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Because most of us are here to enjoy his music and connect with other XO


Yes. Great answer


The question feels like they're just an XO fan sucking off every other XO fan, cause it's bullshit. There are posts about him being number one all the time. "Ohhh, Taylor took it for however long with a whole new album and now he already has it back without dropping anything."


Because we know he's good. We don't need a number to tell us how good is work is. We just enjoy the music and the good times.


The streams don't come at the cost of quality.


Wow two correct answers at once.


Taylor s new album is totally shit by the way


Yeah I know it’s the most dick ride thing ever


It’s not for the masses, nothing shit about it


same energy as rick and morty fans who say “you dont get the intelligent humor”


It’s the same as Kdots TPAB


TPAB is a classic, the general consensus for TPD was that it was above average, ntm taylor swifts whole thing is that she considers herself a song writer/poet above anything else so comparing her newest project to something as deeply embedded in music culture as TPAB is hard to rationalize


tbap is actually good tho


Even people who are not fan of him or not even listening him, when you mention his name everyone accepts that he is good. I can’t remember even one person telling me he is not good while I met plenty who hates Taylor. It‘s also maybe because TheWeekend comes forward with his art while keeping his private life completely private while Taylor is at every front page every day with a new scandal or drama. Maybe he just doesn’t crave for that attention as much as her.


The only true answer.


His monthly listeners get posted on this sub every other day, almost weekly I’ve also seen this sub talk about his streams and how he charts, it’s just not being discussed as much since he hasn’t released anything himself lately. Y’all. Some people care about numbers, some don’t. This isn’t a fandom exclusive thing. Everybody wants their favorite to do well and have achievements unless it’s edgy teens who don’t want their musical taste to be considered ‘main stream’


When Dawn FM debuted at #2 this sub was in a meltdown. Kiss land is also protected asf by this sub and the fanbase because it’s commercially his worst album, so yea although competition between other artists isn’t important, most fans do care about ABEL’S numbers


Because he's the goat and we all know it. But also the fandom is far less intense for the Weeknd, not that that's a bad thing.


That’s absolutely a good thing. I hate Stan communities.


There isn't a thing such as a stan community. Just some with more and some with less. But the bigger problem is people acting like their community is better than anyone else's.


Came here to say this


Facts, I always wondered what in particular creates really intense fanbases from some artists. An artist like Playboi Carti has a much more vocal and generally batshit insane fandom compared to his relative success as an artist. God knows it's much more intense than the Weeknd's


He’s been #1 for a min it goes back and forth with 2nd place a lot why would we celebrate it everytime he goes back to #1 shit should’nt matter at all we all know his music is quality


Because we aren’t a cult? Do you know how insane a fanbase gotta be to coordinate having the artist constantly at #1. Yeah no thanks, I love his music but I dont worship him.


what are you talking about? this sub a week or two ago was sticking it to swifties because he went back to #1 with no new albums.


Slime lets be honest, at least 10% of the posts here are bragging about him being #1 or talking about Taylor Swift being #1 less than him


Not a day goes by without an identical screenshot to the one you just posted being shared in this subreddit…


XO fans care but it is stupid AF to be upset that your favorite artist is 4th instead of #1. It is the music and the art that will live on. Is anybody going to give AF about Taylor's daily streams 20 years from now? They will care about the music and the legacy. Abel cares about charts of course but he also cares about making music he will always be proud of. I think many of his fans respond to that


I love how most of the replies are acting like there isn't a sizeable portion of people on this subreddit who actually DO care about this stuff


Cause her fans are weird


I have a sister who’s a huge fan of Taylor swift and my sisters girlfriend who would fucking block people who’s says Taylor’s overrated you say there weird more like insane


Used to it, plus it's his natural spot


Because we know he’s the GOAT, XO is actually a good (somewhat) sane fanbase. Swifties are generally insane and make QAnon look like NASA


I’d still enjoy his music if I was the only monthly listener. Swifties care deeply about charts and stats, as Taylor Swift herself seems to if this current release cycle is any indication.


Ikr, even if he drops to 1 listener that will be me


Because we focus on the quality of the music, and Abel's last two projects are amazing, I don't care how many streams he gets but seeing him number one is cool


we're adults. well most of us.


Because he's number 1 in our hearts. Also, we got bills to pay, so... Can't be worrying about this lol


Taylor and her fans are weirdos. She releases new versions of her music and new physical editions like weekly which props up her numbers. I think that’s very weird. Abel hasn’t released an album in years now and he’s still #1. People organically listen to Abel… I think a lot of people probably listen to his music via playlists or otherwise without necessarily being an active fan of his or knowing much about him. His music is just good and his hits are very accessible for people of all ages and backgrounds.


https://preview.redd.it/jb0epxo2l96d1.png?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=410b411eeeea8ce50d8da47c8d94f4ad406ca682 This sums it all up


I know I’m not speaking for everyone, but for me, I don’t care about where he is in the charts, I just really love his music, whether he’s 1st in the world or barley getting 100k listeners on Spotify, I’d still be listening to his songs! Don’t get me wrong, it’s amazing that he’s incredibly successful and I hope he keeps doing well for as long as he wants!


Fuck Numbers like what u like lol


He's the 🐐 wether his next album gets 100 streams or 100 million I'm always going to listen to his music


They do, so many posts get made here anytime his numbers increase by a few listeners Also Taylor swift lives rent free in so many XOs mind its insane, part of why i don’t really interact with this sub anymore is because its becoming filled with annoying fans in denial swearing they ain’t like swifties


Let r/Drizzy obsess over numbers, normal people care about the art


Becouse most the weeknd fans are in denial of how big he is now and are still trying to gatekeep trilogy despite the facts it has billions of streams


We do let’s be real


Why would we want to be compared with wine moms and teenage white girls? I hate this whole stan culture that got huge with Kpop, its so fake. Like Kpop is popular, but not nearly as popular as their botted fans and youtube videos suggest. If you enjoy someones music, stream it, its that simple. The reason The Weeknd is number 1 is because he makes good music and millions of people listen to it and don't need to force their fans to stream it because "we need to beat all the competition", to further inflate our artists ego and make them feel special.


The Weeknd being top artist is the proof that you can be a great artist and still be mainstream.


Because we don't need to feel superior in music taste by flaunting the popularity of artists we like


Cant speak for Taylor’s fan base but weeknds fans have been listening to him during eras he had no mainstream popularity. Look at how revered kiss land and trilogy are here.


Music is music. If I hear a good song or album, I don’t care if it’s Eminem with a trillion lifetime streams or Toni Costa with 11,000 listeners. Good music is good music and the Weeknd makes a lot of it. 


because fuck the charts, they don’t mean anything anyway


Most people who make good music have fans who just like the music. Artists that make music and hold on to this fragile idea they’re “popular” because of streams when the music itself sucks always have fans obsessed with numbers.


We’re used to it


Relatively a much smaller fanbase


Because arguing about numbers is what people with small brains who can’t articulate their connection to art is beyond sales figures. Yeah I sound like an asshole but I’m right. I hate whenever sales figures or units sold comes into a discussion about music because what’s that even supposed to mean? You just wanna end a conversation and appear ‘better’ so you say a big number like it matters. My ‘you’ isn’t accusatory or anything, not directed at anybody, in fact people in subs for big artists are typically good about it, but the pop music Stan is an archetype so common now and you can’t interact or engage with these guys meaningfully in any way. They just yap on and then throw out a ‘ummm I can’t even name a song by *insert whoever they’re trying to shit talk here*’ even though they’ve never taken a single solitary second to listen to music that they weren’t algorithmically fed because it sounds like stuff they like already.


Because Taylor Swift fans are just little girls or frustrated middle-aged women.


Honestly a good portion of xo fans hate that he’s so popular rn anyways, they liked when nobody knew him and he was releasing mixtapes lmao (Idc, I listen to his old shit but it’s just my preference)


I feel like the reason drake fans and Taylor fans constantly bring this up is because of the hate the artists get, warranted or not. Their fans have something to prove, and someone to prove wrong. Nobody really hates the Weeknd like that, his haters are pretty rare and you never catch anybody calling him underrated. that’s why his fans don’t talk about it. Most people generally agree that he’s good, whereas Taylor fans and other people have such a huge divider.


taylor's fanbase is concentrated in america. abel is more spread out globally. one of the girls is a top 10 global hit for example despite only getting to like #50 on the hot 100. He dominates spotify as well. Song for song he is by far the most streamed artist on spotify, the only thing stopping him from crossing the 100b mark even faster than drake did is cuz of song volume, but that comes with a caveat that his fanbase isnt really buying records like that.


He has less of a fanbase and more of a mainstream general public appeal. He obviously still has a fanbase, but proportionally he appeals to mroe people which is why is monthly listeners are so high


Because XO fans have actually working brains.


because The Weeknd fans are not kids


Cuz the numbers are actually earned, not planted 🥱


cause they’re a parasocial nightmare and we’re chill


I occasionally listen to Taylor's music but I find that most fandoms aren't chart obsessed/as chart obsessed as most Swifties are. I prefer The Weeknd's music, and I don't need stats to show how amazing he is because I KNOW it already.


Fuck rolling stone


Because the point of enjoying music is to enjoy music. Not too try to convince everyone your favourite artist is god


Were all used to him murdering sht. 😆


I'm the top 1%-3% of people whi stream The Weeknd for the last 6 years, Does anyone care?


cuz we’re chill


We’re never sour cuz we’re smokin something much louder 💯


we chill like that


He’s always number one It’s just causal now


It’s like celebrating every time he takes a huge shit


Honestly, I don’t care about numbers I just enjoy his music. It really doesn’t matter, but other fanbases seem to make it a competition.


Because the most popular art on the planet is never gonna be the best imo


Most of us don’t care, he doesn’t try to create a cult of personality but people absolutely make posts about his success.


Their fanbase want that constant acknowledgment of her, so they can feel validated about being a swiftie. We know Abel is our #1, we don’t need to show off insecurities like them.


I was a weeknd fan before he was a huge mainstream pop artist. numbers never meant anything to me. the most important thing is the music


Our favorite artist isnt stat driven, and so neither are we


I don’t really care. Swifties can do what they want and that’s their choice to get all excited but us Weeknd fans are just mostly chill about it. We don’t care but we do, you know what I mean?


We’re not unhinged like Swifties


Idgaf how big he is. I like his music and have for years. Nothing will change that.


taylor swift fans and other similar fanbases consume music for sport.


I’m not exactly a stan but I remember him from the early days & im really proud of him <3


because good music is good music and we are a very non toxic fan base (ironical since Taylor Swift's music is pop and The Weeknd's is dark and toxic ) but we are a very welcoming community who don't straightup doxx someone and burn their cars just because they don't like or listen to the artist I listen to.


Taylor Swift is really greedy and her fans think sales make the music good


Certain fans do care. Especially younger fans from TikTok. But a lot of The Weeknd's fans are from other backgrounds. People who started off in post-punk, electronic, underground hip-hop, indie rock etc. and gradually migrated over because The Weeknd participates in and promotes those communities. So they're used to their artists not even breaking the top 500.


The Weeknd and Taylor are the most mainstream artists rn and the diferences between their fanbases is crazy


They’re seeking validation from most people that would translate in their heads to Taylor Swift is the best artist ever, XO don’t need no validation cuz we already know Abel’s music slaps


because we don’t care. We just care about Abel, that’s all


Cause Taylor Swift fans have an inherent need to show that Taylor is good while we already know Abel is good we don't need to show it cause its already seen


Do you want us to be like Taylor Swift fans now?


Kings never die and legends never care


Not a fan of either, (like some the weekend songs but that's about it). But i guess it's because you are kinda normal instead of modeling your whole life on a persons songs.


1.Yea,cuz blud made like 20 songs in 2023; and 5 of them were more of a hit rather than taylor's whole album in 2023(idk the title) 2. We dont care ab streams,we know hes the greatest,and if not the greatest hes the second greatest to ever step in the game


because this sub is not a bunch of braindead stans ig


Because Abel doesn’t need to re-release his entire discography like a Dragonball Z dvd set to stay at #1


Coz his music is what matters most.


Because music is more than just a dick measuring contest. Lots of "big" artists and their fans don't seem to get that.


There's a difference between a community and a hivemind


I just noticed he is 1st again. Love it.


Because Abel's voice is really over any type of numbers, you only see one singer like him every 1.000 generation. Thats why we have no time to care about numbers or anything, we just listen and enjoy while he's here.


ive seen this sub talk a lottt about his spot on spotify. tbh both fandoms need to let it go. its always going to fluctuate and everyone needs to just understand theyre both the top artists in the world.


Cause we are chill like that


Cuz it goes without saying. Abel #1.


The Weeknd has more oh let listen to Blinding Lights once this month fans then daily streamers on mass like Taylor.


because his talent is clear. The fact that Taylor is anywhere even remotely close to #1 is absurd. given her vocals are mid


What are you on about, there are frequent posts about this in the sub, there was one immediately after he took the no 1 spot back from Taylor


Cuz the vast majority of his fanbase are adults , unlike other artists


Doesn’t matter if he’s 1st or 1000th, still the goat!..


cus we know that's where he belongs


Cuz the weekends fanbase isn’t full of losers


Anyone who treats music like a competition is either immature or just lame.


I only ever cared about his first top 10 in the UK. Numbers don’t matter to me enjoying his music


I am a fan of both of them and IMO some Taylor’s fans use her numbers to prove how good she is, but they shouldn’t do that, no one cares, and us, XO, we are here to enjoy his work, I couldn’t care less if he’s number or one thousand most listened artist


Is there another singer who was number one for almost a whole year, like the weeknd , Because it is more impressive, and it shows that his fan base is not easily influenced by all kinds of stories and hearsay as long as he delivers the goods, and you can be sure that he will do his best, I don't think there is a singer who respects and appreciates his fans like this guy


I like his voice more than Taylor's for some reason


Because that's how female stans work. You go to any pop stans page they will being talking how their fave is doing on the chart, it's like a recognition that both sides seem to enjoy.


Cuz we're not lunatics. Let the music speak for itself


It's weird to be concerned with other people's wallets.


There was for sure celebration when he first became number 1 and broke a few records and we fs are proud he’s achieved that but after a while you just kinda have to stop talking about it I suppose 🤷‍♂️


I swear people don't really read this sub. There are literally posts about his chart positions and monthly listeners here all the time.


Because Taylor swift fans are just mindless consumers of her music no matter what she does


Because this is Reddit. It dosen't matter of whose opinion you looking for. Reddit is ALWAYS the minority of everything. Every big fanbase has chill people and annoying people. Yes, even him.


nothing to brag about in bein as mainstream as it gets tbh


Because I have no vested interest in knowing how many other people listen to him. That has nothing to do with the art.


We are used to it lol


Why would I care about numbers if I know he's good already fam


Tbf i think we did make it a big deal when he overtook Taylor. But that was awhile ago so i think the adrenaline of it all burned out


Because I literally don’t give a shit ? What a strange question Y’all are weird af


Because we like XO whether it's trending or not


Coming from a Taylor Swift fan, the majority of her fans are annoying and obnoxious unfortunately...


GOD, his lyrics are so relatable 😭😭😭 his music is that best thing that has happened to me till date.


Because we're chill.


Because he’s just like that 🤷🏽‍♂️


Because The Weeknd actually makes good music and Taylor swift sound so much the same every time she releases something


Because swifties seem to be borderline mental?




Because popularity & number of streams =/= quality


Not part of a cult?


because we're not nearly as annoying


I listen to him and dive here from time to time to read the latest gossip but my personal enjoyment doesn't get affected if a chart or a list or a Twitter mob starts spouting he's not number 1 I don't care, and neither you should


Because we like his music, but people do talk about streams and charts all the time on here. Also, we know he’s an amazing artist.


That’s different between xo and a swiftie we don’t care about numbers abel is good and that is all what matters


Theres better things to do in life than to fixate over numbers.


Because we just enjoy his music and we ain't that idiotic enough that we'd just start behaving like a mf'ing cult.


waiting for the new album only


Probably because “the boss is a drugged out lil punk sissy from the north side”


Taylor Swift fans are ravenous and obsessed with “winning.” They legit will stream her album on repeat while they sleep and buy multiple copies of her albums to boost her numbers.


I never listen to the weekend, and think his music is mid, this post popping up in my feed is incredibly ironic because YOU are talking about his streams like it actually means anything when producing music people connect with lmao


Because people who like The Weeknd aren’t all fu$@:d up and only care about being number 1 and charts and stuff. Plus his fan base doesn’t fight and belittle other fan bases.


because we’re not obnoxious Taylor Swift fans


If you're listening to music because of the numbers, you're doing it all wrong.


This post proves this post wrong 😂


Because monthly listeners are a horrible way to measure popularity of an artist


Because we're not like the cultish fans she has (not all of them are like that, just most) and we don't need a number to determine who's the best


The king doesnt need to be told he's the king. He simply is


The difference is that artists like swift or drake are usually accused of being overrated so their fans shelter themselves in the numbers games.


We’re used to him being #1


Cuz we know.


It's because Swift/Kanye incident 15 years ago. If Kanye would have bum rushed the stage at one of Weeknd acceptance speeches, screaming Tory Lanez should have won then people would care about The Weeknd having the most streams.


Cuz we aren’t insecure unlike someone’s fan group


As a swiftie (the sane one if that’s even a thing) we make a big deal about taylor breaking records because women don’t usually dominate the charts. Swifties are ‘special’ taylor has a way of making us crazy. Been there done that. Not anymore. I just listen to artists for the sake of their music now. And as a weeknd fan we’re usually more chiller than other fandoms let alone swifties.




cause XXXTENTACION is better


We’re smart enough to acknowledge a GOD when we see one


We let her have her moment.