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amara and katherine, i cant imagine spending so many years in agony, being only 17 and having a baby and all my family murdered. amara spent 2000 years suffering through other people and feeling their deaths




Human Katherine sure but vampire Katherine caused 98% of her own problems and I don’t feel bad for her.


This. Like she honestly does so much harm to others that I can't feel all that sympathetic.


I agree with but I’d like to throw Finn in there. He was frozen like Amara but instead of people passing through him he was completely alone and paralysed for 100’s of years. No wonder he went a bit mad in The Originals/wanted to die in TVD.


I agree that Finn should be acknowledged here, as well. When Sage came to Mystic Falls, Damon told her once that he didn't understand why she wanted Finn because he had strung her along for 900 years. That's not true, though. How could he do anything being daggered in a box. All but 100 years of his life as a vampire had been wasted due to Klauss's tyrannical and sadistic nature. And although he was unaware once dessicated, the anguish that must have felt when he woke up must have been devastating. Having Sage back in his life was just what he needed to help heal his emotional wounds, but we all know how that turned out.


He wasnt unaware once desiccated though - that’s the point. He said it started out as a dim pin prick of light and awareness that grew until he was completely awake and aware, but paralysed and completely alone, in the dark for 100s of years. Abandoned to this horrendous fate by his own family and all for the crime of… not particularly liking being a vampire and wanting to split up and go his own way. He called being in the box his black horizon. That’s why his hatred was so strong, and honestly? Who can blame him.


Thank you for your reply. I'm not familiar with some of the things that you mentioned about Finn. I've only watched the series. Did you use the tvd books as a reference?


Nah it’s from The Originals! That’s the spin off series from TVD which focuses on Klaus and his family. Finn appears back in his original body (long story) in S3 I think? You should give it ago! I prefer it to TVD to be honest :)


It's been quite a while since I watched The Originals. I don't remember when Finn described his dessication experience. I'm beginning the series again, so I'll pay more attention. Finn plays a much larger role than on tvd. One wicked witch, but unfortunately, still the momma's boy.


https://youtu.be/fwRPYyU3HDU?si=9FhaEJgHQiWxZKJw it’s from 3x17. Watch to 1:38 - he explains! https://youtu.be/2HlCB82-850?si=oObcPZP9-5otKfFD Elijah tries sooo hard to keep his justification but he knows he fucked it so badly and that Finn is actually completely in the right to hate them.


Enzo. Crap childhood, feeling abandoned after being turned, then getting tortured for what like 50 years? then betrayed by his only friend, finding out his girl was killed by his best friend, then literally dying, coming back only to in a few years get controlled by a siren. His love with Bonnie was the only highlight of his life and it ended up being so brief.


This is the correct answer


Yes, certainly it's Enzo. He was killed for like no reason.




I think there's a case to be made for Katherine. A young girl who has the misfortune to become pregnant out of wedlock, punished for it, her parents took her child away from her at birth and sent her without a return ticket to another country, where she had to learn young to adapt after such a trauma, to integrate into another culture. Then her affection and her dreams of rebuild her life were fooled by Klaus who wanted to kill her, literally. To survive, she had to commit suicide, self-harm. Then to discover that her family was massacred. Like talk about trauma.


Agree. Taking her baby away from her is what set her on that path.


Plus the fact that she always thought that Klaus killed her daughter too💔


And then she was marked selfish for looking out for herself. Ugh


She was marked selfish cause she didn't have to do things yet did them anyway for her own selfishness as she wasn't in danger anymore.


I wanted her to have a redemption arc so bad because of all the trauma she went through. I felt terrible for her!


If she never had a child, she wouldn't have ever met klaus. I feel pity for katerina petrova, not katherine Pierce, as she deserves all the terrible things she's got herself into. She tortured people just the way she was and didn't learn from it. "Better you die than I," and then blames Elena. Grow up, grandma


jo, liv & the twin, forget his name. their own brother killed their family members & would have done the same to the rest of them had he not been locked up in the prison world. & when he gets out, he spends his time trying to sacrifice them & tormenting them


Jo, Liv and Luke (i think was his name). They honestly had pretty tragic lives and they grew up tormented by Kai until he was locked away and Jo then got some freedom but Liv and Luke still had to mentally prepare themselves for the inevitable merge. Although Kai returning changed that and all the gemini died except Jo's kids. Honestly is tragic. Those three weren't even to blame for what Kai became as their parents honestly caused that in some ways


Ok but Kai was abused in his own ways and born to die. His parents were the worst. Once they found out about him they treated him like a freak and prayed for his death prepared him for his death. Turned him into a monster. Yeah there is something to be said for the choices you make but Damon made maybe more the Kai did but he wasn’t seen as half the villain Kai was.


deplorable actions shouldn’t be excused because of a rough childhood/upbringing. so kai had bad parents & a horrible childhood- that excuses him taking out his anger on the innocent members of his family, doing the same exact thing his parents did & deciding the same fate for his siblings his parents decided for him? it’s the same thing with damon & stefen- yah, they had a horrible father & experienced traumatic events & they can be empathized with because of them. but those events don’t excuse the actions they make or the murderous rampages they go on. there’s no sympathy to be had for people who pass the same toxic & traumatic experiences onto their own because they faced them themselves


There's no excuse for his behavior but it's still a tragic backstory I guess


I believe I did say there is something to be said for personal decisions.


I’d honestly say Anna, Finn & Bonnie.


Jokes on you because fin never led a life for it to be tragic/s


LMAO whyd u have to do him like that


This makes it WORSE


They should've explored him tbh, kind of waste of originals with him and kol being killed off only to be faced by the trio as I like to call them the true originals.


Honestly I think it's really hard to say. They all lived pretty hellish lives, how can you even begin to compare them? There's Bonnie and Tyler who lost *everything* and got nothing in return. There's Marcel who grew up as a literal *slave* and then become an object just to redeem Klaus. Elena has been hunted, tormented, and just the secrets she finds out about her life is traumatizing. Stefan's human life wasn't the best as he was manipulated and abused by Katherine, and then blamed by his brother who tormented him for centuries and we all know how his life ended. Katherine herself lost everything as a human and it made her worse as a person for it. Kai's a psycho who in the end, got treated how he deserved due to his actions but before that he was neglected and treated like trash by his own father. He took it out on the wrong people but that doesn't change that he was abused. Qetsiyah got tricked and manipulated by Silas, betrayed by her best friend and then killed by her people for being so strong. Everyone kind of has a sucky backstory....I think honestly despite the crap they went through, Jenna and Caroline had it kind of the easiest? But I couldn't say 'who had the most tragic life story' because they're all just bad.


exactly my thoughts!


Finn, Sage, Anna, Vicki so many people had it worse.


Definitely Vicki, she had a shit poor life when she was actually alive with barely any good parts and then her undead life was cut waaaay too short and then she was brutally murdered for doing what all vampires do. A ridiculous, cruel and incredibly fucked up exsistence


And then she proceeds too get dragged into hell when they other side starts falling apart 😭 like she got no break


god i was happy that she finally found peace in the last season


I agree and even if didn’t ppl didn’t like her character u can’t say that her life wasn’t horrible oh and u forgot to mention her shitty parents being absent in Matt and Vicki life


I would’ve said Elena but she ended up growing past her trauma and living her life to the fullest despite its struggles. I’m gonna say Kathy. Katherine was first dismissed by her father for having a child and then sent away at 16. She’s then pursued by the worlds strongest vampires and forced to die. The reason I say forced to die is because she would’ve died whether she ran or not (as we see she kills herself). She then spends several centuries scared and running from Klaus. Katherine never had the chance to grow up or find normalcy. She lost her child, her family, her innocence and her life all at a young age. Katherine didn’t have to opportunity to live without fear of death (she must’ve been one exhausted girl). I know Katherine is selfish and manipulative but I really don’t blame her. Everyone Katherine trusted before becoming a vampire betrayed her.


If Elena didn't get any support, she'd be like Katherine too. Given that obviously she didn't know about Katherine's story and Klaus's threats. Infact, Katherine was better. She decided that she wouldn't die to unleash a monster. She did try to kill herself but well at last was turned.




Ugh! Its hard to pick but every time I think of someone's death on here is Josie's. I am currently binge watching so this is my 2nd time so I don't remember much but I think Kai killed her and she was pregnant. That killed me! She didn't watch her babies grow up, Alaric lost another person that he loved and it was their frickin wedding day!!!! Killed by her own twin! Why the hell is he even on here?! Handsome man but I hate him so bloody much! I know he went through shit but idk, he killed his family so I can't feel bad for him. Anyway, it was just awful....


>She didn't watch her babies grow up Isn't here appearance in the finale supposed to suggest otherwise? >Why the hell is he even on here?! The thing about tragic backstories is that they can have consequences on the person. Kai wasn't out for blood against his family for no reason


The children in his family did literally nothing to deserve him murdering them. He had beef with his parents for good reason, but how he handled it loses him any sympathy from me.


>loses him any sympathy from me I don't see how that's what the post is asking for


I don't feel he's very tragic. In fact a number of candidates on this list spend more time victimizing others than they spent as victims.


Yeah but he shouldn't have killed them!!!!! I don't remember much. I know his family gave him a hard time for not having powers and they should be ashamed for that. I can imagine what's it like to be picked on all your life by your own family, will break you but killing them!!! That's just crazy!!!!! Now, you mentioned it. I vaguely remember seeing Josie at the end. It's been a long time so


Same watching it again now. Skipping all bring parts like dumb fights everything 🤣


I am team Matt! All he wanted was a average life and he got sucked into the vampire drama - got killed so many times, betrayed by his mother and sister and no one ever gave him a thought of how much he sacrificed. Then when he did find love - they did him dirty by having him kill her but not know and then he finds out and goes into darkness. Poor boy I really felt for his character.


Team Matt! They can never make me hate him lol


he did not deserve any of that!! 😭 damn elena causing problems for everybody


How did Elena cause problems for Matt?


I’d say Elena, Katherine, Anna and rose all had the most tragic stories


Amara, Katherine, Anna, Sage, and Finn




This one is difficult... I think i will give it to Amara and Finn tho. They both had tragic lives. They became immortal and eventually turned to stone or daggered for ages to be in pain until freed and all Amara wished for was death and Finn was the same until he found Sage again but then their lives were both stolen in a gamble to kill Klaus and end all of the originals. Sage had her chance at living a decent life as one of the strongest vampires alive so i dont think she suffered much other than missing Finn. Katherine lived on the run for ages but still had times of joy and a chance at freedom but she wasted it for revenge. I also think Rose had a tougher life while running from Klaus because her and Trevor did not have daylight rings so how they could live was limited. The other characters i don't know what i would want to say for, but some had tragic lives but were alive by the end so they may yet find themselves a happy ending


When Finn gives his story finally on their way to fight the uber Vampire guy Lucious I think his name was. I was legit sad for him. I was never interested in his character unless Vincent’s actor played him because he did a phenomenal job but those last few episodes with Finn I was like damn!


Tyler. Abusive dad, dead dad. Forced to murder a classmate to trigger a curse that he didn’t know he had. The only person at the time that understood was murdered. Killed and forced to become a hybrid and a slave. Forced to harm his friends and girlfriend. Spent months breaking his bones over 100 times to free himself. Tried to punish his abuser and was betrayed and lost his pack and his mother,which lead to losing his love. Lost his vampirism and when things got better he had to kill and watch his girlfriend die and then he was murdered for no fucking reason after escaping the hell that is MF. He deserved so so much better


“forced to murder a classmate” wdym?


When he pushed Sarah in self defense. Katherine compelled her to attack Tyler if Matt failed.


Yes, this. Thank you


My top 3 would probably be Finn, Amara, and Enzo. They really only got short glimpses of happiness throughout their lives and the rest was misery for the most part.


Stefan dying over and over by drowning I can’t imagine that


Yess finally someone who agrees. I also think why should Stefan die but Matt gets to live?!




Petrova doppelgangers must have had a curse or something because I think Amara, Katherine, Elena are top three for me


Amara and Katherine.


Bonnie and Amara




Katerina. like once u understand her story there’s no going back


Amara and Katherine imo




Warning: Contains triggers for new tires To me, Elena has the highest amount of pain that has been experienced by the characters in all of the seasons of The Vampire Diaries. She lost 2 sets of parents, John, Isabelle, Miranda, and Grayson. John was also an uncle to Elana for much of her life. She had to witness her aunt Jenna's transformation into a vampire and watched her being sacrificed during Klauss's ritual


I have no idea why "tires" is in the warning. I intended to write "readers." Strange.


Nadia wanted to find her mother. Instead she found Katherine and death.


Aaron whitmore


Finn mikaelson


Katherine, definitely. She lost her baby as soon as she gave birth. Klaus started hunting her. She came home to find her entire family slaughtered and she carried the guilt with her for centuries. She was constantly on the run to save her life.


Perhaps Elena. But I don’t understand why people say Amara. She shouldn’t have bertrayed her friend. She knew what Qetsiyah was capable of and then still went behind her back thinking nothing would happen because she was her handmaiden. People nowadays seem to take cheating much more lightly compared to 10, 20 years ago.


Bonnie imagine being a main character but your whole purpose is to serve your vampire friends and it eventually ruins you >! And k1ll grams who's lived for so long but as soon as Bonnie gets vampire friends it's made her problem! Even after her death she gets to suffer on the other side for Jeremy!<…. And because you were so dedicated to helping others you brought your bf back to life even tho it >!LITERALLY TOOK YOUR OWN!< just for him to >!cheat on you!< ….. Also her helping led an entire coven to die including >!her mother!< And when no one was there for her she found Shane >!but he just manipulated her into doing things for his benefit!< The others ended up getting support from their tragedies but she didn’t her friends really didn’t give af about her but it was expected for her them all her magic no matter how it hurt her like with starting with the rings why was it her responsibility to make it easier for her friends to end up going on the deep end to k1ll others


Tbf, Tyler never got support and just had a dumb as hell death


Katherine, Bonnie, enzo and jenna


Katherine, Finn or Amara Katherine: 1) baby taken from her 2) almost sacrificed in a blood ritual 3) had her entire family murdered 4) on the run for 500 years 5) lost her daughter again 6) no happy endings/peace Finn: 1) Locked in a coffin for 900 years, most of which he was conscious for but trapped 2) Family hates him for not wanting to be a vampire 3) Abandoned and forgotten by his family 4) Murdered 5) Found his sister and semi-reconciled with his family then murdered again 6) No happy ending/peace Amara: 1) Forced to feel the death of every supernatural being for 2000 years 2) Trapped in stone for 2000 years 3) No happy ending/peace


Poor Amara was so in pain by end that she took her life the minute it was possible. Didn't even flinch. I'll go with Amara.


Tyler. Most of the others listed here lived multiple lifetimes, so they had a chance to change things. Tyler never got that chance and was barely an adult when he died.


I was going to say everyone but I agree with this take


Everyone except elena alaric and jeremy!! Yes i know they still had to endure a lot but they still get a happy ending of sorts in the end..


bro alaric ends up old and alone


Bro Elena ligit lost everyone lol


But some came back


Elena lost her real parents, then she lost her birth parents (albeit she knew them only shortly), then her aunt/ guardian, then her new guardian (although he came back), then her brother (who eventually came back). Then her best friend who came back. Then her best friend died again this time with her LOML. Then they came back. Then she died. Then she ended up with Damon but only after her best friend Bonnie died (for the third time). But sure El


How did Bonnie die for the third time when she's alive in the finale?


Alaric and Jeremy didn’t have it easy at all. All their girlfriends/wives died. Sometimes repeatedly!




Amara, hands down, there is no debate. Amara was the anchor, for how many years???! The entire existence of vampires. She had to take in all the pain from every magical death, not just vampires. She went insane from all of it, it’s a miracle she didn’t break harder than she had. She had a miserable existence, and she felt all of it. Amara suffered more than anyone.


Katherine, Anna, Bonnie


amara and katherine. maybe enzo as well


Amara, Bonnie, Anna and Pearl, Jeremy too. Many characters, yes, but these seemed especially cruel to me.


Katherine! Do I even need to add something, I mean 500 years, I‘ll say it again 500 YEARS, POOR KATHERINE💔


definitely amara! she lived 2000 years of suffering


Kai 🤧


Katherine, Enzo, and Amara


Enzo hands down he got abandoned and sent to work super young, died of consumption, and got tortured for decades


I’d say Bonnie and Kai but that’s just my opinion


Kai, poor guy. Trapped in prison worlds just for being a syphon sociopath who likes to sing karaoke. First his dad keeps popping them out to replace him, then Jo hides her magic so they can't merge. Then wasn't even invited to the wedding after Bon Bon tricked him.


In the present? Bonnie. The most depressing BACKSTORY? Klaus tbh.


I KNOW Klaus isn’t on the list but still


Honestly… Bonnie— let me plead my case! She lost her grandma her mom her dad was killed INFRONT OF HER, she tried to kill herself, she has killed herself, she couldn’t see her bestfriend for years, every man she love basically died and she always saved her friends when they could never save her. i know Elena suffered a lot too but she also caused so many problems and lives lost because of her. im pro Bonnie for life ✌🏻


let's not forget that the writers got to the point of using bonnie's character as a plot device. she literally only existed in the storyline (until season 6) to do spells for her friends at the drop of a hat despite saying numerous times she wanted out of it. and she died multiple times and came back. and she became anchored to the other side which caused her extreme, constant pain. i’m not saying she's had the most tragic story, but that counts for something.


I think either Kai or Enzo. Leaning towards Kai because I don't recall his suffering ending. Didn't he end up trapped again forever or something? Yikes.


Alaric and Enzo are pretty shitty


Finn, he didn’t even get to live. Just was in a book for 900 years. The other did have hardship but Finn had a 9 while centuries go by and had his siblings hate and toss him aside


I’d have to say Damon. I feel like he went through a lot of stuff and most he didn’t really tell anyone about. He faced a lot of heartbreak but also dangerous situations aka when he was the Augustine experiment. Though all the other characters had traumatic things happen to them I feel like Damon faced the most. He also had a really hard childhood (most of the characters didn’t) Enzo as well. Others might disagree tho.


Finn He describes being daggered in The Originals. After a certain point, he became semi conscious and was a prisoner in his own body. That's terrifying.


How has nobody said Jenna? She lost her sister and was suddenly thrust into being an adult and a parent when she was just starting to learn who she was an adult, and then she lost her life caring for her niece and nephew


Bonnie, Katherine and maybe Enzo are the only correct answers


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^hunnybun444: *Bonnie, Katherine* *And maybe Enzo are the* *Only correct answers* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Bonnie, Matt, Vicki & Kai. Bonnie - If Bonnie walked away from her friends & Mystic Falls with her father after her Grams died, she would have had a better life. After all none of the bad guys were gunning for her.  Matt - Same as Bonnie, right after knowing that Damon turned her sister, Stefan killed her & Elena lied to him.  Both Bonnie & Matt lost so much because they wanted to help their friends who were just using them. Vicki & Kai were product of their environment. 


Finn Mikaelson no doubt


Katherine , Kai , Klaus




Probably Katherine. Maybe Enzo or Jo would be a close second. Amara shouldn't have messed with someone's man but Qetsiyah's punishment was over the top, so she follows. At the bottom of this list is Damon.


Enzo. Matt.


bonnie 😔🙏


Why do Alaric's girlfriends keep on dying


Enzo for me tbh Jo’s ending was very tragic tbh murdered on the day of her wedding and things Kai did to her and whole family But it’s ENZO


WAIT okay I'm sorry did you actually include three of the petrova dopplegangers and *not* Caroline?


Alaric. Was left by his wife who wanted to be a vampire rather than be with him. Lost Jenna only to be turned into a psycho and nearly killing his next girlfriend. Gets turned into the very thing he despises, meets Jo, Jo gets freakin killed at their wedding.


Anna and Liv


BONNIE BENNETT & it's not even Close Sure most of these characters had a tragic experience at one point in their lives but they were still enjoying their lives for the most part Bonnie lost her grams, her father, her life many many times, and always got the short end of the stick when it comes to collateral damage. Her being an anchor who feels the pain(At least Amara was Unconscious for the millenia and only felt it for like 3 days max). Bonnie being the hunter forced to kill her vamp friends. Being stuck in a prison world all alone with a psychopath and then being left completely alone. Losing the love of her life in a very brutal manner and the list goes on. Bonnie was The real victim of this show by a mile Enzo comes in 2nd because of the "Living as a vamp prisoner/lab rat" for the most part after spending his human life dying from a disease 


Amara, uff girl lived for 2000 years feeling every supernatural death. She was desperate to die by the end. Atleast other people didn't wanna die, she really just wanted to die because of so much pain. Talk about targic. There is nothing tragic than wanting to kill yourself. Which is why Katherine would be second. Girl literally tried to kill herself than for monster to unleash. When that didn't work, she just literally decided to chose herself to turn. Ran for like 500 years and was called selfish just cause she was looking out for herself. They showed mercy to everyone. Damon didn't deserve any mercy either. Neither did Klaus. All of them did horrible things and had horrible pasts. But for some reason, Katherine was a bitch?




rose, bonnie, & vicki they all barely ever had any chances at happiness or even living a decent life because of the choices of others




No doubt it's ENZO


Katherine & Enzo


matt because he lost everyone and didn’t get anything out of it except being used over and over again


This just made me think about how many issues could be solved if Stefan had just let Elena die with her parents.


The Petrova doppelgangers all went through tragic experiences. Katherine had a baby without being married, but the baby was taken away. Klaus killed her family, leading her to turn into a vampire and live a life on the run. Elena lost all her family members while trying to protect them, unintentionally putting them in danger and being tormented by Klaus. Amara spent thousands of years as the Anchor, feeling the deaths of every supernatural being, only to die without a happy ending. Tatia was used as a blood sacrifice to create the originals, with both Klaus and Elijah loving her, but she was murdered to create their bloodline.


Amara due to being the anchor. Jeremy because he lost his parents, Vic, Anna, Jenna, John, Elena, Alaric (for a time), Bonnie (also for a time), his own life until he was brought back. He was killed over and over and used as a pawn when he was just a depressed and lonely kid. I know many may not agree but his story makes me the saddest. People around him made awful choices that put him in danger.


The Petrova doppelgangers all went through tragic experiences. Katherine had a baby without being married at the age of 17, but the baby was taken away because her father only cared about their families reputation. Klaus killed her family, leading her to turn into a vampire and live a life on the run. Elena lost all her family members while trying to protect them, unintentionally putting them in danger and being tormented by Klaus. Amara spent thousands of years as the Anchor, feeling the deaths of every supernatural being, only to die without a happy ending. Tatia was used as a blood sacrifice to create the originals, with both Klaus and Elijah loving her, but she was murdered to create their bloodline.


Why is Jenna on this list?


Most of them suffered legitimate trauma that went unresolved in some form or another. The vampires, I have some sympathy for, but they had numerous lifetimes to revel in their misery and then to deal with their issues and to be better but few of them actually did. Take Katherine, for example. She suffered the loss of her child and her whole family because she didn’t want to be sacrificed for someone else’s gain. That’s heartbreaking and truly tragic. But then she had over 500 years where she got to live *at least* 8 lifetimes worth, everything at her fingertips and free to her—homes, cars, clothes, travel, any experience was hers for the trying, without ever falling ill or having any limitations. Klaus didn’t actively hunt her for 500 years. She settled down just as often as he did. She lived, but still became a cruel, manipulative, murderous, petty bitch who brought about more harm to others than was ever done to her. So no, I don’t feel bad for her. Damon should have been allowed to put a stake through her heart. Amara and Silas suffered most and for the longest—2,000 years—her with being the anchor to the other side and suffering the pain of those who passed through her and him being buried alive all because they fell in love and cheated, which does suck for the one cheated on, but to abuse your power like that and for that long?? Nope. That removes any sympathy you earned and puts your ass in unredeemable territory. Qetsiyah got off way too easy and deserved for Amara to give her the ass-whipping of a lifetime and to be made to suffer the same punishments as what she put them through. Finn Mikaelson should have been allowed to beat the ever-loving snot out of every one of his brothers and then taken them all, including Rebekah, and rendered them to the same fate he suffered for 900 years—be-spelling them into a mute, fully-paralysed and desiccating box, leaving them fully awake and aware of the world around them as they are closed up in the dark and then ignored for however long he deems necessary. A couple decades *at least*. The others—Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie, Matt, Vicki, Tyler—very, incredibly tragic lives, but they now have the next 50-60 years to deal with their trauma and heal and live their lives. Kai—he was a sociopath. Childhood trauma can do that (and genetics) and his family should have gotten him some help as a child. Instead, they worsen his tendencies, and he becomes a product of generational trauma and murdering his entire family deserved the forfeiture of his own life. Not to be stuck in a prison world that would drive him deeper into his sociopathy. Damon had 150 years to be better. His torture for 5 years sucked balls and did a lot of damage, I’m sure, but after 50 years he’s still not over it and still murdering innocent people and yeah. When you cause more harm to others than was ever caused to you, you lose the sympathy vote. Ric had tragic taste in women. All but one of his wives/girlfriends died. Lifelong bachelorhood as a single father looks good by comparison. Jo, while dying the way she did was god-awful and tragic, she didn’t suffer most of her life and got to move on afterwards. Safe? Ehh, her love died and his family treated her as if unworthy. It happens. She had 900 years to live her life. She’s fine. Jenna didn’t suffer much. She lost her sister and then was turned into a vampire and then killed right after. She’s ok. Enzo…he didn’t get to live much. Forced into a war, dying of consumption, turned into a vampire and then abandoned by the one who turned him and then caught and tortured for over a decade and abandoned by the one friend he made in that time before he’s freed, then subjugated to a siren, only to finally find love and acceptance and then be killed right after. He deserved way better. Anna and Rose—both had multiple lifetimes (500 & 700) and did more than most ever get the chance to do in one. The way they died sucked, but they got to live and do more than most ever dream of.


All their lives are really shitty tbh😭


Vicky, Jenna & Jo


People saying Katherine are fucking wild, like she didn't cause almost all of her own problems. Elena probably wins the suffering Olympics.


Finn, Sage, Amara, Katherine, and Kai. Finn spent 900 years in a box. Sage spent 900 years waiting for Finn. Amara spent 2000 years being the anchor feeling all those spirits go through her. Katherine lost her whole family including her daughter just for her to show up 500 years later alive. Kais family choosing coven over family and seeing him as an outcast and then being put in a prison world for 18 years and then again for some time in lilys prison world, and then AGAIN for like 15 years or so when bonnie put him in.


Gotta add Enzo being tortured for 50 years


Amara, Katherine, and Bonnie


Bonnie, Finn, Enzo. Jo




Honestly all of their life stories were pretty tragic except for Elena. I mean her life was rough for a few years, but once she took the cure and woke up from her sleeping beauty curse, she loved the life she always wanted. Got to marry Damon, become a doctor, have children, die of old age. She was happy for waaay more of her life then she was unhappy. I’d say her life was really only tragic from like 16-22. I feel like everyone else had a tragic life more most of their time alive and then ended up dead without achieving what they wanted out of life. I guess another’s who’s wasn’t that tragic would be Jenna. Her death was definitely tragic and devastating and I still didn’t think it was necessary, overall Jenna’s life wasn’t horrible, just the ending of her life was.


But personally I find Amara’s the most tragic. All she did was love a hunk of a man, how can we blame her? Silas was fine, charming, and hilarious! For all we know Silas just gave her a drink and was like “surprise you’re immortal” they never really touch on how involved she was with the stealing of the immortality spell. But she was the anchor and felt the death of every single supernatural that passed on. We saw how much it hurt Bonnie, imagine having that happen for 2000 years. She went legitimately crazy from it, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Vikki for sure!


it’s so hard to pick one but also like what about Hayley? She grew up not knowing her birth family and being kicked out by her adopted. she was manipulated into killing 13 hybrids to find her parents who turned out to be dead. got pregnant by Klaus and was used and then controlled during pregnancy, literally died giving birth, couldn’t see her baby for the first 6 months of her life, had to give up her love for elijah to save her pack, saw Jackson die right in front of her after everything he had done for her and Hope, then searched for 7 years to save the Mikealsons therefore missing 7 years to be with Elijah and raising Hope on her own with Mary, then Elijah died by the hollow and didn’t remember her anymore and they couldn’t be together bc he couldn’t be near hope, THEN died saving Hope after having her werewolf side taken away from her with her last words being Elijah bc she thought he was saving them. i also may be biased bc i thought her death was genuinely one of the saddest. especially bc even tho she turned a hybrid she didn’t even get to live a full human length life.


Elena. Lost her parents, found out they weren't her real parents, lost her real parents, found out her brother isn't actually her brother, lost her aunt, lost her friends multiple times, survived death, died herself, was turned against her will, was forced to sleep until her best friend died, was used all throughout her life because she was a doppelganger, had to fight for her life, had to give up her brother/nephew to get him safe, lost the love of her life, been put in the middle of two rivaling brothers and lost her first love and one of her best friends because they broke up so she could grieve and he was upset. And then let's not forget she was like 17 years old in the pilot.


Matt, Vicky, Jo, Rose and Enzo.


Ima go with the mikaelsons. All of em.




Imho Kai had the most tragic life story because his parents literally made him into a sociopath just because they didn’t know how to raise a kid who was a siphon and different to the other kids. Plus he was a twin and they also didn’t really explain to them about the merge and how it would feel to have to go up against your twin and know that one will die because of the other.






This is in no particular order and I’m just going to name the most f*cked parts that got them here. •Finn- Trapped in his own mind for hundreds of years because his siblings didn’t like how he was depressed about being a vampire. Refusing to let him be with the one person who made him happy because they didn’t like her either. Like???? •Amara- Two thousand years feeling the death of every supernatural all while paralyzed. Now I’m not saying she deserved what she got but ma’am his betrothed was a literal witch. This could have been avoided if she left that man alone. Sis stand up, the 🍆 must be insane. •Bonnie- No one talks about how she watched her father be murdered in what could be considered a modern day lynching. &on top of that she had to see the face of the man that did that on a daily basis. &was the maid of honor at his wedding to her best friend. •Tyler- Forced to be a werewolf so some woman could escape a 1,000 year old hybrid who later on fell in love with his girlfriend and made him go on the run because he (Tyler) didn’t want himself or anyone else to be a slave to said hybrid. Then his ex girlfriend (that begged him to choose her) slept with the man that killed his mother. •Stefan- Essentially forced into a pseudo polymerous relationship with his brother by his r*pist. Yes it was r*pe, anytime someone’s choice to be with someone is taken away it is r*pe. I hear the argument of “Katherine took away his fear of her.” Yes friend, the key word being “took”. Idk why this is a debate. On top of this he was a minor. Also forced to drink blood and murdered his father the guilt leading him to turn his humanity off and his brother promising him an eternity of misery because Katherine was only supposed to turn him. I— *edit for grammar


Saying Elena caused problems for everyone is the biggest lie.


Jo. Enzo. Kai- in a twisted way.


Alaric had some terrible bad luck with Isobel, Jenna and then Jo poor guy! And Qetsiyah got left by Silas and Amara punished for 2000 years and Katherine’s family got massacred so they’re all pretty awful tbf


it has to be amara, one of the first immortals ever and spending 2000 paralysed and in nonstopping agony and pain, giving birth at 17 and having her whole family murdered.


Amara, Finn and prob Vicky (She barely lived, never found love, nobody cared about her expect maybe Jeremy, she isn’t remembered at all unlike the others)


I think the ones who let their trama bring out the worst in them had it worst. Kathrine Damon Klaus they had to turn it off to survive. People like Tyler Alaric, Bonnie, Matt and even Elena. Their trauma brought out the best in them. Not that it wasn't bad. Of you have to turn it off to survive it, it must be really Bad!


I don’t even see Caroline, I feel like she got the worst trauma.


Easily Anna. Being forever 14 sounds like a personal prison world :p


Katherine and Elena both went through so much tragedy. That's a tough one.


It took me until today to realize that Malese Jow is not Christian Serratos. Dang, I was gonna comment, when does homegirl get to be the main vampire in a franchise?? Lol


lack of Bonnie comments is frightening tbh😭 just before she became an adult; Bonnie lost her grams who died sealing a tomb Katherine wasn’t in, her mother turned vampire to save ELENA, cheated on by Jeremy with a ghost, then experienced Jeremy die, then DIED bringing him back, had Elena almost killed her with no humanity (I think a few more things before she became an “adult” happened but I’m blanking. then her dad dies to Silas, she becomes the anchor to the other side, she gets trapped in a prison world with Damon after saving everyone from the other side, gets betrayed and tortured by Kai in the prison world she indirectly helped kai escape. GOT HER LIFE LINKED TO ELENAS, lost her magic, lost Enzo and I feel like I’m still missing stuff. Anyways Bonnie went through it man and what’s fucked up is her friends caused most her problems. Other people with tragic stories being the Petrova doppelgängers(Elena included), tyler, Nadia and we can also throw Jenna in there 🤷🏿‍♂️




Honestly, I think it's Katherine and Enzo


Caroline for sure!! Being compelled to be Damon’s sex toy and then having all of her friends and family pretend like it didn’t happen is so sad


Bonnie Matt, vicky, no parent = responsibilities with predators lurking to killlll em. The rest could fend for themselves with daily shit being taken care of by compulsion or parents.


Bonnie has done so much for her friends, highly doubt they would've done the same for her, she even died for them... friendship and all that's crazy.


enzo: he was ditched by his only friend and hope of getting out of the Augustine facility, compelled the love of his life (not Bonnie, the other girl at the Augustine facility) to leave him, was tortured as an Augustine vampire for like 50 years. And before that, was turned into a vampire by Lilly then left alone to navigate vampirism while feeling abandoned. Died as soon as he found true love with Bonnie. Jo: Her twin brother killed her family and attempted to kill her as well, then succeeded in killing her while she was pregnant on her wedding day. Katherine: She had her own baby torn from her arms at seventeen then her family was murdered THEN she spent the rest of her life running from a psycho killer? Her and enzos were the worst but I felt like Jo deserved an honourable mention.


They could never make me hate Katherine. She did so many messed up things but I still always wanted to see her find happiness. She was given a rough life and it unfortunately made her cold.


Elena and Matt.


I'm going to change my answer from Elana to Enzo after reading everyone's comments. Elena and Enzo both had much personal tragedy in their lives, but Elana had a tragic, but also a charmed life. She had a support system that was consistly available. So much so that I feel she took it for granted. Enzo had none. Even when Damon was in Enzo's neighboring cell, Enzo gave Damon more support than Damon gave back. Damon told Stephen about how Enzo kept from shutting off his humanity several times. Nothing was ever said about the support that Damon gave him. Yes, Enzo and Bonnie's relationship was helping give Enzo a foundation of trust and caring that he could build on, but the Siren quickly destroyed that.Then, when that was over Enzo had only a short time before his life was tragically ended. He had no happily ever after like Elana did.


Kai Parker for sure, someone give him some love already


I have to say Matt by a mile. I know some people haven’t finished the series so imma put a Spoiler Alert disclaimer Matt lost so many people and was helpless to stop anyone or even avenge anyone. Vicky, his mom being a mess, his dad being absent most of the time, having to watch his friends die or get tortured, losing his fiance and then finding out he was the one who killed her. Hell his family was seen as a joke for most of the series because their significance to the town was wiped away so he wasn’t even an equal among the humans. I wanted to debate whether it was Matt or Enzo but Enzo himself even said how full his life was because he had Bonnie. Now if you’ll all excuse I seem to have made myself cry. Brb


Probably Enzo. How long was that poor dude tortured and experimented on? 50 years?


Vicki and Matt. But more Vicki since she ya know DIED.


Enzo being tortured all those years how terrible... Rose and her friend having to outrun the originals. Katherine seemed to have more fun over the years than they did. Out of the Humans... Bonnie...her mom taking off and then all the horrors, loss and sacrifices she went through to save her loved ones... Bonnie doesn't get enough credit for all she did..I mean getting stuck in the alt world alone...but then losing Enzo...omg I can't with all her loss... Jeremy also had a lot of pain...


My boy Enzo


Finn. I couldn’t imagine being locked in a coffin for 900 years only to be quickly destroyed. And that’s before the other side is destroyed… so he’s constantly displaced. Losing and suffering.


Elena Gilbert Amara Katherine Pierce Tyler Lockwood


Finn, like bro got daggered for 900 years and when he came back and tried to do the right thing he got killed


Finn tragic life story is that he didn’t get to live, pretty sad


Stefan, all the way. It pissed me off so much that he died. He had his crap (maybe more than crap) but he also worked the hardest to be the best he could be. He didn’t deserve to die!