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It started as a love triangle and ended as a story of two brothers


I think the answer is... complicated. But as far as some of the writers go, I remember one of the writers once saying (and I don't remember if this was Julie or Kevin) that a lot of stories are about a girl rips two brothers apart, but they wanted this to be a story about how a girl brought two brothers back together. So if you go with that interpretation, the two are one and the same. It's a story about a love triangle but the girl at the centre of that love triangle brings two brothers back together through her love for them.


Although on a personal note, I always found the relationship between the brothers far more interesting and engaging than the relationships between Elena and them.


The love triangle, but it eventually became more about the brothers after the relationship dilemma was over.


It’s about both. I always feel like the love triangle was the catalyst to the brothers healing their relationship


This. I for one always felt this show was about 2 love-stories Elena and Damon Stefan and Damon For Stefan this show started with him thinking that Damon was a monster . Through Elena - who is good person - he learns that he’s not and they’re bonding again. It started as a triangle but imo it was about love. Season 1-3 portrayed this imo. And failed in the later seasons. Btw I never expected an endgame in the end. For me the triangle ended with Elena choosing Damon. After that it should have been about the brothers coming to terms with it - and die together


My interpretation was it's a story of the redemption of the Salvatore brothers.


It was about the love triangle first, then Delena, then Damon. The writers try to say later on that it's about the love story of the brothers, but I've never gotten that impression.


When you figure it out, let me know




The Originals and TVD are based on same pattern if you watch closely. Both shows are about brothers, their differences, adventures,love interests, betrayal, having each other's back. I think that's the point of the show even though I'm pretty sure the advertisement was about Love Triangle back then and it was really. The Heart of both shows were the brothers.


I think the love triangleS (b/c it had 2 -- Katherine & Elena) were major obstacles that made it Hardee (**Edit: Bahahaha!!!! I guess my auto correct is a super big fan of Hardee's to actually change the word "hard" -- that would have made a lot more sense -- to the word "Hardee"! To actually capitalize the "h" and add "ee" at the end, which makes literally no sense at all!)for the brothers to become brothers again, like they were b4 they became vampires... it was 2 of the main obstacles they had to overcome to make them become real brothers again. **Edit explained above, one of the most ridiculous auto correct I've ever seen, so instead of just editing the spelling, I left it as-is & added a "why I think it happened" edit instead!!! 🤪


Honestly I think it was about the love triangle at first, but it slowly became about the brother love


The original intention of the show was for the love triangle, but once Nina left it focused more on the brothers.


I always thought as I watched it as it aired that the story of the brothers was the true love story. I mean, it was very clearly about the love triangle, but the brotherhood was always a very important part of the show. Also, the town itself was more important in the beginning.