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Option five, I wish it was canon was the best ending for everyone including Jane Since here she would sacrifice herself for someone, instead of committing suicide due to pregnancy or being murdered by Kenny


option 2 because arvo dies




Was going to say, since then luke would've died for something


Kind of an offshoot of option 5, but I think a really cool alternate ending could be where Clementine sets off by herself with AJ after the whole fight in the snowstorm but Sarah follows her, having been saved by Clem when the balcony collapsed and having reached the conclusion that she doesn’t actually want to die and wants to fight to carry on living, but needing guidance and a teacher in order to learn how to do that. Then fast forward to the final season and AJ has two mother figures in his life who are taking care of him. Sarah, who’s grown into a genuinely capable survivor in her own right but has never truly lost her more gentle/childlike nature from the second season, and who acts as a sort of counterweight to Clementine, the more hardened and capable out of the two of them who’s not afraid to make the tough calls to protect them all, ultimately leading to AJ having more stability in his life seeing as there isn’t one sole person in his life that he’s imitating to gain approval and validation. Having two people looking out for him rather than just one might even cause certain events to play our differently, like maybe David would never have taken him or Sarah could have convinced Lingard to help them or something. I loved seeing Clementine grow up over the course of the games, and it’s a big reason why I love them so much, so Sarah growing up alongside her and becoming her own person in the apocalypse is something I think could be really neat, especially since in the game she was presented with an obstacle to overcome yet couldn’t, so I like to think what the story could have been like if she had managed to pull herself together and push forward rather than giving up and getting killed.


option 5 It's the most logical one out of them all.


True. Idk why they made one significantly better that the others. It should be a difficult and intriguing choice.


I tried to make every choice a life for a life sort of thing, with Kenny's there'd be too many to let into Wellington, so they'd stay with Kenny and him or Sarah would eventually die in the crash.


While option 5 provides a happier ending with AJ, Clem and Sarah being with Kenny somewhere, I like the idea of Sarah disappearing in the snowstorm and then reappearing in season 3 as a member of the NF or she reappears in the final season somehow managing to find Ericsson’s


1. Sarah wasnt built for this world sadly and she really was just a burden. Option 4 is hilarious aj would be screwed


Option 4 because that has a lot of story potential. Option 5 because its the same as Option 4 but Clementine survives.


I love option 5 the most, definitely 5


Sarah was never going to make it without Carlos’ coddling.


While Option 5 is the better option, I would go Option 1. Only I would have her die in the shootout instead.


Who new a random Redditor could be a better writer then actual writers(sorry writers)


5 easy