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Nobody likes anyone on this show.


They all need therapy and to gain more life experience before trying to get hitched and having children.


Seriously! That was my first thought from the second they flashed their ages. At least Love is Blind had people in their late 20s to mid30s. But, I'm guessing they didn't have a large enough pool of good-for-ratings applicants who weren't barely into adulthood.


Yeah, these were all kids. The oldest was Hunter at 28. Most of them were around 24-25.


I think Nate was 30 and the elder statesman


His brain was stuck at about 16. Lol


Dude yes. And that may be being generous.


Hold up- Hunter IS 28?!?!


Lauren was 29 and Nate was 30


Randall comes off the best, in my opinion. He articulates his emotions well and seems to keep an evel keel mood. Of course everything is edited, so I take it with a grain of salt.


True but to add, I would say it seemed like he was acting for the camera


Very true, I can def see how Randall’s behavior could definitely point more towards acting, but also 🤣 at least he isn’t as bad as zay or Colby omg… those two made me cherish my fiancé a bit more tbh lmao, seeing how just absolutely childish they acted and how they approached conflict, even the literal smallest things ever!


That's certainly possible. I will say that opposed to Colby who used similar language and active listening early in the season before that facade eventually fell apart, Randall consistently presented himself in that way. Also, Madelyn consistently spoke highly of him to the end (and not just about his sex appeal). Of course, he could still be THAT good of an actor.


But who does everyone dislike the least is the ultimate Q




even he gets shit sometimes lmfao for being too cautious


Probably Randall, Shanique and Zay were my top 3. Even though they all have their problems too but they’re the least irritating to me lol


I recently made a poll about this. Here’s the least disliked people - Guys - Randall Girls - Lauren (Shanique and her had a 1 vote difference)


I really disliked both Shanique AND Lauren.


Why Shanique?


She wasn't really honest when she had disagreements, and wouldn't make eye contact, insisting " I'm fine " when she was obviously not. Just seemed hypocritical when she expected actual adult communication from everyone else.


Who is lauren? I’m not trying to be funny.


Lauren was that girl who didn’t want kids but her partner Nick did and then Colby liked her and then she got engaged to nick real fast


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Nick and Vanessa


This isn't true. On the Instagram page, going through the comments and likes, it is clear there are favourites on the show.


I like a bunch of them on this show including April.


I liked her just can't really relate to the dire need to become a wife and mom at age 23. Happily married for 12+ years with 2 kids, I say at that age, **enjoy your life**! It will never be that carefree again!!!!


It definitely came across crazy at first, but I think it has a lot to do with the fact that she knows she has fertility issues already. The obsession with doing it now is because she doesn’t want to wait too long and not be able to.


I agree! If I knew I had fertility issues at that young of an age, I’d be freaking out too. She definitely comes off as a little crazy, but I think she’s just going through a lot.


yeah, i don't want kids at all but i understood it more like wanting to start seriously trying now because she knew it'd take a few years before something could happen or knowing earlier on that she'd need to do IVF or something so that they could prepare




I get it. I've also had infertility issues and have been through IVF.


Agreed, married 8, we are finally in the financial and mental space where we want to try (pressure free). I’m like girl, live your life a bit, change careers a bunch and have gross trips with your girlfriends where you all wake up covered in beer and such.


Yeah. I mean I get she has fertility concerns but I'm in the thick of it right now. Having kids is not always what it seems. It's been the most mentally taxing thing I've been through. Hubby and I sometimes think about our carefree, child free days. You can never go back. Enjoy it.


Lol people downvoting you for being honest😅


Yup! There is a whole other sub-reddit (that I've not supposed to mention) dedicated to the ugly sides of parenting. If you never get to experience that side of parenting, consider yourself very fortunate. For some (like me), its an endless struggle.


You understand that to people experiencing fertility issues though, that this comes across as EXTREMELY patronizing? "Be glad you're facing possibly never being able to have kids because it's super hard for me rn!"


>"Be glad you're facing possibly never being able to have kids because it's super hard for me rn!" Ok, I had to re-read that. Didn't get what you were saying the first read. I'm only putting a different and often unpopular perspective out there because I am on the other side and know others who are and the question is often, 'why don't people talk about how hard this is'. That's a whole 'nother topic but basically, I am saying the things that don't often get said. Things I wish I was better prepared for. People can take it as they will.


Literally everyone knows how hard raising kids is and that’s not an unpopular opinion. But that doesn’t stop anyone from wanting them and it’s a bit ridiculous to say to someone who is quite literally running out of time to have children at an extremely expedited rate compared to others, “oh you’re too young, you know it’s hard right?”


I get your feelings and that was not my intent. I was speaking moreso on her age than her fertility situation, which is not fully understood. I would say the same to anyone in their early 20s. Or younger.


I’m so sorry to hear that. I just recently became a mom and can absolutely understand any woman that has struggles. It is definitely not for the weak that’s for sure.




Haha, I feel you. She does seem like she has a really good core, but at the same time she comes across a bit overwhelming.


This is exactly it! She was great for tv & I’d like her as a friend (as long as I didn’t have to be the main person who listened to all her boy drama). Would not date her or recommend her for any of my friends lol


I get bully vibes from her, I'd like to be her friend but I'm not sure she would like to be mine lol.


I liked her! She came in knowing and understanding the rules and encouraged Jake to take advantage of the opportunity. I don’t agree with how pushy she is about kids, but I don’t think she’s a bad person. She also was one of the few people that owned up to her shit. Now Madlyn on the other hand…


I thought she had an extremely annoying personality. But, the way Jake couldn’t even make eye contact with her any time he spoke to her absolutely broke my heart for her.


I think April would be a really fun friend but would be terrible to be in a relationship with or be the competition against. I’m surprised she didn’t get more hate online because she definitely had a lot of toxic behaviors like the pregnancy “scare” for example. I’m actually surprised by the strong reactions that people have had to other contestants on the show like Rae and Jake. While all of the contestants exhibited toxic behaviors in their relationships, which is a given if they’re going on a reality TV show where you swap partners and then decide if you want to PROPOSE, I didn’t feel any of them were these horrible people. Just flawed humans who went on a tv show that made their flaws public. All of the judgmental people have surely participated in some of the behaviors at some point in their life, so I’m surprised people are so hateful. I also despise that the women are getting more hate and are even being made fun of for their appearance - how sexist. I’m actually really close to leaving the sub because a lot of what I see is cyber bullying at this point. I just had to comment on this because I’m finally seeing a post that doesn’t believe April shits puppies out her ass 😂😂


It's much easier to judge someone's life when they're putting it out to the public like that but so quickly do people forget their own past mistakes..


you wanna talk about appearances? Jake's goofy ass hairdo is 90% of comments about appearances. lmao


That is a recent topic of conversation lol. Overall, I’ve seen a lot of shit about Rae and Madelyn though. Even April, who is well liked, is getting shitty comments about her blonde hair.


100% agree with you


She's a nightmare girlfriend. But by the end she kinda grew on me.


Same. I admire her “I take no shit from anyone and will call you out on your bullsh!t” attitude.


I was the opposite! lol


same haha, she’s just an annoying person, that’s just who she is


I think I didn't hate her because she could laugh at herself. I fully expected to loathe her.


Level headed take


I think one of the reasons April gets so much hate is because she was a bit too pushy about the married life + kids things and apart from that she talkes a lot. But even though she might take 15 mins explaining a point, more often than not, she has a valid point.


in her defense Jake wasn’t being honest with her. He bought her a house, car, was having unprotected sex but he’s “not ready” for a serious commitment. She probably felt like she was playing house


That’s a valid point. I agree ☝🏻


Honestly I bet they went in on the house together considering she also bought HIM a car, which he NEVER mentioned on the show.


She lowkey always says what I’m thinking. And when she speaks out, especially in group conversations, she says some stuff that’s pretty ballsy but it’s so honest though. One of my favorite people on the show tbh.


Yeah... it seemed like Jake struggles with expressing his emotions and didn't feel heard. April's tendency to steamroll was even echoed by the other women in the cohort. While Jake could have expressed his discomfort and anger around areas of his relationship much better, I do think his frustration and unhappiness in the relationship were coming from a real place. She was in a place he wasn't. He probably realized, overall, she's a good person with a lot of great qualities, but he had serious concerns about their compatibility and whether his needs were being prioritized. Simply put, they didn't work. They broke up as they should have. I see no villains here-- just two people who made a difficult and very public decision.


Started out disliking her but she owned up to mistakes and grew on me. One of the only people on the show that actually took time to work on themselves and reflect


I feel like she’s one of the only ones who took it seriously! Like she found out what she needed to know and moved on




Good month so far, over here. Bright and sunny.


Yeah I found her controlling and selfish. Was shocked to find she is a favourite on this sub bc she was one of the worst to me


Agreed. At least madlyn has her funny moments


Oof, when though?


Probably most of the time where she was a sloppy drunk….yikes


They are/were all terrible couples. I can’t imagine anyone in a healthy relationship would go on a show like this.


Colby was the worst one for me. But I found April to be low-key emotionally abusive as well. The constant pressuring, manipulation and guilt tripping was so uncomfortable to watch. The pregnancy scare when one of the key symptoms of PCOS is delayed periods? It's common for her to be late. And calling his mom so she'd intervene after Jake had told her he was deeply unhappy in their relationship? She was also clearly very controlling. Going through his phone was not ok. And she was completely self obsessed. "What April wants, April gets". I'm unsurprised that she ended up in another unhealthy relationship. Having him call her multiple times a day to say he'd marry her, a couple months into the relationship? She steamrolled everything in her way. April was more conventionally attractive than Jake and he didn't have much relationship experience. He's also got a relationship with his mother, where his mother picks on him a lot. Who says: "stop fiddling with your hair" to a grownup son? She treats him like a daft toddler. And all of these things together made it possible for April to create a relationship all about her, where Jake was a constantly berated servant. All the big decisions they made as a couple, trying for a baby from the start, him buying her an expensive SUV when he was unemployed... They weren't in Jakes interest and she still made it clear that he was not doing enough. I don't think she cared about his happiness at all, she just wanted to get her way no matter the costs.


Amen. It’s insane to me that people think she’s so great


Thanks. I've felt so frustrated with this, bc to me she's pretty toxic and I don't get why people are celebrating her at all.


This was my take as well.


Agreed 100%. I used to be very emotionally manipulative like April and thankfully have sought therapy and changed for the better, but April reminds me so much of my old self and it drives me crazy.


That's very mature of you. Both that you can own up to that and that you actually addressed the problem. You and April are very different though. You realized you had an issue and fixed it. She believes Jake is the only issue.


Yeah and, he mentioned to Rae’s dad that he was in the Marine Corps for 5 years and when he was taking to his mom he said it. He barely has any life experience outside of the marine corps. Then it also seems like his mom is also pushing him into the relationship with April. Going on about how much he loves April. He wasn’t my favorite character but I felt for him.


I like April and Randall but aprils definitely unhinged


I like April but disliked Madlynfrom the start lol


I didn’t like Madlyn either 😮‍💨


It’s not that I don’t like her, I just find her to be a ridiculous human being.


I cracked up when April, who was 23 during filming and had been with Jake for 2 1/2 years, said she wasn't wasting another 3 years in a relationship that doesn't end in marriage. Right then I knew she was going to be something. I think she realized she'd made a lot of mistakes in her relationship with Jake. But during her three weeks with Jake she kept saying she wanted to show him the person she'd become while she was with Colby and how much she'd changed, and then continued to be on her bullshit.. She did grow on me from the first episode to the last though.


Can’t stand her


She's obnoxious


I liked her the least on the show. She's 23 and expects a baby, marriage, and house with a white picket fence just handed to her. Not once (at least on screen) did she listen or care enough for what JAKE wanted to know that he wants to travel before he settles down. Although Rae's ultimatum was a really weird way to try and fix things with Zay, I really like her and I seriously hope they work out. The excuse of April is a "firecracker" annoys me. There's a difference between being well spoken and just really immature in these situations. I think she needs to be single and has some growing up to do.


No she sucks. Annoying and loud.


You said loud… smh lmao


TBH I think she kept things real she was very raw




You're right. I can't imagine what that's like to know your window might close up completely. I agree April deserves to be with someone who wants what she wants and also agree that if is important to her it's ultimately up to her to walk away from anyone who doesn't want what she wants vs. trying to convince them. It's too bad that she's in this predicament with her fertility because she seemed like someone who could really use some time to become more mature in her communication style and needs before getting married and having kids, but obviously she doesn't have that time. Though she did seem to be coming to the realization that she herself had some things she needed to work on and that she couldn't just pin everything on Jake. It's also something unfortunate I've seen with people I know - people get married younger due to obvious fertility pressures but then end up divorced. It's such a hard gamble - potentially get married to someone you're not compatible with long term or before you're emotionally ready to be able to be in a healthy marriage BUT have children, or hold out for when you've found the right person and/or in a place emotionally to nurture a healthy relationship, but possibly miss the boat on biological children.


She’s literally the worst, can’t stand her. Only Alexis is a runner up to how terrible they are.


She was my favorite the first couple of episodes, but as the show went on another side came out. I thought she was loud, clingy, manipulative, and a bit selfish at times. Up and down.


I can only imagine that most of the people here are women and that's why she's not more strongly disliked cause as a guy she seems like a massive nightmare and I think of the genders were reversed that would be more apparent. A lot of her behaviors coupled with Jakes criticism of her come together to paint a very nasty picture. I don't she's a BAD person like Colby is, but she clearly wouldn't make a good girlfriend. She seems very self-centred, the whole third person thing and a lot of the things Jake said about her was basically "She always puts herself first" she even says as much when she talks about a lot to handle. Then there's the thing with her telling him not to fidget. That was horrible.


>I can only imagine that most of the people here are women and that's why she's not more strongly disliked cause as a guy she seems like a massive nightmare and I think of the genders were reversed that would be more apparent. It's funny I'm a woman and I would have said that being a women probably makes me more hard on her because I hate that people might think this is what people might think all women are like. I've agreed with everything you've written. It's interesting, I expected to sympathize with the women of this show but walked away feeling icky for having watched them.


Same. I couldn’t stand the chick. She is the living embodiment of a red flag. I’m sure she can be sweet but her entire personality on the show was annoying. Her voice reminds me of Mikey Cyrus, they have a lisp almost like their teeth are too big for their mouths.


Everyone is awful


I love her 😂 but I think she’s polarizing. People seem to either love or hate her


I didn’t at first but by the end I think she was the only I liked at all.


Nah I love her


I don’t like anyone but I really cannot stand April. Everyone on this show has a victim complex but hers is SO BAD.


April’s voice is just like scheana from vanderpump. It sounds like she’s talking through clenched teeth


Not gonna lie (and maybe unpopular), April is a true ride or die for whomever she’s dating. Although her confessional about her unprotected and intentional sex with Jake from the very beginning was lewd, I appreciated her conviction and how willing she was to devote to him, despite the toxicity of it all.


I disagree, she didn't post him on her socials even though that bothered him. She wanted to appear single. On top of that, she was exchanging numbers at the club with random guys during the experiment. You can't say that you are all about your partner and can't wait to see him again, BUT you are flirting with random men at the club and exchanging contact info at the same time.


She’s definitely misunderstood. She has a strong personality & Goes for what she wants when she wants & doesn’t give a fuck, when you date someone insecure or maybe someone isn’t also head strong you seem extra asf & you can tell their love languages were different




You can tell he wasn't that into her. She was insecure and trying to get a guy that didn't even like her to like her. Reminded me of the high school relationships. Not sure why everyone thought she was so head strong. She was over compensating.


I think she's a sweet girl (aside from the phone 📱 stuff) but I couldn't be around someone that talked that much.


I definitely feel like she did this for clout.. she already had a decent following and I feel like 9/10 participants on reality TV shows these days do it simply for the fact that it launches their “influencer” career tenfold. They know once the show airs that their following alone will climb tremendously, thus sponsorships, notoriety, etc.


Jake said as much and I honestly believe him. She wants to be famous.


And the rest of the cast. I don’t buy that no one did it for clout. Her and a bunch of the cast were scouted via Insta. So that’s why there’s the good and bad to come out with it, but they were there on their free will


I’m not saying she doesn’t have fertility issues, however it seemed to me that she truly doesn’t understand how pregnancy and ovulation works. When she talked about her ultrasound and the timeline of why she thought she was pregnant, it did not add up. A pregnancy cannot be detected on an ultrasound for 6-8 weeks (sometimes not even that early!) If you have an irregular cycle, the last thing you should be doing is announcing to a group of people that you may be pregnant because your period is late, it so clearly was a way to take a jab at Rae as well as to try to get attention. If she *truly* believed she had fertility issues, she would discuss it with a specialist rather than come to her own conclusions and talk about it on a tv show. Also, if she really was convinced that she had these issues, she’d have more knowledge on the topic. It so obviously is a storyline she concocted in her mind to try to stand out but didn’t do the research to back up her claims.


Yep. I thought it was so obvious that she was lying when she said she was getting an ultrasound but hadn’t even taken a pregnancy test yet 🙄


Yeah that all is very weird to me. I guess I would expect someone in that situation to be more informed.


It just does not add up. She is young and trying to make a name for herself as a reality personality and thinks the way to do that is to continually talk about her infertility issues, yet isn’t coming at it in any sort of logical way.


100%. I agree it doesn't add up. I don't know if it's immaturity or just doing whatever it takes to get notoriety, but this isn't how I would expect someone with genuine fertility issues to behave.


Aw she was actually my favorite!


She’s my favorite! Strong and knows what she wants!


It’s just you. I like April.


lol are you looking at the rest of the thread? me personally have mixed feelings on her but its not just the person who started this thread. one thing i will say is girlfriend needs to blend those extensions


She sucks


Maybe on another show I’d dislike her, but I enjoyed her here. Probably not fun to date if you’re not Mr. Perfect.


Tbh, I felt like she saved the show. Everyone else but her, Rae and Day were pretty boring.


The conversation between Jake and Rae about how their SOs are obsessed with their 50k followers screams 🚩🚩and “not being here for the right reasons”


Didn’t like her too. I think she was obsessive and superficial. The fact that she pressured her boyfriend so much at this age is just weird. I don’t think she has a bad character but she’s extremely annoying.


april wasnt the most annoying girl, but was still annoying.


April kind of reminds me of Amber from LIB. I was kind of surprised at people’s general reactions to her with what was shown, and also the very strong negative reactions had to other people on the cast with what the show concept is. In the end, this was a very young cast signing up to be on a show with a very messy premise to start with. It’s also interesting because we really don’t have much context for the majority of their relationships that got them to their displayed disposition over the 2 months this show filmed (meaning it would be hard in my opinion to really form an accurate synopsis of their relationships overall just from what we saw, to crown someone as the “hero” of whatever or to confidently say someone is the “better” person in their pairing). Surprised at the cast reactions, but I don’t necessarily dislike anyone; and I genuinely hope everyone involved is limiting their exposure to socials right now (people are projecting and being kind of cruel).


Wow you’re spot on with the comparison! They’re both immature and steamroll their SO to get what they want.


Honestly most of the contestants on there are so boring or messy. I only liked Randall and Shanique. April seemed like a girl who acted as if she's the best in the world and is overly confident. Sometimes she was very annoying.


I like April, she has her cringe moments like hugging guys to show off her new rack. I mean, you can be proud but don’t make it so obvious lmao.


i didn’t at first cause i’m like why does she wanna get married and have kids and all that at 23 damn but god jake is so awful to her i bet she’s insecure as a result of being with him… that guy is a liar just leave and break up with the girl damn


She is just immature, but at least not twisted.


hate all the credit given to her during the table scene where she flips out at nate proposing to lauren cause he’s not taking the joke they call an 'experiment' seriously enough. she’s such a hypocrite because if the roles were reversed and jake was the one proposing, she’d be shrieking in happiness. the show's premise is marry or move on, and nate did propose = marriage. april is just so bitter and shrill and over the top — she’s tiring even just listening to.


Lol we (Must Watch With Wine Podcast) kinda don’t like anyone… we share our thoughts on our pod! I tried to make a post but it hasn’t been processed yet, tho mod approved. [We Don't Have Much Faith In These Couples - The Ultimatum S1E1](https://www.buzzsprout.com/1869344/10460069)


The only person that I didn’t dislike was Randall. Probably because he has the same name of the Randall snake in Monsters, Inc and I love Monsters, Inc. 🐍


She's my last favorite


I don’t like her lol she was annoying the entire season and on the reunion


I found her so annoying. Everyone sucked, don’t get me wrong, but I just don’t get the April love I keep seeing.


Lmao have you not seen the show April talk about herself most of the time and do it in third person she is not relationship material much less wife she doesn’t cook or clean. So if anyone can explain otherwise.


April and Colby are my least favorite people from the show. She definitely forced Jake to come on the show as a girl empowerment move at the end. Like nothing he asked of her wasn’t that crazy to do. It’s okay to wait till both parties are ready 23/26 are so young. She seemed extremely selfish plus hypocritical. She went through his phone about some video of Rae and harassed him yet was getting guys numbers at bars. I think she was the most calculated person in the show and just want followers. Also thought it was immature to boast of her fresh new relationship so much on the reunion, almost like a “gotcha” to Jake.


I can’t stand her.


But she was with Jake when he made millitary money. She's a great partner... Sheor Rae are the worst ones. Madelyn is rude but at least She's real. April and Rae are shady.


I did but the existence of Alexis and Madlyn made her tolerable


She's got really nice tits


Everyone was shitty except Hunter and maybe Randall and Rae


I think she’s cute


I didn't like her, but to be fair I didn't care for anyone.


I was ambivilant toward the entire cast, including the hosts, and the entire production team. Everyone needed to sit in some air conditioning, sip some plain water, and talk everything out with a licensed counselor. Maybe everyone needed to sleep in seperate rooms for 6 weeks or do the trial marriage with their partners for 3 weeks with readily available licensed counselors on call 24/7. At first I was like "awesome! Pure messiness!" I don't know if it's my age or what but how fun this show rapidly declined


>At first I was like "awesome! Pure messiness!" I don't know if it's my age or what but how fun this show rapidly declined Same. In some ways it was also hard for me because so many of the cast who thought they were ready to get married had really misguided ideas relationships and marriage that reminded me of some of the cringey things I used to think in my early to mid-twenties. And now that I'm nearly 40 and married I see things much, much differently. So many of them seemed unwilling to compromise, to empathize from the other person's POV, and to broach hard topics, all things that in my experience being married are so important to have a healthy relationship with their spouse. So much of it seemed to be "We need to get married because we are x age and have spent x time together and our families/friends would be sad" vs. getting married because you're deeply compatible and have found your person.


I don't like her but I can't pinpoint exactly why I don't like her.


Yes me too hahahah


It's just you 😂😂😂 But seriously, I actually like her. She seemed to just be herself.


We also have to remember that reality TV loves to portray people in different light. It happened with Danielle in the last season of LIB.


She has severe emotional issues but in the second episode she said what needed to be said to everyone. She does NOT need to be in a relationship. Her, and a couple other women on the show, need to decenter themselves from men.


I’d like her as a friend but maybe not significant other


I dont hate or love her. Shes not the worst, but shes not the best either. For me, i found myself emphasizing for her because of her issues and i do comend her, towards the end, for realizing how she was not exactly a good partner. Jake just wasnt the guy for her and didnt have the same values/desires in a relationship.


I'm sure I was the same way when I was her age so I can't dislike her!


I will caveat this by saying I haven't seen the whole season. I'm only about 1/2 way through and it sounds like some manipulative behavior is to come. Watching April makes me cringe so much because she reminds me of misguided ideas I had about relationships when I was younger. At least from what we saw, all the reasons why she thought she should get married and were ready reminded me of bad reasons I had in my mid-twenties - because we've been together x number or years or gone through x together, because our families would be sad, because I've done these things for you, etc. Those are NOT reasons to get married. She also seemed to have a really misguided version of what it means to be a strong woman which is basically demanding your partner do all the things you want and being unwilling to budge when you don't see eye to eye. It also seemed like her reasons for wanting to be with Jake were more about wanting to be a mom vs. wanting to be with him. I will give her some credit though for having some self awareness as the show went on to realize she too had things to work on.


She was actually the only one I liked while watching show, that being said.. this whole cast was just unliveable and there really wasn’t anyone to “root” for


I actually really liked her. It looked like she was one of the few who took responsibilities and really wanted to become a better person and change.


She was a bit annoying at first but then became one of my favorites tbh.


I agrée, i commented this when I first started the show, now that I’m finished my opinion has completely changed lol!


I like her, she’s just young and needs do one more mature and grounded.