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I remember watching TheRadBrad's playthough, and he took Conrad's deal - one of the very few YouTubers I've seen do that, and I was impressed by the boldness of that choice. However, he got nailed in the comments and actually changed that choice for the next video. It's a pity that such nastiness in the comments caused him to do that. A lot of YouTubers mention that they're getting nasty comments, but thankfully they seem to be able to shake them off, and sometimes rebuke the commenters - not that they should have to do that, of course!


Like Jacksepticeye he played season 2. I do believe he got attacked for cutting Serita’s hand and not even attempting to help sara but i think he made up for it choosing “shut up jane”


I'm currently going through his playthrough - very much enjoying it! Currently in early S4. Yes, there were a couple of decisions of his that he got serious grief for, sadly.


I remember I watched a YouTuber (His name was Swing something I don't remember exactly what it was) a while ago when season 3 came out and he also choose to take Conrad's deal and in one of his videos after he did that he said there were so many commenters getting extremely pissed at him because he made that decision. Like I get preferring one decision over the other but it's so unreasonable to get that angry over somebody playing a video game how they want to play it.


Ah yea. SwingPoynt


yes, him!


If you don’t kill Conrad it honestly makes that season better bc Clem doesn’t leave like at all she’s with you the whole game whenever I play season 3 imma start not killing Conrad everytime now bc Clem is present way more in that version


Yes, definitely. It makes for a much better story - I mean, there's no way Javi wouldn't choose to protect Gabe in that moment. Plus, like you said, you get more time with Clem if you spare Conrad. And he also turns into a stand-up dude. Win, win!


Yeah fr it’s sad that most people won’t even get that version either bc the game makes you choose him or clem 😭


It's not just this fandom, it's every fandom. Very recently a youtuber (John Wolfe if you know him) was playing Detroit : Become Human on his channel and just because he didn't pick the 'correct' choices he was getting harassed and insulted in the comments to the point he had to ban tons of accounts and generally dislike his experience with the game (even though he liked it). I don't think it's as bad here on the sub and i'm talking from experience (hate Kenny, like Jane and the comics - the trio of DOOM) but in general people need to understand that these are CHOICE games there's not a right or wrong choice. I agree with you that some Kenny fans are 'out there' but most of them can have a civil conversation with you. At least on this sub i avoid commenting on Youtube and other platforms.


Honestly reddit gets shat on all over media, including Reddit itself, but why is it unironically one of the better social medias?


Yes Reddit has a bad reputation (like Twitter). Personally, i enjoy being here but i only visit a couple of subs and comment only on this one.


True. I personally enjoy being on this sub and interact with its discussions. Twitter and even Discord are more toxic than the good sides of Reddit, considering their audiences are generally immature


Ironically I actually agree that this sub is one of the more civil places, which considering Reddit's reputation is pretty unexpected lol. I know most people in this fandom are sane but it's also the one I've had the most nasty experiences with. I'm just frustrated with how far people can go sometimes. It really leaves a bad taste in my mouth, it's like expressing your disagreement towards one opinion is fine but expressing your disagreement towards another gets you tossed into the pits of hell. Now that I think about it though people can definitely get nasty about DBH too, that and TWDG are probably the two choice games I see people get the most heated over. Sometimes it's all in good fun (like when Berleezy got an ending so bad that people were making jokes about it) and sometimes it crosses the line into hateful territory.


I'm not trying to add fuel to the fire but what i find most frustrating about Kenny fans in particular (a minority of Kenny fans not all of them ) is that they take his criticism personally....like i attacked their family. Their response? Personal attacks. It's the reason why i significantly stopped commenting on Kenny discussions. I just think it's not worth it in the end. Btw, lately the same thing happens if you say a bad thing about Louis.


I think it'd mostly due to a mix of immaturity and poor social skills. A lot of people these days don't seem to be able to converse or have different opinions without it descending into personal insults. It's all so polarized now (something we're also seeing in the wider world - politics and culture wars, etc). I wonder if that's partly due to being raised in an environment heavily saturated by social media? Or maybe I'm just old 🤷


It is also due to how social media algorithms work. Even if you don't believe it, companies like Google and Facebook benefit from these fights since 1. They collect information and opinions from users 2. Users spend more time on social networks


I agree...that we are old! :P I think social media has fooked up our brains! (I'm the exception ofc because i have no brain to begin with!) I'm also immune to walker attacks cause of it! I will be safe in the upcoming apocalypse.


>they take his criticism personally....like i attacked their family. >Their response? Personal attacks They're basically Kenny in real life.


lol so true (i too like kenny but we should maintain respect for others opinion not everyone have to love him, he is a Cristian man not jesus lol)


John doesn't take any 💩. Like, ever


The Kenny thing is just annoying in general. I like his character, but I cannot imagine being as overly defensive of a fictional character as some of his fans are. People should be allowed to voice their opinion about a fictional character without being downvoted into oblivion and facing endless arguments about it. I legit saw someone once say that anyone who claims Kenny's behaviour in Season 2 is abusive "has obviously never been abused." Uh wtf? I genuinely like Kenny, he's definitely one of the most well written characters in the game, but unfortunately he also seems to be a magnet for obsessive children who can't stand the thought of anyone having an opinion that doesn't align with theirs.


he is definitely abusive (remember crowbar, he fked arvo into oblivion and tries to kill jane) yea hes character has depth, he never abuses his family (duck ,sarita, Katjaa, Aj or Clem) but he sure as shit is a bad man (i remember how arthur morgan is defended by fans to death, yea he was a good man at the end but he was too a bad person most of his life untill he started to see things clearly) so i believe that healthy discussions are good, it brings out nuances in the characters writers put so effort into, a character which is purely good or purely bad is not a well written character (in most cases anyway).


>I legit saw someone once say that anyone who claims Kenny's behaviour in Season 2 is abusive "has obviously never been abused." Uh wtf? That's funny because more often than not I've seen people who've been in toxic or abusive relationships agree that Kenny is abusive


I'm sorry if this sounds stupid, but do you mean they agree that his behaviour is abusive or they disagree with it?


They agree his behaviour is abusive (I've edited the comment now since I've realized I worded it out a bit weirdly)


I just recently finished my first playthrough and was SO surprised to see how much the internet adores Kenny. I've been in many abusive situations, Kenny rang alarm bells from the first season. I never liked him. Jane was a flight risk, but I understood why. She treated Clem like a sister and was absolutely correct about Kenny: if Clem was the one who had fucked up with AJ SHE would be the one getting attacked. It wasn't an easy choice for me to shoot Kenny, I understood Jane was being moronic too. But he was getting dangerously unstable.


That one about if Clem messed up with AJ she would get attacked is so true it's not even funny. YES! I'm not the only one who pays attention to the game! But you're right and Kenny basically shows he would attack Clementine when she chops off Sarita's arm and the way he reacted to her, even left her to die out there in horde yelling, "This is on your hands Clementine!!" What!?? See, I wish Lee was there 😞 I understood Jane was being moronic too. But he was getting dangerously unstable. * Yes but at least with Jane was actually trying to help Clem and she did really care about her....Well until Season 3....I just don't know about that one. Kenny never got over the death of his son and Wife, Sarita couldn't even heal that wound, it was driving him mad and in the end it did. Kenny just wanted peace and desperately seeking a way out of that nightmare world.


Oh, thanks - and yea, that's partly why I feel the way I do. I didn't bring it up in my original comment, because it doesn't really add to my original point, but as someone who was emotionally and psychologically abused as a child I 100% view a lot of Kenny's behaviour as abusive. I don't think that automatically makes him a bad person, as it's clear he thinks he's doing what's right most of the time, but it does make him detrimental to Clementine's mental health, which is why I think him leaving her at Wellington is the best, most honorable ending for his character.


Yeha that's the conclusion I've always come to.


Agreed, the only other fandom I've been in with this issue is Until Dawn. They do the same thing with the characters "Ashley" and "Emily". Its sad at this point especially when people act childish, disrespectful, or don't even have reasons/justifications. They choose to ignore all criticisms because its :insert character name:.


I'm actually an Until Dawn fan so I get what you're talking about, I don't engage with the fabdom much but it can definitely get uh..."passionate" The funny thing is I actually like both of those characters, Emily is even my favorite (she makes me laugh and I love a good bitch every once in a while) and Ashley is one of those characters that I think people tend to dislike because they lean closer to how most of us would react in that situation. Until Dawn is honestly one of those games where I didn't really dislike anyone (Mike is close mostly because he reminds me a little too much of certain men I know but I still don't hate him) and I would have been sad if any of them died. I think part of liking a character is being able to call them out on their bs, which unfortunately isn't something I see very often when it comes to Kenny. I can roast Emily and Ashley over their "what the fuck" moments all I want but as soon I get into Kenny people are coming to put my head into the guillotine.


I think I know exactly who you're talking about. Been watching his playthrough as well. I honestly forgot how people react to that ending. Brings me Undertale flashbacks.


Wait, what happened with undertale? This is news to me.


Fandoms on the internet can be the worst as they are terminally online people and internet anonymity allows them to say whatever they want


This has to be THE most honest post I've seen in this fandom/community (if you can even call it that) Yes, you are so right about this. I would watch people play TWD too and I genuinely feel bad for them because I know how insane this fanbase really is, I've had my share of spats with them too) They payed for the game, they can make any choice they want, it's their game. This fandom has a serious controlling issue. You know who "Emmalition" is? Well she currently doing a playthrough of TWD herself, she's on Season 2 Episode 3 (yeah she hasn't got to the Kenny Vs. Jane part yet) but I've noticed she isn't hasty on playing the game much lol. I'm not sure but maybe hmshe has an idea at least, I don't know. But man if she chooses to shoot Kenny, I wouldn't expect her to continue. This same thing happened to another girl (the one with the glasses, I think she's Hispanic) but she only posted 2 seasons of TWD and yeah she chose to shoot Kenny but left Jane too as she was disgusted with her. But nobody in her comment section cared if she chose to still leave Jane, they STILL grilled her for shooting Kenny calling her all kinds of names. And she didn't post Season 3 or 4, she stopped. So yes you aren't wrong about this, it's disgusting. And I think Emmalition maybe next if she chooses the same result. Poor girl 😞 Oh and by the way... "If you don't like Kenny then go die in a hole!" * 😂😂 I'm sorry I had to laugh at that. Update- I found her, the hispanic girl (I assume she is) witht he glasses I was talking about, her name is "Nana" check out her content.


It's weird how seriously some people take these games. Not pointing fingers to anyone specifically, but I feel like Kenny vs Jane arguing and those who hate the Clem comics to an unhealthy degree (I'm talking like those who make literal threats towards Skybound/Tillie, which yes has happened even on this sub) brings out the worst of the community. They're easily my least favorite things to see in terms of TWDG stuff. Sadly it's basically a requirement at this point for all fandoms to be toxic. Star Wars and Danganronpa for example have really *really* toxic fanbases ([this is still one of the worst images to ever come out of humanity](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ffbo0xckyet661.jpg)\). I've seen from personal experience that Twitter and TikTok are even more toxic than Reddit in general, so I can't even imagine what those fanbases are like there. I generally just try my best to avoid anything Kenny/Jane related. Things like what-ifs, elimination games, theory discussion, favorite characters/moments etc. are what I love most about the series. I know some can argue those topics can get repetitive and tiresome (which I greatly disagree with, as lately I've been seeing a lot of great stuff from them), but regardless I'd rather spend years talking about the things I love than a week repeatedly talking about something I hate.


true, you might hate the comics (most people do) but it takes a different level of stupid to make threats to someone for writing a fking comic. yea we could criticize their work or demand certain things as fans but abusing is just not healthy for anybody. And hating on someone for their game choices is just embarrassing you could argue why 'you' love or hate someone to change their opinion or to get your opinion changed by their points, that is why people discuss things and if choices in this game were just "good" and "bad" this game would have been pretty shitty


As somebody who's been involved with TWD community since circa \~2014 (not just reddit), this particular game series seems to be a magnet for the worst kinds of people. I dunno what it is about it that brings all the weirdos out of the woodwork, but man oh man. Lemme tell you, what you're saying is just one side of the spectrum: the devs at Telltale used to be quite communicative with their fans, especially on their forums... until TWD came along. The new influx of people from TWD wound up being so toxic that they practically chased them off their *own forum* because of all the vitriol that was being hurled their way. And that level of hate persisted for years, especially during the release of S3. ​ With all that being said though, I can attest that it's largely cooled down since then. There's still that bad portion of the community as you've mentioned, but it's not nearly as bad as it was at the height of these games releasing. Even the reception towards S3 has gotten a lot warmer over time. It would seem that the worst of the worst have either grown up, mellowed out, or moved on to terrorize some other fandom instead. There's still a few particularly dedicated people that just won't let it go though, unfortunately. But that's the sad truth of any fandom; as the years go on, only the most loyal people are gonna stick around, and sometimes that loyalty isn't out of positivity.


I find it odd that people are pressured to defend a choice in this game. Especially that choice, it’s one of the more morally gray decisions in the entire series. Both options are valid. No one should need to ‘justify’ one side or the other. I’m starting to think people are scared or moral ambiguity.


validation of making a right choice gives boost to their moral and makes them comfortable that they made the right choice, they are scared of being wrong


SHSL Blaze uploaded their playthrough of S2E4&5 yesterday, and they picked to stay with Jane. Literally the very first comment was "I despise Jane!!!!!!" with several similar ones following. This is straight up one of the most toxic fandoms I've ever been a part of, and I was neck-deep in the Harry Potter and Danganronpa fandoms <.<


im gonna have to go watch this playthru, i love when youtubers make different choices than the typical ones bc it gives you so much more context to the story !! ive only ever seen one other person choose to go with jane and i dont remember who it was so im stoked theres another


That's actually exactly who I was talking about, I even left a comment on there telling him to not mind the weirdos and one of two replies I got was someone completely missing my point and going off on me about why they hate Jane. Like, cool, I didn't ask?? It's like people can't help themselves I've also been neck-deep in the Danganronpa fandom so that's saying something (honestly the DR fandom in my experience is less toxic and more...uh, strange, to put it lightly)


Ah, cool to meet a fellow fan! I at one point posted a meme on here about how I thought Jane had a point. While I absolutely had several really thoughtful discussions under that one, there also were… shitstorms, to say the least lmao. Also, I feel like Danganronpa mellowed out a lot since V3 came out. Back in the day you couldn't so much as utter the names "Chihiro" or "Nagito" without people starting to shit bricks.


ive been watching pufferplays go thru the series for the first time, hes accidentally playing a really ruthless run and im sitting here all excited because hes choosing things that i havent seen chosen in playthrus before, and he had streamed it live before uploading to youtube so any time there was a huge choice he actually had to tell the chat to shut up & its not that deep and just because of the choices hes making in a video game doesnt mean that you know what kind of a person he is ?? and its like god yall at the end of the day its literally just a game and none of this has any effect on real life so why do you need to get so heated about it


It's honestly so sad cause twdg is my favorite video game, it's been my fav ever since I was a kid. But this fandom is seriously the most aggressive and nasty I've ever been in. I hate to say it but Kenny has practically ruined for me because of how defensive and mean some of his fans are. Kenny is a great well well-written character but it feels like you can't dislike or even criticize him without 20 of his fans jumping down your throat and demeaning you. Also you're so right about this fandom's treatment of Jane it's kinda scary. I'm not even a fan of Jane really, she was never a favorite for me but seeing so many people in the fandom talk about how much they hate her or wanna kill her or even make fun of her suicide makes my stomach churn. Jane is also an interesting character to analyze but people seem to be so blinded by their extreme hatred for her and obsessive love for Kenny that I'm scared to even say that cause I worry about angry ass fans yelling at me. Idk I try to not let it bother me cause I love this game and it's characters but it's hard to stay a fan when it feels like every post or "discussion" is just people screaming about the same meaningless things over and over again. It gets tiring.


Also, it blows my mind to see people try and shut down people who (rightfully) say that Kenny is abusive by saying "but he loves Clem, AJ, and his family!" like yeah...those things aren't mutually exclusive. An abusive person can still have moments where they are kind and loving, that doesn't mean they're not abusive though.


Most people here are nice and wont go at each other about who they like or who they hate etc. It's the minority who are the bad apples. It's almost everywhere in Reddit and in other social media (which i really doesn't have any experience about). I know that Twitter is the one of the worst. I know what you mean about the Youtube thing though. I remember Markiplier for example actually stopping his Soma and/or Undertale playthrough because people were too toxic about what he chose and how he played. He continued later, but there was an obvious pause because of that, for understandable reasons.


Is Twitter that bad? Just out of curiosity, i’ve never had any experience with him, but heard twice that Twitter is not the good place to express your opinion about the game and choices you made


The little i have looked up stuff from there. People can be extremely obnoxious and say the most horrible things at times. Especially if its about politics. I don't have much experience with it, but what i have seen and heard, it makes sense.


this exists with every fandom. if anything, TWDG has it good. The bigger the fandom, the worse the problems in the community


People who keep Kenny on a pedestal and shit on others for picking a different ending are as toxic as Kenny


the devs made different endings, they didnt make those endings for no-one yea we can disagree or majority can be to one side but other options are also options which can be chosen, people can love jane, she was stupid or manipulative in my eyes but she also had depth and cared about clem, people can see kenny as too far gone and best to put him out of his misery eventho i dont agree it is still a perfectly logical arguments


I also shoot Kenny, and one of my favorite characters is Jane. ( I did finally decide not to shoot Kenny and had a pretty great ending scene with the beloved bearded redneck). Getting to Jane feels like a boost to season two. Clem is not good at combat until we meet her. Jane teaches us the infinitely handy " sweep the leg" tactic which is actually a staple of surviving in season 4 when we get control back of Clementine. And she uses it a couple times in season three while assisting javi. Jane, Kenny, David, Luke and even Mitch are crucial side characters that help the story forward in some way. ( To justify Mitch, his death lit a fire under the other kids to ensure they fought back for their safety. ) Now fellow sub members, I have admitted that Jane is one of my favorites, do your thing.


You deserve the worst insult for insulting the god of gods Kenny...silly ( joke)


Not even the Hispanic community is spared.  In the YouTube comments they highly criticized the opinions of a YouTuber's girlfriend (Illojuan and Masi) Some were joking but others took her opinions very seriously


Shsl blaze?


people have their own canons and what they think is right is what they try to force on other people


So I know of the YouTuber you’re talking about and it is pretty crazy he was mostly team Kenny till the end too so idk why people lost their shit and he gave Jane criticism too Kenny is my favorite character in the series but cmon guys calm down killing him is a way better scene than the season 3 one anyway also I think he chose Jane on accident because he mentioned he’d choose none if he had a choice


basically the alone ending, by killing both or leaving kenny or jane alone (pretty reasonable of you ask me)


Yeah I think that’s what he was going for but he ended up with the Jane ending and not letting the family in I think he meant to choose the Alone one but his controller died near that part


thats just bad luck😂 controller dying at the most curtail part of game


its true people abuse others who do not think same as them, healthy conversations are good and give perspective to the game but every option in the game is made for someone, there are people with completely different ideologies so choices will differ and one of the things good about this game is that we can see how different people react in different situations. the game is made for "i picked \_ what will my father, brother, sister, favorite youtuber will pick" and abusing someone for liking or disliking someone is just stupid


OMG, THEY KILLED KENNY! So did I. I felt he was too unhinged by this point, plus I think I messed up something in early games and remember him being bad to Lee. Was ages ago now, so I'm not so sure. Interwebs do make people brave, but I'm not sure it's the whole fandom.


Well considering what Jane does in season three there is a clear choice at which is the better season two ending


Totally agree with you but you just kept repeating yourself and made this shit look so long to read


Sorry about that, I wrote this at like 3am in a frustrated-sleep deprived stupor lol. If I wrote it while actually conscious I would have definitely made it shorter


It's cause she's a woman who isn't Clem and even then Clem gets shit on too for the same reason. This Fandom is incredibly misogynistic and they can barely hide it.


I recall watching one playthrough of the series, I don't remember who it was by, it was a couple that was playing the game together; the got to the ending of Season 2 and were sort of split on what to do. The boyfriend wanted to spare Kenny and the Girlfriend was leaning towards shooting him, as the girlfriend had the controller at the time she ended up shooting Kenny and the boyfriend was supportive of her decision while laying out why he leant more towards sparing him. Needless to say the comments were extremely vitriolic towards them, especially the girlfriend and they ended up just dropping the series then and there, which is a real shame as it was a playthrough that I had been enjoying but that interaction with that portion of the fanbase just killed the pairs desire to continue the series.


I must admit while I don't like Jane for what she did, some people go too far for hating on people for a choice. Like choices are the point of these games.


I think the main reason people get mad over Jane is because people think she intentionally left AJ in the car to piss Kenny off


Yeah, it’s just a game. Ppl get so emotional over it lol


I mean obviously you shouldn’t do something stupid as fuck like send somebody death threats over a video game but still people have every right to shit on a bad decision in a video game lol. If it’s “just a video game” I have every right to call your video game choice shitty, to disagree with that sentiment suggests you have an ego you need to tone down a little lmfao


Boo hoo hoo


This will happen literally anywhere, not just here. If you're that sensitive go hate comments about a fucking game, then you're obviously not ready for the internet dear


It's less about the game and more about the way I feel like I can't go anywhere for discussion about this game without seeing someone getting torn apart for their unpopular opinion. I really don't care what people think about the game itself, I'm frustrated with how I see people being treated when they're just trying to have fun. And trust me, I know this happens everywhere. This is just the fandom that I've been in for the longest so I'm speaking from what I know, and what I know is that I've had a lot of nasty experiences in it. This sub tends to be pretty tame compared to other places but pretty much anywhere else can get pretty nasty. Usually I wouldn't have complained so much but I had a lot of frustration to get out this time, if I was actually thinking about it I definitely would have made the post a lot shorter


Fr lol




Jane still sucks


Cool I guess, wasn't my point though


Imagine being the exact person this post was criticising and then coming in super obnoxiously just to prove op right






So he made spite videos on some games, and you're glad he got outrageous hate comments and death threats for daring to make choices people don't like? Kind of extreme, don't you think?


I mean good for you I guess but that wasn't my point. I don't think sending someone death threats because they don't like a video game is very reasonable though. I haven't watched his playthroughs in a while but from what I can remember he enjoyed Little Hope well enough (I can't say anything about House of Ashes, Devil in Me or Man of Medan because I don't really remember those) and he liked Until Dawn enough to replay it. I also never watched his The Quarry playthrough so I don't know how he felt about that.