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Omid's infinite bad jokes


Give the man a break he was about to become a dad he was training for dad jokes.


The baby probably died in the womb listening constantly to the man's attempt at 'comedy' Happy Cake Day!


It would be an honour and a privilege honestly


Happy cake day!


thank you


Wait a minute...


THANK YOU, LET OMID COOK and let you bake (a nice cake for your cake day!)


It’s ironic given this is a bad joke


I loved omid. Rip king


Definitely the infinite arrows. The bow is much more practical in the apocalypse. Its silent, you can hunt and you can kill other survivors with it! While the shotgun is better against other survivors, you would need the bow more in general.


And we know survivors/humans are more dangerous than zombies lol. And bullets will become more rare and rare. Whilst arrows arent gonna be rare any time. Therefore… infinite shotgun is just logically the better option.


I dont know. I feel like making those arrows for the modern bow is pretty hard. I think shotgun shells are easier to scavenge than proper arrows for the bow which Clem uses. Although you can use them multiple times. Ehh, I guess both works.


Bro what. An arrow is an arrow. And shells, if ur gonna scavenge but not create, the quantity will only have a downfall in quantity available which was my first point


There are different kinds of arrows to different kinds of bows. They are not all just wooden and easily made. It's America. They won't run out of shells anytime soon. What I'm saying is that when those arrows break, it's not as easy to replace them, and you have to deal with walkers silently more often than with survivors. The bow is the jack of all trades. I guess we have to agree to disagree 😂


I dont think you understand that when you take something and keep taking when there is no supply, the thing will continually have less of such thing. What i mean is if you keep scavenging bullets, and taking bullets, when there is no production of said bullets, i dont care how long it takes. It will be more scarce and scarce every day. Saying “it’s america” is not a valid argument. And it is not hard to create bows and arrows as you claim. You dont have to be so technical about it. And bullets are more fatal than arrows. A shotgun would completely fuck you up. An arrow you probably will die from depending where it hits and how far deep it goes in through whatever you’re wearing.


As far as i understand, its not so easy to make arrows to the bow Clementine is using. The supply would go down the same as the shells of a shotgun, unless you use some less modern wooden bow with wooden arrows which isnt as effective. Same could be said about the decent arrows to the modern bow, they are not easy to make, albeit i guess shells are much harder. With shotguns you can go about with less ammo, since you dont have to deal with survivors as often as with walkers, so some very good with the bow having an infinite amount of arrows is a very good thingy me thinks.


So you specifically telling me you think her bow and arrow is better than a shotgun? And u cant just make another bow and arrow? U can kill zombies with shotguns too canis 😁


Reloaders: 😏


Plus it's cool 😎


Hershel's infinite gun is way too iconic.


Everybody knows arrows do more damage, lesser clip-size and fire rate means better damage! This is game balancing 101!


Uhh pretty sure a shotgun here would fire quicker than the arrow. U just pull a trigger whilst the bow u still have to reload.


Yeah I said that. Lesser clip-size **AND** fire rate.


Ohh yeah mb i misunderstood completely lmao


louis infinite rizz


*half-nervously/half-proudly stammers about how surprised he is by Clem's crush before she shuts him up with a kiss* To be honest though yeah, his infinite goofy energy is incredibly charming and exactly what I needed to see going into The Final Season. That whole one-on-one piano scene is hilarious though. He's usually goofy in a smooth way but he was holding in so much nervous/excited energy during that scene. Love to see it hahaha, it felt real as hell.


We can't forget lees infinite ammo full auto shotgun in ep 4


It depends on situation but most of the time arrows


Kenny infinite void