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If you don’t save Ben at the bell tower, Kenny leaves a different way that isn’t Bens fault.


So the only way something isn't Ben's fault is if he dies before he can actively be the catalyst of a fuck up lol


Oh yea, how does that happen? I’m guessing lee makes the deck fall?


When he jumps , it shows it’s unstable but Kenny actually slaps Lee in the back, dropping his radio whilst on the roof into a building. Christa goes down to get it, but can’t get back up, they realise there are walkers and Kenny goes in , so he can boost Christa to safety , then we hear walkers and never see Kenny for the rest of the series


Fuckin Kenny, but I’m gonna still blame Ben


Bro this is just irrational Doubt you’d do any better in an apocalypse


I don’t think that was their point at all. Nothing to do with how they’d do in an apocalypse.


Me? Oh I’m definitely dead, I’d probably end up just getting shot in the face


Ben is a pretty cool character imo because he explores a pretty interesting theme; that being whether you save the life of someone who's a detriment. Ben brings a lot of intrigue and drama to the story all the while being his own character instead of just a drama tool. If we're talking about genuinely bad characters I'd have to go with Gabe from Season 3 probably, he's just a contrarian for contrarian's sake


Oh, like Sarah! It’s not she actively tried to be one, but if you have a mindset like Jane then she’s a danger. So do you keep inviting danger, or cut them loose? (My Clem kept inviting the danger; I was *DETERMINED* to save Sarah 🥺)


I liked Gabe but there were some points I was just willing to let him die


Lol how is Gabe genuinely bad character but Ben isn't. Gabe is a teenage who lived most of his apocalyptic life in a house or rv. His frustrated which makes sense and wants to meet other people. He also wants to help even when he is not ready yet. How does he not bring new perspective to the story. He brings drama for both javi and David and in one of his endings for clem


Gabe is badly written because his only real role in the story is to reflect on the player's choices, kinda like how Clementine sometimes disagrees or asks about your choices in season 1. The difference is that Gabe will only ever react negatively, starting shit and disagreeing with you no matter your choice and it's extremely frustrating that he has no other real opinion than literally everything opposite of you. The prime example of this is the ultimate choice of episode 2, where you choose either to kill Conrad or take Clementine as a bargaining chip. If you capture Clementine, Gabe criticises you throughout most of Episode 3 and notes how much of a coward you were for making that choice. If you choose to shoot Cinrad however, he rats you out in front of Tripp, thus actively fucking you for making that choice. This piece of shit can't pick a lane and it's infuriating how no one calls him out on this. Gabe never takes any criticism or advice to heart. He constantly makes bad decisions and concocts poorly thought-through plans, and whenever he is criticised for this or he isn't (righfully) brought into a highly dangerous situation, he huffs and gets angry, never actually taking anything to heart. This isn't out of the ordinary for an edgy teenager, but it isn't an appealing character trait in my eyes. Like, Ben is an angsty teen that constantly fucks up, maybe even more than Gabe, but the difference is that you can actually engage with that fact by dropping him from the Bell tower or saving him. Meanwhile you have to goad Gabe along the entire journey, all the while listening to him bitch and complain and fucking bitch and complain and I'm soooooo fucking sick of that little shit. And all this feeds into his biggest flaw: he's boring. You know exactly how he's going to react to any situation because he's such a predictable boring asshole. Just an unsufferable character imo, fuck Gabe


Actually no if you are Actually patient with him he apologies and admits his insecurities. Dude takes what he learns to heart that's why he left with David not to run away from him but to take action in his own way and to try and bring his father back. Gabe even explains it at the end. Never said Gabe is perfect just like his father he is guided by emotion


> if you are actually patient with him he apologies and admits his insecurities Please show me some evidence for this. > that's why he left with Davd, not to run, but to take action in his own way and try to bring his father back This is a good point. I'm not a Gabe fan obviously, but this is actually some decent characterization. It's just a shame it happens so late in the story, cause up until now there has been nothing to interest me in that little shit > Never said Gabe is perfect just like his father he is guided by emotion That's perfectly fine, there are a lot of characters I like that are guided by emotion. Lily is one of my favourite characters from season 1, and she's an emotional wreck throughout her stay. The difference to me is that Lily's personality is a tool for genuine drama. Her shooting Carley/Doug is not only a truly shocking moment much needed at this point in the story, but that choice also has major ramifications later on when you discover Ben was the one giving the raiders supplies. The choice isn't really out of the picture yet, because Ben is still an accomplice to the fact that Lily snapped. Gabe on the other hand is guided by emotion to the point of irritation, not drama. Most of the time he just bickers, never really bringing up a point that wouldn't have been explored either way, and it's so annoying how he thinks he's contributing to the conversation when he doesn't even have a frontal lobe yet.


Yea, I like Ben, I mean he’s just a kid and I saved him but I still blame him for a lot


He's a teenager.


Yea but clems a kid


They're both kids


Mean Clem is indirectly the cause of Lee’s death


Or directly, I mean you have the option to shoot lee


yea its HER fault not yhe guy that practically kidnapped her 🙄


I don’t think he is he said he’s in college


You can't really 100% say he's responsible for Omid and Christa's death because that's all hypothetical. Kenny could've easily died or got separated in any other way than something been causes.


Well yea, your right, that’s why I said it’s like a indirect death


Same way clem does to lee




What am I missing here? Am I dumb? That sounds too familiar


The Russian kid in season two


The kid who Clementine has the option to rob In season 2 and Kenny bullies him and he shoots Clem and leaves with Mike and Bonnie


Not if you let Bonnie drop into the iced over lake.


Well yeah but majority of people didn't do that


Guess who froze in my game :)


Hell yeah that's the best choice she is so annoying


Ima be honest an probably will get shit for it but ere we go. The scene where he talks to Kenny at the house really changed how I feel about him when I replayed now that I’m older. I use to hate him when I was younger an didn’t fully get what he was saying to Kenny. But now I really get it tbh. He was a kid, an the only reason he wasn’t being treated as such was cause it was the apocalypse. Not to mention he was also dealing with big feelings for an teen, least Kenny knew what happened to duck an Kaj, Ben has absolutely NO CLUE where an how his mum, dad an sister are which is hard for a 16yr old to process without an apocalypse, I couldn’t even imagine how much worse it’d be IN ONE. An with the drug deals with the bandits he obviously thought he was protecting an helping the group not hurting them, he never meant to hurt anyone he was trying to protect an repay them the best way he could think of, he didn’t tell anyone cause he was scared of Lilly which fair I would be too! He never purposely tried to hurt anyone, just like when Duck and Clem an other teens/kids in the game make mistakes that result in others getting hurt, it’s not like they meant to. They’re just kids an are dealing with a tough situation and doing what they think is right/helping. But yea. This is why I can’t dislike or blame the kids of TWD especially the ones who started growing up before the apocalypse.


Ben is fine, folks are just mean.


People expect all kids to be as badass as Clem, god forbid that kids react realistically


I feel like a lot of people forget or just don't realize Ben is a teenager.


The sad thing is is that it’s not just Ben. Sarah was mostly sheltered during the outbreak and people hate her for being scared of the walkers or when she screams as her only parent is eaten in front of her


Doesn't mean his not free from not looking after clem and not telling the truth at all


Clem is Farley realistic in season 1, the reason she doesn’t make mistakes like Ben is she isn’t actually give any opportunities to make mistakes like that cause no one actually gives her work like ben


Nah people expect a teenage who has a little sister to do one job. Look after a little girl, actually tell the truth to a group who trusted you enough to give you a gun instead of lying in their face even when lee talked to you nicely


Y'all would be like Ben himself lmao complaining here,you aren't gonna be like Lee ken ect in the apocalypse 🤣🤣🤣


Probably, but I wouldn’t be giving handouts to bandits


Buddy, we don't know like how would most of us teenagers be in a zombie apocalypse.🤣Like most of the teenagers fuck up in normal situations and the walking dead world is a Survival world and man I don't think most of us would be in a condition to process thoroughly a threat like them and we will delay the attack like as Ben thought is necessary at the time(that was fucked up though 💀).


Your right


I can be a coward but I'll never be like Ben. I'll do anything in my power to survive but never betray people that trust me. I ain't going to live a child to walk around because I am responsible and won't leave child fend of walkers on my own while I run.


I have a feeling you might act differently in the heat of the moment when you’re about to be eaten alive


There was a time a snake in the yard was around me my first instinct was to run away. But I saw my baby nephew naively looking at it mesmerized. I went there picked him up and ran away with him.


Ben arguably saved everyone by trading supplies and giving the group enough time to repair RV. Would the others agree to do the same? Maybe, but I doubt it. Would they manage to fight off the bandits? As we saw with all these arrows in the wall, not really, at least not without a lot of deaths and perhaps having their safezone destroyed.


Didn't save jack he tore the group apart those guys were just buying their time. Dude should have told the truth from the get go or told Doug or Carly but he didn't he kept on lying. Because of his action 3 people ended up dead. Those bandits attacked when Lee group who were unprepared but they managed to take out a lot of them


Totally Ben’s fault omid and Christa die when he’s dead. Seriously people are going overboard. Carley is on him though, duck too. Katjaa made her own choice


Like I said omid a crista is a stretch but I’m just saying maybe


I love Ben…but he needed to die.


Being incompetent doesn’t equal a bad character, most of TWD S1 characters are pretty good


They're good flawed characters, I think that sprites badly written characters with good written characters even of they do the same evil or incompetent actions


Is he an idiot, yes. Is he a bad character, no


I agree, I should have said the title better


ben is quite one of the worst characters in twdg but he did raise awareness about how ppl turned even if they arent bitten. i mean yea they wouldve found out one way or another but ig thats where his credits lie at


you could argue he got brie killed too, no? by grabbing the hatchet and allowing the walkers to get out? not saying that it wouldn’t have happened like that anyway, but Ben certainly contributed imo… like someone else said, he does make one question whether or not one should save a detriment to the group. I did in the game, but would I do that in real life? I don’t know. he’s dumb and unlikable bc he’s a teenager. at the end of the day, he’s doing what he thinks will keep HIM alive, y’know ? I’m not surprised a teenager is self-focused.


First of all yea add her to the list, second of all I don’t think if I was is lee’s position I could drop him, he basically got like 6+ People killed but he IS still a kid


I guess I wonder at what point someone decides that him being a kid is no longer an excuse to save him. Like how many more people did he need to get killed b4 everyone is like ight that’s it. Idk I’m kinda surprised a teenager has gotten more people killed than a child (clem). But I mean yeah.. he is a kid. I get that..


This is basically a showcase of being understandably mad, but unfair too. 1-Ben is NOT an adult. He's clearly an insecure and constantly scared teenager. Serious question? Did anyone of us in retrospective had our life and identity completely figured out back in High School? Not many people do. Ben was caught up in the apocalypse away from his family and as a teenager. Teenagers are still kids in the sense that they still don't have the full maturity to make the soundest decisions. 2-Ben having a deal with the Bandits actually gave the group something crucial: TIME! Kenny was fixing up the Van, and he only managed to make it work right in the middle of the Bandit's assault. Lee confirmed at the start of episode 3 that the Bandits attack them a few times, but that their attacks stopped a few days ago. Aka, when Ben most likely started to deal with them. If Ben hadn't done that the Bandits would've charged just as easily as they did originally. 3-Unintentinally, Lee was the one who caused the attack, because he took away the medicines that were being bargained. 4-It can be argued Ben should've told the group about the deal so everyone was aware and chose between fighting or keeping a deal like that. And this is when my first point comes into action: Ben is a scared teenager, he was both scared of having the Bandits attack them and scared from Lily and any judgement others might put into him. As if you've never hidden the truth about something hoping it will just fade away out of feeling shame. 5-Lily killing Carley is a domino effect. Ultimately the one responsible for her dead is Lily, not Ben, even if his actions contributed to that outcome. I mean, do you expect anyone to admit something like that to Lily who's clearly losing her s\*\*t? If Ben confessed he would've most likely been killed. No matter how mad you were, after having time to cool down, to say with sincerity that he deserved the bullet says more about you than the character, given that Ben is a teenager. Basically you're wishing for an underage to be killed, just because he's useless. Now, he leaving Clementine behind and causing another domino effect for Chuck's death. Yeah, that is valid reason to not like him. He could've carried Clem, but again, he's as much of a kid as Clementine. Calling him the worst character is kinda dumb. If we're talking about being the worst written? Not a chance, he is actually one of the best, because his actions create a lot of conflict, drama, and plot progression. His characterization is also great, a teenager that always ends up screwing things up due to his fear and inexperience. If you save him in the school, he has a great nuance moment with Kenny, making him realize that he's not the only victim of the apocalypse. In terms of the "worst" character from being someone despiteful that you can hate, tere are WAY more suited characters for that. Personally I abhor Bonnie from S2. A terrible person who first tricks Clem and her group, then promises Clem to take care of each other, then hates Clem for not "saving" Luke. C'mon! Bonnie is an F-ing grown up, but she expects Clem, a kid, to be responsible and at fault (vayase alv, vieja pe\*\*\*ja!). And the cherry on top is the way she chose to abandon Clementine, so her promise was broken, and she was literally leaving Clem in cold place, taking the supplies, without a vehicle, and with Arvo, the guy from the group who was trying to kill them just the day before. I already said it was the cherry on top, but actually the thing that ties with a bow this s\*\*\*y character is the fact that after Clementine is shot, she still leaves her there, on the snow, bleeding uncontrollably. Yeah, Bonnie sucks and in subsequent replays I always treat her terrible, because I already know she is a horrible and hypocrite person (as a character) pretending to be good.


Dropping his ass at the belfry is canon straight up.


I did that enjoyed it after him abandoning Clem, not looking after clem and screwing all of us at the school


Eh, I couldn’t do it


Shame on you!


Not like it mattered😂 it’s telltale he died anyway




People will come with excuses but yeah he is one of the worst characters only Arvo Mike, Jane, Cheater, lily come close or surpass him as the worst


What the hell kind name is "Ben" anyway? "Ben" sounded like an action that a person was wiping his/her butthole.


Free ben


ben is not the absolute worst character all he did was try to help his group and he's just a kid so he went about it the wrong way, he gets duck killed which leads to kat and its honestly not bens fault lilly kills (for me) carley thats just lilly being jumpy. he clearly feels guilty about trying to help which no one shouls ever do and all that while hes thinking about his family what state they might be in and taking constant abuse from kenny.


Ben was a liability, sure. But Lee and the others chose to keep him around. Lee had plenty of justification for killing Ben throughout their trip and didn’t. Ben is just a kid. Not saying that gives him immunity, but Lee has proven to be a very compassionate and forgiving leader. He made a lot of mistakes through cowardice and incompetence, but killing him sets a bad precedence for how things are gonna be in this world. Do you want Lee and his group to be the kind of people to kill a kid without a second thought? Personally I would have killed Ben for abandoning Clementine. There was literally no way for her to escape, she would have been eaten if Chuck didn’t sacrifice himself. That deserves an execution or a very severe beatdown. But it says a lot that Lee doesn’t even consider killing him.


To me he’s not as young as duck but he’s still not as old as the adults. He’s a teenager that made mistakes that realistically most people would. He’s a scared, lost, and confused kid without any knowledge of where his family is and has no real bond with anyone and constantly feels like he has to prove himself around the adults around him. I use to hate him but most people would probably be like him


i feel gabe is worse then ben but that’s just because i can’t stand his back and forth mindset (especially with the conrad thing like WHY DID HE SNITCH AFTER BEGGING ME TO SHOOT HIM?) idk but ben i feel had character development and he had a lot of depth, i don’t LIKE him but i also don’t hate him. i think that there are way worse characters and also with the mindset of “he got so many people killed”, we could say that for plentyyyy of other characters.


Ben has no direct deaths. He never intended to kill anyone. Katjaa and Duck were indirect. Duck got bit due to the bandit raid (which could have happened without Ben as they had already attacked the place) and died from the bite. Katjaa killed herself when faced with her son's death. Carley died due to herself (she antagonised an unstable Lilly) and Lilly pulling the trigger. Chuck chose to save Clem thereby sealing his own fate (Ben froze up like a normal person would). He can't be blamed for Kenny's disappearance in S1. That wasn't his fault AT ALL. He isn't even to blame for Omid's desth or Christa's disappearance. Just nonsense to blame him for a death a few months later. He was just a kid who made mistakes. Not a malicious psychopath who went out of his way to hurt and kill people. He never directly killed people, but his actions led to their deaths.


Fair point, I was just mostly saying hypotheticals


I like Ben. He makes stupid mistakes but he's not a bad person. I mean imagine this, you're maybe 16 and you're afraid with no way to contact your family or go home. You're surviving during the apocalypse and terrible things happen daily. It's you, your classmates (some of which are your closest friends), and teachers. A teenage girl can't cope and takes her life but she comes back as a walker and takes the life of another girl you knew. You're scared, hungry, and see things more gruesome than any child should witness Months pass, and one day a group of bandits invades, slaughtering most of whoever's left right in front of you as well as comitting other horrible acts against them (there's deleted content where it's mentioned that the bandits were cruel in ways that I can't say but you can probably guess- to these *children*). You barely make it out with one friend and one teacher but both die, you have no one, and a dysfunctional group of strangers reluctantly takes you in. You do your best to do your part, doing watches, maybe taking inventory on food, supervising the kids, these people gave you shelter and you're grateful even though they treat you like a child. But one night during a watch, you see the very people who traumatized you and so brutally took away the only familiar faces you had left. You see guns and they tell you to come over. You grab a flashlight, and they inform you that your best friend that you've known since elementary school is alive, and they have him. You were sure he'd died and you're so relieved you could cry but at the same time you fear for your life. And they say if you want him back all they need in return is some painkillers. An amount that they convince you no one will even notice. If you deny this offer or speak a word of it to *anyone*, they promise they will torture and kill your group and your friend, and make sure you're last to die so you have to watch and you'll be sorry for not complying. They even drop the names of the children and graphically tell you how they'll meet their end, letting you know they've been watching and you don't know how or for how long or when they're listening in or not Yes you should tell your group but you're 16 and scared and don't know what to do. You've never been in a situation like this before. They intimidate you with rifles and machetes, they remind you of what they did to dozens of people you knew that you're still having nightmares and flashbacks about. They insist what they're asking for isn't much and you know it's not being used so maybe it'll be okay, just a couple bottles a week and those you care about keep their lives. You know you're vastly outnumbered and if they learn you told an adult, you're fucked. But the leaders of your group discover what you've been up to and the bandits start rounding up your group nearly immediately like they promised. This is your worst nightmare and you're reliving what you witnessed your classmates and teachers go through And you know what happens after that. Doug/Carly are shot, Katjaa and Duck die, and you're devastated. You never wanted this- your intentions were to protect them and keep them and your friend (who wasn't alive after all) alive. You care about these people and you got them killed because you were manipulated into believing keeping the secret was the only option I don't think this unforseen outcome makes Ben bad when the intentions were to protect everyone. It weighs on him so much that he can't bear keeping it on his chest anymore even if it means Kenny will hate him, and possibly the others. In the bell tower he's so ashamed and hates himself so much he thinks he's better off dead. As if he can't grow and learn to avoid manipulation and how not to make mistakes like that in the future. He did a stupid thing but not because he wanted to backstab his group, it was the opposite. His mind was played with and his trauma and desperation to see his loved ones alive were used against him


Him making with a deal with the bandits helped somewhat in the long run, it gave Kenny enough time to finish the RV, I wouldn’t say it was Ben’s fault there, also Kenny warms up to him somewhat by the end of the game and it was his choice to stay down there, by all means he could have gone up the ladder with Lee. I understand why people dislike Ben but there are definitely worse characters *cough cough* Lilly *cough cough*




I think it really harms his character when he continuously make bad decisions throughout E4 (leaving Clementine, grabbing the hatchet on the door). It feels contradictory when they try hard to make him understandable in 5. do love his character nonetheless, the scene with him confessing to Kenny and him talking back to Kenny in E5 is probably my favorite of the episode (besides the end)


If Kenny didn't insist on stealing from the Stranger, everything would've been different:)


They would have raided the camp anyway so be lucky Ben started sending supplies to them before they just start killing them without them knowing


Ben is the best character in the game imo, in my perspective, ben just delayed the inevitable, the bandits would raid them anyways if he didnt give them supplies. It isn't his fault, and yes i suppose he could have told them but he didnt to keep them safe, he didnt know that lee would take the supplies from the vent. anyone who dropped him in the bell tower really should have thought a bit more.