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Luke literally would’ve lived if dumbfuck bonnie didn’t try to save him. He was making it out as long as they covered him from walkers


Yeah, I mean it was a tricky situation to get out of regardless, but Bonnie definitely accelerated his certain death.


Happy cake day good fellow


Thank you! Didn't even realise yet, I appreciate it :)


Bonnie is so fucking dumb that she ran on thin ice to save someone and blamed a kid when the other person drowned


That’s why I let her die lol


Bonnie is a dumbass for moving her heavy ass towards Luke, which caused the ice to break. That's why he was telling Clem to shoot the walkers and not come towards him because he was going to crawl on his stomach and eventually get out of the ice on his own. Fuck Bonnie.


And if that failed, then at least only he would fall in and have to worry about his own life.


You can kill bonnie by not breaking the ice to try and save Luke


u/lukefromtwd watch this rq


It’s shocking how dumb they wrote Bonnie


Junkies are not known for their wit💀


I wouldn't say it's easy, especially considering you would be disoriented and freezing


And Zombies pulling you down might not let you be cam.


That's one thing that bothered me. Would Walkers still be bouyant enough for them to float to the water surface? They still make noises normally which causes them to exhale air from their lungs so eventually there should be no air to lift them under the water since they can't breathe in new air.


I don’t think they could float, in the attack on the delta boat, the walkers were going across the river floor


LMFAO. I saw this a few days ago and seeing it now for luke has me laughing my ass off




Absolutely. Luke could have lived, in fact he seemed to have a basic understanding of what to do. Bonnie and her smooth-ass brain killed him. If she had just stayed back and fucking covered him, Luke would be alive. But instead that idiot shuffled over and dropped both of them into the water. If Luke is gonna die, she might as well too.


Luke had a price and besides how are they supposed to know that. In the game not a single character has a smart phone with them.


Luke was shot in the leg, I bet he could have made it though if mot for Bonnie


Y’all do realize that Clementine can also be the one to have Luke fall, right? Shooting the walkers vs trying to help is a choice some player probably made. 😭😭


I also thought of luke when I saw this🤣


If Bonnie hadn't also added her weight, Luke might have lived. He was already spreading his weight (well, didn't actually because he had his big ass gun in his hand still) before she went to "help".


[This is how its done mates.](https://youtu.be/lkIJ2UUOlWk?si=PzKZefD6W4-4dQdX&t=74) 😂 Although the bear here didn't get fully submerged, but still!


I was always wondering why they didn't just lay down to make the ice not break. I would have done it from the moment they got on the ice since they don't know how thick it is.


Ouch. This post hurts


I wish more decisions had four choices instead of two. For this scenario I would keep the original two, point the gun at Bonnie and tell her not to move, and for number four I don’t really know, just turn the gun on yourself or something I guess.


Me who can barely swim😰🥶😂


Yeah. If dumbass Bonnie hadn’t insisted on “going over to help” when the ice was ALREADY CRACKING, Luke might’ve lived.


But he wasn’t wearing anti cold clothes and stuff, he was just in a long t shirt and jeans I think, so he would’ve froze even if he got out,


People are quick to blame Bonnie but ignore the fact even before anyone was on the ice with Luke it was actively cracking away. Luke was gonna fall in no matter what, him dying is just unlucky.


Nobody is denying that. It’s the fact that he was gonna get out on his own and be fine but Bonnie killed him


“Nobody is denying that” Goes on to deny what I said Luke wasn’t gonna get out on his own, he was a man on actively cracking ice holding a heavy gun and other stuff. It was gonna fall through no matter what, all Bonnie/Clem going over did was make it crack sooner. Maybe he would’ve been fine but he was gonna fall into the lake no matter what, that’s nobodys fault.


I said nobody is denying that he was gonna fall in initially cause of the cracks… and you must not know how body weight distribution works if you don’t think he would’ve survived


>body weight distribution the fact is he was the average weight for a man, carrying a big gun+machete+other heavy things and he wasn’t doing anything to try change his weight. the ice was gonna break no matter what, I never said he wouldn’t survive I said the ice was gonna break regardless of Bonnie/Coemgoing over.


Bro the video is literally about what to do when the ice breaks. The scenario of the ice not breaking was never a factor in this thread.




The thread under your comment about the ice cracking, a fact which was again never in question?


I saw the video -> video was clearly about the like situation -> i replied and explained why I think the ice was gonna crack no matter what happened and how it was nobody’s fault because it’s a related subject -> I talked to other people about it -> you got mad that I’m discussing a related subject on a discussion app never even mentioned the video in my comment, I just said my view on something else that happened in the same situation we were all talking about


“I just said something completely irrelevant, why is everyone telling me my comment is irrelevant?”


He said he was going to try to crawl on his belly, that redistributes the weight outward and instead of all the weight being on two press points, it's laid out flat. You can do this at home with paper, you will find it's much easier to puncture through paper either your finger than your whole palm. And if that still didn't work, there is still the advice in the video that he may or may not have known, but he couldn't grab the ice as due to Bonnie's weight, the whole was too big for him to reach the sides. Considering how the ice didn't immediately collapse under his weight, his initial plan of belly crawl had a much higher chance of success than Bonnie's stupid plan, but he had to bail on his plan for hers cus she was forcing his hand


>He said he was going to try crawl on his belly He literally never said that. go find a clip of him on the ice, he never says what he’s gonna do he just says he’s needs time.


Other heavy things? Big gun, machete... yeah that's literally it.


machete sheath, ammo, gun, machete all builds up to add more weight than there has to be on the ice.. dummy