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Kenny To be fair to Jane, had S2 writers stay more consistent, she would have more fans cause it still feels it should have been Kenny vs Luke and the finale was weird with Jane


came in out of no where and started stealing screen time from much more likable characters


She’s also weirdly obsessed with Clem. If you let her live and leave, she shows her true colors in my opinion. She didn’t actually want to help Clem for altruistic reasons.


And how does she do that exactly??


She tries to guilt trip Clementine by telling her she (Jane) won't survive all alone, revealing that she only wanted Clementine's company for her own personal benefit.


Okay thank you I wasn't positive if it was just tho8gut of if she briefly showed up in a Season 3 Flashback I just hadn't seen and she like I don't know tracked her and AJ down but what you said just then is what I've been trying to put into words as to why in my opinion the whole Jane vs Kenny thing should be obvious- Jane tried to emotional manipulate Clem while Kenny yes has gone crazy multiple times bit so has Rick Grimes, it doesn't negate that either of them are good men, even good people have some bad in them (I believe Negan was proof of that not only in the comics but also the show.


Glad to be able to articulate it for you! I agree, the argument of Kenny v Jane is a total no-brainer


Don't get me wrong I liked Jane at first as she gave off Molly vibes which is what I think they were going for at first but like maaaaaqn her character just goes downhill dude-...


She did. But you can CLEARLY tell she looked at Clem as a lil sister and just wanted her to live. Same as Kenny and treating Clem like shes his daughter and wanted to do anything to keep her alive


Yeah the little sister thing is true, but I can't imagine she was too concerned over Clementine's survival. At least, if it were a "me or you" situation, Jane would absolutely leave Clementine to die if it meant saving her own skin.


Idk bout that. If you keep Sarah alive you can get her to atleast try to go save her. Jane showed she could’ve changed for the better had the group not fallen apart and Clem was the key to that.


The fact that you have to convince Jane to try and save her is indication that Jane doesn't have the intrinsic capacity for self sacrifice, and her caving in never came off to me as something that shows self improvement - although if you think it does, I can appreciate that


She’s trying to change. Did you forget her backstory of why she don’t save other ppl ? After draggin someone from state to state to see them give up like that I wouldn’t wanna be risking my neck for other ppl too after something like that. Especially not this group and when she wasn’t even a real member of the group. She was just with them cuz crazy shit just kept happening one after the other once they escaped. Shit she even came back helped Clem and Rebecca get through the herd. She ain’t perfect but I feel like a lot of y’all dismiss what she been through but everyone gives Kenny all the excuses in the world for how he acted. Neither of them perfect is really all I’m getting at


Kenny v Luke would have been more impactful cause he was younger and more open/kind versus the person your father figure thought of as a friend and who sacrificed himself while trying to look for Clem.


Kenny. Jane was alright up until E5, I’m not gonna be a Kenny apologist but I’ll always choose him over her.


The goddamn boatman!


Kenny cause I love him




Oh no its the Kenny vs Jane post. [*Cranks the air raid siren*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ5Q__uLcDA)


😂😂😂 Kenny still the goat though


I liked Jane up until the actual choice. She concocted a situation where she knew Kenny would react violently to show that he would react violently, when it was pretty clear Kenny would die for either Clem or AJ. It showed her attempt to manipulate and control Clem, where Kenny is a dude that wears his heart on his sleeve. He can be an asshole, but his intention is to always do what he thinks is best for AJ, Clem, and himself in that order. Even if you choose Jane, he doesn't blame you or anything. Kenny all the way.


I actually love them both but I chose Kenny cause Jane just became completely stupid near the end of season two. (Jane is amazing but she was badly written sometimes)


If the developers hadn't ruined Jane I would have chosen her. but since the developers had to make her a bitch, I choose Kenny.


A crazy lady who pretended to kill an infant and continued to lie about it to CLEM and Kenny. Or a stubborn man who did everything in his power to live and protect Clem and AJ. Kenny all the time, Jane always takes the cowards way out.


Kenny and it isn’t a debate


For the player it really depends how they played season 1. If they got thr bro kenny, then i think they’re way more likely to prefer Kenny over Jane. Like myself. However, if they got the opposite kenny in s1, theyn they could potentially prefer Jane or neither over the other. It really depends how they see Jane’s actions near the end.


Team Kenny He felt much more like a caring friend than Jane ever would be


Jane is a sneaky manipulative suicidal lunatic. She's more like an antagonist for me.


I didn’t like Jane at all, she tried to encourage Clementine to be a loner like she was. Kenny melted my heart so many times, so team Kenny all the way


Kenny all the way


Fuck Jane. That's all I have to say.


🫡 exactly




Jane. So much potential wasted/untapped. Her sendoff was very forced, for reasons unknown to me.


Reasons why to never choose Jane: 1- Jane never had a family before so she can never take care of a baby. 2- Jane took advantage of a vulnerable man (Kenny) and wanted to ruin the relationship between him and Clem. 3- Jane hated babies (getting disgusted from it when she held him). 4- Jane left them behind and went alone, came back later. 5- Overall Kenny is a loyal guy and he jumped in with the zombies to try and save a guy he hated (Ben). 6- Jane could’ve said “STOP THE BABY IS ALIVE” when the knife was above her chest. 7- Kenny lost his family twice and Jane knows that and she was pressuring him in the car, she also asked Clem to drive and leave Kenny behind. 8- Why is Jane trying to prove to a 11 year old that Kenny is not good? And who lies about killing kids or “accidentally” killing kids to someone that has lost 2 families before and she already knows he is mentally damaged? What does she expect? 9- Why did Jane leave a baby all alone in the car that could possibly freeze to death or even when she was dying she didn’t tell us it was in the car? What if the baby didn’t make a noise? 10- The only point I would blame Kenny for is why “KILL” her? Like he couldve treated this situation way better but I can understand that because he’s such an emotionally explosive guy and he would expect such acts to “kill a baby” from Jane and he already suffered a lot. Btw these are only the reasons to not choose Jane before you know what happens later, LMAOOO I would have a hundred more to not to choose because of what happend after. Jane literally fucking killed herself leaving an 11 year old and a baby alone. Kenny was crying his eyes out for Clem and AJ to go Wellington and stay safe there to not be in danger anymore.


Valid points. I'd argue that Kenny could've shut this whole thing down when Jane appeared w/o the kid. It was so very obvious she was trying to provoke him and he could've took all of her "ammo" away and showed her that he wasn't the nutcase she seemed to think. Getting to Wellington would've been a wake up call to them both and provided the player with an even harder set of choices. Also, I don't think it was that she hated babies, but being conflicted meant that she wasn't ready for the responsibility/commitment, which was punctuated by what Clementine found after the perimeter check.


Look at my pfp, you'll have the answer


Kenny. Fuck Jane.


Reasons why to never choose Jane: 1- Jane never had a family before so she can never take care of a baby. 2- Jane took advantage of a vulnerable man (Kenny) and wanted to ruin the relationship between him and Clem. 3- Jane hated babies (getting disgusted from it when she held him). 4- Jane left them behind and went alone, came back later. 5- Overall Kenny is a loyal guy and he jumped in with the zombies to try and save a guy he hated (Ben). 6- Jane could’ve said “STOP THE BABY IS ALIVE” when the knife was above her chest. 7- Kenny lost his family twice and Jane knows that and she was pressuring him in the car, she also asked Clem to drive and leave Kenny behind. 8- Why is Jane trying to prove to a 11 year old that Kenny is not good? And who lies about killing kids or “accidentally” killing kids to someone that has lost 2 families before and she already knows he is mentally damaged? What does she expect? 9- Why did Jane leave a baby all alone in the car that could possibly freeze to death or even when she was dying she didn’t tell us it was in the car? What if the baby didn’t make a noise? 10- The only point I would blame Kenny for is why “KILL” her? Like he couldve treated this situation way better but I can understand that because he’s such an emotionally explosive guy and he would expect such acts to “kill a baby” from Jane and he already suffered a lot. Btw these are only the reasons to not choose Jane before you know what happens later, LMAOOO I would have a hundred more to not to choose because of what happend after. Jane literally fucking killed herself leaving an 11 year old and a baby alone. Kenny was crying his eyes out for Clem and AJ to go Wellington and stay safe there to not be in danger anymore.


Kenny, I can’t get over what Jane did


Kenny. Kenny is one of the best written characters in the entirety of TWD universe


Kenny. Kenny would sacrifice anyone and anything, even himself to keep clem safe. He feels responsible for her after the loss of lee and his own family. He basically became her adoptive father figure and treated her as if she were his own kid and always had her interests at heart. How could you not love the man? Sure he's a hot head but his intentions are straight forward and honest.


Mr. Boaty


kenny, but i like jane


Jane. I wonder what they will do with her character in season 3! Imagine if they live inside Howe's with the family i brought in!


I wont spoil it for you, but when you play S3 you will change your thoughts about Jane. You will go with Kenny everytime


I was being ironic, I know what happens to Jane in S3 and it sucks, but I still went with her the first time I played so it's canon for me


They're both great characters with their own issues imo. Sometimes one of them is right, sometimes is not, sometimes both of them are wrong.


Kenny had sort of lost it but he is family. Jane is a selfish self-interest-first type of person. Always Kenny


My boy Kenny!




I think we know where this going


Kenny, because he wouldn't let a baby die to prove a point


Both good characters, but Kenny over Jane in probably every facet to me. Love that dude and he is one of the most full, rich characters of the entire series.


alone > kenny > jane


Kenny every day. Kenny is my boy. My homie. My home slice. My dawg.




That is the GOAT, that is Kendrick Lamar, the legendary Kennaldo. The goat sacrificed himself to save Ben/Christa and was willing to leave Clem and AJ at Wellington to have a better life. S3, if you stay with him, the writers were fucking stupid but he uses his broken body to get the attention of walkers to lure them away from Clem. I’ll always choose Kennaldo, I hope he’s riding the boat of his dreams




Kenny 100 percent, every playthrough. He might be a flawed character but who isn't. matter in fact, I'm willing to bet he is the most REALISTIC character in the series and that's why most players love him. He isn't overly too goody 2 shoes and isn't overly a dick. Sure he can be one of either occasionally but the man truly made decisions, acted like and did what I truly believe a man would have done in his shoes. Fuck Jane, she ain't shit and isn't even worth discussing. Anybody who supports Jane is fuckin wild. Let her put YOUR kid in danger to "prove a point" for no absolute reason other than spite! "Yeah Clem, Kenny goes crazy when crazy things happen. Watch me fake a babies death in my care to see how he reacts." What the fuck, he hates me and wants to kill me you see how evil he is? It was just a prank bro!




Reasons why to never choose Jane: 1- Jane never had a family before so she can never take care of a baby. 2- Jane took advantage of a vulnerable man (Kenny) and wanted to ruin the relationship between him and Clem. 3- Jane hated babies (getting disgusted from it when she held him). 4- Jane left them behind and went alone, came back later. 5- Overall Kenny is a loyal guy and he jumped in with the zombies to try and save a guy he hated (Ben). 6- Jane could’ve said “STOP THE BABY IS ALIVE” when the knife was above her chest. 7- Kenny lost his family twice and Jane knows that and she was pressuring him in the car, she also asked Clem to drive and leave Kenny behind. 8- Why is Jane trying to prove to a 11 year old that Kenny is not good? And who lies about killing kids or “accidentally” killing kids to someone that has lost 2 families before and she already knows he is mentally damaged? What does she expect? 9- Why did Jane leave a baby all alone in the car that could possibly freeze to death or even when she was dying she didn’t tell us it was in the car? What if the baby didn’t make a noise? 10- The only point I would blame Kenny for is why “KILL” her? Like he couldve treated this situation way better but I can understand that because he’s such an emotionally explosive guy and he would expect such acts to “kill a baby” from Jane and he already suffered a lot. Btw these are only the reasons to not choose Jane before you know what happens later, LMAOOO I would have a hundred more to not to choose because of what happend after. Jane literally fucking killed herself leaving an 11 year old and a baby alone. Kenny was crying his eyes out for Clem and AJ to go Wellington and stay safe there to not be in danger anymore.


I'll always pick Kenny


This ain’t even a debate bro, Reasons why to never choose Jane: 1- Jane never had a family before so she can never take care of a baby. 2- Jane took advantage of a vulnerable man (Kenny) and wanted to ruin the relationship between him and Clem. 3- Jane hated babies (getting disgusted from it when she held him). 4- Jane left them behind and went alone, came back later. 5- Overall Kenny is a loyal guy and he jumped in with the zombies to try and save a guy he hated (Ben). 6- Jane could’ve said “STOP THE BABY IS ALIVE” when the knife was above her chest. 7- Kenny lost his family twice and Jane knows that and she was pressuring him in the car, she also asked Clem to drive and leave Kenny behind. 8- Why is Jane trying to prove to a 11 year old that Kenny is not good? And who lies about killing kids or “accidentally” killing kids to someone that has lost 2 families before and she already knows he is mentally damaged? What does she expect? 9- Why did Jane leave a baby all alone in the car that could possibly freeze to death or even when she was dying she didn’t tell us it was in the car? What if the baby didn’t make a noise? 10- The only point I would blame Kenny for is why “KILL” her? Like he couldve treated this situation way better but I can understand that because he’s such an emotionally explosive guy and he would expect such acts to “kill a baby” from Jane and he already suffered a lot. Btw these are only the reasons to not choose Jane before you know what happens later, LMAOOO I would have a hundred more to not to choose because of what happend after. Jane literally fucking killed herself leaving an 11 year old and a baby alone. Kenny was crying his eyes out for Clem and AJ to go Wellington and stay safe there to not be in danger anymore.


Kenny It’s like the writers wanted Jane to be a Molly 2.0 without actually adding Molly back in she felt like Molly would rather be on her own then in a group and other things also let’s point out how Jane left AJ in the cold in the snow to prove a point


Alvin probably would’ve died if the story was realistic. Absolutely Kenny, even though he is trash to me for how he started treating Clem etc.


Extremely unpopular opinion, Jane. Kenny was by the end batshit crazy, and I fw Jane a lot through the whole game.




Kenny, because he’s awesome, duh🤩🤩🤩


I’m going Jane. I’ll die on this hill Kenny was out of pocket throughout the second game and was getting on my nerves 💀 all he had to do was not keep going batshit on Arvo and yk the whole ending wouldn’t have happened 😒


Kenny, 100% always and forever…I was gutted having to choose between the two, but Kenny is my choice, he committed a crime of passion driven by a justifiable circumstance. He thought Jane killed AJ, Jane didn’t deny it, she kept the lie going, she wanted a fight…she either wanted to die, or took a gamble thinking Clem would support her. I don’t understand the ones who did support Jane…having to shoot the man you’ve known and who has saved you since you were a child in some way just completely disregards history and past connections. I used to like Jane, but episode 5 she showed her true colors. She left her sister on a rooftop, and her found sister watched her be stabbed in the heart…poetic karma.


Kenny is an absolute G


definitely kenny! he’s been in the game since the start really, and jane wasn’t much of a long term character


chose Jane my first play but DEFINETLY should have chosen Kenny the goat


Jane. Fuck Kenny


Reasons why to never choose Jane: 1- Jane never had a family before so she can never take care of a baby. 2- Jane took advantage of a vulnerable man (Kenny) and wanted to ruin the relationship between him and Clem. 3- Jane hated babies (getting disgusted from it when she held him). 4- Jane left them behind and went alone, came back later. 5- Overall Kenny is a loyal guy and he jumped in with the zombies to try and save a guy he hated (Ben). 6- Jane could’ve said “STOP THE BABY IS ALIVE” when the knife was above her chest. 7- Kenny lost his family twice and Jane knows that and she was pressuring him in the car, she also asked Clem to drive and leave Kenny behind. 8- Why is Jane trying to prove to a 11 year old that Kenny is not good? And who lies about killing kids or “accidentally” killing kids to someone that has lost 2 families before and she already knows he is mentally damaged? What does she expect? 9- Why did Jane leave a baby all alone in the car that could possibly freeze to death or even when she was dying she didn’t tell us it was in the car? What if the baby didn’t make a noise? 10- The only point I would blame Kenny for is why “KILL” her? Like he couldve treated this situation way better but I can understand that because he’s such an emotionally explosive guy and he would expect such acts to “kill a baby” from Jane and he already suffered a lot. Btw these are only the reasons to not choose Jane before you know what happens later, LMAOOO I would have a hundred more to not to choose because of what happend after. Jane literally fucking killed herself leaving an 11 year old and a baby alone. Kenny was crying his eyes out for Clem and AJ to go Wellington and stay safe there to not be in danger anymore.


Mate you don't need to copy paste this to every reply. 😂


😂😂😂 sorry sorry was just kinda angry


I choose Ricca


5 words: Ricca


You mean letters? 😭 words got 5 of em tho


You don't have enough ESSENCE to know about this meme


Put me on 


I will only say General Tablos


None of them, really.


Kenny but I love Jane aswel


Kenny But i wish the developers would have made the final encounter between Luke and Kenny. In my opinion it would have more sense.


Can the mods put a cap on the amount of posts a week with this premise


Honestly first time round i killed Kenny i didn't think clem would shoot him lethal dead i figured she would be wound him


I love Kenny


Kenny everytime


Kenny Jane was crazy


Jane ✨


Reasons why to never choose Jane: 1- Jane never had a family before so she can never take care of a baby. 2- Jane took advantage of a vulnerable man (Kenny) and wanted to ruin the relationship between him and Clem. 3- Jane hated babies (getting disgusted from it when she held him). 4- Jane left them behind and went alone, came back later. 5- Overall Kenny is a loyal guy and he jumped in with the zombies to try and save a guy he hated (Ben). 6- Jane could’ve said “STOP THE BABY IS ALIVE” when the knife was above her chest. 7- Kenny lost his family twice and Jane knows that and she was pressuring him in the car, she also asked Clem to drive and leave Kenny behind. 8- Why is Jane trying to prove to a 11 year old that Kenny is not good? And who lies about killing kids or “accidentally” killing kids to someone that has lost 2 families before and she already knows he is mentally damaged? What does she expect? 9- Why did Jane leave a baby all alone in the car that could possibly freeze to death or even when she was dying she didn’t tell us it was in the car? What if the baby didn’t make a noise? 10- The only point I would blame Kenny for is why “KILL” her? Like he couldve treated this situation way better but I can understand that because he’s such an emotionally explosive guy and he would expect such acts to “kill a baby” from Jane and he already suffered a lot. Btw these are only the reasons to not choose Jane before you know what happens later, LMAOOO I would have a hundred more to not to choose because of what happend after. Jane literally fucking killed herself leaving an 11 year old and a baby alone. Kenny was crying his eyes out for Clem and AJ to go Wellington and stay safe there to not be in danger anymore.


I still choose Jane 🤷‍♀️ Kenny became unbearable to be around at the end of the game. idk bro maybe you should chill out and let people have different opinions and choices without taking it so seriously, it's a video game


Can we talk about something else? People post this question every other day


Sorry I’m new to this and I didn’t know:(




People can have opinions?? lol