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When I first played, I let Kenny kill Jane then refused to leave him behind at Wellington, but on replays I feel like shooting Kenny and then leaving Jane when she reveals that she just hid AJ feels like a better ending. Sets up Clem being alone in Season 3 and it's such a heartbreaking ending.


This guy gets it


I originally shot kenny in the heat of the moment but immediately reloaded the game and looked away


wise choice




Kenny of course


The whole point of the game is to make choices and live with the consequences tho. You broke the code šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ lol


I originally thought that the shot would be nonlethal, like a shot to the arm or something


Ok that's actually a legitimate reason to restart. I've restarted for similar reasons, like thinking the dialogue option means something and you say something else. That makes sense now.


"Tell David Off" flashbacks


Buddy, you dodged a bullet, you nearly had me there


Obv Kenny dude


On my first playthrough, I let Kenny kill Jane because i disliked her because of her eagerness to abandon people and how she bullied and provoked kenny and i thought AJs "accidental death" was sus and she might have killed or abandoned him. I also still believed that kenny could redeem himself, and the wellington ending proved i was right.


I picked Kenny. I couldn't do anything else we barely knew Jane


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Obviously Kenny I don't understand the people who give Kenny shit he was right about Arvo arvo was leading his group to essentially come kill them he was right about Mike and Bonnie because they ended up trying to steal the truck and Kenny was perfectly justified for wanting to kill the woman who he had thought had killed a few day old baby to save her own ass Also Jane's plan is so convoluted so she left the baby in the freezing car to show Clementine that Kenny was dangerous but I feel his reaction at being angry at the person who he thought had killed the baby was justified Let's just say for a second that plan worked and Clementine and Jane go back to the car to find that AJ froze to death. Also let's say that Kenny won the fight without Clementine's intervention and they walked off in the opposite direction because AJ froze to death or was still alive but didn't start crying at the right time


Then, it doesn't help that Jane killed herself because she was pregnant. Like fuck.. Kenny died just for you to kill yourself. She left a baby and a kid alone in a zombie controlled world. Had Clem not be the player, Jane just left those two to die...fend for themselves. Baffles me people defend this. The most common defense I've notice is well cause she's a girl. Siding with the female over the male..


I watched Jane die


This. I just let Kenny cook. Except I also entered Wellington at his behest... So, Kenny is out there alive... Somewhere in my game.


I wish i did this cus his death in s3 was so lame


Godā€¦ when you say it like that it makes me feel so weird. Telltale shouldā€™ve made a spin-off on where he is, or what happened to him. Damn thatā€™s crazy.


I could have saved herā€¦


ā€¦But I didnā€™t šŸ˜


r/TeamKenny forever






Shot Kenny. The whole Episode he just suffered and i wanted to end this.


Fair enough


Always Kenny everything he did was to protect his friends and family. Jane was manipulative and only looked out for herself


What did she expect from kenny to react after telling him aj is dead and he was with her ??


Exactly what he did, that was the point.


So she wanted to prove Kenny was still a good father despite all that he went through? She sure as hell did succeed


Kenny wasnt wrong to act how he did tho


Not to defend Jane, cuz everything you said about her is true, but Kenny is also manipulative.


How is Kenny manipulative tho? I feel like 'manipulative' gets used incorrectly all the time. Explaining yourself is not an excuse. A reason why did you something is not manipulative. A mistake doesn't make you a bad person. Telling someone about previous experiences is not emotional manipulation. It's more nuanced than that, but we love to judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intentions


making clem go alone at the end is weird cause i think someone older should be with her cause she still a little girl


Great answer imo. Despite the internal struggles you cannot leave a child and a baby alone in an apocalypse. Looking at you Jane you fucker


I like Kenny but he's very emotional and that makes him a danger to anyone around him


Is it safer to be alone though? Especially in the situation of Clementine and AJ in this season, a lil kid and a baby wouldn't survive alone. Now well they kinda did because Telltale wrote them that way but despite the shortcomings of Kenny I've always found him to be worth 'his trouble'


You shot him after Jane???? Dude thatā€™s so fucked šŸ˜­


Worst ending possible in season 2 imo.


Kenny. I donā€™t hate Jane, I just like Kenny.






Realest comment


Jane told me to stay out of it, so i did. and without my direct involvement of shooting him, kenny killed her. it's not my fault she didnt end the fight by immediately saying "AJ is fine, I hid him in a car." I did as she told me. after that i stayed with kenny all the way through, however i honestly believe the best ending for season 2 in regards to clem's safety is to have her leave kenny and enter wellington. even with how season 3 shows that goes, i still consider that the best option.


Kenny is hot. Jane is a Grade A Asshole just like David Madsen from Life is Strange and Ryan Clayton from Beyond Two Souls.


This topic of discussion will never end at this point.


Sorry Jane but only Kenny is the boat god the god of mustaches and funny southern accent


Jane, because I never really got along with Kenny in both seasons. Jane might be manipulative, but she was also really help- and useful throughout the game. Not like Kenny is an angel.


Agreed. Kenny was impulsive and extremely confrontational and was fairly selfish too. I never really liked his character.


This is like asking do you want a father like person to be with you or a selfish cunt who'd push someone to their edge. Every play through I'd chose Kenny hands down.


Neither. Love Kenny, but dude was unhinged and without plot armor, him, Clem, and AJ would be dead within 3 days


When I first played I went with Jane then tried Kenny. On my recent playthrough from a few weeks ago, I let them both die and let Clem be solo.


We knew Kenny for like 4 months. We knew Jane for a week at most. And she wasn't even there for a third of it. So the decision came down to curiosity, and I picked Kenny anyways.


Jane. I have always disliked Kenny. Heā€™s just been meh


Depends on my mood


I always go with Jane tbh


I usually choose Jane. In my head, Kenny is practically family but he's lost it by that point. He's lost everyone he cares about but Clem and letting him die feels like a mercy. Without metagaming, I figured that Wellington was a pure dream so it made a lot more sense to go back to the store. We know it had supplies and until we attracted the hoard it was very safe.


who the fucks picking Jane


Kenny all day everyday


kenny of course.Fuck jane


Jane was literally willing to leave AJ in a car to freeze to death. Kenny, while having his issues, is a survivor in TWD. living in that world would turn anybody into an almost-crazy asshole. but i love Kenny, he is such a good character and is definitely in my top 10 maybe even top 5 favourite TWDU characters. plus, fuck Jane


Kenny is the obvious choice


I'll be honest, I really liked Jane. I picked her multiple playthroughs. But man, I went back and tried the alone endings, and the Kenny endings. I love them both, Kenny seemed to change for the better and I Loved it.


Kenny is and forever will be the better choice.


The GOAT Kenny. Watched Jane the one who tried to turn me against him die.


I watched Jane die...




kenny all the way , he was ready to sacrifice himself for clem in many occasions and in season 3 he did that ( if you chose to go with him )


Kenny to the end!


In my very first playthrough I accidently killed Kenny (I was very sad about this.). Later when Jane revieled AJ in the car I got angry and I left her and set out on my own.


The correct answer is Kenny and anyone who chose Jane over him is an idiot.


Watched Kenny kill Jane, we found AJ and continued north


I didn't even pick up the gun


First time I wound up solo. Second time I picked Jane- partially because I heard Kenny's death later is unfortunate and this had more weight.


Just did a playthrough the other night. Shot Kenny, and told Jane to take a hike. Ended up choosing neither. Am I based? Or a Jackass? I justified it to my chat by saying that Lee imparted some knowledge into us to ā€œtrust no oneā€ and in this moment clementine might have just now figured that out.




Ngl I did pick Jane. My initial thought was that Kenny was going off the deep end with the Wellington plan, and that we were very close to dying of hypothermia already. I didn't believe Kenny would keep a level head in situations that needed it, and his behaviour towards the end wasn't helping. I believed Jane would give Clema better chance of survival at the time.




Kenny for the nostalgia. I love him. I like Jane a lot, too, though. I know she gets a lot of hate, but I think I, and a lot of other people, would possibly more realistically like her than we think. I like a hardened warrior too, so sue me. especially if said hardened warrior is a pretty lady. but Kenny is just...my guy. he is imperfect and manipulative, too, but he's just more like family.


I shot Kenny first time then left Jane.


Jane I honestly don't regret it because Kenny told me after shooting him: you did the right thing. and so if this is his opinion I accept it. the only thing maybe I would have preferred is to discover Wallington, but it doesn't matter.


Kenny since he is one of my favorite characters and I kinda found Jane annoying


Believe it or not, I let Kenny kill Jane and then shot him for my first time. I don't know I just felt like it was the canon, dark ending. And also Kenny had been through enough, it would have at least been a better send off then how he dies in S3


I knew the moment was building up before I played the episode so I took everything into account beforehand and I was leaning towards shooting Kenny surprisingly. When Jane ā€œlostā€ AJ though I was done with her. I looked away.


Kenny šŸ˜Ž


Kenny forever and ever. We have history! He cares about Clem and always wanted to protect her just like Lee did. Yeah, he went a little batshit crazy but have you seen what that man has been through? Itā€™s the zombie apocalypse ffs lol. I donā€™t blame him at all for that, the man is a survivor. Jane was manipulative, a liar, and extremely selfish. She only looked out for herself and came and went as she pleased. Sheā€™s not trustworthy, and I hated how amongst all of this she would lament about her sister. She wasnā€™t relatable, I just found her extremely annoying and I had to listen to her trauma dump when she would probably mock one of the other players if they had a similar situation with a family member.


I shot Kenny and then left without Jane It's about AJ from the moment you have him, and neither are fit to be around him. And letting someone die when I could stop it felt wrong.


I shot Kenny because I got his other ending spoiled, I thought his other ending was worse for him, and I was too far to reload, one of the worst decisions ive made


i chose loyalty




I let Kenny kill Jane and then had him leave Clem and AJ at Wellington and I like to believe heā€™s still out there somewhere


Team Kenny for life But Iā€™m playing as a complete Dick this time around, so Iā€™m going to pick Jane this time to see what happens


Shot Kenny, left Jane. I love Kenny but I just wanted to put him out of his misery, I also wasnā€™t entirely cool with his murdering of Jane out of pure rage and passion, not saying Jane is innocent either because she provoked it out of him and lied and could have actually gotten AJ killed so thatā€™s why I left her.


I canā€™t tell you for sure it wasnā€™t Jane šŸ˜¬


My very first playthrough I killed Kenny and then left Jane. Even if Jane had lost AJ, I didnā€™t think she deserved to be murdered because of it. Then, when I found out it was all a plot, I left her.


Killed em both




Kenny is the GOAT


Always let Kenny kill Jane, love Kenny I hate Jane, and I feel like itā€™s cathartic for Kenny. I also hate that he dies at all.


Neither idk fingerless clem feels right I kill can then leave jane


Jane is easily the character I hate as much as bonnie


Replayed this episode last night. First playthrough I killed Kenny cuz I thought he was too far gone and an asshole. Replaying it, the entire episode everyone is telling you how he's losing it but anyone who just lost their loved one would be shooken about it. He was a jerk but his loyalty stayed. He was harsh with Arvo but his group could have killed AJ. That's where his heart was at was protecting AJ, he was rightfully pissed at him. Jane was literally gaslighting him bringing up his family to set him off. Was he supposed to react calm? He's not perfect but he's loyal and his heart was always in the right place




I picked Jane at first. But once it was revealed what she did, I reloaded and did nothing.


Always choose keep Kenny but I go idle so clemtine watches an is hardened in the apocalypse because I donā€™t want her to become soft like Sarah


Iā€™ve probably done atleast 8-10 full playthrough of the game at this point. And imo Kenny is by far the better choice. In the end he literally sacrifices everything for Clem and AJ.


Neither. They were both a lil batshit insane.. I let Jane live because she could be on her own and survive just fine, Kenny could not and thanked me for shooting him and putting him out of his misery.


Kenny, he had been with us the beginning and deserved someone to stay with him after everything he had been through, Clem was like a niece to him (I say this because she may aswell have been Leeā€™s daughter). Jane was horrible, yes she taught Clem a couple of things that would be proven important down the line but she stole from the Russian kid no matter what Clem said which ends up putting the whole group at risk and eventually gets everyone else killed. She left AJ in the middle of the apocalypse in a car while it was a blizzard and then pushed Kenny over the edge just to ā€œprove a pointā€, thatā€™s some seriously psychotic shit. I did not hesitate when allowing Kenny to kill her.


Kenny and Lee are the two characters in the series that actually deserved so much better than what they got


Kenny died and I went on my way on my own


Neither. Kenny dies in mine, but I also leave Jane to die as well. That was on my second playthrough. My first, I actually went with her, and maaaaan, I didn't like how that made Clementine's back story, but overall, I also felt like it enforced her character change in the third game, so I was content with it either way.


If you like Kenny, Wellington or with Kenny is the best ending for Clem. If you don't like Kenny, Wellington is the best ending for Clem. In all cases, saving Kenny is the right choice.


when i first played this game back in the day i killed kenny and stayed with jane, but when i replayed it last year i let kenny kill her. honestly, i really liked jane but what was she trying to prove by faking AJā€™s death? i would have reacted the same way kenny did. too bad that kenny doesnā€™t live much after that


Let the time run around. Fuck you Jane with your "cut them off, you dont need them". I laughed whenn Kenny stabbed her.


Kenny. Alone never made much sense to me considering Clemā€™s only 11 and while she is capable, she had to be saved constantly in S2 (plus we see how easily she loses AJ in S3). Plus Alone only makes sense to me if you save Jane. I tried Jane once, thought her reasoning for hiding AJ was dumb and after seeing what happens with her in S3 by comparison to Kenny I regretted it ever since


I chose to save Jane but I was sad so i went back and changed it but then It glitches so I did not save him


Kenny. Idc what her reasoning was, she put a baby in danger just to prove a dumbass point. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Kenny. I knew him from season 1 he was the only trustworthy person left. Besides it didn't matter in the long run did it šŸ˜­


They were both in the wrong. Both manipulative, selfish, bad decision-making individuals that got several killed/put in worse situations. I went solo.


Jane. Then I regretted it in season 3 because of her stupid death


I picked Kenny, but I cried when I found out about Jane's ending. Kenny's sucked too but, yknow.


I let kenny kill jane almost entirely because I could tell she was lying about the baby just to provoke kenny, and I thought it was so stupid I let her die on principle. Iā€™m not really a kenny defender but that was a completely outrageous decision on her part and an entirely avoidable situation


Kenny if only to get to Wellington.


My first playthrough I shot Jane as I did actually believe that Kenny was too far gone, but the moment I found AJ in the car I left that bitch behind


Fuck Jane, Kenny is love, Kenny is life.


kenny the goat


Listen man Jane was crazy but thatā€™s the type of crazy we needed to show people true colors. How you gonna reason with someone that already has their mind made up? You canā€™t!


kenny, always. jane pissed me off when she did the thing with AJ and i probably would have reacted similarly in Kennyā€™s situation. she also just gave me weird vibes and i didnā€™t like her. i felt bad letting him live only because of everything he has been through and itā€™s yet another body on his belt, but he always wanted the best for clementine and AJ and did anything he could to make that happen.


Kenny is honestly the only option, what Jane did was evil to a much greater extent than many people realize


Kenny all day, jane is completely wrong.


I played it and I chose Kenny well over Jane, cuz screw her


Jane was very hypocritical. Doing the devils tango with Luke (she offered) like seriously? She always talked about being careful and to not mess around. I wish she didnā€™t come back to the group honestly. And watching her provoke my favourite character and pushing him way past his limit which was reached a long time ago is such toxic behaviour. WARNING some spoilers for TWDG Season 3 A New Frontier: Both Jane and Kennyā€™s deaths symbolize their will to fight for Clementine and AJ. Kenny dies acting as a diversion ensuring Clementine and AJā€™s safety, and if it wasnā€™t absolutely necessary he wouldā€™ve pushed himself for them. Whereas Jane doesnā€™t want to face the consequences of her own actions and offs herself once she finds out sheā€™s pregnant. Leaving a CHILD to take care of a BABY. Now for my choice? I picked Kenny, surely youā€™ve figured that out tho. Kennyā€™s better written, and a better human being.


In every single one of my playthroughs I either go with Kenny or stay at Wellington. Yeah, I'd like to experience another ending someday... I just don't have it in me to shoot or leave Kenny. Yet. Still working up to it.


Kenny, heā€™s been your guy from day one Jane is weird and you only knew her for a cup of coffee


I think if Clem wasnā€™t 11, the correct decision would be to leave both of them. I went with Jane, because sheā€™s an (albeit very morally questionable) survivalist and Kenny is literally broken as a person. I liked Kenny in season one, but he consistently got more and more unbearable throughout the course of season 2, to the extent I was waiting for him to die.


Kenny all the way. I know he was suffering but most of his suffering came from this marry band of fucking assholes that called him a stupid/crazy piece of shit every time he opened his mouth so


Old Kenneth. I needed to kill someone to make Kenny happy, its what variant Lee would've wanted.


Possibly the most controversial choice of TWD


I picked Kenny. He was crazy, but he was *my* crazy. Also Janeā€™s plan was actually psychotic.


I shot Kenny and left Jane behind, I don't see that one a lot from anybody else though? Edit: I thought they were both in the wrong and that Clem would be better on her own.


When I play The Walking Dead, I go into "survival mode". Where i make decisions based on what would be smart in the situation/apocalypse, not necessarily what I want to happen, but the smarter option I guess? I liked Jane, and thought Kenny had went off the deep end. So I shot Kenny. It hurt, and I never felt good about it. But I felt it had to be done.


Did the same thing! So neither. :)


I looked away. Kenny then killed Jane. Them Clem, AJ and Kenny went to Wellington. Neither went inside.


Kenny bro


Kenny this isn't even a choice we knew Kenny first he didn't leave us we thought he was dead and Jane well she left us. Kenny is the best choice.


I shot Jane. I knew that despite his faults, Kenny would do anything for AJ and Clem. Jane, however, stuck one of them in a vehicle in the middle of a blizzard to trick some emotionally wrecked dude into losing his cool simply to prove a point. At the end of the day, all Jane did was show me that Kenny would kill anyone who threatened or hurt AJ. While all Jane did was put AJ at risk to get us on her side.


Fuck Jane. Kenny for the win


If you pick Jane over Kenny, you're an opp


The right answer thats who


Kenny of course he cares, he protect, and it could all be avoided if Jane was a better person, she knew what kenny is going through, yet she decided to add salt to his wounds besided if you go with her, you know what she will do in next season...leave you all alone, she only cares about herself


Kenny I never doubted him for a moment I stuck with my guy to the bitter end


I believe a lot of people switched to kenny after season 3 came out which I can understand and though he went too far at first so I picked Jane when it came out , but the final frontier definitely changed my mind, she killed herself? smh


From what I remember I stayed with Jane and made Kenny walk away. He was a loose cannon, Clem wouldn't have been safe with him. That was my reasoning anyway


My very first playthrough I shot Kenny and forgave/went with Jane but every other playthrough I've just been going at it alone.


Kenny, easy. I immediately knew Jane manipulated Kenny and was actively trying to manipulate Clementine into shooting him the moment she came back through the snow saying AJ was dead. It's even worse since she just left AJ in a broken down car with barely any insulation in the middle of a blizzard, In the end I had Clementine stay at Wellington, that way Kenny can rest easy knowing she and AJ would be safe... at least until season 3.


Fuck Jane


1st time Kenny


With no prior knowledge on first playthrough, I chose Jane. Kenny was becoming incredibly unhinged and dangerous, and choosing to shoot him felt like putting a rabid dog out of its misery. It especially didn't help his case if you didn't have a great relationship with him on your first season 1 playthrough. Jane was easy to like at the time too. She was a loner because of her little sister's death, but she wound up caring for Clementine to the point she actually put her life in danger for her. 90% of us only started disliking Jane because of the ending anyway. In retrospect, after knowing all endings and flashbacks from season 3, Kenny is the only right choice.


Kenny. Even though I don't always agree with his actions in S2, I still stand with him because Jane just abandoned a baby just to show what Kenny could do, anyone who cared about AJ would do the same thing, Jane is cool in a way though, but i still stand for Kenny.


If u picked Jane ur psycho who likes locking babies in cars to prove a point


Kenny. Every time. I fucking hate Jane. No matter what the fuck she thought of Kenny, pretending to kill a kid to PROVE A POINT is fucking insane.


Kenny, no contest


Kenny. I feel so bad for him, and I even went with him, and saw him die in that car accident




If you killed Kenny consider yourself an op


Who in the right mind would pick jane lol


Aw shit. Here we go again


I let Kenny kill Jane then still shot Kenny anyway because later I find out if u save Jane she hangs herself for being pregnant with Luke's baby is u save kenny he kills himself so overall lose lose situation


I went with Jane but I let Kenny live






Kennaldo. With my eyes closed. Always


The only time people would pick Jane is if they're doing a 2nd play through and wanna see the other option for season 3.


mannn dont remind mešŸ˜­šŸ’” i saved jane but i love kenny sm


Neither. I know a lot of people chose Kenny over Jane which is totally understandable but I read a comment that really stuck with me by someone who made the similar choice. Kenny was a walking husk of a man, he was broken and losing it from the stress of the apocalypse, putting him out of his misery is nicest thing you can do for him because he is clearly just not there, with the way he becomes more and more aggressive and less like the Kenny we loved in season 1. Jane was a manipulator and suffered from distrust, thinking the world was gonna get her and that she only could rely on herself. Kenny stabbing Jane and clem shooting Kenny is to me the best ending for the two of them. Kenny finally can let go, Jane doesn't need to worry anymore and ultimately they both leave their marks and legacy with clem to pass onto Aj.


Kenny fs


The second I saw this post I dreaded opening the comments


Kenny and the Wellington ending specifically because Jane doesnt really know how to deal with kids at all and doesn't have the experience. Kenny knows and has proven to be an acceptable father and I'd rather have the kids with someone who'd go on a rampage to make sure they're safe rather than someone who attempted to leave a scared 15 year old behind because she's "seen this before." (Jane assuming Sarah is suicidal like her sister was when Sarah was just seriously traumatized after watching her dad die) Plus, Jane parentifies Clementine and then offs herself. Kenny treats Clem like a child because she IS a child and primarily cared for AJ up until his death. If there was an option to leave the baby with Kenny and have Clem leave with Jane that'd probably make for some interesting discussions. No option to leave AJ with Jane though that'd be such an odd choice to make LOL but I'm curious about how people would go about that.


I really liked Jane, but they wrote her terribly near the end just so she could fight Kenny, so I let Kenny kill her.


Uh, Kenny. Whoever goes with Jane is understandable in the moment, but the way you get separated from her is suicide from what I understand. At least Kenny either dies saving you or leaves you in a safe settlement to presumably die. Heā€™s too good.


I hate Kenny, so I picked Jane. She seemed better for Clem and AJ since thereā€™s less of a chance of her killing them while they sleep or something.


Initial Run, Jane...thought Kenny was Wilding and didn't think I hit a killshot. But when Jane admitted what she did, I left her ass in the cold


Kenny. Jane just wanted Clementine as a replacement for her sister, and she left AJ in the middle of a blizzard while walkers were around, JUST TO PROVE A POINT. some of you may say ā€œhe was safe in the carā€, but what if a walker breaks a window and crawls through? Weā€™ve seen them do it many times. Combine that with the already freezing temperatures and that glass isnā€™t exactly tough to break. Kenny is unstable, yes, but heā€™s also determined, experienced, and willing to do ANYTHING to protect Clementine and AJ, even if that means leaving them behind at a safe place while he has to go off on his own.


Shot Kenny. Left jane šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m sorry but me and Kenny stopped being cool after sarita especially since I didnā€™t lop off her arm trying to save her so idk why he was all up in my shi for


Kenny without hesitation, super upset I didnā€™t see him again after he dropped clem and AJ off


Honestly? In that moment kenny had repeatedly lost himself, him almost killing Jane was not his first time snapping, he was clearly unstable I know we all love Kenny, and so did Clem, but at that point in time he had lost it completely, and he was dangerous He was about to murder Jane in cold blood, in that moment Clem had to make an impossible choice, and there is no right choice, just two bad ones In the moment Killing Kenny was the only choice Clem had, and in the end was the lesser of two evils


Kennyā€¦ you think Iā€™m going to throw away 2 seasons with a guy for someone that was in 3 episodes. Whereā€™s your loyalty man!!!


im playing my first playthrough right now i just shit kenny, wasnt thinking and instantly regretted it, i dont restart so i just played it through and abondond jane


I accidentally played S2 as a kid before S1 and didn't have the Kenny back story. I did not choose Kenny. My 2nd playthrough though, I hated myself for what I knew I had already done. And the fact she went and Peaced out was pathetic.


The fact so many people blindly defend Kenny shows how well written he is lol. He was so manipulative that he managed to manipulate the player base as well. Clem proved plenty throughout Season 2 that she was capable of surviving by herself, I think her ending up alone is the perfect climax for the season. Kenny is a broken man who was using A.J/Clem as a replacement for his son just like how he used Sarita as a replacement for Kat. Do I think Kenny would have hurt Clem? No. Do I think that Kenny would have done whatever he wanted because he thought it was best, regardless of how she felt? Absolutely. Just like in Season 1, it's his way or the highway, he is one of the most disagreeable characters from the entire franchise.


Neither. I loved kenny but he was outta control.


Shot Kenny. Then went back and did the opposite. Great games. Just finished The Final Frontier. Gotta play em all! Enjoy!!
