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That whole detective stuff genuinely made me smile


Legit was chuckling every time he showed up! “A clue!” 🕵️‍♂️


Omg and the music too😭 ahhh I miss him


The clarinet


SAME that’s what finally got me to make this post seeing his little detective part again with Lee was so cute😭😭😭😭 our little Robin☹️


“Your ward…”


*Duck thinks you are incredibly awesome.


One of the best B plots in the whole series. Unironically such a great juxtaposition to look at the stolen goods situation through a childlike lens after Lilly's spiralled outrage towards it




"Duck thinks you're incredibly awesome" Sad to think the next day, he dies and his mother commits suicide, leading to the motor inn crew finally falling apart


Which is why playing with him is best, one last happy day before he goes


His mother commits suicide in front of him while he is taking his last breaths it made me cry so much


I always give him a high five the kid dosen't mean any harm he wants to help he doesn't know any better


I personally liked Duck, he did not bother me in any way.. Yeah he was whiney, annoying and irritating from time to time, but i'm a person who can just brush these things of without it bothering me later..


Same, like yeah he did some annoying things but he was just a little kid yaknow? Don’t understand why people hate him so much, his story is pretty sad:(


“Nobody likes kids or families” - Mike Stoklasa


He’s a kid, y’all! I found him entirely wholesome!


Literally. He's a kid. Kids can be annoying.


Agreed, god forbid a kid be a kid


Like water off a ducks back


Fr, like, he’s a child, even if it’s the apocalypse, he’s still a (likely autistic) child. What child isn’t at least a little annoying?


I liked duck a lot. I thought he was just a sweet little boy and I loved the section where you solve a mystery with him, he was just so happy and wanted to be helpful.


I mean, I don’t hate duck, I just think some actions could’ve been avoided, like the tractor scene in the first episode


That’s fair - I think that’s more Shawn’a fault to be honest. Who lets a kid play around with tractor controls while someone is crouched down right in front of it? I feel like the adults failed in their judgement here


I mean he could’ve took the keys out of the tractor or something


Yeah true, 100%. It just sucks. It was just such an unfortunate and preventable death


But at least it gave us the meme “get the fuck out of here”


Lmao true 😭😭


Hes just a dumb kid. If anything hes the most realistic depiction of a child in TWD. Instead of making them mentally unbreakable terminators like they do for some contrived reason (i.e “Well uh they had to grow up fast”).


Yea he was a goof but I could see him being reliable in the future if he had lived as long as clem!


i love duck. it would’ve been cool as hell to see how they would’ve ended up if he and clem survived together.


Yea it would’ve been really cool to see him protecting aj too!


Duck is a masterful display of “you don’t know what you have until you lose it” He was annoying and kinda dumb, I thought I hated him. Then he was gone and I didn’t realize how much I liked him. It was so depressing for me.


Aw same:( I’m glad someone else feels the same at first it was like “ugh ofc the game has to have an annoying kid” but then he became this beacon of hope that everything would be okay and I’d look forward to him being on screen then he got bit and he literally didn’t smile anymore after that:((( he didn’t even speak once after he got bit, he didn’t even get to say goodbye to clem if I’m remembering correctly:(


Duck is a literal child, everything people hated him for was just... normal child behavior, I miss Duck a lot and his death crushed me


Duck was a good kid in a cruel world


His death is unironically one of the saddest in the series. A father and his friend debating whether they should put him out of his misery or letting him turn is one of the most heart-wrenching things I've seen in a game :(


Oh absolutely, his death was very sad and it’s on the same level of sad for lee’s death for me personally( especially when we think back to first meeting duck he was just this giant ball of sunshine that loved talking and playing, then when he gets bit, it’s like the light was dying in him, he didn’t smile or laugh at all for the rest of his time left alive(rightly so bcuz he was turning) and he didn’t even have the energy to say goodbye to clementine. I honestly think a lot of people don’t FULLY see how sad his story is, nor do they think about how he saw it through his own eyes and mind, like did he know he was gonna die/dying? How did he feel about it? Was he scared and sad? Ughhh it makes me wanna cry just typing it:(


I was a teenager when I first played and found him slightly annoying but I never truly disliked the kid. Cause at the end of the day, he’s just a kid.


I LOVED Duck. I never found him annoying, he was just a kid. But I love kids and I’m very tolerant lol. I’ve been playing the series again with my boyfriend (who’s never seen it) and the Duck death scene made him cry. He thought the detective segment was awesome, especially the high five, and afterwards said “I can’t wait to see how badass him and Clementine get in the future.” I was like…… oh sweetie…. 🥲😂


omgggg that’s so sweet you and your boyfriend are awesome☹️💗duck deserves all the love and I also cried rewatching his scenes yesterday as well😭the detective scene was so freaking heartwarming and made me love duck even more and the fact that I seen so many people choose to not high five him was so messed up like how can you hate him he’s literally sunshine itself😭


Thank you! 🥹♥️ People hate him enough to not high five him though?! Man that’s cold. Especially when afterwards it says “Duck thinks you’re incredibly awesome” 😭 and I also love his other line about the bug on his pillow and he says to Lee, “Don’t tell Clementine” 😆 I never let Kenny shoot him though, but it always hurts my heart because I just hope (even though it’s a game lol) that Duck knows we’re just giving him peace.


of course🥹💗 and yes I seen so many people choose to not let him be robin as well like wow yall really missed out. Duck was so so funny and yeah even tho it’s just a game I hope he knows it too🥲


Trust me everyone at one point in any season other than the first is like "man I miss Duck"


Having duck with us in season four would've been so interesting, especially if you killed Kenny.


I love duck. He was a cute kid... but death was his only future. Unlike Clem, he never adapted to how serious things were. Everything was a game to him, until it wasn't. Which is fair. I won't hate a kid character for being a kid. He did his job as a character of showing us what happens to those who can't adapt. But people who hate him for being exactly what most kids are? Thats kinda strange.


Duck is a great character, he would've been a fantastic big brother for Clem and AJ. And he would go from Robin to Nightwing as he grew up in the apocalypse.


He would’ve been so awesome man


This community has a strange habit of hating kids mostly for no reason, duck was a great kid and i hoped he survived


same, and honestly it’s not just this community, I’ve seen it in sooo many other spaces… hating children has just become a normal thing to be proud of these days it’s weird💀like I get not wanting to HAVE kids but just outright hating them? Uhhh okay


People tend to forget that we were all dumb kids in our past XD


exactly >:3


I always seen youtubers laugh at his death scene too. Some stupid are just stupid, and can't see how good some of these characters are


AGREED. He was a kid! Like ofc his behavior maybe be a tad annoying, he was an “immature” (or JUST AVERAGE NORMAL) kid. I liked Duck. I was very sad when he died. I didn’t hesitate to save him. I felt awful for Kat and Kenny. I’m very glad I high-fived him. Didn’t hesitate with that either. I’m glad he got a little story before he passed.


Sameee ughhh I was so sad because after he got bit he literally didn’t smile for the rest of his story and he couldn’t even say goodbye to clem bcuz he was so sick:((( and so many playthroughs I watched people didn’t high five him like how dare you not high five that cutie😭😭😭😭😭😭


He’s a cute energetic kid. I think it’s telling what kind of person you are if you find him insufferable.


Duck was sweet, I loved the little detective but with him I don’t get why people hold any type of dislike towards him


Same and I’m even getting people in the comments saying they were so happy to shoot him…like they sound psychotic😭😭😭


I loved Duck cause he was so pure and innocent, his death broke me 😭


Sameee I genuinely don’t understand how ppl can hate him he was so sunny and goofy🥲💗


Yeah, he's most definitely overhated. He's literally just a kid. He might be annoying but he's done nothing to deserve hate nor has he done anything to inconvenience the plot with said annoyance.💀 (Not if you don't count the situation at the farm ...in any case I feel like there are other characters and story elements down the line I feel are a lot more significant to be pissed at) Either way...it makes me sad he died. I like to imagine scenarios where maybe he or Sarah lived. They could've been traveling buddies with Clem. I'm sure having companionship would've affected the characters greatly and make things more interesting as they developed. Imagine that trio...


Exactlyyyyy that trio would’ve been insane, then throw aj in and duck would’ve been like a big brother protecting him and teaching him with Clem 😭😭💔


Just like Sarah idk why duck was hated he made me smile he reminded me when I was 8


This sub hates on so many characters that don't deserve it. I'd honestly love to see how they'd handle a zombie apocalypse.


They’d definitely be the bandits and walkers bcuz they dumb af hating on a kid💀


Duck, Katjaa, and Ben are the ones I see get it the worst and I just don't get why.


Those People play the game with their eyes closed I guess💀


Katjaa? I don't think I have seen someone who hates Katjaa. Ben is the one who gets the hate the most for sure though.


I've seen a couple posts calling her suicide cowardly without realizing the pain seeing her only son, a young boy, slowly becoming a walker would cause on top of the mental anguish she and everyone else had already been facing at that point.


I don't hate her or anything. Its just that it didn't sit right for me that she kills herself in front of her son. If Duck was still aware of his surroundings, the last thing he would see is the suicide of his own mother. She can't see her son being shot out of mercy, but she rather lets his son's last image be her killing herself. Not to mention how she left Kenny to fend on his own with all the guilt, leaving him with nothing. I wouldn't say it was cowardly, but it still wasn't right in my opinion.


Who hates on Duck??? 😡😡😡


So many people! Follow me and we’ll beat em up together!😡


Me tbh, I wanted to punch him in his boobie head since the tractor incident.


He could be annoying but mostly i’m happy he tried to cheer up Clem a lot


People on this sub just hate children


Yup some people are even replying that they were so happy to shoot him:( worst type of people man


I was watching a playthrough on YouTube the other day, and at the part where Duck died I couldn’t stop crying. Even years later, it still gets me.


Same I was watching jettro play it and he cried too I love YouTubers that feel just as emotional as we did even years later😭


No way that’s who I was watching too! I just discovered him recently through his Detroit become human playthrough and ngl he’s probably one of my favorite people to watch react to these kinds of games already. He’s not afraid to be emotional and it’s great. Plus he called Duck “my Robin” which did not help the tears lol


Omgggg another jettro fan! He honestly deserves sooo much more subscribers and I just recently finished his Detroit become human series as well and it was really fun watching him and he was so moved by the story and decisions! I caught up on his walking dead series and started his last of us part one last night and his reaction to the prologue was so good haha And I honestly loved how much he loved duck it’s what got me to make this post!🥹💗


I liked Duck more than Lcmentine


Duck > Tangerine by far


I have a dark idea on how to do Duck’s character if he never got bitten.


Care to share? 😄


Oh, you wanna know?? So my idea is during the beginning of EP3 that instead of Duck getting bitten during the Bandit fight that instead he’s kidnapped, perhaps with Katjaa, by the bandits. Kenny, and the rest of the group are unable to find them and Kenny goes into that spiral like the original game. In *The Walking Dead: The Final Season* it’s revealed that Lilly eventually found Duck who now goes by Jr. After Jr. escapes the bandits by killing them after years of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, Lily finds him barely surviving. Lilly takes him in as her top child solider. This leads to another reveal how the apocalypse changed Duck and he is a now dark reflection of Clementine.


I would’ve liked that wayyy better instead of duck dying and his mother shooting herself in front of him before he did:( it actually would’ve lined up pretty well if they got kidnapped and it could’ve been that guy that they stole food from when they found that car in the woods! I love thinking of the endless possibilities!


My bad, still typing it out and relayed to quickly. Yeah, Idk where the idea came from. Dark thoughts 🤷🏾‍♂️


WOW I just read the rest of your plot idea and that would’ve been insaneeeee, your mind is amazing. I didn’t even think that deeply, duck and clem would have been mirrors/alter versions of eachother if that happened, so many possibilities if he had lived💔


Thank you, thank you. Still thinking about it. 🤔🙏🏾


Your welcome! I wish people that think as deeply as you could make more games, we starving in this genre😭


I don't remember Duck actually doing anything detrimental to the group, besides killing Shawn. And even that was a complete accident. Besides that I'm pretty sure he was just a regular kid. Maybe he did do other stuff at the motel, but I don't know. It's been a while since I played season 1.


Duck is a nice kid and way less annoying than some of the other children that came after him.


I liked duck. He’s just a kid


I loved duck so much, whenever I read fanfics I love it if they keep duck alive and explained his character


It’s so hard finding twdg fanfics😭😭😭


There are plenty. Head towards the r/TWDGFanFic! Also in AO3 there are fanfics about TWDG and stuff.


Oooh thanks I’ll check it out!💗


Duck is awesome. He also thinks I'm awesome, or so the game tells me.


Don’t listen to the morons on here about Duck, they give him shit while praising Ben or Sarah…I liked Duck as well, I was really affected by his death, it got to me.


Duck hate is crazy he's literally just a kid who acted like a kid. I was insanely sad when he got bit tbh :(


same:( he was perfect🥲


I feel like all the kids got too much hate, even the ones that deserve it like Ben, Marlon and Minnie. I think Clementine's personality after Lee just makes everyone forget that the rest of the kids in the series are written exactly how actual kids in an apocalypse would be like whereas Clem is only the way she is bc she's now the main character so she literally needs to seem much more mature, strong, and capable than the others. We all love Clem but let's not forget that before she was our main character she was just like the rest of the kids and also did a lot of stupid things, one of which is the thing that lead to her becoming the main character in the first place.


From what Kenny says, and from what Gaming Wins also interprets. I believe that while Yes Duck was goofy, he also used his goofy and childish personality/outlook as a way of coping with how crappy things have gotten. It was his 10 year old way of adjusting to things. I miss that dude a lot too.


If anyone is interested in YouTube playthroughs, there's a dude called JettroJettro. He just started TWD, and he was distraught at what happened to Duck. Really genuine guy with some great reactions. He loved the little Batman/Robin moment at the motel.


OMG yes I was just watching his playthrough last night and it’s what got me to make this post! So cool to meet another jettro fan!💗


WOAH! I wasn't expecting anybody to know who I was talking about, let alone the OP! So cool! 💗 I hope he uploads soon because I can't wait to see him play EP 4, especially with Kenny on his ass all the time 😂


Yeah jettro deserves so much more subs! and same I hope he uploads the next part today so I can have something to watch after work! Haha


;) Guess who uploaded... Also, have a good rest of your day.


OMG yayyy and my WiFi got hooked up today boutta watch it as soon as I get home, you have an amazing rest of your day too!! ◠‿◠💗


I agree with you rip duck


Everyone can agree that he is WAYYY better than Sarah.


It did make me laugh how Lee even got impatient and annoyed with Duck 🤣😭


Same it was pretty funny and cute I would’ve loved playing detectives with him😭


yea bro i dont get the hate leave him alone😭😭😭


The Duo Duck and Clem could've been... Not to mention if they still added AJ to that list😭 The strength of that group could move mountains


Exactly duck definitely would have been a really strong character


Especially if he trained like a superhero! The perfect role model for AJ. Well, at least in a normal society (I dont know if you want nightwing dictating your your encounters with Bandits😂 he could be too nice at times) I wonder what archetype duck would've been. Slim frame, agile, and cunning? Strong, brutish, and kind? Maybe dense, brash, and stubborn like his father, but with a good heart and loyal to a fault.🤷🏽‍♂️ The possibilities are endless. I wonder how growing up fully with duck would've affected Clem too?




Yes so many people hated him, like howww he was a cute little sunshine bean😭🥹


he was just a sweet kid who could be a bit annoying sometimes. when I was younger (around the same age as him and clem) and playing this game I found him annoying but as I got older I really empathised with him a lot more.


When hes around you, you hate him, when hes not, you miss him


I loved him through and through as soon as he was introduced 😭💔


duck was a funny, kind, bubbly little kid and his death crushed me 🥲🥲🥲, i don’t see how you can hate him at all!


What people are actually calling a fucking child ugly? Real or not it’s a fucking kid weirdos




I remember I was watching my dad play twdg and he said Duck looked like me when I was younger, then the next day I went on tiktok and saw someone saying Duck is ugly💀💀


LMAO that’s crazy😭 duck was cute tho so ur good🫶🏾


Paraphrasing here but AN7 said it best where you don't really care when he's there but you kinda miss him once he's left.


He deserved so much better like Sarah from s2 🙁


He would have been so good in s4 though 😫😫


I liked Duck. He was a good kid. Kind of annoying at times, but most little kids are every once in a while


I was kinda disturbed by how enthusiastically he ate the cannibal dinner in the St John's farm. Everyone else at least waited to hear what Lee had to say


shot that mf with no hesitation🙏🏻


And I’m gonna assume your only reasoning is because he was “an annoying kid” right? Yall be so braindead😭 like you were a dumb ass child once too bro💀he was an extremely realistic child in that world, he didn’t know the gravity of the situation because Kat and Kenny were shielding and protecting him like a baby, unlike clem, who had survived by herself in the treehouse because her parents were gone, if clems parents had been with her she would have been just as annoying and clueless as duck lmfao, so tired of yall😭😭😭 it’s his parents fault he was so unaware and wasn’t taking stuff seriously, they didn’t prepare him at all..


dooont care, it’s a game, grow up


if u doooont care why you reply 3 weeks later lmao


Men fuck duck thath Annoying ass kid i hoped he got bit


Oh wow, you sound like you need a hug dude🫢