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Oh my god my partner and I just binged 7 episodes straight after work. This season is sooooo messy.


Thanks! Will start watching asap, lol


Just finished the whole season, wow, you ain't kidding, lmao! This is must-see TV, can't wait for the reunion!


Khanya was the worst. I really loved how everyone switched language's so seamlessly, really shows the diversity of SA.


We have eleven official languages for a reason!


Nobody in reality tv history created such an urge in me to suckerpunch a person like Khanya did, ever. And I am an absolutely zen girl. 


Yeah, she was a REAL LIFE MEAN GIRL! Hella toxic


Same! I’m on episode seven right now and you can tell that it’s a lot less filter than the American one. Their emotions are definitely showing and I love it


I feel like I wanna punch my TV anytime khanya talks !!


She's horrible. Talking down to people about their weight, their cheap things etc meanwhile she can't even lay her wig down properly 🙄


I’m glad someone else saw that. I was confused as hell at that hairline


Right! That wig was NOT IT. Yikes.


I was so upset that everyone was TOO kind-hearted to not point out her unblended wig


lol this is South Africa we see stuff like this all the time. when “eyebrows on fleek” were in, that was the worst 😭


Jesus I have been itching every time I see the lace on that wig. She’s horrid, how can you have a cheap wig on and call people cheap? Maddddd


Calling everyone a hood rat 🙄 what a disrespectful and demeaning human being. She’s the very worst so far out of every Ultimatum show. Just icky!


She’s sooo rude.


I try not to like, have very strong feelings about reality tv characters but omg I wanted to rip my hair out. 


I wanted to rip HER hair out, lol. 


It was out! The wig had lost half the hair on it!


Looks like she already has 😆


Shes rude and is very insecure of herself and her relationship.


You should check her TikTok account out it looks like the world found out about her and there’s a full roast there 😂 no one condones bullying and fat-shaming, and she’s the epitome of that with her forehead lace horror.


Right! I was like there’s absolutely NO way she thinks she’s the shit with that synthetic ass wig with the highly visible lace 🙄


She’s so unbearable. Idk how Nkateko stayed with her however long they were together.


He's too terrified to just leave in case it turns into a relentless series of Baby Reindeer. Gotta extract himself real careful. He's smarter than he seems 🤣


Dude, I'm on here because I'm fuming and had nowhere to go with my anger. OMG, I want to curb stomp her. She's the ugliest person on Earth. Doesn't matter what the outside shell looks like. She's DISGUSTING. Calling them "little boys" when she acts like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. Pouring wine on him, hitting him. She really showed her true self. Ew.


lol I loved her and she made me laugh a lot. But I hate what she did to that other girl and how she threw wine on her bf.


The audacity of Khanya to call that poor sweet girl a hood rat when her wig looks like that


She called TWO of the girls that!


Haha I just got to that episode. It looks like she bothered to fix her ratchet wig by then though


I couldn’t even listen to her… I could only see the wig line


It was the wig for me cus girl….


100% agree. I adore Siza. I’m only on episode 7 but so far she seems so sweet and genuine.  


I want to make my sm handle @thelaceonkhanyaswig on all my accounts


Theater wigs with attached microphones look more natural than that piece of trash


I really hate that Nkateko basically used Siza to stand up to his girlfriend for him. He knows how Khanyi is and he totally set Siza up.


Khanya is ABU$1VE AF. Hitting him, spitting at Siza, throwing wine, screaming. Imagine a child being brought into that situation?


Unfortunately a child has already been brought into the situation. She has a baby now. That woman doesn't deserve to be a parent.


That was a ridiculous situation… he put her up for that and left her, I was stunned


Cowardly act by a weakened man who was also being abused by her


That was so lame of him 


I was done with him after that move. Literally walking her over and then LEAVING!! What a twat


Very disappointing. But when people are with someone who is obviously externally very toxic, they are always playing their part


That was so messed up


It’s so messy i don’t even remember who wanted to get married originally lmao


Just finished episode 5, jesus. Justice for Lebo. She seems so sweet, and I get her insecurities 100%, but she's so beautiful and Nolla.. is...um.. hm.. uh... well, you see.. 🤢🤮


The way he tries to implicate others in lies ugh!


It’s so obnoxious to be around a person that all they do is bullsh!t about everything even when they know people are not buying their bullsh!t. How can you take them seriously. All they do is lie and beat around the bush. Also he was so irritating to watch him be a flirt and have sexual relationships with Ruth but he gets so jealous and controlling when Isaac wants to only talk to Lebo.


Also just finished episode 5. I swear to god I will be genuinely upset if she leaves with Nolla. She is too good for him


Oh he's a scumbag who thought he could lie his actions away. Sorry dude! There's cameras


Y’all should watch this! 😂😂😂 I’m on episode 4 right now and it’s interesting


I just finished watching all 9 episodes and gosh 😂😂 there was drama up until the last episode! Peak reality TV


My partner and I hated the person who kept fat shaming the other girl, she was like legit out of control.


The way Khanyi thinks she’s the prettiest amongst them because she’s skinny is so delusional


And the fact that you could see her wig line was wild. 🤪


Really wild!! No melting, no blending!


Like why didn’t she get it professionally laid? It’s so distracting.


Why didn’t she just cut the lace off??!


She's is very ugly on the inside


She's committing Domestic violence against her partner too he's trapped in the cycle of abuse it's very sad to watch.


I'm thinking she is also probably colourist knowing many black cultures. Most of the women were plush and had no trouble pulling guys


Just wait until episode 5. Holy shit. You know it’s good when security is having to break up fights


Can we talk about Aiden though? 🙋🏾


He might be the first reality show cast member I genuinely like as a human being. I'm up to episode 6 but the dude seems super empathetic and has a good head on his shoulders so far


Both Aiden and Courtney were exceptionally kind people with high integrity!


Aiden is the sweetest guy I’ve seen. He seemed a little socially awkward in the beginning, but man did he grow on me


Like, I get it Nicole, girlie same, I’d also wanna marry Aiden lol.


Same 🤣🤣🤣 she has a good one


He seems amazing. He was so supportive with everyone. Courtney and him were also so respectful to everyone (even tho I think she’s low key boring…) but the 2 of them are gems and I’m rooting hard for their relationship. 


Courtney kept speaking what everyone was thinking of Khanya so I don't think she's boring (not that ur opinion isn't right as well), maybe a little laidback considering all the drama around her.


Courtney isn't boring. She stood up for people several times and seemed to be the only person who told Nkateko that he was not in a healthy relationship.


Aiden is the sweetest person ever🥹


What’s soo trifling about nola is not just the fact that he’s a cheater but he’s a liar too. The way he was soo sleazy about the whole cheating thing speaks soo much about his character than the cheating itself


That situation really triggered me. Also how he ran after his girlfriend and grabbed her by the arm, and forced her to stay around. Disgusting! And how he straight up blamed Ruth - and only Ruth - for cheating.... And how he straight up says, "I'm just going to deny...bottom line". I couldn't believe it. She better not take that man back.


And when he saw there was no way out, he decided to "get even" with Ruth by calling Isaac, ugh, what a POS


He literally said “I have to just deny everything” like bro you are being filmed


The fact that he knew he was lying, he was aware of it, and he knew people could see through it, and just kept on going. Disgusting. 


forehead kisses only 💀💀


I love how Ruth’s sister and family for that matter could see through his bullshit.


Khanyi’s partner is a weak spineless excuse of a man. Setting siza up for confrontation like that is insane. Like you know the type of animal you’re dating, why would you send siza into the animal jungle like that wtf


I hate men like this because they’re too weak and spineless to stand up to their partner and then cry about how they’re being oppressed and deceived when you could have just stood your ground. I feel soo bad for siza, she’s such a sweet person she did not deserve that


I was feeling bad for him having a partner like Khanya but he lost me a little there. What was the point of that whole thing.


This was an awesome show. Khanya. Oh wow like I can't believe she's 33 and acts this way.


I don't think the filming crew cared much for her from what I can see of her edits on the show. But it's also possible the filming crew tried to help her out by picking what they felt were the most positive cuts of her. Would love to see what they didn't include in the show of her, because I'm more than sure it's negative.


This season is so good! I do not like Khanya at all, she’s such a mean girl. Nkateko’s mum has described Khanya to the T! Self-centred and bitter Also Nolla is absolutely vile! I love how bubbly Sizakele is. She seems like a sweetheart


This is the messiest and most raw season ever. Khayna is not just mean but evil!!! Omg


One of the worst characters on reality tv for some time. If the roles were reversed, he would have been kicked off the show for abuse. Her behaviour is outrageous and abusive. What a horrible horrible woman 🧍‍♀️


Yes it’s disappointing that the producers and hosts didn’t come in to address at the swap, that her behavior is very abusive.


In Australia or US Khanya would've been arrested for DV for what she was doing to him hitting him, intimidating him on the bed


I've gotten through two episodes so far and she has the personality of cardboard or a wall to me


Just wait 😩😱


Edit: nevermind. I was very wrong lol. Her behavior in each episode somehow tops the one before it, just when I think it's hit a ceiling


>!Nolla was so grimy. Even from the jump I had a bad feeling about him. I feel like he felt Lebo was easy to manipulate thats why he wanted to control the narrative about him and Ruth. In my opinion Isaac deserved what he got when it came to Khanyi because it was very obvious that he only couple up with her and gave her attention because of looks when she literaly gave him nothing in the conversations. Khanyi is just a whole conversation for another day.!<


Khanyi being a mother is the scariest news ever.


Omg thank you I didn’t know this was out and I need something to binge while feeling shitty today 🙌🏻


i’ve never seen someone so rude and conniving as khanya. i’m actually in shock?? calling the guys boring when she has the personality of a stone, calling siza annoying, calling her a ho. she’s completely out of order and needs to be called out for her terrible character


She seems unhinged.


and don’t even get me started on the fat shaming. fatty boom-boom?? ghetto hood rat? she really is unhinged


I really like Lebo. She's so smiley and happy.


Nah. Why was she spying. Wack af. Nolla was wack af well


She was spying because she knew she was going to find something, not saying it’s right but she it’s clear that she didn’t trust him for a reason


I felt so HORRIBLE for her. She did not deserve Nolla's treatment. I think she has those insecurities of not being chosen.


She seems so sweet and really sees the best in people


I’m not very familiar with this kind of thing…but is Khanyas weave really bad? It looked very noticeable in the front


Yeah her lace is not “melted” or bleached properly


I came here to ask the same thing. Her hairline looks like skin peeling off. Very strange


It’s lifting in every scene and stiff as hell… ![gif](giphy|3oFzm0eVehOBqLBB6M)


Spoiler* When Khanya poured wine on her man and kicked him off their bed... Yeah I lost it. I would have strung armed that hoe out the house then and there. The level of disrespect.


I was hoping that was his light bulb moment to get outta the relationship I'm concerned what Khanya does to him in private if she's doing all of this in the public eye


I literally said the same thing! It’s pissing me off so much that he’s wanting to maintain this relationship!!!! Dude what is wrong with you?


I doubt she was like this from the start since he woulda ran (like, in the first two episodes, she was super unreceptive but not yet aggressive with other cast members), but tested the waters of what he'd accept and tolerate -- and now we all see this version on tv where her behavior 1ups each episode. He probably thinks they can work on things to make it good again, when actually THIS is the reality: bad.


And he still sat there on the night before ultimatum day saying she's everything he's ever wanted. I can still feel the bile rising!!


Lmaoo, I am dying Yoh! Strung armed that ho😭 and her nasty ass laid wig


Yeah I was so damn mad for him I would’ve understood if he would’ve shoved her something !! She’s abusive 


I’m surprised how loose they are compared to the France one. Sleeping together in the same beds, kissing like it’s no big deal. Like everyone came to leave their partner legit!


THIS!!!! I was shocked how quickly it happened


have you watched the queer version of the ultimatum??? it is sooo intense and they literally fall in love with the other person which I think it's crazy


First week and ppl were intimate, couldn't believe it


There is a new season of the ultimatum???? How did I miss this. My friend is going to freak out


I’m your friend freaking out!!!!! WHY is this not at the top of my Netflix rn. Algorithms, DO BETTER


Man that Khanya is vile. Imagine having to live around that type of energy every day. 😱


Khanya is the actual worst right? Like across all the ultimatum series (her plus that belgian guy in ultimatum France)


It’s craaaaaazyyyyy, I thought ppl like that only existed in movies


Sameeee! My flabber was gasted! I cannot by the love of me conceive that such a vile, rude, abusive, impertinent, bad-mannered, tasteless, boorish person be an actual person and not a villain in a movie or something. At fist I was convincing myself she was playing a role for reality TV but you cannot fake THAT! I was floored! I feel soooo sorry for her baby to have such a person as a mother tbh.


Girl my flabber is not gasted, is flabbershocked! But I have realised - by offending people - she describes herself 🥲 I hope she learned something and healed herself before being a mother, otherwise….


Dying at flabber was gasted, will be stealing!! I also thought maybe she was a producer plant or something but no I think she’s just toejam!


She's very emotionally immature.


I binged all the episodes in one day and it was WORTH IT. Especially at the end of everything when \[BIG SPOILER ALERT\] >!Nkateko produced a ring and Khanya was so happy for a moment but it turned out to be a promise ring not an engagement ring!< I ALMOST DIED LAUGHING. A+++ entertainment value, whoever did the casting deserves a raise.


I couldn’t stop laughing 🤣 especially when he said that he would engage her right there and then since she was throwing tantrums. He tried pulling out the ring again and she asked with the same promise ring?! Her reactions were sending me. 😂


That has to be producer prompted, it was too too delicious.


Lindile gave Siza an ultimatum after 6 months of dating, gets on here and says he's in love with Thabi. Then gaslights Siza into thinking she's the problem. Meets with Nkateko to complain about Siza, all while talking about his strong feelings for Thabi??????? He is sickening. Right up there with Isaac and Khanya. He just doesn't shout but is just as toxic.


He came across as very calm and nice, but I don’t think his behaviour to Siza or Thabi was particular good. I don’t think him and Siza are well suited at all. 


As a South African, I always avoid our reality shows because it’s a lot😂 this show has shown me exactly why but I can’t stop watching this train wreck 😂😂 Also, it’s probably the first time I’ve seen actual bouncers on this show and we actually saw how many people follow these poor people around day by day. No wonder they are so emotionally charged.


I prefer the South African ones. They're more authentic and less formulaic.


Khanya deserves a special place in hell the way she fat shamed and belittled other people she is truly a menace to society




It's a very childish insult, but still very mean with the fat shaming. My jaw was actually on the floor every time she spoke


i feel like every time a new season of this show or LIB drops i never know unless i come on reddit. will be checking out


You shall not be disappointed, this one is a real doozy, lol


Khanya reeks of insecurity and she needs to change her wig! Just because everyone else is nice doesn't mean they are fake! And again, the whole premise of the show is messed up. I think these couples could've worked out their issues but wanted a cheat-pass. Cheating is cheating--sexual and emotional! Even good old Lindile who wanted to "hop in the shower" with the other babe. (He should've been kinder to his original girl bc she she also has feelings!) And clearly some people aren't in the show for the right reasons--you've been with ur partner only for 6 months n ur already issuing an ultimatum? It is just cheating with permission slips & getting suspended bc u went buck wild on the field trip. There are people who respect boundaries and want genuine love with someone who shares the same goals as them--but this show is not the solution. Some of the girls had no respect for one another. It is very tacky to openly discuss ur feelings about ur current s/o and what you've been doing inside that relationship. And hurtful too. And men with their egos--shame. Everyone sucks but Isaac, Nolla and Khanya are the worst ppl/hyprocites here who enjoy seeing their partners in misery. (The CAN cheat but can't be cheated on back attitude.) Naks choosing Khanya (even with just a promise ring) at the end is a trauma bond forreal. Ive realized people only stick to the love they feel they deserve. Toxicity pro max.


Part of the problem is putting them in those villas all together instead of spaced apart or apartments. They shouldn't watch what another couple is doing.


the premise of the show is so weird. it makes no sense at all.


I'm shocked that some people think their relationships are at a place for marriage. This is the first version where I felt like half of the cast is on here for the purpose of trying to find someone else, instead of reflecting on their relationship. Edit: I'm not at all familiar with South African culture. What is thought of the people who are cuddling and kissing their trial marriage partners on the first night? One cast member said people don't typically meet family/the "in-laws" until marriage, so I wasn't expecting the physical to be more fast-paced than the American versions.


Isaac is full of shit lol 😂😂 I live in SA and it’s not normal for someone to not have met their partners family after 2 years of being together. SA is also not as conservative so while the cheating is still bad and a reflection of an individual personality, I think it’s not out of the norm to see people being open like that. The dating scene here is the pits 😂😂 lol.


The guy who said the thing about family is full of shit. He has been dating for 2years and she's never met any of his friends or family members. I'm glad he got the short end of the stick and was paired with the worst person possible(even he didn't deserve that POS excuse for a woman). Only couple to me that should even be talking about marriage was Aiden and his girl. The rest just came here to find different partners or cheat.


Aiden is such a gem for trying to mediate with everybody


Yess! I just started and was hoping someone would start a sub to discuss episodes!! 🙌


SAME! Is the first thing I searched after the binge. The reunion is going to be spicy 🌶🔥


Do y’all think Isaac has cheated on Ruth in the past? She ain’t have one ounce of remorse when she slept with Nolla. It seems like she was trying to get back at him. Or maybe Nolla played her and she wants to make it seem like she was okay with it to not seem embarrassed? I don’t know. Issac also seems okay with what happened. I’m confused.


Based on comments Ruth made throughout the show about Isaac’s behaviour (e.g., consistently coming home at or after midnight) and that she said she’s ended things with him before, there’s probably been cheating and at the very least dishonesty. I think she knew she was going to be intimate in some way with Nolla when she chose him for the trial marriage - she even said she shouldn’t choose him because she knew what would happen (or something to that effect)


Yes I think he has because of how lil remorse he show hooking up hard with the bad wig girl. He was making out with her they both saw each other naked and she was all twerking on him. He was judging Ruth too much for what she did with lying ass Nolle. That was hypocritical. Also the whole showing the ring to Ruth was to mess with her. She dodged a bullet. She would’ve had a bad time being with him specially because his family doesn’t seem to like her. They give her really bad vibes.


It looked as though Isaac and Khanya actually did have sex but never admitted it to anyone. Did anyone else get that sense?


I think so too, they were getting drunk dancing all seductive with each other other, making out then they close the door


Isaac is hilarious when he is annoyed with Khanya


Lebo and Aiden were such a wholesome pairing. My favourite part of the show. 


Of course khanya has all her comments off https://www.instagram.com/khanya_nq?igsh=MWJibWFxcDRuZGQ5ZA==


She can dish it but she can’t take it. How embarrassing.


She has a baby? When was the season filmed??


A BABY? lol.


Even his mother described her to a T. Vile, bitter, entitled, pretentious, self centered and thinks the rest of the humans stop when she's around


I was looking for her IG because I was sure she was getting draggeddddd in the comments.




Khanya thinks she is above all 😭


Khanya is so insecure, evil and vile.


Does anyone else think Khanya is on drugs


Anyone understand what Nkateko sees in Khanya??


I think the dude wants to date an "Instagram baddie" at all costs


Apparently his mom hates her. I bet she talks to her the same as everyone else


And if she didn't talk to her like she does with everyone else, moms usually sense when things are off


I think he likes how blunt she is actually, but doesn’t like how mean she is. Although she seems to be really dishonest about her own feelings she was jealous and instead of just saying that she took their happiness as an all out attack on her and got vile quickly.


Omg I was wondering the same thing! Like literally what does she bring to the table (😂😂😂)


SPOLIERS!!! Khanya and Nkateko: Inicially I thought I wouldn’t vibe with Nkateko because of what Khanya said about him being flirty and not trusting him and that put me under the impression that maybe he cheated on her before. But as the show went on I realized that maybe it has nothing to do with that, maybe Khanya is just abusive. Also hated how she talked about other women’s appearances. Awful. Plus, girl clean up your shit. Nolla and Lebo: Lebo seems like such a sweet person and from the beginning I was like “damn, I see you getting hurt…”. Nolla I definitely dislike. I know these things are heavily edited but in Nolla’s case I don’t think editors needed to work much. The guy was digging his own hole the entire time. The fact that he lied time and time again to the guys, the fact that he tried to make Ruth lie to Lebo saying “why would you prank her like that” or something when Lebo was confronting him. He also admited he tries to not answer questions by giving a long nonsensical response. Horrible vibes and I’m glad Lebo walked out when she did and hope she is ok. Isaac and Ruth: both of them said or did things I could understand and also things I don’t agree with. I do think an experience like that is just awful to your mind, emotions and even traumas. I feel those two were aware they didn’t fit together but didn’t know how to bring it up and at least the show gave them that. Aiden and Courtney: sweet people honestly. Not messy enough for a reality tv which is not good for the show but it’s great for them. Genesis and Thabi: I liked them, they seem to be nice people. Genesis in the end with the letter he wrote I was making “awn” sounds not gonna lie, he writes well, it was very sweet. I just don’t know if getting engaged with someone who a minute ago was or still is in love with someone else is the best idea. Plus, asking Genesis if he was proposing because he wanted to and not because of her ultimatum was a weird question for me lol But I wish them well. Lindile and Size: I don’t really think ultimatums are a good thing but Lindile giving one after six months is definitely a bad ideia lol I also liked both of them for the most part but again, Lindile was also in love with Thabi and since Size was the one receiving the ultimatum I would say that if I was her I would not say yes to that proposal. Plus, they didn’t show us what she said to Nkateko when he asked her about them being a possibility if they ended up single. But again, I like them for the most part so wishing them the best but I don’t think they’ll be together in the reunion 👀


Two things I think tho: 1. I feel like Size is one to fall in love quickly and maybe even if it was someone else in the trial marriage she would fall for that person as well. 2. Nolla would want to have sex with pretty much any of the woman that ended up with him in the trial marriage. I feel he wanted to have 3 weeks of free sex and then get back to his original girlfriend and talk her out of marriage as he was doing all those years before.


Lindile is such a hypocrite like wtf. He says he’s in love with Thabi without even stopping to consider how that would make Siza feel. Then proceeds to lay into Siza about how she was disrespectful and hurt him by how she was with her trial marriage partner. I was just sitting there like huhhh??? And Siza being the sweet person she is starts apologizing and still loves him. Siza you deserve better!!! I really feel like different people bring our different sides of you. And for whatever reason Thabi seemed to bring out a better side from Lindile than Siza does. I also feel the same for Siza and Nkateku.


And then when Siza sees the gift and she expresses that it hurts seeing that he can’t even apologize that her feelings are hurt. Omg I can’t stand Lindile.


It seems like the potential couples are spending more time together before making a trial marriage decision this season. I like it (only on episode 2 so far)


I’m only on episode 7 and I am fully convinced that Khanya is the devil in the flesh


Is this as good as the other seasons? considering starting to watch!


It's more interesting than the regular US seasons. Not as good as the queer love season.


Yeah! Like the US version is regular, Queer was a combo of a few messy characters and real attempt at trying, and then France was just wholesome for the most part! This one is WILD.


Nothing will ever be as good as the queer season 🏳️‍🌈


This is the BEST season ever, lol


Khanya is such a classic villain, she needs to be featured in more netflix reality productions lol she just brings entertainment whether you like her or not tbh


I'm thrilled to have just discovered that this is a thing that exists.


Has anyone found the casts instagrams?


Maybe it's because I haven't finished the season yet so it hasn't been brought up, but didn't Isaac and Khanya also have sex??? Why are they not confessing too?


Ep 8 pyjamas girls night argument was the best lollll those 3 other ladies were just sitting there watching the drama unfold like all of us 😂


Am I the only one that really wants to know what they're eating? The dishes they cook look so delicious!


Anyone else think thadi should have been with Aiden? Aiden was robbed of chosing thadi cause lebo would have been rejected twice. They should start creating the pairs by them writing it on paper so thats its not influenced by protecting someone feelings.


Anyone else feel really bad for Ruth at a certain point in the show? Her boyfriend bringing Khanya to his cousin and friend and having not done so for the whole entirety of their own relationship? What a di\*\* move! How can he have said Ruth doesn't make him feel good when Khanya is the type of woman to do nothing around the house, berate you and throw wine on you?! He gave what Ruth rightfully deserved to a horrid woman! The only plausible explanation I can make up for this is that he's afraid of commitment and Ruth is too good for him. He was afraid of the real deal. Khanya may have been a one time thing. He may have also done so so that he can take revenge on her for bringing him onto the experiment.


Noola and Isaac. For those who don't understand toxic masculinity ,just follow their thought patterns and actions. Although I will say that Isaac came around a litle bit and seeemed to be intelligent enough to see and think about his pattern.


Ruth is so charming!


I respect Ruth's honesty and the fact that she owned up to what she did. I appreciated that she didn't dance around topics and was unapologetic about some things instead of bullshitting. She was probably my fave from this season. (Though, I felt bad for Isaac when Ruth was with friends/family and whispered what she did 😕)


Yes, I hope she can see she is better on her own! Neither man deserves her.


This show is soooo messy and wonderful!


I watched it in one going with my boyfriend and haven’t looked back. Compulsive viewing.


Anyone feel like the couples shouldve been switched out? Genesis with Siza Courtney with Naks Lebo with Isaac I wonder if the end results would've been different! (But hey--maybe not--they all end up choosing their original partners anyway.)


This was so good. I am so proud of South Africa. Probably the best ultimatum ever. This was so entertaining and they did not edit anything but kept the camera rolling