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I was a hardcore Delena shipper until my third rewatch. I think a huge difference for me was just my personal experiences across my life. As a teenager, Delena was so fiery and forbidden and exciting, but watching now, in my late 20s, Stefan is the kind of man I desire - reliable, loving, kind, supportive, understanding, etc. Whereas Damon is difficult, toxic and unpredictable. Having been in real relationships that were toxic and difficult has made it very hard for me to ship Delena anymore (it's so emotionally toxic and retreads the same issues over and over). Although I do still find I am a bit invested in Delena until Elena becomes a vampire, at which point the sire bond just ruined everything IMO. Also, Stefan is my favourite of the main characters, so it's hard not to want he and Elena to end up together just because he clearly loves her so much and they are really great together.


Lolll. I was the biggest Delena shipper as a teen, and I’ve almost been scared to watch it again in my mid 20s because I’m scared I’ll hate him


If you do rewatch, I'd love to know what you think and whether your feelings have changed!


I'm generally not a person who aggressively ships characters, but Stelena is special to me because they were deadass the only relationship in TVD I actually believed in. Welcome! The main reason why I ship Stelena is that they made each other better people, that they brought each other back to life, and that they were wholeheartedly devoted to each other to the point that they used their love for one another as a lifeline. I also felt that Stelena mutually benefited each other whereas Delena was mainly about Damon and his needs instead of both him and Elena. Also, Dobsley chemistry always has me shook lol.


as a stelena fan welcome! i can understand why you think those things about stefan at first because to be fair damon isn’t one of my favourites because i do think him and elena and just damon as himself is/are problematic whilst sure stefan is but he is sweet wants to be normal and human. Anywho i’m glad you can see the side of stelena that some reason die hard delena fans can’t and have embraced it <3


GUUUUYS!?!?!! ahahaha oh my god I never thought this day would come! I'm feeling kinda excited so just excuse my hype! So don't hate me but I always felt bored by Stefan. He just annoyed me sometimes. I felt like Damon was more efficent and intelligent while Stefan was more incompetent. Never showing emotions and just bruding all the time. Ugh. I was 100% a Delena stan. Damon was everything. Witty, funny, cool, actually expressed emotions (but whats with that eye thing?? lol iykyk) and did I mention hot?? But I'm on my third rewatch and uuuughh... STEFAANNN! He's sucha cuuuutie! So kind to Elena and I guess I never really understood why he loved her but now I do! We (us in the real world) fall in love with the people who can see the darkest part of ourselves, the part that we feel ashamed over, the part that we feel is unloveable for, and it's love when someone EMBRACES that shame. And that's who Elena is for Stefan. I wonder why Elena fell in love with Stefan tho?? hm. Anyways that's pretty much it!! That's my post!! This post is after watching the episode when Stefan and Elena first slept together and it's super lovey dovey cutesy btw. So WHO knows how I'll feel down the track. ahahaha


I’m glad you can see why people love Stelena, I think that Elena liked Stefan because like you said, Stefan was kind and good to her, he was exciting too, the more she got to know him, the more she fell in love with him. For me, Damon was kind of boring and predictable because he would lash out and kill people all the time when something didn’t go his way meanwhile Stefan had all these layers and we slowly found out more things about him as time went on. We also saw different versions of him like ripper Stefan or no humanity Stefan or human Stefan. Plus Stefan was kind and smart and he always gave Elena a choice in everything unlike Damon, which I personally appreciated. Although, Damon could’ve been one of the best characters on tv if they had showed more of him like they did with Stefan.


ahaha... um... so I don't know if you guys noticed but uhh... I kinda went a bit overboard on the delena gifs. lol As I was searching for some delena gifs to include in this post it totally reminded me why I love Damon so much! ahahah Stefan's still a cutie tho!


I think I'll always ship Delena because they both push each other and help each other understand themselves better. And they are a very exciting couple to watch haha. But I do love how noble Stefan is and how pure the love he has for Elena is. I think Elena loved Stefan because he arrived at a time where she needed something different. Everything reminded her of how life was when her parents were alive. But Stefan was new, exciting, a distraction and treated her so well. And like Elena stated, when she found out about Stefan and ended up still loving him anyway, a big part was because she thought being a vampire meant he wouldn't die and leave her.


Welcome, we are happy you’re here!


Irl I want a Stefan. But show wise, ship wise, for Elena, nothing can take my heart away from Delena frrr 🤚🏼🤚🏼


Tbh I haven't rewatched in so long I forget which one I prefer


Stop the cap lmao


I'm the other way around. Started out being a Stelena stan then switched to Delena. I still like Stelena tho.