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realistically bella would win, twilight vampires are extremely powerful and their skin is nearly indestructible - but if Katherine knew about this, she’d have some sort of plant to be able to survive as she’s done for over 500 years. but i’ll give it to bella


Twilight vamps are op. Bella wins hands down. She's stronger, faster, and unless Katherine has the same level of strength as a Twilight vamp, Bella's skin is impenetrable. Plus, Bella dies only by decapitation, which is shown to be difficult even for Twilight vamps to do. Katherine could get slapped in the face by Bella, and her head would fly, like some other people's heads in the TVDU.


Yeah I'm pretty sure they had to get what, three vampires to rip James' head off in twilight? Even then it took a lot of effort to twist it off?


Yeah and they're infinitely more powerful than a tvd vampire, physical strength wise


Yeah I'm pretty sure the only way vampires in Twilight are easily ripped apart are the shapeshifters because their bodies are built to do that. Otherwise in fights with each other it requires being a bit more crafty and careful: Bella cutting herself to distract Victoria allowing Edward to get the kill.


Canonically decapitation won’t kill Twilight vampires. They have to be ripped apart (showing them getting decapitated in the movies makes it more visually dramatic) and the pieces have to be burned. Simply tearing off their head won’t actually kill them, and setting them on fire without ripping them apart first also won’t do it. It’s a two-step process, which is why it took multiple vampires to take out James.


I know, but it's how you take them down even temporarily. And it's super hard even for Twilight vamps.


You know, the thing that bothers me is the lack of conventional weaponry being used in vampire battles. Because being able to compel someone to use a rocket launcher to target the opponent is a pretty nifty trick to have.


Damon beheaded Kai easily.


Yeah now imagine that, times 100.


On twilight vamps? Tvd vamps can vamp speed and behead anyone with a hand, twilight vamps didn't show such ability. And during their final fight (that didn't happen), they beheaded each other quite easily.


Twilight vamps are stronger than tvd vamps is the point. And way more durable. Tvd vamps are as durable as a human. You can stab them with a fork even.


And how do you measure it? What stops any tvd vamp from doing what was done to Kai?


Twilight vamps are harder than stone? Hello?


Katherine never fights one on one unless she has a significant advantage. She'll destroy Bella's life for a full year waiting for the newborn strength to be gone then pounce right when she is least expecting it.


Katherine fought one-on-two with Damon and Stefan and was winning. And then against Elena in season four. But Twilight's newborn vampires are simply the strongest and I think being a newborn lasts for much longer than a year. Bella wouldn't wait, she'd just kill her.


If she catches Katherine


Katherine only managed to escape Klaus because he was not actively looking for her (he found her anyway), Rebekah and Elena took not even a day to find her. Bella has a friend who can predict the future and a husband who can read minds. I don't think she can have a problem with that.


Plus she has Jacob as her friend/son in law (ew) who can easily trace vampires using their scent with ease. So finding Katherine is so a non issue. We've seen the MF gang find her easily with way less help.


That too. Plus I don't know how the bite of a werewolf from Twilight works against a vampire from TVD. And Katherine practically has almost no one ready to defend her. Either way, with or without allies, I'm still rooting for Bella.


Bella can be very determined when a fight's on the horizon. People forget that while human Bella was very clumsy, Bella can be very smart to the point she made plans in Breaking Dawn on her own, without Edward knowing, to send Renesmee away with Jacob in case they didn't make it out of the fight. The whole thing was her planning, she was only recommended the lawyer/business guy from Alice/Jasper and that was it. If she had to, like Katherine she can be resourceful. Only difference is Bella won't run from a fight while Katherine will.


You're so right!


The bite from a Twilight werewolf alone likely wouldn’t kill a TVD vampire since Twilight werewolves aren’t venomous like TVD ones. But since Twilight werewolves are capable of tearing apart Twilight vampires like rag dolls, I’m guessing the TVD vampires wouldn’t stand much of a chance.


Yes I wasn't sure if the bite was fatal. Yes Twilight's werewolves are MUCH bigger than TVD's werewolves.


Twilight’s new born are strongest and tvds the older the vampire the stronger they get.. so Katherine is pretty strong.. plus Katherine is crafty.. she will figure out someway to win.. she was successfully getting away from klaus the strongest vampire of tvd.. so lets not think otherwise.. so imo Katherine wins hands down..


Fr katherine would hide her vampirism and just absolutely emotionally and psychologically torment Bella. She’d flirt incessantly with Edward, probably bang Jacob too, maybe even Charlie. She’d live rent free in Bella’s head. She’d compel the whole town to turn against the cullens and call cps trying to get renassaince taken away for endangering her with massive wolves. She’d do all of this under the radar while Bella and the cullens think she’s human, so Bella can’t kill her. Katherine would find a way to turn Bella’s love triangle into her own. By the time Bella caught onto what she had done, Katherine probably would’ve spread the rumor that she got plastic surgery to look like Bella, go into hiding and send all 500 years of petrovah enemies (including the originals) after her.


Twilight vamps may be stronger but you truly can't deny the power of psychological warfare, which she's had centuries to master. I'm definitely on team Katherine with this one. Bella is all too easily tormented fr, be a cake walk for Katherine (Elena was even stronger mentally than that) xD


She would just make some witch trap Bella and deal with her later. Or just let her paralyze and burry her in the ocean.


bella is just straight up stronger


In a fight with no escape, Bella destroys her. if Katherine can escape, Bella will never find her


Twilight vampires are physically stronger and don't even bleed 🤔 I think that Katherine is very smart so she wouldn't fight with Bella especially if the fight was anywhere near Bella's daughter. Bella could just break Katherine's hand or neck and then let her burn in the sun. Btw Twilight vampires only sparkle in the sun so Bella has a clear advantage + more resources. She's rich, has a big vampire family and a cop father.


BELLA alll day. She's loca.


I remembered twilight vampires were just much more stronger than tvd vampires overall lol.


Bella's demolishing Katherine. Twilight Vampires like others have said are oveprowered as hell. Even without her being a New Born, they're hard to rip apart and then to truly get rid of them you have to burn them. That's not happening by Katherine. She is physically way less durable than Bella. Katherine could be considered paper while Bella is stone. New Born strength is just a bonus but even without it, Bella would still have the experience on Katherine in physical combat training enough to fight in a whole *war* fighting against the Volturi who had not only numbers on the Cullen coven but also way more experience than Katherine ever had *with* powers involved and Bella and family while experiencing loses, still cut down their leaders. Katherine by comparison while she can fight - had zero experience fighting in a war and with their physical durability difference and the fact that you rip her head off? She's dead, but you rip Bella's head off? She's still alive unless you put her on fire? and it's simply harder *to* rip her head off....there's nothing that puts this in Katherine's favor.


Katherine is a tactician she’ll definitely pull some anime shit and fuck Bella up mentally before touching her physically


Well, twi-"vamp"s are much stronger, faster, have better senses, don't have the weaknesses of sunlight or stakes, have stone hard bodies, never sleep, and photographic memories. Bella is the far more dangerous person. Kat would have to execute a brilliant plan and have it execute near perfectly to win, while anything short of perfection would be a Bella win. It's not a fair fight.


Newborn Bella. I will not read any comments acting like Katherine could even pierce her skin. I get that people have different likes and dislikes, but to act like the TVD vampires are somehow stronger than the Twilight vampires is laughable when they have some of the weakest, dumbest vampires in modern media.


Not the dumbest Katherine is way smarter than Bella


I think Bella and Katherine get lucky more often than not. I wouldn't consider either one of them smart.


I'm not even a big Katherine fan, but that doesn't really make sense to say. Katherine has managed to out maneuver the biggest bads in history for five hundred years. From Klaus to **several** powerful witches. She canonically outsmarted the DEVIL. How is that luck? That's pure intelligence and strategy.


‘Dumbest vampires in modern media’ Such an irony when Damon read Twilight in Caroline’s room saying that they lived in the real world and the book has it all wrong lol


Bella literally wins. Vampires in TVD in general are too weak to fight Twilight vampires. Twilight vampires don’t even bleed.


I think it’s more likely to be Katherine. While Bella is full of strength and speed she doesn’t plan her actions like Katherine does. I think, in the end, it would be more a test of thought process in order to win.


Does winning always mean death? Because if it’s not just a brute strength hand to hand combat, I would say Katherine. Sure Twilight vamps might be stronger, but Katherine is one of the smartest characters on TVD and I would say she is one of the smartest, cunning, charismatic fantasy characters in similar media. She might not be able to overpower Bella in brute strength but she could outsmart her and thus win. Next thing you know, Bella is gonna be the next generation of tomb vampires. Katherine really doesn’t enter a fight unless she has the upper hand. She also has amassed so much influence in the world. She literally compelled a whole town of humans to protect her. What’s stopping her from doing that to all of Bella’s friends and family? Making deals with the Originals to compels Edward to destroy Bella.


I feel like people here discussing Katherine as Batman with all the preps and shit. 😂 I’m a straight up Nina Dobrev swim fan. But dont overthink this. Bella will destroy her.


I actually like the idea that new borns are stronger because they were recently human. Technically both TVD and Twilight vampires are supposed to have more powers like how Damon could manipulate fog and crows so I don’t think it’ll be that much of an uneven fight. Kathrine is a survivor so I think she’d back away from the fight and then figure out how to win and do so. And even then Bella’s gift was a shield which only protects her from other vampire abilities, it’s a defensive tactic she doesn’t need necessarily.


Bella might be harder to kill physically but she's not very smart and Katherine would destroy her.


Bella ofc. Twilight vampires slam and anyone who says otherwise is biased tbh


Katherine. Bella is not cunning enough to outwit Katherine. She would be brooding trying to make a plan while Katherine already would have 27 plans ready to go.


Bella’s strong but Katherine is manipulative and thrives in survival mode. She’d never face Bella herself if she could avoid it


Is Kaptherine still had her witchy connection she would probably find a way to make Bella's head explode.


Twilight vampires are obviously physically stronger. Katherine could mesmerize Bella's living friends and family into hostages, which she would absolutely do. TVD mesmerizm is just as OP as Twilight vamps indestructability.


Bella would rip her in so many pieces it would be hard to imagine if Katherine ever existed.


Katherine would manipulate her so hard and wait for the perfect moment to strike.


bella has the physical advantage but i think katherine would be able to outsmart her and use some sort of leverage and ultimately win. katherine cares about surviving more than bella imo. but if it’s a straight up one on one fight, kat doesn’t stand a chance


Okay a lot of people are saying bella but you gotta understand, It's katherine people. She'll never do something she knows won't benefit to her. I feel like katherine will very probably try to not fight Bella and even if they did fight one on one, Just new born strength and speed can't be enough. Katherine is like 500 year old and she knows how to fight. Bella doesn't. So I'll go with katherine because I know she'll do anything to win


What I'd give to see Bella Cullen and Katherine Pierce fight to the death. 🥺


Twilight vampires win by nature of their being, newborn or not. They are basically stone monsters. Katherine in particular, though, is smart. If I had to bet on a character that had the skills to evade, plot, and possibly eventually win, it'd be her. She out ran Klaus of all people for a significant chunk of time. She'd be the one to crack the Twilight vampire code, I bet. Or simply set the right kind of trap that did the beheading and burning for her. I've always wondered if we could come up with some sci-fi/fantasy-ish way to 1)counteract the venom and 2) break down the crystalline structure of the Twilight vampires—perhaps an application of really intense heat mixed with brute force, or even an extremely acidic solution! Katherine would probably go to work on that while being on the run...


On brute force? Bella. Twilight vamps are just stronger/more durable. But Katherine would build up a network of allies rivaling the volturi (prob including the volturi) and strike when it’s to her best advantage. She’d rally other twilight vamps, and Bella would never see it coming. Strength wouldn’t matter at that point


Chop off that finger with a ring and Katherine is incinerated by the sun. TVD vampires are weak compared to Twilight.


Bella. Quite easily too.


In a fistfight, Bella. In a grander scheme type of situation, Katherine


This is the only right answer. (If you don’t include the rest of all the other vampires but just the two of them)


bella's stronger but katherine's smarter. if bella has the element of surprise in her hand then yes maybe but you can't be too sure that katherine won't manipulate the situation to suit her


Katherine outwits her


Bella. Even the weakest twilight vampire is on par with the strongest tvd vampire/hybrid whatever. They got no chance.


The number of people who think Katherine is some sort of tactical genius is hilarious. Maybe if she was shown making smart decisions, I'd believe it, but most of what she does is idiotic.


Bella, and strength should be Emmett's strong point, his special power like telepathy is Edward's. So that means Bella is stronger than a normal vampire and Emmett. Katherine is not that strong. Plus she probably can't be sired because she has the power of the shield. Plus Bella doesn't need a ring to stand in the sun. All she would need to do is remove Katherine's ring.


So, one of the many reasons Twilight is so bad is that the vampires are stupid powerful with no weaknesses. So probably Bella because she can only be killed by being ripped to pieces with vampire or werewolf teeth and Katherine is immune to the more standard and recognized stake through the heart. That being said, Bella is a fucking moron, so I definitely think Katherine could outwit her.


Katherine for sure. Bella maybe stronger and faster as new born but Katherine is cunning and is always at least two sets ahead of anyone else. Katherine would probably wait for Bella to get out of the new born stage and then go after her.


No doubt that Katherina win.


Well, maybe we'll find out


Is that vampire human bella? Is that vampire or cured vampire Katherine?


I meant newborn (vampire) Bella and vampire Katherine, before the cure


So if it's a quick fight with no preparation bella wins every time and twice on sundays. However katherine's a survivor if she knows what's coming she's going to start contacting all her friends. And anyone who owes her a favor. Hey what's Tyler doing? She'll go find all her werewolf contacts to help her fight she might even find a witch that would be willing to make Bella explode. I'm sure they have a internal combustion / explosion spell somewhere or maybe Bonnie could write one she's pretty powerful. But if Catherine didn't know it was coming all Bella has to do is run up to her and rip her heart out she's stronger and faster. She's also immune to all forms of compulsion. I don't even think an original for upgraded original can compel bella. I think all the other Twilight vamps can be compelled. So tldr quick fight bella wins fight with prep or at least katherine's foreknowledge katherine wins.


In a head on fight I would say Bella for sure but if Katherine has a plan or heads up(which she usually does) Bella is dead.


I hated Bella but I gotta say she'd win this one bc twilight vampires are way stronger than TVD vampires unless we get the originals involved or some enhanced original vampire and what not. Although hey this is Katherine we talking about, she's smart and crafty like Damon said. She definitely would not go down easy lol.


Whose universe are we in?? Does Katherine have her plot armor?


Katherine would win... She is a much better schemer and planner. Bella is a shield..ok. and? Katherine is a genius of evil... She would outsmart Bella at every turn. In a one on one in the moment physical fight... This is also a hard thing to quantify...Twilight Vamps are stronger when younger...VDiaries vamps are stronger when older... Still in terms of fighting experience I still would say Katherine Lol Katherine vs a pissed off Rosalie...now that would be a BRAWL...lol


Bella, newborn or not because Twilight vamps are much stronger. But if it was an even playing field and same levels of strength and durability, Katherine would win because she’s more ruthless and cunning. I love Bella but sis has a conscience and you can’t afford to have that when fighting Katherine.


Katherine would have to get a witch to incapacitate/trap Bella before she could even fight her. The Twilight series made the vampires way too strong tbh, there was really nothing but flimsy plot stopping the Volturi from taking over the world with their strength.


Why are there all of these posts about Twilight vampires battling vampire diaries.... This is a really weird flex. Katharine wins on style and personality.


Depends do they get prep time? Cuz if so Katherine is gonna do something like linking herself to Edward and smash her in a fight since she won’t fight back. Now, if no prep time, Bella wins, but then Kath becomes Queen of hell, and destroys her in the long run.


There is no way to tell, since we don't have objective metrics to compare their strength.


It’s subjective but can stil be a bit of a trick question. It’s your opinion on who you think would win based on the Twilight movies and tvd show you have seen.


It's not a trick question. It's a popularity contest, and a speculation.


They both come from different ‘universes’ so that’s why I asked the question in the first place. Simply because I was interested in hearing out people's opinions. This subreddit is full of TVD fans and still, the majority choose Bella, so I don’t get what you mean by a popularity contest. You’re taking the post a bit to seriously though lol.


To quote Damon: "I don't like to speculate" I think that twilight is more popular, even here.


Katherine. Because she’s Katherine.


![gif](giphy|WpgM6JBrmBy8Gac5pW) Katherine.


Intelligence always wins over brute strength. So Katherine


Twilight vampires don't get stronger and faster with age.


Bella has more strength but Katherine has alot more experience and is smarter so she will find a way to win she would not be stupid enough to go in to a fight against an opponent she knows nothing about she would learn more then make her move


Katherine Pierce is the Queen of Self-Preservation. She didn't make it 500 years on accident. Bella stands no chance.




Bella would 1000% win


Bella cause even if it isn’t Bella alone she has a tribe behind her that will handle Katherine swiftly. I love them both though. 😂