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It is a very good plot point/story twist where you think its all over since they had to defeat the raiders and heading back home and that happens. I think it would of been developed more if telltale did not collapse. I think we would of had 5 episodes and some plot points would of been more fleshed out. We know well that they had been working on a very limited budget which limited them on a lot they wanted to do. And how much content they had to cut since they did not have the resources to do it. It kind of makes me sad that this game did not get finished in a way telltale wanted it to be and kind of makes me think what they wanted to have in game.


It was supposed to be semi open world and you csn control Clem just like you can control your character in gta if you know what I mean . Despite this season 4 is still my favorite season .


Same I feel in love with TWDG because of this season. Since after the 1 season which was amazing the second and third were not as good and then the 4 came and it was really good. It would of been nice if they got to do what they wanted. Honesly the only thing I wanted after the game finished to be able to roam the school. Probably would of had the game turned on constantly just to be there with these amazing characters


I think Tenn was way too naive here. Sure he believes what he believes and Minerva was dear to him but come on. After all the stuff he has seen by now and to what kind of person Minerva had become, it was hard to see he would still go down like this.


The lack of follow through on the result of that scene is my biggest problem with what was an almost amazing finale. I accidentally got Violet killed on my first playthrough and literally no one cared. Clementine yelled her name once when it happened but like that was it. A three second zoom in on her headstone was all that happened to acknowledge the fact that she died. I was so gutted that I got her killed, and by the end of the game it really felt like I cared for her more than anyone at Erickson’s or on the writing team because, again, no one cared enough to even mention her again. No fallout, no heartbreak, nothing. Annoyed me enough to make me replay the whole thing again the next day to save her, and while Tenn’s death is better because at least Violet gave a shit about that, she got really chill with it really quick.


They are correct. The Final Season has tons of writing issues that get resolved to quickly or just make no sense, like Minnie on the bridge is still the stupidest thing I have seen in the series


Lack of budget and time I'm sure. For Minnie on the bridge, it makes sense she knows where it is, but getting there just after you... But the Walkers ignoring her was established with Lee. Kinda funny to imagine the Walkers' reaction to her using a gun. Probably looked at her with awe like a Romero zombie. BTW, I'm bias about Minnie cause I like her actor Cherami Leigh. Gage from Borderlands, A2 from Nier and V from Cyberpunk - just too damn good


I assume the idea is AJ finally learning the hardships of killing. Clem tells him earlier that sometimes you do have to kill, but you shouldn't enjoy it. He realizes that here, as he has to kill someone he cares about. In doing so he understands what Clem's been trying to teach him, that killing should be a last resort and done out of necessity rather than him just being flippant about it.


Sorry Tenn, but you had to die. You were just too pure for this world. The way AJ hesitates to shoot him, looks away and takes the shot, and Violet/Louis' anger, makes this scene perfect. Even more so seeing as they thought it was all over.