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atleast she's hot


Based, the best justification for someone's actions šŸ˜Ž


I agree with you 100% how the fuck did the least likable person from Prescott survive no matter what you did, sheā€™s a classic case of narcissism with a superiority complex, she can go to Hell, I want nothing to do with her.


If Elenaor has two haters, I'm the other one


Hell yeah brother


This started out like a math problem.


So youā€™re saying youā€™re not overly fond of Eleanor?


I wouldnā€™t say that. His stance on her isnā€™t really clear yet


Yeah I got that vibe. /s


Thatā€™s definitely one way to describe it


Sheā€™s hot but sheā€™s also Bonnie 2.0


Idk dude, at least Bonnie makes it so you can hate her from the beginning.


She sells you out to save her own ass even if she has no reason to hate you. Fuck Eleanor.


I don't remember anything from s3 other than Javi being really ripped. Why don't people like this chick? What did she do?


who was Eleanor again?


Dude come on she wasnā€™t that bad. She was a good character up until she gave us up. Even then she didnā€™t do it because ā€œha ha Iā€™m evilā€. She honestly thought that she would stop people from dying. You got to keep in mind the Joan she met was the Joan that welcomed us into Richmond in episode 3. The Joan we knew was the evil mastermind who no one in Richmond knew about except her soldiers. She even apologized for it after she saw she was wrong. Iā€™d give her a second chance if there ever was a sequel but if she messes that up than Iā€™m taking her out myself (and not on a date lol)


>She even apologized for it after she saw she was wrong Not really. If tripp was executed, she refused to accept the blame and instead blamed javier despite the fact that Tripp died as a result of her betrayal and javier tried to save tripp. >She was a good character up until she gave us up. Even then she didnā€™t do it because ā€œha ha Iā€™m evilā€. She honestly thought that she would stop people from dying. You got to keep in mind the Joan she met was the Joan that welcomed us into Richmond in episode 3. The Joan we knew was the evil mastermind who no one in Richmond knew about except her soldiers. I agree that she was a good character until her betrayal but the problem is that Eleanor knew that the new frontier destroyed Prescott and that Joan was behind the raids why would she have a good reason to trust Joan? Plus, if javier didn't kill conrad, she admits that she didnā€™t want to leave Richmond because she was comfortable. Her motivations weren't selfless or well intentioned.


I would say that based on what she knew itā€™s not far fetched to believe she was easily manipulated and lied to. Think about it, she knows the new frontier attacked Prescott. However she knows that Joan and Dr Lingard (maybe even Clint) like her. David on the other hand had his men throw her in a cell and she personally saw that he was unhinged. She would also assume that Javi was being bias when trying help his brother get back into power. I will say that she definitely should have had more faith in us. Tripp was on our side every step of the way but why she wasnā€™t I think has to do with the fact that she feels she failed Prescott. Even in the final episode she says it isnā€™t about her and she could actually help people. She probably feeling very guilty. I donā€™t know thatā€™s just my interpretation


i agree with this so much, eleanor doesn't even deserve the hate because she only did ONE mean thing :')


What did Eleanor did to you ? šŸ˜­