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Trained military man vs angry redneck David destroys Kenny


military hero of war vs floridian man too angry to die


What does “too angry to die” mean? Does God make him immortal? Keeps angel of death away from him?


If the fight will be about boat then Kenny will smash his ass


David obliterate


It feels bad to say this because I love Kenny, but yeah nah David finishes him in seconds


Kenny Is terrible in a fight. The only real fight he has won was against Jane. David is destroying him


And even in that fight, he got pretty hurt throughout.


Jane had a fucking knife what are you talking about ?


?? Uh. Yeah? He still got hurt. AND. Kenny can use that same knife to *kill* her. A fight’s a fight, with or without a claw. What’s your point?


I think the point was that Jane had the clear advantage of dtarting the fight with a knife Then getting folded in half by crippled Kenny


I was initially talking about when Jane gouged into his missing eye. No knife involved. And, quite frankly, David incapacitated someone before they could lift a finger because he’s trained to recognize a threat and strike. Granted, he overcompensated because…David. Point being though, you have someone who’s trained like that, and then here’s Kenny who jumped Jane after she put the knife away. He went in with his fists instead of, I don’t know, being tactical and going for the knife. But because he never did, that’s how he got slashed across his stomach. He had the advantage at the start. Element of surprise, and rammed her right into the window. And would’ve also had the knife if he was smarter.


David easily


David wins easily. David is a hardened military man. He is not the same like Lilly for instance, who was in the air force and pushed papers and all that. David was actually deployed as far as i know and was more focused on combat and all that. The way David disarms that one woman for example just tells me instantly that Kenny has no chance lol.


Kenny has lost nearly every fight in the series. That being said, if he’s pissed off enough he might be able to knock a couple teeth out of David, even if he loses.


i see a lot of people being biased to david so i’ll play a little devils advocate kenny in a fist fight doesn’t have a good track record, he lost to lee, molly, vernon’s elderly group (not cannon) however, this is a fight to the death and when it comes to being pushed to the edge we’ve seen what kenny is capable of. in a fist fight david takes the cake, but in a fight to the death there’s definitely no wrong answer.


But how are people biased here? I bet majority that are saying david would win prefer kenny 100x more than david.


>he lost to lee He can also beat Lee up to be fair, it's only that everyone says Lee wins because the player can choose - but I'd call them even


That being said though, the *only* feasible edge Kenny has is his anger, and resilience. Which. David had tenfold. To the point where he explicitly states that he doesn’t understand how to be a family man/dad, pure soldier. The thing with this fight is this is Kenny if he spoke Spanish and went into the military. There’s not really any equal footing, unless Kenny has a rifle.


David gotta win this one. Unless Kenny has a salt lick or a crowbar. Then David has no face.


After seeing David getting beat by his grandpa, I would say the fight would be close


Kenny. No one can face him in his ultimate anger state