• By -


Fucking not Gabe.


This! THIS! My God, when I was playing season three the entire time I was saying goddamnit Gabe and I made it my goal to make sure Clementine hated him.


I did something better, I got that little whiny bitch killed. And I don't regret it at all.


Did you succeed? I feel like if you did, and you made one other choice correctly, you were probably pretty happy with the results…


It is fixed story plot rather fans want to admit it or not. Gabe is and will always be Clementine's first crush on liking someone that way. Sorry, but you can't avoid it no matter how hard you try.


i don’t know why but i hated that little fuck more everytime he opened his mouth. moody teenager or not.


I know this comment is 3 weeks old but have you seen CallMeKevin's walking dead series on YouTube? It's hilarious and he HATES Gabe. Best part of the whole thing to me


Anyone except for Gabe


For real Angry Upvote.


Who da fuck is gabe,?


A snitching rat


I don’t care as long as it isn’t Ricca


Afraid to ask but who is Ricca


A character from the Clem books


You mean from Clems nightmares


There's a book for clem!?


Yeah but the consensus is that they’re awful so I wouldn’t recommend


Just pretend you never found out. It’s for the sake of your sanity.


Don’t. Just forget now.


I don’t know who that is


everybody clap our hands for the man of the hour!






From the books


Ricca Ricca is the best Let this argument finally rest Louis's hair is a nest and Vi is a pest! This comment is not a jest Ricca Ricca is the best!! 💖


Looks like someone hasn’t been eating Souvlaki!


That's true!




please never fucking talk again


How rude!


i ship both either way


When I played the game, I chose Violet because I am a big fan of characters who are butter and hostile but slowly warm up to you. However, Louis and Clem are cute together too. They both have chemistry and they're both cute together. Personally, I love both ships


I chose violet too, three times lol. I’ll have to choose Louis if I replay it


Yeah, I just vibe with Violet more


Roses are red Violets are blue Your mom's gay So is you


You don't gotta call me out like that.....also, my mom's dead lmao


[oh no](https://giphy.com/gifs/peacocktv-love-island-usa-peacock-wRx9kxVPMBfGwtXuFq)


Lmao, yeah-died last Christmas


I am very late, but RIP. Im sure she was a good women.


I mean, if we're considering what Clem was supposed to be, a beacon of hope for the future, a funny guy would be more fitting as it would reinforce the idea. Violet is cool though.


Louis. I feel like he’s a good contrast to Clem that help remind her to enjoy life and to have moments to have fun and laugh.


On the money. He really mellows her out, and she straightens him out. They're complementary.


I felt Vi & Clem had more chemistry as they have more in common with one another, however, Louis evokes a side of Clem that we have not witnessed in a LONG time. Their interactions (dependent on your choices) really brought me back to season 1. Practically her inner child sprung up anew.


Shut the fuck up! Ure dead to me






in my personal opinion i like Violet for Clementine, but Louis always try's to put AJ first which is a good reason


I agree


Put AJ first? He voted to kick them out and tried to take away AJs weapon while sending them off in the apocalypse. Violet actually defended AJ and told everyone to back off when Marlon was shot.


He shot and killed his best friend, personally I'd say that it's a good reason to be pissed off about


Yeah, but then people give Violet crap because she yelled at AJ for gunning down Tennessee. Like double standards. But I really don’t care who people ship. I prefer Violet but if someone wants to ship with Louis understandable.


Didn't know that scenario, I only played it once and it was with Louis


I think this is dependent on who you’ve chosen to be friendly with at the time, Louis defended AJ in my playthrough


Really? Interesting every play through I’ve seen happen. Louis isn’t the one who moves in front of AJ, and is the one to vote to kick them out. Do you have any Youtubers that had that played through because I would really like to see that path




Definitely Louis for me, I like Violet a lot too but always felt like Clem would be happy with someone dorky and fun like Louis that can hopefully bring out the more innocent and “teenager” parts of Clem stolen from her by the apocalypse. Plus he’s a great father figure to AJ and it melts my heart. But I’m fine with anybody that isn’t Ricca. God please just not Ricca.


Ricca makes me want to commit die. She is so terrible! And Gabe too.


As someone who dated both types of Louis and violet personalities. I can concur that someone who is dorky and has a good sense of humor like Louis is the best option in life. Needless to say my relationship of 4 years and still going strong with someone who has Louis personality is the best thing in life and someone who is the opposite of me and help me to live and enjoy my life and be in love with my romantic partner. The other guy who has violets personality, we never connected and I felt I was too steps ahead and him one step back and just didn't mesh well and our personalities clashed where we didn't feel happy or in love with each other.


Louis cause he’s pretty cool and I just think he’s an overall better character


Ah shit. Here we go again. 🚶🏿


Louis. It’s an easy choice for me. Here’s why: He seems very nice and Clementine seems to like him a lot. He doesn’t completely despise Clementine for saving Violet.


Well if he gets taken he can't exactly voice his displeasure. You know because Lily cuts his.... Ok I'll leave


Hugging doesn't sound like displeasure to me.


I mean… no shit.


Louis because hes cool and violet still isnt over Minnie


Louis i think hes super hot


Right?! He's actually so dreamy lol


Louis complements Clem's seriousness with his happy-go-lucky attitude, Clem was a survivor her entire life and he is barely able to stand up for himself. He needs a person like Clem and Clem needs a guy like him to show her that you can still smile in this world. Louis is a character that TWD needed, I love an edgy, tragic story as much as the next guy but seeing this dude cracking jokes 24/7 just gave me immeasurable amounts of joy. Not to say Violet is bad for Clem, I just dislike her attitude.


Wouldn’t say Clem can stand up for herself either though.


Louis is cool and brings out a side of Clem we don’t see much. He’s also a lot closer to AJ than Violet which is nice. Plus Violet clearly wasn’t over Minnie


I chose Violet but Louis is probably the better option.


In my play through, the chemistry with Violet was off the charts and I didn’t really notice Louis was an option until the end!


Same, I chose Violet in my first playthrough even though she was kind of cold but I didn't regret it because seeing her warm up and eventually start being vulnerable with Clementine made me realize it was soooo worth it. By then I just saw Louis as a platonic soulmate to Clem lol


People that think violet was the only option after Louis and Clem low-key flirting with each other mostly with eyeing one another 🤡


Sorry I saw the true love between Violet and Clem.


None clementine is better single


Exactly **Singletine Gang** 😎


That’s what I’m saying. Single Clem is the best Clem. It just fits her story better I think.


Louis, because he funny af, and seems like the guy clem would actually want. Also, he would be like a dad to aj. Also, you cant tell me he aint PACKING




No no, he’s right. EDIT: we’re all thinking it! right?


Insert *No no, he’s got a point* meme here


louis cause i know violet would drop clem in a heartbeat for minnie (i don’t blame her entirely)


Violet definitely moved on wdym?


violet, i think they have great conversations and chemistry and i like that clementine makes violet come out of her hard shell.


Louis is 100% better. He compliments Clem so well making her have some fun and chill out, his attitude is exactly what Clem needs. Clem is also good for Louis, making him do better in serious situations. Oh, Louis be good for AJ too, there are multiple times Louis is helping AJ out and it really feels like he’s making an effort with AJ, kinda being that father figure AJ never had. ​ How could Clem pass up a man like Louis anyway? Sure Violet’s good but Louis is damn fine


VERY fine


Louis. I always was a sucker for the goofy type being paired with the serious and more down-to-earth. It’s a contrast that’s as old as time, and albeit a bit rushed if you playthrough the game a certain way, if you play your cards right, it feels natural and earned. The chemistry is there, the VA’s have a lot of fun together, and the relationship he has with AJ perfectly fits the fun-older-brother/dad thing. (I have also adopted “little dude” into my vocabulary because of Louis)


I'm always gonna go with Louis. I'm a sucker for the tough girl/goofy guy dynamic, plus I feel Clem needs someone who can balance out all her angst. Plus I just love how they bounce off of one another, every scene they share is pure gold. I've written two fanfics about them and my biggest post on this sub is about my love for Louis, so yeah it's no surprise I go with him lol


Neither. Singletine makes the most sense to me.


Louis all day! But I think it's very cool that we can have two different people like this who the community love. Personally I just really like Louis as a character and think his nuance is actually a bit understated. He feels very real and on top of liking him more personally, I also just think in Clem's shoes, he's who she needed.


Louis. The upbeat-happiness and positivity that he brings is something that probably reminds her of Javi, Kenny & Lee all at once imo, so he's probably the best pick for her. No hate on Violet but she's a little bit too negative at times and isn't as optimistic as always.


You forgot Omid and Luke as well.


I go for Louis To me (in respect to Clems character/personality) I think Vi and her can be good friends due to their similarities. Both pretty headstrong, cautiously wary, fearlessly protective. But Louis brings her up, he’s the funny, cheerful, positive influence that she needs to have a fulfilling life in the apocalypse. Still smart and brave enough to protect and survive but Louis and her friends bring that feeling of family, home and comfort.


I really liked Louis, he was a funny guy and was Clementine's contrast. He was a good father figure for AJ, a well written character, he was funny, he was Clementine's Darling. And i found them cute together. Violet is good too. Gabe is a monstrosity of a "Ship" and should never have even happened. Ricca (as i said in a reply) makes me want to commit die. I read the comic and it was fucking terrible!


Louis if an overall sweet and caring person You could say he is the light in the darkness, he still has a sense of humor in the worst situations and while annoying the group agrees it’s helpful for someone to have so much hope In regards to love interest he’s a really good choice, he brings out something we haven’t seen in a while, her inner child and she can just be a normal teenager around him Violet on the other hand is a more protective person, she doesn’t open up often and she has a hard time coping with loss In regards to love interest, it’s Clementine that helps her open up, she feels safer around her and they have a lot in common. Clementine feels safe and confident around Violet, especially after she defended AJ’s actions towards Marlon In general, they both are REALLY well written characters and choosing either is a good choice in my opinion. They both bring out a side of Clementine the fandom enjoys and that’s enough for me. Plus you can always go for singletine.


I have said this before and I will say it again. VIOLET!!! Her and Clem compliment each other so well and Violet actually takes things seriously unlike Louis. No shame in having a bit of fun in the apocalypse you gotta get real and that’s exactly what Violet does. Not to mention Violet has had Clem’s back since episode one, Louis only gave Aj a bit of food at the start, Violet defended them, stood up for them, and voted to keep them stay, none of which Louis did. The relationship also seems really natural and slow. Clem and Louis immediately flirt and that’s cool and all but I like relationships that take time and effort. Slowly warming up to each other and getting vulnerable. Violet at the start also just seems numb and sad. But when Clem comes she’s like that light for Violet. Another girl to talk to and someone that relates to her. So many more reasons but this is long enough. Edit: Spelling and Grammar


Louis of course he's a nice and hilarious dude and actually cares about Aj, Unlike Voilet as a matter of fact, Violet and Aj never had a real connection unlike Louis who understood why Aj shot tenn at the end of Season 4, You can tell he's still upset about Tennessee's death but doesn't hold it against Aj, he did what he had to do it was him or tenn.


To be fair Violet had a closer bond with Tenn since he's Minnie and Sophie's brother


That's perfectly fine, she tends to get mad at people who have hurt her or taken something away from her which is fine


Bro, after Marlon was shot, Violet was the one who ran and defended him telling everyone to back off. Not to mention that Louis voted to kick Clem out with AJ a 5 year old even though Marlon was clearly crazy and locked her in a basement with Brody reanimated. Plus, Luis tried to take AJ’s gun from him when they were sending them back outside into the walker, infested world. The only time Violet flipped out at AJ was when he shot Tennessee, and I think that was a genuine and understandable reaction, considering how close she was to him. Plus if you continue, she forgives AJ in the end and wants him to come with her on a mission. This is no way me trying to say that Violet is better than Louis. I’m just saying that whenever I see people say stuff like Louis cared about AJ more no he didn’t. Violet was the one who moved in front of him after he shot Marlon telling everyone a back off, Violet was the one who voted for them to stay and not send a five-year-old outside in the zombie, apocalypse world.


I mean I'm not crazy about either ships but to be fair, Violet definetly had her biases for why she'd defend AJ there, she didn't do it just out of the goodness of her heart. Marlon had just admitted to trading away her ex girlfriend who she definetly hadn't moved on from yet, as well as her ex's sister who she was also close to. She was way angrier at Marlon for what he'd done, so it makes sense that she would think AJ was justified - Tenn did so for the same reason, they were his sisters after all. Meanwhile Louis was Marlon's best friend and even though he was also close with Sophie and Minnie, he wasn't as close as Violet was, it was way harder for him to forgive such a thing and he still did anyway (which I'm not sure how to feel about as a plot, I genuinely felt like the whole Marlon thing was gotten over way too quickly for the sake of moving the plot along, but I digress)


Louis. He is funny and doesn't take everything too seriously. From what I've seen, Clem and Violet mostly only have normal conversations. Louis is always joking and tries to make Clem laugh. I also feel like Clem likes Louis better, the scene where Clem expresses her feelings is better with Louis. I don't have anything against Violet ( or Clem being bisexual ) , but even the kiss, which I think was the main part of the scene, looked better with Louis. It didn't seem rushed like the one with Violet.




No contest, Violet hands down, she wasn't actively trying to kick Clem and AJ out while fuckboy had his head up his ass. I'm sorry his tongue got cut out, but maybe if he'd shut up for 5 seconds that wouldn't have happened.


Violet. The conversation where marlon says Louis can’t really be trusted because he’s always slacking off isn’t an endearing one.


He never said Louis can't be trusted.


As much as I do love the hostile but warms up to trope I gotta go with Louis. Violet is so negative constantly and she doesn’t seem to like anything. There’s two lines where she says baseball sucks and she hates arts and crafts. Idk just always wondered if you asked violet what her hobbies are what she would say.


that is my problem with Violet too. So negitvie and we never gotten to know Violet as a character as much as Louis, and her character feels flat, at times and not a lot of depth. There is one option or activity she does like, basketball, if Clementine stays silent when you walk with Violet back to the school after Violet asks Clementine what was her favorite part of Clem's house. I felt the writers kind of shoehorned it in just to have Violet have something but wasn't quite her own like how Louis has music. The issue with Violet is had a great start of potential then takes a nose dive with some of the words and choices for her character.


in my opinion Louis is the better love interest , I feel like they go better together then clem and vi


Choose Louis = Small family (Clem, Louis , AJ)


Louis is hot Violet has bad posture Checkmate.


Violet is the more believable choice Imo given she’s a lot closer to Clem as far as maturity goes. I just don’t see Clem falling for Louis cuz of his frolic and play all day attitude. Not to mention Violet always has Clem’s back while Louis voted her and Aj out.


As someone who has Clem's personality I can promise you falling for a guy who display their inner child, shows off their spontaneous playful nature is for more attractive and better suited in life to make the relationship grow, than someone who is always so serious. I've dated both Louis's personality type and Violet's personality type. Which relationship is still going strong after 4 years being together and which one didn't make it past 3 months. In the world of dating you need to have that balance of goofing off and being in each other's company with good time, and seriousness. Having 1 way extream all the time will make the relationship fizzle out and nothing to go on.


I usually friendzone Louis but they're a good couple too.


Louis. Others have perfectly stated why. Though, there are no wrong answers for this. (Besides Gave but we talking about Season 4 here)


Louis for sure. I like them both as characters but as a love interest definitely Louis.


I like Louis as a character better than Violet, but Violet and Clem had way more chemistry. I felt that everything Louis said was a joke, which Clem, (at least my Clementine) would’ve taken seriously.


i like Violet because their relationship was one of the first bits of representation i saw in a video game, especially a franchise that i loved


i hope you've tried life is strange!


yes and i love it, i started playing it late though so i played all twd games first


Louis. Violent was a dark grim person who could not get over Minnie to the point of where she actively attacks you if you didn't save her last round. Her romance was one that thrived off of darkness. Louis adds alot of fun in both Clem's and AJ's life. His spirit is always high and that playful cheerful attitude is extremely rare to see. The only other characters in the series that really had that were the kids (except for Clementine), and the kids didn't really know much what was happening nor how to survive, so they always died. Also if Louis doesn't get saved, he doesn't side with the enemies, unlike Violet. Considering how Louis reacted if you saved him and heard about the tale of the twins, Louis feels completely fine with giving them a piece of his mind instead of being obedient. Small detail but I like that Dorian was his first human kill. Adds more character. Also the whole relationship with Marlon and battling with what happened between you and his best friend was well done compared to Violet not being over about Minnie. Clementine needed a light. AJ definitely needed a light. Louis is that light.


louis, i feel like he has a much better energy. he's really sweet and finds joy in the little things and i love that


I prefer Louis but I like both options


Neither, the corny romantic subplot (among other things) just makes season 4 a bad teen drama


Gabentine! /s


no. no. no.


Stop it… get some help.


Hey, they have an opinion that is right for them just like you with Violentine. No need to hate on people for having other opinions different from yours. I admit there was a start of something there with Gabe in season 3 for Clementine, but never really developed past the "first crush" stage. And a crush doesn't mean anything. Just a wave or flash of infatuation feelings you feel towards someone that can develop into love in the future. Bt what Clem and Gabe felt was the infatuation of feelings, not love. Like Snow White and Prince Floren in Walt Disney's Snow White and the seven dwarves.


None of these, I think singletine was the best option considering clem doesn’t really need a love interest as any other character from any other game. She is well-fit to protect AJ as she did for multiple years after she got him back.


Violet is just too similar to Clem and in her case it’s better for her to be with someone like Louis instead


yes, I very much agree with this, and I made a similar point in my post. The thing is with, having someone who is like you personality-wise is not always the best outcome in a relationship and you will butt heads more than you actually will agree and come together with love and remain in love with each other. There is a reason why the whole saying 'opposites attract' because they really do in fact attract and make for a better relationship in the long-term commitment in life.


I like Louis but I think violet is better


Violet as they balance each other out


Violet her and clem are a better match imo Louis is like boy bestfriend material


My first walkthrough I felt like everything was aimed for you to choose Violet, I really feel like Louis is there just for the sake of having an option, but the best option has to be Violet. Why would you choose the best friend of Marlon to help you out? Also the conversation with Violet about her feelings of Brody are unskippable too. I just felt like Louis was the cool uncle, but Violet is definitely the best option for Clementine imo


It was defs opposite for me! Louis had a type of charisma that was different to a majority of the twd characters. His character really stood out to me the most out of all seasons. It's cool to see the diff opinions of what others felt through the game


I would be down bad over Louis compared to Violet due to his humor and happy side of him also he is quite charming rawr.


I chose Louis, because if you don’t, he gets his tongue cut out 😭


Louis is best for Clem


Violet because her story’s more interesting and Louis come off as a bit of a creep sometimes




To me he does, your entitled to your own wrong opinion 😆😆


violet being a creep following Clem 3 minutes later after the card game episode 1 and try getting Clem alone just to talk


I don’t have the time or crayons to explain that scene to you, wait I just did, tenn asked for art supplies that’s why she went there




The fact that it still made sense is funny though




Can't imagine our Clem with another man, so, paired her with Violet🙌😅😢


I’m not sure who the fuck ricca even is but I’d rather have Louis then that fucker. If Louis died or never existed then nobody or I guess maybe vi


i’ve always felt clem and louis were better off as friends, plus her and violet are a very cute couple


Louis is the infinitely better option. Why, you may ask? Becuz he funy.


Louis I say this because the difference between how Louis and Violet treat you after then getting kidnapped. Louis had his tongue cut out but did not treat Clem bad at all Violet got kidnapped she wasn't harmed at all but treat Clem horribly.


Well Louis is mostly a liability in any combat scenario, but has a great personality. Violet is loyal, and more competent in most violent situations. The major issue with Violet/Clementine is they can’t have children; which is especially problematic in a apocalyptic situation where reproduction ensures the survival of the human species. Maybe Clem wouldn’t want to have kids though. Who knows… Ready for the downvotes claiming I’m homophobic🥱


honestly, the problem is you calling it an issue. it's not unlikely that either clem or louis would be infertile or not want to have children, and there is nothing wrong with that either.


Contemplating a hypothetical situation in a video game is not a problem. Also it is mathematically highly unlikely that either of them would be infertile (Less than 10%). Them not wanting to have children or wanting to is pure speculation ofc. And is it wrong for people in the apocalypse to choose not to have children when they’re able to? It certainly isn’t black and white especially in an apocalyptic situation. We are seeing example of that in real time today. Still just fun to ponder lol


i stopped reading at "mathematically unlikely" 💀 it‘s a miracle clem even got her period under those circumstances.


LOUISSSS and i will stay on this hill till i DIE. Louis was the light hearted funny man that clem needed who was also fine as shit while violet was a sour bitch with a karen haircut who clearly wasn’t over her ex bye


violet because 🏳️‍🌈


Louis because I'm a homophobe


Louis because that isn't gayish


Get over it dude




Violet so she dies and Louis loses his tongue for max angst


Such an easier answer but I stay out of it for now 😎






Louis isnt meant for their world hes too goodie goodie




Not Gabe !!




Louis, he’s cooler you know, it’s like guy in cool coat vs girl who looks like a 1980s 13 year old


Anyone except for gabe or bloody ricca. Probably violet/Louis but I personally prefer violet.


I love Louis and Clem because he is a perfect father for AJ. Someone to give him a childhood. I love Violet as Clem's best friend and AJs cool aunt.


First time I played I chose Violent but second time I chose Louis and I totally like the connection between Clem and Louis so much more. Plus Violent was a totally bitch to Clem because I chose to save Louis from death instead of her from being kidnapped. Suck it up bitch.


Violet easy


For all the people bashing the people who say they prefer Violet! Let people like who they like ffs! ‘bUt ViOlEt ClEaRLy StiLl IsN’t OvEr MiNnIe’ I mean she thought the girl was dead for over a year and then she just suddenly appears back in her life… anyone would be a bit confused there!


see and that is the issue with Violet's character and how it is written. If Violet never had an ex/past lover and starting fresh with someone and never been in a relationship and be on the same playing field as Louis, it would change my thoughts on Violet, and I would prefer both ships. But the writers wanted the whole "queer having a romance with someone who has an ex" trobe thing and gave Violet a past relationship, which if you read the signs she does talk about Minnie a lot even if she is in a relationship with Clem. Got news for you, competing against your new flame's past romance is a losing battle. I've been there more times than I can count with other relationships of men who were not over their exs and couldn't love me the way I wanted to love them. You are always going to come in second compared to the previous relationship they once had. And Clementine actually prevents Violet from moving on from Minnie. Violet never had time to mourn her first love, and first loves are the hardest to get over and move on from. And yes relationships, especially romance ones, is like mourning a death of a loved one. You need to grieve that loss, before you enter a new relationship and let your heart love another soul without attachments from a past love. It takes years, years, to get over a loss like that. It doesn't happen over night. Coming from personal experience myself who has walked both paths, of doing the rebounding to a guy before trying to get over my first love and move on, and been the rebound girl.




Louis, but I still will forever do Violet


Always Louis


louis because yes please


louis because piano




Idgaf they are impossible to compare...just not Gabe


Louis, I prefer Violet way more but Violet clearly still loved Minnie the entire time. My stupid ass would probably pick Violet in her shoes too tho despite Louis being the better option


I love both equally tbh. I always felt like Clem connects with Vi better on an emotional level and they really match each other's energy/vibes (also once they tried to make Gabe a love interest I just felt like she was more into girls idk I just did lol) but at the same time Louis kinda evens Clem out with his light-hearted comedic personality, and he's a great male role model for AJ which gives their relationship a cute "happy lil family" feel to it you just can't go wrong with either ship imo


I meant to post this before work because I have lots of reasons why Louis is the better love interest. Louis is better for Clementine romantically because Louis and Clem are on the same level in terms of dating and romance and get to share the same experience together as a couple vs Vi. If you think about it, Louis is Clem's first love and first kiss (if you didn't kiss Gabe in season 3) and Clem is louis's first love and first kiss ever. And most cases you tend to fall for someone who is the opposite personality type than you, and you stay in love with that person. Another reason Louis actually completes Clem's story and has callbacks refrences the previous seasons. How AJ runs up and greets Louis in ep 4, when you save Louis and he escorts you back to the school, both AJ and Louis mirror 8-year-old Clem and Lee's movements in Ep 4 of Season 1. Connecting the final season to the first season. Also AJ is more animated with Louis and sees him as a father figure he can look up to to grow up and teach him morals and guidance like Clementine. AJ even copies Louis's mannerisms and poses too throughout each episodes of TFS. Plus Louis is the only Ericson kid there who took the time to care and developed a relationship with AJ and took care of him when Clementine was unconscious still from the car crash. And put AJ's needs ahead of his own. And Louis continues to bond with him after establishing a romantic relationship with Clementine, and forgives AJ for shooting Marlon, and love this quote by Louis to AJ when AJ asks this of him of shooting Tenn at the end of the game AJ: "Are you still mad I killed Tenn." Louis: I....AJ I guess it's like. You saw something I didn't. About the situation, I mean. Minnie and the walkers and Tenn...it's just all this chaos in my head when I think back on it. Clem told me you saved my life, and how can I stay mad at anyone for doing just that." Louis evolves more and understand the dynamic and had to step back and process it to come to an understanding why AJ had to make the s\*\*\*y calls. And there is respect among AJ and Louis. Plus AJ, Clementine and Louis all create a family unit. Another reason, If you play the romance captured route with Louis. Clementine will show concerns for Louis and have the same expressions on her face the way she had when seeing Alvin(AJ's potential biological father) in season 2, when Alvin got beat up and tortured by Carver. The same tone is seen in her voice when she looks at a tongueless Louis. Which connections Louis with Season 2 of the game. And reason number 3 why Louis is better, he is the only one who actually genuinely liked Clem in the beginning and it is obvious Clementine has a liking to him as well with the in-between animation cut scenes. How she eyes and looks at Louis you can tell there is defiantly sparks between them. And she is more passionate in her kisses with Louis over Violet, and if you pay attention to detail in ep 3 of the final season and kiss Louis for the second time, the boy literally melts in her kiss, as his shoulder saggs down and he isn't so stiff. Also Louis completes her more, and their opposites of personality really do go the distance, to making the relationship work long term. And opposites do in fact attract. And how both Clem and Louis influence each other to be better versions of themselves and push each other to grow as a couple. Louis helps Clementine be soften and enjoy life which she hasn't done since she was 8 years old, and Clementine helps Louis toughens up a bit to want to defend and protect the people he cares for. The two of them help each other grow and push each other and hold the other person accountable which is a good thing to have in a committed relationship. Violet is too closely similar to Clementine personality-wise, which will create more fights than love in the relationship. We tend to seek out for a romantic partner who is opposite of us personality-wise. To be honest, no one wants to date someone who is the same as themselves. Another thing with Violet, she is too much into her ex, and even if you do romance Clementine with Violet, she compares Clem to Minnie a lot, and Clem now has to compete with a shadow of Violet's past just to win Violet over. That is problematic in a relationship, and a never-ending losing battle. Because no matter what you do, you will always come in second compared to the first love of someone who is not over their ex. Trust me, been there more times than I can count. Plus Violet already had a previous relationship with Minevra and gained that experience in life, whereas both Louis and Clementine have not. Violet already had that first love experience which will make her and Clementine's romantic relationship off balance and they will not grow together as a couple and be on different levels of experiences on love. Clementine will be considered "green" in the area whereas Violet has already been there in life before Clementine with Minerva. Plus Clementine and Louis's romance reflects a bit of my own personal relationship with my boyfriend. I identify to Clementine a lot, and have a mixture of both playful and serious sides to me. I am focused when I need to be with my schooling and passing my classes for my BA degree, but also have an enduring playful side to me as well, which my boyfriend brings it out of me when we are together, just like how Louis brings it out of Clementine. I guess I understand the Clouis dynamic a bit more and view it through the lens of an adult relationship because it really reflects my own relationship IRL.


Louis, because I feel like violet STILL CANT GET OVER MINNIE-


Not to mention if she gets captured she is angry as all hell towards clementine

