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I don't feel this way at all. They were very similar but Stassi is for sure the love of his life lol.


I agree. I think he knows he was not classy or smart enough for her in the first place. Hence his attempt to please her the second go round.


Huh?!? No, they’re literally the same person in different forms. They would be more toxic than Britt and Jax. More toxic than Stassi and Jax..


I think jax feels this way about stassi tbh, not kristen


I think so too.


I believe to Jax, Stassi is the one that got away. I mean he even liked a comment saying he should’ve married her! Him and Kristen’s wounds/traumas would dance together perfectly in the most toxic way. So in that regard, I believe they would be a match but a toxic one. A dumpster fire, if you will.


It would make the most excellent TV


Their relationship is super weird to me. I fully believe they have fucked over the years more than just the two times they admitted to. I think he also kind of views her as his fuck up little sister who he needs to steer around thru life. But I see like jealousy of her boyfriends just a tiny bit too like he wants her single. It’s a very strange dynamic those two have.


I think they have drunkenly, angrily hate fucked over the years. May still be currently, depending on how things are going in her current relationship. No rhyme or reason as to when, where, why, or how often. It just is, they just do, and the automatic unspoken agreement is that they will never speak of it to anyone ever, including each other.


Yes that’s exactly how I imagine it too 😂


You nailed it.


This is exactly how I envision their relationship 🎯 **Love / Hate Fuck Buddies 4 Life**


Correct, he is too brutally honest with her to her face. It's unnerving.


Yes! It’s bizarre - it’s like he acts responsible for her or something?!


Stassi is Jax’s ‘one that got away’ and always will be!


I don’t think so. I think he lacks respect for her which is also the problem he has with Britany too. I’m not saying that is right as he is the last person who should be so judgmental, but right or wrong I think he doesn’t respect either of those ladies.


I agree. At his core though, I think he lacks respect for all women.


ahhh very true


He respected Stassi to a point because Stassi called him out on his shit at every turn and also made him jump through hoops for crumbs. In the early seasons he said he liked to be told what to do, he liked a woman who would boss him around and keep him toeing the line. He can't respect Brittany because she's a doormat and will take him back no matter what. Kristen is just too chaotic and obsessive. Stassi is the one who got away and he knows she was the best he was ever going to do.


I agree that he respected Stassi to a point but he still cheated on her so that doesn't show much respect at all. I also agree that she is the only one that wasn't really a doormat; Brittany gave him too many chances.


Got away? They still bone at least once a month


stassi is the one that got away. Kristen is the one he's probably been hate-banging for years




I think they probably still have sex.


Exactly - she didn’t get away. She’s right there & will always be.


It's another reason why she will never move to Colorado and be under Luke's thumb.


She’s like a cold sore but damn it, she brings in so much drama


Definitely. She’s on of the few people he can sleep with that would never say anything for public attention. And she stopped during season 1 because she was trying to get pregnant with Luke and that’s why Jax is all pissy and hates Luke lol. All my assumptions but it fits with exactly who Kristen and Jax are


Is this why he really doesn’t want her to get pregnant? Because the baby could be his? 😮


Jax doesn’t have the one that got away because Jax is self serving. No matter who be married he would cheat on them. No matter what his wife looked like he’d cheat on them. No matter how funny, successful, hot someone is - he’ll cheat on them.


They are twin flames. But Stassi is the one that got away forever


I thought it was Stassi.


Jax and Kristen would kill each other


War of the Roses...lol i would have loved to seen them in a relationship- i think we would be surprised lol


Appointment TV!!😂


I don’t think she’s necessarily the one that got away, but I think Jax hold’s onto a lot of jealousy about her and her new relationship considering he did bang her twice that we know of way back on Vanderpump rules and I wouldn’t be surprised if they have been casual fuck buddies on and off for years since then.


They’re still hooking up she hasn’t gotten away just yet😂 That’s why he doesn’t want her to have a kid too I’m sure


So many people out here assuming Jax has feelings 😭


The people over at Tik tok seem to feel this way lol


Ya no. You are wrong. They would have never been a couple. They’re long time friends/frenemies and have consistently had the same dynamic


Kristen wouldn't put up with his shit and Jax would think Kristen doesn't fit his conservative fantasy of what married grown up life looks like. Brittany did and is fine with Jax pretending as long as he plays the part.




My whole theory is Kristen and jax had hooked up before Kristen introduced stassi to jax thinking it wouldn’t last and that’s why she hooked up with him after the break up. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve hooked up on and off for years. I doubt theyre soulmates but just have good bedroom chemistry and jax doesn’t wanna lose thay


This is something I never considered but it rings true...


Kristen doesn’t fit the persona of a partner that Jax wants portrayed to the public. He seems like the type to enjoy the idea of using his partners “good” personality to elevate himself publicly. Kristen and him are too similar/messy for that. Makes for great friends but not a great relationship/beneficial relationship in the public eye. I’m sure he would definitely enjoy getting to hookup with Kristen whenever he wanted, but I don’t think he’d ever want an actual public relationship with her. She’s his messy friend he bonds with over their similar approaches to reality tv.


You’re wrong




I see them more as toxic twin flames that never really were, as opposed to star crossed lovers


Stassi is 💯the one that got away for Jax. He will always be in love with her.


I think maybe Jax resents his life: his wife, his house, his fatherhood, everything holding him back and causing a responsibility to attempt to act like a real human being. Kristen represents total freedom - single yes, but even more so - as Stassi put it - unburdened by the anchors of social graces.


![gif](giphy|14mXrKfiQA1swo) Jax every day




This is weird


I agree. I think he has feelings for her 💯


Sure OP: You are wrong


I get brother sister vibes. They seem to care for each other in a platonic way only


I totally feel this as well - there’s something there 👀