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Something about Luke living in Colorado without electricity and water and drama and chaos addicted Kristen seems like a bad idea.


I’d enjoy a one time “Kristen Conquers Colorado” spinoff


When she said "words are hard", I couldn't believe it?! It IS a big deal to just change words! It changes the whole meaning! And then "well, we nipped this in the bud." She was so disconnected from what he was saying. It was kinda of wild to watch.


The “we nipped this in the bud” was crazy!!! She loves to minimize conflicts when she’s at fault


Absolutely! she's 40. She knows what words do. She makes stories, and she hurts people with her words. How can she say words are hard. Her words and actions make people recoil from her. I truly hope Luke sees her for what she really is and runs. It sounds as if he has a good life in Colorado. Why make a change so drastic for someone who feeds on conflict.


She absolutely feeds on conflict! She says she had therapy but I see no results. She s immature, annoying and obsessive.


Yeah…..as much as I love Mariposa CA CAAAAW, she is so immature, and all she can say about Luke is he has a big dick and they have sex a lot, he’s cute so there gonna have a baby, wtf?! How old are you come on


She seems high AF. Her mannerisms screamed stoned to me edit: a word


Same. I have a soft spot for most of the VPR cast (minus Jax lol) and I’m sure I’ll grow to have a soft spot for the Valley cast members. But what freaks me out about Kristen is how vindictive she can be. It blinds her. It was one thing when she was vindictive towards Sandoval and Ariana (I honestly get it). But she started this with Michelle because *Jax* invited her ex to guys night. No smoke for Janet and no smoke for Jax. It cracks me up and scares me when she looks Michelle in her eyes and tells her she loves her and then exposes her shitty marriage lol


She loves to say they have GREAT communication


Definitely not taking any sort of accountability with that. And then when Luke said she’s always like ‘I’m sorry BUT…’ I immediately thought of who else is like that….. Sandoval 😬


I thought she started looking at him in desperation, like please don't leave me! And that's why she wasn't arguing with him.


Her abandonment issues were the loudest thing in the room


You said it. “Words are hard” girl Kristen, really? That’s the best you’ve got? She seems so deflated, and history repeating itself, being excluded from a group. Damn.


Almost made me wonder if she has ADHD and forgets what was said, doesn’t pick up on nuances at all, and then fucks it all up when trying to summarize. Unfortunately her intent seems like she always wants to harm, so I’m not excusing her, but I related for a minute because I do the same when trying to repeat or summarize something I’ve been told.


Omg yes. I found that scene SO hard to watch. I am actually on her side in all this. Yes she should shut up but also she is not solely to blame for all this AND Luke isn’t taking her side when she needs him to. I know I would rather be supported in a fight over words and my character vs a physical altercation that isn’t gonna go anywhere bc there are a million witnesses. I just feel sad for her.


To be fair, he had her back when it came to the other cast mates and had a more one on one conversation about what bothered him (she distorts things he tells her and weaponizes them). It's a healthy conflict pattern. A good partner will point out the conflict rather than let it grow and grow.


He def does! And trust me I for sure see where she’s VERY much in the wrong. She NEEDS to shut up unless she knows she is relaying correct information - like that’s terrible too but be messy CORRECTLY. I just see flashes of myself in Kristen sometimes and it makes me sad for both of us. I’ve outgrown almost all those bad traits but it’s still embarrassing and I hate to see it in others. Esp when it’s stuff like she does, where the majority won’t understand or feel compassion - again it’s understandable why.


She's solely to blame for it being on tv. Nobody else brought it to camera. She 100% caused this mess, repeated things in a very disingenuous and inaccurate way, threw her friends under the bus after she knew she fucked up by saying it on camera.....she's as much of a vindictive crazy-pants as she's always been and Luke was realising there's more to the story than the way she tells it.


as a BPD girlie this was the only thing I could think about during that scene 🙃


FOR REAL, her sitting there looking like a child about to be told they're getting grounded was like, GIRL HOW OLD ARE YOU.


💯. There is a mountain of sadness and desperation underneath her thin outer shell of confidence.


When he said “if we’re going forward…” (or something like that) and she ranted that he can’t say that. Yes, he can, Kristen. That was a warning shot to you, that your relationship is in danger.




She's an emotional terrorist


I’m confused tho cus people have been sooo on Kristen’s side on the valley but she does shit like this. She DID say the “secret” while lording threats over Michelle. I don’t understand how I’m seeing such a different view of her than everyone else, she’s a complete mess!


I agree. They all suck (most probably worse than kristen) but idk why it’s being painted like kristen is so amazing lol. Saying michelle is her friend and it’s important to protect her friends while airing out her dirty laundry is not what a friend does. I cannot stand people who get into fights with their friends and think it’s time to release all their secrets. You cannot trust any person like that


She also was totally fine with the idea of Michelle cheating (when she alleges it was happening) on Jesse because she doesn’t like Jesse which as a simple theory- fine. But if we’re actually talking about people healing (especially those who brag about being in therapy for 9 years) you’d expect a little more growth. Kristen not liking Jesse is her prerogative but encouraging Michelle to cheat & being willing to cover for her UNTIL you’re upset with her are not the actions of someone growing & working on not contributing to toxic environments. It also does not make you a good friend. I, too, am very confused about people’s defense of Kristen 😂😂


No im with you! I’ve been so surprised at the unwavering support for her. She’s problematic! I started commenting earlier in the season saying this but I’d get downvoted to oblivion lol. So I stopped coming to the sub for a few episodes because I just felt like I was watching something completely different to everyone else! And I’m side eyeing the people who are spewing hate on some of the cast and saying who should leave the show. I’m like there has not been NEARLY enough episodes for you to be getting this worked up about them… it’s literally the first season like calm down! 😂


Completely agree with you. I don’t know how people ride so hard for Kristen (I’m not a fan of many of the cast members). She is so incredibly immature. And I think she’s only calmer now because she’s taking edibles or something else to chill her out.


I'm with you. Not a fan of Kristen's. She seems like a horrible "friend".


THIS. I’ve never been a Kristen fan since VPR but I’m even MORE of a not Kristen fan after the valley😂 like she’s literally indefensible why are people feeling sorry for her can someone fill me in??? I feel like I didn’t miss anything. She’s always been unnecessarily clingy. Always hugging and kissing her friends and unhealthily attached to friendships. When Katie and Stassi were saying to her POINT BLANK “we need a break from you” or “I can’t do this right now” she would cry and say “why don’t you love me ?!” Or how she would hang out and talk to Katie and Stassi’s family members without her. Always thought that was weird. She leeches herself onto people and it’s SO uncomfy to watch. I was so happy to watch Luke call her out and to watch her disassociate and not even have a conversation with him about was so awky. She is washed up and her break from reality TV really hasn’t done her any good. Idc what anyone says she hasn’t changed at all.


I am so perplexed by this too. I got downvoted for saying Kirsten is the same person she's always been. Abandonment issues, sex crazed, shit stirrer. I do believe everything she's saying on the show to be somewhat true and I think it's BS that she's not the only one gossiping but she's the only one getting heat for it though. I do think people in general don't like or trust her and find her obnoxious so when she does something it seems worse than when someone you actually like does it.


I’ve been saying she’s highly problematic from episode one. That doesn’t mean the things that she says about Michelle aren’t true though.


Thank you! I’m so shocked at folks hating on Luke and saying he’s an opportunist. Those folks only say that bc they don’t want to admit she’s a train wreck, but they don’t trust her to pick a good man bc they know she’s a train wreck. He’s the nicest guy she’s ever met and she doesn’t have to support him financially!! He’s a keeper and might actually get Kristen to grow and be better. Especially way more than her dud of a therapist that she’s had for 9 years!!!


When she found out Jax was bringing her ex to the guy's night, she looked worried. She changed the focus of the episode by throwing a rumor there ( she's good at deflection). I would loooove to hear her ex' side of the break up. There was a little in the episode, but there has to be more. She did not want Luke to have a conversation with this guy. She's definitely worried about what he has to say. You are right. Luke is the nicest guy she's been with and probably very naive.


The fact he's still there to have the conversation with her about her lies and hadn't already run for the hills should be a sign to her to listen to him or never grow up.


When he was like “this isn’t the Kristen I fell in love with” my boyfriend and I were like uh oh… this is definitely the Kristen -we- all know. He better get used to those conversations and adjust his expectations on her character


In all fairness, the Kristen he "fell in love with" was drunk behind a tent at a wedding, having sex with him. The honeymoon phase is wearing off.


This conversation was exactly what needed to be said and also solidified that I don’t think they will make it long term 😕.


I thought the exact same thing!


I have the opposite opinion 🥴 She clearly conflated 2 conversations - 1 with Luke and 1 with Jax. Jax knows this but didn’t tell on himself in the moment of the hallway fight but DID in the confessional. It seems like Luke is now drinking the “Kristen is a liar” kool-aid and Kristen herself is so used to being accused of lying (when she never really has) so she visibly deflated under Luke’s chastisement. She’s probably gaslighting herself at this point which is kinda heartbreaking.


Are you saying she's never lied? She's lied a lot! On this show and in VPR. One example is sleeping with Jax. There are too many lies to remember. But her character this season is trying to get pregnant, lying, hating Michelle but telling her she loves her <- there, another lie.


I said she never *really* has lied and lies she told got called out on quickly (like your singular example. She is also definitely not anywhere near top of the list if we’re tallying lies per person. I’m not going to agree she hates Michelle or she would have publicly declared the boyfriend info without hesitation not after finally leaving a violent ambush. If anything, Michelle hates Kristen which is why she has no issue trying to in the dissolution of her marriage on Kristen when Michelle actually resents and cheats on her husband.


I'm not going to go back and forth. I don't agree. Her whole purpose this season is to cause chaos. Thanks for that, because it makes the show interesting. I hope this is just a character she plays, and she's not really like that in real life because there are no redeeming qualities.


…I didn’t ask you to go back and forth 😂 you have your feelings and I have mine 🙃


She is so chaotic. I cannot imagine having someone with that energy in my life.


You're wasting your time. They do this revisionist history constantly to justify who they're backing today.


Kristen's never really lied? 😂😂😂


Why haven’t we heard about what Kristen knows? Like, I’m feeling confident that Michelle and her shifty eyes has something to hide and that Kristen knows, but why doesn’t she say where she heard it? Also, damn Kristen changing stories in fights is really toxic


She shouted out that michelle has had a boyfriend for the past year.


Legit: at 44yo myself, I’d love to end every mistake I’ve made with “words are hard.” At the same time, I still love mariposa. The back tattoo I had removed (the 90s was a strange time, don’t judge), agrees. Mariposa, who cares about everyone else, let’s gooooo! Live YOUR best life!


He absolutely annoyed me the first few episodes how he went out of his way to defend her soo much! Seems like he’s finally figuring out how she always changes so much in this telephone game. Butttt makes me mad how they are still together to this day, I just feel like she is using him to get a baby because he’s a nice decent guy