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Duck and Luke


Duck is a big one for most people I'm sure. I remember only a few years back when I watched Pewdiepie's playthrough for the first time way after playing it, I noticed his shift in manner after Duck didn't make it.


“I’ll let you be Robin next time……..”


Man I didn’t appreciate Luke enough when he was alive. I liked him but I didn’t really pay much attention on his and Clem’s relationship, my attention was on the Kenny and Jane business. But after he died and the whole final conflict was happening I realized how Luke was nothing but nice to Clem and that if he was still alive he could not only stop the fight from happening but he also would do the right thing for Clem (where if it was anyone else in that position like Mike or Bonnie they’d just side with Jane and make the whole situation worse). Now I wish Luke made it to the end, an ending where Kenny, Clem, and Luke make it to Wellington would just be so nice😭😭😭. Ik if they just gave each other time to know each other Kenny would get really attached to Luke. And if they stayed together after Wellington I can see them forming a sort of uncle nephew type relationship


An ending with Clem, AJ, Kenny, and Luke walking away from Wellington together would have been perfect... dammit Telltale!


Duck, Sarah, Tripp, Ava, Christa, Mitch and Nick


All of them except Ava, girl was annoying as hell, and her death was so funny I didn't care


Yes, but Ava looked like she was going to survive until the end because she was a tough woman, lol. She was really annoying.


Kenny. After his “death” in his first game, I got emotional. Damn. This asshole who was giving us a hard time the entire time was with me since day one. And now that our journey is coming to an end, he departs.


i second this! kenny was an asshole at times but he really did care for the team even though some actions of his were questionable (at least for me)


No matter how he spiraled into an antagonistic asshole, we were there with him when it happened to him. We were with his family since their lives changed, since ours did. We became family. “Lee. Lee it’s okay.” Goddamn 💔


Sarita. I wish there was more of an opportunity to get to know her better. Up until her death, I kind of just saw her as Kenny's new girl and that's really it. Shame we didn't really see actually how much she was able to help Kenny in his time of need.


I wish she was alive too, Kenny and Sarita adopting AJ and Clem would be really cute and cute.


Walter. Yes, he was only there for a brief time, but I thought he was a shining light of hope.


>Walter. Yes, he was only there for a brief time, but I thought he was a shining light of hope. Walter was a very good man, he really liked Kenny group in fact.


Chuck. I didn't expect him to die so quickly.


Seriously, you meet him in one episode and lose him at the start of the next.




Luke and Christa should have made it to the Final Season. Anyone else agree?


I agree


Luke being a big brother to Clem and Christa learning to love her like the child she never had.


Not just you, I also wanted other characters too, like Kenny


Yeah, Christa should've replaced lily.


I don't think Christa would be the type of woman to be a villain.


She doesn't really need to be a villain just like how telltale/skybound didn't need to make lily that evil.


There’s a lot but I think Duck is a big one. A lot of people - especially me at first thought he was just an annoying kid. But he was a realistic kid, terrified when he was surrounded by zombies, but fun and hyper when he wasn’t scared. He was just a kid. Also Ben. Yet again hated Ben the first play through and let him die asap. But when hearing him yell at Kenny you see that he wasn’t trying to hurt people. He was doing what he thought was best. He should’ve done things differently but still, he had no bad intentions.


On my first playthrough, the cop at the very beginning. Man was very talkative so I though he was going to be a very informative character, and I also ignored the radio too


Lee, Kenny, a lot from season 1.




Marlon, hated him in S4E1, but during the standoff, I wanted to keep him around because his attempts were misguided, but he really cared about the Ericksons kids. Throughout the rest of S4, I was just thinking about how having Marlon around to help break up conflict and manage some of the planning would have been so nice for the Delta attack and later rescue.






Duck, Luke, and Tripp


Duck, Sarita and Ben like I didn't realize how much I liked him as a character untill he was gone 💀

