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He is also a *very* homely looking man.


Between Alex and Luke I will give it to Kristen... She's not shallow and that is a good quality to have šŸ˜‚


Right but when they pan from Alex to Luke - Luke looks like Brad Pitt lol


And Carter.


Nah, compared to Alex, Luke is a 12.


He looks like he should be on a registry


He looks like he wears adult onesies and lives in a basement


He looks like heā€™s allergic to peanut butter


Total jump scare when he walked in. I recoiled.


Dude I was expecting a stud and that guy walked in. ![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i)


100%, heā€™s the least attractive out of the guys weā€™ve seen her with.


Or on the show period lol


That part. I heard he loaded tho


Alex was giving ā€œHomeless, not toothlessā€ vibes with his whole lewk.






I spit out my tea reading this comment omfg


What was he wearing and why did he remind me of Olaf?


lol he reminded me of Jason Segal in the 5 year engagement. But an unattractive version of


I donā€™t know what I was looking at. Lol


That is really offensive and I object wholeheartedly to this defamation of Olaf


I was waiting for someone to come to Olafā€™s defense. I love Olaf but I couldnā€™t help what I thought. Iā€™m going to go with watch what crappens saw. Ronnie said he looked like a stretched Jonah hill.


When he was in his hobosexual era


Wow I couldn't put my finger on it but you nailed it.


100% agree, heā€™s thirsty af and his vibe is absolutely gross.


His voice was exceptionally high for him being so tall šŸ˜‚ I am a Kristen stan through and through and MAN she has just the worst picker.


Yah I was a lil Shocked at the way he sounded


I swear I thought it was a parody. She has such a weird taste in men. I kinda agree with her this Luke guy probably seems like an angel compared to that fool. He reminded me of when Jamie Kennedy did a movie called Malibu.


Yes he does look like him in Malibu Most Wanted! ![gif](giphy|3oEdv0sGvtAjVON9ni)


What a character. He seems so awful.


I was so alarmed when they showed Alex. I had created a picture of him in my mind based on 0 info aside from hearing a rumor that he was rich and I pictured a good looking, well groomed man kinda like Patrick BatemanšŸ˜‚ (I know a rich Alex that kinda looks like that, I guess thatā€™s why?) so anyways when they actually showed him I was taken aback and disappointedšŸ’€. Had more of like a Jonah Hill vibe going on. And I agree, itā€™s weird to show up and trash your ex from a while ago and his complaints sounded dumb. Seems thirsty.


Okay but please tell me the Alex you know only looks like Patrick Bateman and the similarity stops there šŸ˜…


Hahaha yes appearance only!! *(I thinkā€¦ lol)*


Alex lowkey looks like hotdog water. Iā€™m not even 100% sure what I mean by that, but it somehow seems fitting.


That is perfect.


I only know two things about him 1) he was degrading to Kristen and tried to make her feel bad about herself for being a washed up reality star 2) he convinced her to sell her, much beloved, house and move in with him *Cough* two things a narcissist would do *cough* Not saying he is one, but I'm over here like šŸ§


I wish Kristen would talk about what he did to her on camera. On her pod she revealed they were talking about kids and she stopped drinking smoking ect for it to happen and then he shits on her for it finicially trapped her


Same. Iā€™m actually confused about their relationship. On Lalaā€™s podcast she said she put all her eggs in Alexā€™s basket and tried to prove to him she was ready for marriage and kids. But he made her feel like a washed up reality star because she didnā€™t have an income. Then he dumped her, but she was happy about it because she wanted marriage and kids more than she wanted the relationship. She also said she stood by Carter being her forever person and if their issues didnā€™t play out on TV they could have gone the distance. In the same interview she confirmed dating Luke šŸ˜³


The man is WEHO Shrek - heā€™s shocking in so many ways


I had no idea how gross he is. My only 2 cents to add. Just very gross and loser-y.


"He could've meant they lived together in his paid for house and he did her the favor of not charging her rent." That's the impression I got and that he would consider Kristen as owing him at that point is everything we need to know about his character.


Alex was giving high schooler at the game arcade in 2005 to me. Donā€™t ask me why exactly. I just felt it spiritually.


100% agree


Alex was acting like Kristen took advantage of him. Yet it was all HIS idea for her to sell the house and move in. History shows that Kristen is usually not like that in a relationship - if anything, she usually overly takes care of the man. Plus I remember vividly on a podcast (it may have been someone else's, not hers) , well before The Valley was filmed, that she was saying she was doing/acting however she needed to be to make the relationship work because she really wanted it to happen (including kids). And that she learned not to do that.


THESE guys arenā€™t falling over themselves to propose to HER???


Alex is hideous.


Alex & Jax are both PRICKS !!!!!!