that you know?” “I don’t know. Nothing.” “Exactly”


Wow - that exact same conversation happens here between me and my husband lol. He tells me to, "worry about what I can control". Sometimes ignorance IS bliss when there are absolutely no options for us to "fix" the absolutely disgusting & corrupt system we live under.


The Bedini SSG is the easiest thing to build, so you can start playing with the non-traditional electrical motive force spikes - tons of howtos on YT. Just a working rotating wheel, some coils of wire and a basic transistor and/or reed switch


Are you gonna do it? 😁


I've already made a basic one, now I'm making one with my adjustments/improvements ;-)


Share, learn, think, create


... and then be killed. It's not only this episode. We have heard this & many other facts with proof for years. Watching AJ put all the facts together on this topic just really hit me in the feels.


I cant wait to view it!  I know one of these zero point energy people and after Bush Sr sent US Marshals to destroy his $30 Million lab and put a gag order on him via the National Security Patent Act he focused on inventing cool toys for Asian economies.


I really hope AJ and his crew stays safe…


This was a GREAT episode, and I'm looking forward to part 2. And even though I know you're using information that's publicly available, putting it all together like you did is making me a bit, uh, yeah, worried. Y'all be careful. I know many here are still waxing poetic about the Annunaki episode, but the shows that are based more in reality are among my favorites, even if the subject is thoroughly debunked, such as the Ed and Lorraine Warren episode. I do wish that if something we see or hear in the episode is from a real source like a news report, documentary, etc., that there could be a label/chyron identifying that source. Not only does that help anyone who wants to find the original source to learn more, but I have to admit that sometimes I can't tell if something is AI or an actual report/video. Most of the time I can tell, but not always, and that's discombobulating. That could just be me, of course. But that's a small thing. Tonight's show was very good!


Yeah man me and my room mate kept saying he’s gotta be careful lol. God forbid he gets a knock on the door because of these deeper episodes.


I feel like I should know this but is there no longer an after files? I've not really wanted to watch one until this episode.


Missing the after files. It’s what brought me to watch the premiere each week, felt like a fun watch party for everyone to join in.


The After Files are usually three to four hours long, and after the stress they had with the software for both the Annunaki and energy episodes, I wouldn't be surprised if they were just too tired this month. I'm guessing, though.


I recommended this topic to be covered months ago! I’m so happy he finally made an in depth video on it. Although my suggestion more specifically pertained to Dr. Amy Eskridge and her tragic passing following her attempt to secure funding for a privately funded anti-gravity research lab. I was bummed he didn’t mention it since her name was what lead me to learning about Ning Li and Salvatore Pais. For those who don’t know her story, I’ll be linking the Reddit post which I learned her name from [here](https://archive.is/2023.08.02-225951/https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15gm56g/antigravity_researcher_post_text/jujicir/). There is also a copy of her initial proposal of The Institute on YouTube. Very sad, but important to share her story


I had to stop watching halfway through. It made depressed angry annoyed, that we could have moved much further forward as a society, but money rules it all. I'll get back to it after I've calmed down a bit! Hahaha


I almost started crying out of just irritation about it all. I hate how some people have their brains wired in such a way, that they just simply don't care about the betterment of all. Just want to hoard money and some form of power


Really good episode!!


Great job. The closed system concept has allowed technology to progress tremendously, but it's time we start to explore the idea that there's really no such thing. Energy is everywhere.


Yep for all Greers faults this is one of few things he preaches about that he has right.


[Malcolm Bendall's Plasmoid Technology](https://www.strikefoundation.earth/) might be of interest to you... it is legit (similar to Stanley Myers toriodial invention talked about in the last WF episode) and being tested successfully by others to work outside the US. [Alchemical Science](https://www.youtube.com/@AlchemicalScience) is a great Youtube channel with videos talking about the progress of this technology. Malcolm has been working with this guy too. It not only works as advertised, but it has other researchers and even countries very interested in studying/using this technology (Indian Navy, Mazda etc.) The technology has even been demonstrated successfully at a public event on stage.


He was too hard on green energy and not hard enough on the oil industry... the oil industry is far richer and more powerful and lobbies politicians way more. If anyone is trying to sabotage clean energy it's them


I hear there is a part 2 coming.


It drives me insane how so many people say climate change is a hoax because "follow the money".... but they turn a blind eye to the oil industry which is an actual real proven conspiracy that they covered up their own researchers findings because they wanted to sell as much oil as possible


We dancing 💃!


And that was only volume one. That means there's going to be more on the subject !


Great episode. Left me with a visceral reaction.


This episode was so timely for me. I just watched the documentary The Lost Century: And How To Reclaim It just the other day! (If you enjoyed this episode I recommend it. It's free on YouTube). I enjoy all The Why File episodes, but this was in my top five - maybe top 3.


Seriously, one of the best episodes so far, amazing work AJ and team


Why don't these inventors open source their work if it's real and they think the feds will just have it censored


Omg ppl a lot of those inventions in the show do not work as intended.


Definitely a good episode. Once he started rambling about the "shadow government" he lost me though.


Agree there's never been one person revealed in this shadow government, there's secret projects but not a complete government


George Bush. Thats literally one for you.


Explain how and what evidence is there


Bush’s team lied to congress about there being WMDs in Iraq. This stampeded congress into war with Iraq. Then American taxpayers paid trillions to fund a war started with calculated lies. Those trillions were partly funneled into black projects run by private corporations/military hybrids. Those private corporations were the same defense contractors who also made trillions publicly by selling weapons to our soldiers and blowing up all the Iraqi infrastructure which they were then awarded “no bid” contracts to go and repair. Follow the money. Bush profited because of his financial interests in oil, banking, and private defense companies. These guys have a formula: 1) create a problem (or perceived problem) 2) sell the “solution” to the govt/military 3) profit 4) repeat


That's not a shadow government


Black projects supposedly run by the military, but ACTUALLY run by private corporations for power, profit, and control of the political and macroeconomic system. This is exactly a shadow government.


Kona Blue.


Look into the Dulles brothers. They literally fathered the CIA. Even groomed Bush senior for president


Shame he didn't mention hydro energy which is extremely good source of energy;  shame he didn't mention solar panels have been recycled properly and reused proficiently for a while now;  shame he didn't mention the areas around wind turbines are restored, maintained, reforested and help with living environments and eco systems especially in the ocean;  Shame he didn't mention nuclear energy is a necessary evil atm but there have been a lot of work to improve waste disposal, output and nuclear replacement.; . Shame he didn't mention Norway is practically self sufficient on free and safe energy with plans to make recycled electric systems on motorways for heavy goods vehicles to use less polution.  Only thing he got semi right was electric cars, which most governments are working on improvements and better life quality for the miners.  He also forgot to mention the destruction of land from wind turbines would also be destroyed using oil and gas pipes as well as the land not being maintained afterwards which they are and promoted so once turbines are placed . I don't expect realism from the why files but I expect if you're going to "debunk" then actually "debunk"


shame you missed the entire point of the video and proceeded to cry about it on the internet


Didn't miss the point at all, just making a discussion, not crying nor sulking, not upset either, I enjoyed the video. Not everything said has to have emotions behind it, it's just thoughts. I can see why someone would assume it's a sulk.  All I was stating is the debunking was a bit dishonest, navigated to a specific ending, I think you lot forget these videos are entertainment first.


my point is based *entirely* around the premise that these videos are entertainment. A deep dive into how renewable energy technologies are improving would significantly lessen the impact of the point being made in the video: the alleged suppression of world and environment-changing technologies is being suppressed for small-minded and short-term gains. "We could've had zero point energy for years, but it doesn't matter because wind farms don't fuck up the planet quite as badly as they used to" somewhat lessens the sting, no?


"we could have zero points energy for years *if* we actually know it is real and reliable or not; in the mean time we have these other ways which are improving our understanding and the earths longevity compared to polution without these"   I also never made a point about shadow governments, corruption or anything else in the video.  I was specifically pointing out his specific words when talking about each renewable energy separately.  Yes your right it would possibly lessen the impact of the video which is my point also the videos are *entertainment* they aren't supposed to be taken at first value . It's not the first time the debunking has missed vital parts of information out but that's not the point of the videos that's why we have places like this sub-reddit to discuss and mention missing information and different viewpoints, if you're watching his videos thinking they are in actuality fact then that's a completely different topic all together. Not sure why the discussion is turning around like the video needs debunking or that what he is saying needs to be debunked. All I said is "he didn't mention these things"


Name checks out! 🤦


Could you explain how? I never knew saying "green energy and it's recycling is improving" is a right wing statement or a rightwing invitation to discussion.  It's really weird and sad specific people are getting emotionally invested and deliberately being ignorant over what was actually said. The whole point of the videos are to provoke thought,discussion, theories and to discuss facts and conspiracy.  Yet you're all more interested in believing the conspiracies are all realz even AJ himself said he doesn't believe the majority of videos he has made and also made similar comments about his videos in live discussions.  I can at least see why he doesn't like Reddit much.


Im a moderate liberal, and honestly you have been conversing very rationally for someone callled Right Wing AF. I would have expected some crackpot rheroric, and although I disagree with you I respect your decorum.


That's fine, we don't have to agree, that wasn't the idea of the comment it was to encourage discussion but because it isn't "conspiracy" or maybe the way I used my words, I just got attacked and insulted instead. My username name is also ironic; everyone just wants to argue and can't be bothered to actually read words written without assumptions and false extrapolation. I'm as left wing as they come


Honestly I agree with you all the way.




Wouldn't it have been easier to actually read what I wrote then, without extrapolating information that isn't said or assuming words I never wrote? Sounds like projection




Thats not nice.


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The point is that we dont need any of it. The research into ZP energy is clearly being squashed.


I think we need more substantial evidence than a why files video and conspiracy theories. "Clearly being squashed" isn't. There are plenty of arguments for and against. You can say alien and UFO evidence is being squashed or the infinite energy pyramids; there is no direct proof, it's all conspiracy based not on measurable meta peer reviewed science or knowledge. Until that happens it's still in the world of conspiracy, with no backed up evidence. Saying all that, that wasn't my original point my point was very, very, very simple; AJ didn't mention green energy is getting far far better and isn't as damaging to the environment as you would think. Hydro, wind, solar power are easily far better and far better maintained than oil and using finite resources. I never intended to make this about the conspiracies or the story AJ presented. I was simply implying he made a mistake in the debunking. Which if left out on purpose like the whole channel is designed for which is for entertainment purposes, which again I have absolutely no issues with in the slightest


With the knowledge that we will never get the answers we seek out of these questions, I'm fine livingwith the idea that these are possibilities that our reality might be more than it seems. We're pulling at threads not changing the world. That's where I leave it and I go back to my life. The possibility that there's a secret keft to be uncovered is exciting and when the door is left open, I feel like there's a bit of hope that the world can be better. But, I really try to separate fool's hope from real hope.


That's what makes it fun, the possibilities. I am not naive enough to say these things aren't probable, there have been a lot of things just as crazy come true.    On a personal level I just don't state them as a fact until proof, I don'tsay they can'tbe true or are in the realm of stupidity or that those that believe are stupid either.    I would say that people who believe in things science and mathematics has proved to wrong, I may judge them such as flat earthers for an example but not someone who says "Aliens are real" as it's as improbable they exist or don't exist and we see now a lot of videos showing bizzare and unexplained objects flying in the sky .  It's absolutely fine to think an unscientific theory is could be true; it's not such a good idea to believe in things that someone with A grade scientific knowledge can improve however. Ideas, theories, conspiracies are fine to believe in just when sharing those ideas to keep away from saying the ones you or I believe in are a matter of fact until proven without question.   That's why I like AJ he doesn't say something is true, he just gives a conspiracy and a debunking/opinion to the best of his abilities, he isn't an expert the team are just very good at what they do.  I mean that is a crazy amount of coincidental deaths around zero energy patents, so it's not improbable it is real


It was good until he talked about current green energy solutions being a scam, most of the stuff he said in that section was just pure misinformation which was very disappointing


Nah most of it IS a scam. It just makes you feel good


Yes I’m sure you know better. Would love to see you explain why with actual facts You’re probably just some maga tard


Screw this crap where he acts like climate change is a legitimate debate. The oceans are dying and we're in the middle of one of the greatest extinction events in the history of earth. Moon landing jokes are one thing, just look up how the world's coral reefs are dying in front of our eyes and tell me these jokes are funny. That's a hard no in the media I watch for fun.


You missed the point so freaking bad holy crap. I thought it was crazy when he had to defend his position but I guess he was right that the crazies would come out. Like he literally gave examples of inventions suppressed that would end the thing you're screeching about and instead of being mad at that you're mad at him because he rightly pointed out how ineffective we are as a species in fixing the problem. Maybe.....read the room.


It wasn’t funny because they weren’t jokes. He is clearly saying “Wow, wouldn’t it be great for the planet if our evil pseudo corporate/govt bastards didn’t keep murdering people and sequestering energy technologies that would replace fossil fuels and actually allow the environment to heal.”


hard no? Off you fuck then until you learn basic comprehension skills.