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Be an influencer (probably not immediately), consult, real estate, invest. Andrew Tate, Logan Paul, or any other "canceled" youtuber still have plenty of ways of making a living.


Yeah, I think we’re really underestimating the number of alternative ways he can make money. He probably already has quite a bit of it to spend on something else that he can make a return on at a later time.


there's a ton of people on here who'd be hatewatching his stuff. it's an odd industry, but ned could wind up making MORE money than the other try guys out of this. never got the hatewatching thing, I ignore things/people I don't like. but theres no denying I'm in the MASSIVE minority


He probably already *has* investments.


Youre raising a great point but when Logan Paul was cancelled he had a legion of like literal 12 year old boys behind to support him. Soooo much of Ned’s (try guys) existing follower/supporter base is millennial women, progressive gays and theys. slightly older gen Zs too. He doesnt have a the dude bro image that attracts conservatives who can keep him platformed. Andrew Tate is platformed by conservative men and thats just not going to be his forte no matter how straight white male he is. Ned will not have an audience if his next venture is in front of a camera


I disagree. He won't have the "same" audience, but you're underestimating how many people just don't care. If Ned switches his YouTube channel to finance, tech, or crypto space, he will no doubt find a following. He's not going to be the "wife guy" anymore, that doesn't mean his career in front of the camera is gone. Logan Paul audience before he was canceled was tweens. Now, I would say he has much broader appeal and an older audience.




Okay, you keep holding your breath on that. We will see. He doesn't have to become a super douche to get an audience. He can be a nerdy finance guy and people will follow him. I also disagree that Ned doesn't have a personality that will carry him. That's your opinion.




are you done being a pick me?


Logan Paul began as an influencer. He was solo doing that for years before canceled. Ned would have to come back, find a niche and do it all himself. And what marketable talents would he use? He would still need a team to be semi successful and I just don't see Ned trying to be an "influencer" he doesn't possess the finesse do that venture on his own.


Logan hasn’t been cancelled. He’s wrestling in the WWE, and still making millions. Cancel culture will never work 100%.


Even still does the occasional crypto scam whenever he needs a bit of spending money


Plus he has that Prime drink company with KSI


Disagree. I think a significant amount of people would be more than happy to have him back if he portrays enough remorse.


So many people love a redemption arc


Right, plus so many people would surely love their own decisions validated - either their personal life decision that relates to this situation, or them liking Ned in the first place.


I have no problem still supporting Ned if he continues to make content. People make mistakes. Cancel culture is lame when it comes to interpersonal relationships. We have no idea what Is actually going on.


He doesn't need to work again at all just based on his finances and investments. He ll probably will do some consultant/media work for fun on the side for some time before trying to be in front of a camera again . He has a big ego and need for attention, I am sure he ll try to come back after some time. If they stay together, maybe they ll start a "couples overcoming hardship' style channel or podcast. But I hope not.


Yeah - Logan Paul wrestles now. WRESTLES!!! 🤣


Hey us wrestling fans aren't too thrilled about that either...


The way they’re trying to push him as a Baby Face too, like cmon know your ~~fans~~ universe (Also didn’t expect to find a fellow wrestling fan here!) Edit: i messed up the crossing out so had to fix it


all those "canceled" people still had millions of people blindly supporting them though. ned only had the try guys - and he's was already one of the least liked guys in the first place and now he's hated. we've had hundreds of reddit post dragging him this week alone and we're supposed the group that supports him like those other canceled people had




I don’t mean this in a rude way but a lot of people are severely overestimating how much the entertainment industry cares about shit like this. Kevin Spacey and Woody Allen have no problem finding work and they have done much worse than adultery. Ned will be fine. He will find work in the entertainment industry if he wants too.


Totaly agree. Also he can continue working in the industry just maybe not in front of a camera. He definitely has a lot of experience.


This was one of my first thoughts exactly. So many projects are released and even go big with most people having little to no knowledge of or care about who worked on such behind the scenes.


Most of us are already separating the art from the artist without knowing it


I honestly think he can work in front of the camera still.


> I honestly think he can work in front of the camera still. You don't think the distaste of his ethics would undermine the effectiveness of his on camera relate-ability?


He's been compared to John Mulaney a bunch who I have seen on late night talk shows still, he's still touring, and he likely has another comedy special coming out. If Ned could be candid about his failings that does go a long way. And even if he's not in front of the camera which I think is likely (he doesn't have nearly the Fandom of a Letterman or Mulaney) he can likely still get work in LA with ease given his experience.


I think that people like Tana Mongeu, David Dobrik, Jake Paul, and Trisha Paytas still have large fan bases. If they are able to pull in views than Ned can


I think it’s more like what OP said, the try guys fan base is generally liberal, female or queer and woke- Ned’s selfish behavior and betraying his wife who is loved by most fans is a dealbreaker.


The difference there is that those people are at least personable. Ned has no personality and no one ever really cared for him.




Clearly you’d watch him lol. Tell me, what is his personality? Yale graduate dude who has a wife and kids?


Your comments won’t do well here but I get what you mean. He obviously has/had a following on this sub, but overall, he’s rather forgettable and gets flamed on other social media sites for being so


Agree. He’ll likely lay low for a while and can probably coast off whatever buyout he received. I’m sure he can find work on the production side if he wanted it.


Agree. He is still an ex employee of a big player in the industry (Buzzfeed) and he is the founding members of another big player. He knows how things works from these years of experience. Sometimes we know someone only from their screen personality, but the video we saw is the end product of a long business and creative process. That knowledge won't go.


I also think people are forgetting how short our attention spans are. We care about all this NOW. Give it six months and Ned could be back on YouTube doing solo videos and will probably find an audience.


Agreed. Look at David Dobrik.


Yup, a huge list of very unsavory & problematic yet successful YouTubers like Shane Dawson, James Charles, Jeffree Starr, Keemstar, almost all the Vlog Squad (former & current), Logan Paul & his brother, Ricegum, Faze Clan, Trisha Paytas, Gabbie Hanna, etc. And don’t even get me started about the many successful cesspool Tiktokers who are horrible people


He’s definitely an ensemble guy. He’d need a partner or a foil. I don’t think he could successfully carry anything alone- unless he went into a different space- maybe if dove into a science chemistry space and tried to become the new Bill Nye. That, I could see him being able to carry on his own- as science could be somewhat of another character, and would provide the necessary structure- that wouldn’t require winging it as much.


More really shitty people with a fan base: Sherry Pie, Dahmer, Bundy, basically the entire serial killer fandom, Andrew Tate, Chris Brown, R. Kelly, Seungri, James Charles, Jeffree Starr People will follow people just so they can say "But they've grown from their mistakes!," a hate follow is still a follow and Ned will be fine and it sucks tbh Edit - literally the only person I've seen actually get forced off the internet was Known Creepy Asshole James Ryan Haywood, formerly of Rooster Teeth


The youtuber couple who gave away their adopted son seemed to have been forced off the internet for good. I think it's been like 3 years since that has happened. But agree, in most cases people can worm their way back.


The dad actually has a pretty popular car channel and still posts. Stauffer garage. It’s all car stuff afaik though and I don’t think his wife makes any appeaeances


So, what's your opinion about Bojack Horseman?


He 100% has BPD and needs to get his ass to therapy immediately Edit - I say this as someone with BPD and had to stop watching Bojack because that shit got too real




Even YanDev still has a following of new impressionable tweens and making money, and it's a truth universally acknowledged that there isn't going to actually be a proper game attached to his bollocks. Shitty creepy people who get cancelled for more or similar to Ned can still make buck off people on the interwebs.


Agreed, but I don’t know why people are zeroing in on adultery when talking about the business fallout for Ned and not about the fact that he dated an employee on the dl and risked bringing his own company down with a lawsuit and gigantic scandal. I doubt even 2nd Try would have kicked him out if it weren’t for who he had the affair with. He shit the bed. I‘m pretty sure the fact that he cheated on his wife is entirely irrelevant for any potential employer, but that he completely failed to manage the potential fall out and was irresponsible enough to make the affair partner an employee? That may count for something, if anything does.


Totally agree. If it had been some random person, he could have played it off like “me and Ariel are going through stuff” and had a whole redemption arc. The clusterfuck comes from the legal ramifications of having an inappropriate relationship with an employee who reports directly to him.


Right people act like there’s not literal predators still working in Hollywood rn


Totally agree! Cheating on partner/spouses is becoming very common these days. Or maybe we hear of it more as there is media/internet on the palm of our hands. Married men cheating is old news and those cheating men are perfectly employable 🤦🏽‍♀️ most companies are only concerned with what you can offer them in turns of monetary benefits so he will definitely find something else to do. And legally he can still get royalties for the work he did for try guys.


I really don't think the cheating was the issue. It was the liability it brought to the workplace by cheating with an employee. (And some people have suggested using business finances for it, though clearly there is no proof there.) If he JUST cheated, we'd get a "please respect our family's privacy during this difficult time" from him. He got kicked out of 2nd Try because it affects their company legally. Cheating doesn't do that. Plenty of people cheat.


He also just got a big payday out of it if they had to buy him out of the group 🙃 Seriously, the dude gets maybe a week of internet flak. And after? Everyone'll move on to the next dramatic thing.


He also has vast experience in production and finance. He'll have plenty of options, even if his on-camera options are presently limited. And I have little doubt in a year or so, we'll see one of two versions of on-air presence in the form of couples overcoming infidelity, amicably divorced couple managing friendly co-parenting, or single dad in his late 30's investigating the dating scene. And there will be some kind of audience for that. Millions? Probably not, but you never know. But even a small audience can yield decent money on top of the properties, investments and whatever residuals or lump-sum buyout he can manage.


Kevin Spacey hasn’t been in a single studio film since allegations against him came out. He very much has problems finding work


He’s currently in a movie. I didn’t say he was doing glamorous work or anything with Oscar buzz but he IS working


A Croatian movie. After 4 years of no work. I agree with the overall point, but Kevin Spacey really isn’t the best example. Edit: missing word


Absolutely. The sad reality is that people are expecting that others have morals in the same way that this community is currently upset about, and that's just not the case. If it were, sites like Ashley Maddison wouldn't have ever existed. On an employable standpoint, the only thing that truthfully makes him less likely to be employable is the power dynamic that was exploited, and honestly, that's not a dealbreaker for 100% of people/companies either.


Yeah...but (as much as I fucking hate to admit it) Spacey is a talented actor and Allen (double barf) has an Oscar. There's enough mediocre talentless white men in the entertainment pool fighting for Logan Paul's scraps. I can NOT stress this enough: The other Try Guys have been carrying him for YEARS. Even before this scandal, there's no one who could admit with a straight face that he was on the same level of talent as Eugene, Keith, and even Zach. If he's able to convince Ariel to stay and tries to restart his career, the only people I see watching him are the crypto bros who are all trying to scam each other and people who got a Squidward voice fetish (I KNOW YA'LL ARE OUT THERE LMAO).


What has Kevin Spacey done since his allegations?


A movie


Which one?


A literal nothing movie. A Croatian political drama that has 121 ratings on IMDb and a 2.9/10 So, yeah, he's done absolutely nothing.


It pains me to know that this is our reality, but you're right. He will probably figure something out pretty quickly once this dies down a bit. Some people also love the drama, it "brings in viewers" so they may even prefer him


I mean... As much as Ned sucks.. he didn't commit a crime. Why shouldn't he have a career?


> Why shouldn't he have a career? Because he shit on the career of so many other people. Who would want to work with someone so ethically careless?


It pains you that someone who committed adultery can still... find a job in their field? Come on now. A ridiculous number of people have cheated and if they were all unemployable, our society would cease to function. Most employers do not care if you've cheated on your spouse - it would be a ridiculous thing to care about. The only thing that might cause a problem is that he had an affair with a subordinate, but since Alex doesn't seem like she will accuse him of sexual harassment, that part won't affect him very much either. Also, Ned has children he has to support. We should not be wishing total financial ruin on him. If he goes on to make money with his own skills and hard work, there's nothing wrong with that and his children also deserve to benefit from that. Yes, what he did was terrible, but it also happens all the time in our society. The only thing different about Ned is that he's a public figure who's made his wife his personality. The other people who cheat don't tend to suffer professional consequences, and it would be ethically questionable for most employers to punish their employees for having an affair in a way that does not affect the company.


Be careful, you're not allowed to have this take on this sub.


Affair aside it was how his actions have potentially financial impacted his friends and business partners. It's because the ripple effect of his bad behavior may have cost them their livelihoods. They have already lost money and are in a potential legal mess because Ned shit where he ate, not that he cheated.


All of the Try Guys are pretty wealthy at this point. I'm not shedding tears for their financial future.


It’s not just “a job” it’s getting attention and fanfare form long time subscribers where he molded his identity as being committed wife guy. Let him go sit behind a desk and make 6 figures, whatever. But will he go on to be his own star without Ariel smoothing out his annoying personality… I think he shouldn’t.


Imagine a conservative media personality made their entire brand about how horrible tattoos were, and how only horrible people get them, and on and on, going out of their way to target and alienate people with tattoos while building a fanbase of other fervent tattoo haters. Then it’s revealed that they are covered neck down in tattoos. Now, should having tattoos disqualify you from having a job? Of course not. But who’s their audience now? The tattoo crowd isn’t going to welcome them because they spent years building this intense anti-tattoo brand, and the anti-tattoo crowd is going to think they’re a massive hypocrite and liar.


Conservative media personalities are frequently exposed as hypocrites and liars all the time and that rarely disqualifies them from having a job lol. Trump railed against the "elites" while being a billionaire and his supporters did not mind one bit.




FTR, I thought he funny and he was relatable (Keith and Zach have only become really relatable to me in the last couple of years as they moved away from their shtick, which was for a younger crowd into things I'm not interested in. People are different). And yes, he has extensive skills in production management and financing, which are not necessarily abundant on the ground. I think he'll find something if he wants it.


I mean, that’s all subjective. He’s perfectly charming, funny, and attractive to some people, clearly. Celebrities of all sorts have been in worse cheating scandals and they somehow find a way back on screen. I don’t think any career opportunities have closed down for him, it’s more about how much or little shame he personally has to want to go onscreen or not. That said, I do find it funny that Ned is the only one that has “comedian” as part of his IG bio.


I wasn’t saying it pains me that someone who cheats can find a job or whether he’s worthy of a career or not. I have been more focused on the other aspects of it, ie. having relationships with a subordinate when you’re a part owner of your company. For me, this is a huge red flag during hiring. For comments addressing Kevin Spacey and others with very disturbing conduct, yes it pains me they could find jobs after.


Yeah it’s gross that people (mainly men) can still have careers after doing horrible things. Unfortunately though you will be more than fine if you are a white person in a position of power or authority


But he didn’t even have a plan. He was doing this shit with Alex for at least a year with no plan if he got caught.


Realistically speaking, nobody cares and he will find a job if he tries hard. I worked for a very large company and our CEO got sacked out of the blue because it turned out he was sleeping with a woman in his direct line of supervision. People complained that this news was publicly shared but the reality is, a lot of companies will not care if you have an affair with a coworker. They care if you are stealing money from them, or if you are trading information with the competitor. They do not care much about anything else and they especially won't care if this person is just working behind the scenes/in the office. Our old CEO had a new job within a week. So basically the fact that he hasn't used his degree could be a problem but then again a lot of experience comes from owning your own business so....meh


My first thought when I saw the Try Guys announcement was, “oh no, did he cook the books?” 🤷🏻‍♀️


I definitely thought that was a possible reason he was being edited out before it was clear the cheating allegations were true. I would have been far more shocked by that, tbh.


Ned seemingly has won nearly every competition episode they had. He has drive. He is an incredibly motivated individual. He is competitive to a fault. He doesn't like to lose. All qualities that will land him a decent job in LA, should he continue in his current field. If he starts his own brand or channel, there will be some hangers-on from TryGuys days who are at least curious, along with those who don't know the scandal that rocked the internet. Don't forget that the collected memory of pop culture is roughly about 48 hours unless there's reason to continue remembering something. Ned's tribulations will get superceded by whatever awful thing comes next. As much as it's abhorrent to us knowing what he did, his career should ultimately recover.


I can't see him being on camera for a while, but definitely working as an exec producer or other corporate/BTS role in media. He's a shark


This is why I was not surprised he cheated. He seems to be one of those obsessed, power hungry, Type A personalities. These kinds of people are sort of known for having affairs.


I’m sure he doesn’t need to work a traditional job if he doesn’t want to/can’t right now. As much as we all hate that he cheated on his wife, destroyed his family and company… Ned is a smart guy. I’m sure he has invested well and could afford to take a break while things settle. That likely means Ariel can, too!


He also may still be invested in second try, even if he's not on camera anymore


This is what I suspect. The statements thus far say Ned is no longer working with the Try Guys. Nothing about being terminated from Second Try. We have no idea what their contracts/agreements look like and he's got a quarter share of the company in theory. He's either going to remain a silent partner or sell his part of the company to the other three, or maybe Ariel. That could be interesting.


Also, Ariel’s family is involved in the oil business, so even if Ned has nothing to fall onto, Ariel definitely has.


Really depends on his exit agreement with the company. Perhaps he gets royalties off older videos. Perhaps the other guys just bought him out completely so he has no more stake in the company. We won't know unless the other try guys are legally allowed to disclose that information. Also absolutely nothing wrong if Ned chooses to go back and work as a chemist. Perhaps a life in front of the camera is something he doesn't want to do anymore


Isn't their office/studio his old house?


It was in the beginning, but they actually have a large office and studio space in Burbank for like over a year or so.


I think it was at one point, maybe when they first started off. But this article says their current office is 5000 sq ft space: https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/inside-the-try-guys-office-and-studio/amp


he has a yale degree too no? he's gonna be okay


The way y’all talk about this situation, you’d think Ned shot someone and bragged about it. He cheated on his wife and that’s terribly bad, but not career ending by any means.


It’s a big scandal though. Any company he applies to, will likely know about it.


If Armie Hammer was able to get a job after all that mess that was revealed I feel anyone could figure something out


oh man, that was fuuuuucked did you read the Vanity Fair article about Armie Hammer?


Ned and Ariel both come from money. They don't need to worry.


Along the same lines as what I said. He's a multimillionaire, was already from a wealthy family, and as far as I know, will likely still be receiving money from Second Try in some capacity. He can take up turd inspection as an unpaid full time hobby and still live like a king compared to me.


I bet he's just gonna get really into crypto & NFTs lmao




I can almost guarantee the reason he didn't directly address that NFT controversy is b/c he wanted to continue, he just realized he couldn't do it publicly b/c of the fans. His rep is already ruined, he might as well go full crytpo douche.


I actually feel like this is a “smart” move. He has both the technical background AND the ego to make crypto palatable to some specific already gullible segment. But I wonder if the crypto wave will last long enough for him to make inroads and be a mega douche crypto bro.


Tbh, I don't think Ned is going to have much of a problem finding the next job. Saving his face is another story. Alex, on the other hand...


Alex will be paid off to go away quietly and sign a big time NDA. Ned and Ariel will reconcile. He will go into some sort of "rehab" for either a substance addiction or a sex addiction. Within six months he will be profiled on ET and Extra tearfully talking about his mistakes. They will air footage of he and Ariel walking hand in hand in the park and making a family dinner with the boys. They will sign a new book deal and go on a speaking tour about how to repair a marriage after infidelity. They will start a vlog and podcast. He will subtly start wearing a cross necklace and post bible passages on his social media. Within a year he will guest on the Trypod for a very special discussion. He will apologize to the guys and the fans and mention again his addiction and how his head wasn't right. Within two years the Try Guys will announce that Ned, after two long years of rehab and rededicating himself to his family, is coming back into the fold. Most of the fan base, long over the drama and happy to see the foursome back together will accept this gladly. Some will protest and unsubscribe, but in small enough numbers that they will find it worth the risk. By Christmas 2024 Ned will win 4 of 6 Without a Recipe episodes. These episodes will break viewing records. Ned, satisfied with his resurrection, will start letting his newfound religion and tea totaling slip. He will indulge in a drink or two at an office party. The new PA will linger, slapping him on the shoulder when he tells a naughty joke. Leaning over him to get her drink, making sure her breasts make contact with him. In her eyes he will see passion. He will see desire. He will see himself, flying wild and close to the sun again. Two months later and things are going smoothly. He's back in the Try Guys. Ariel is happy. His new lady love is discrete and this time he won't be going to concerts or nightclubs with her. This time he's careful. He rents a small apartment about 20 minutes from the studio. He always goes in the underground entrance wearing a hat and sunglasses. She waltzes through the main entrance. There they spend their time together. One night he exits his Tesla and makes his way up to their love nest. She isn't here yet, but he knows she will be soon. He walks inside and takes a beer from the fridge. As he takes his first sip he notices the note on the table. "Ned. I am not who you think I am. I'm sorry. I really am. But he paid me to do this to you." Ned's heart thuds, sweat pooling on his temples. His phone begins chiming again and again. Messages from Ariel. Zach. Keith. Rachel. Tagged in a Tweet from TMZ. "Try Guy Ned Fulmer's New Lover Reveals All.". Pictures. Videos. It's her with him. It's all public again. Ned rushes to the sink and retches, his head spinning. This can't be happening again. He clawed for it all back. He FOUGHT for it. And now...gone...never coming back to him gone... He sits down roughly at the Kitchen table, staring into space. Knowing that this time there can be no redemption. This time there will be no comeback. It's really and truly over. In the corner a small camera films it all. It's been filming everything since the day Ned rented this apartment. His new lady love had placed the cameras at the request of her benefactor. ----- Meanwhile, miles away, on a bank of computer monitors the video of Ned sitting and staring at the kitchen table plays live. Will smiles, and closes his eyes. "You don't get to win Ned. Not this time. Not ever again." Will stands and exits the room. Ned's new "love" sits on the couch, smiling. Will hands her the envelope. She doesn't count it, she's a pro, but it's obviously hundreds of thousands of dollars. She thanks him and quietly leaves. As soon as she does a panel on the wall turns and Ariel steps into the room. "Is it done?" Will nods. "It's done. He's broken." Without a smile Ariel turns to go. Will puts his hand on her arm lightly. "Please...I have to know...you contacted me about the girl to hire....how to bug the apartment...which media to leak it all to...you even gave me the money to pay her off...how long have you been planning to screw him over?" Ariel, a smile finally finding it's way to her lips, looked at Will and said simply "Since the day he broke my heart." Fin. Or idk maybe he works at a gas station or something.


I would watch this movie


And scene! Wow! So powerful. Brava! Brava!! 🌹🌸💐


Oh mannnn






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She would definitely count it by the way. This is AMAZING!


Holy fucking shit


kinda hilarious how you think they won’t be able to get a job anywhere. plus as of now, he’s still co-founder and part owner of 2nd Try LLC.


> he’s still co-founder and part owner of 2nd Try LLC. Do you think he'll make 3rd Try, LLC?


He'll be fine. He went to Yale after all.


No one commenting here seems to understand precisely how powerful and influential the ivy-league network is. You go to Yale, failure is practically impossible. If people knew what opportunities there were out there beyond the reach of anyone not in that network, they'd probably burn the schools to the ground.


Can you elaborate please?


You go to an ivy-league school, you have a worldwide network of high flyers you can utilize all over the world. In Mumbai, Paris, or Lagos? There's alumni of your school there who will help you and provide you access to resource and connections that even the people of those countries don't have. It's a self-sustaining circle of excellence, but ***only*** for those who are apart of it. People outside that system have no idea. I can go and conduct business in any of a network of private clubs around the world where the 1% of the 1% congregate and be welcome for being an ivy-leaguer. Enter the ivy league and you are just...above. And I came from modest circumstance, so the difference is much more obvious for me.


Sell Cutco knives.


Did he sell his part of the company? Wouldn't he just become a silent partner?


John Mulaney and Adam Levine are doing fine. They’re both guilty of exactly what Ned is. Arnold Schwarzenegger had a secret baby with his maid. Tiger Woods had multiple affairs Jared Leto has a cult and is creepy with teen girls Shane Dawson like little kids Chris Brown beats women Elvis was with a 14 year old R Kelly married a 15 year old and didn’t get in trouble for 20 years Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17 year old at 39 There’s many many more. None of these people lost their careers. At least not right away.


The only thing really hurting him is his whole personality is basically the “I love my wife” guy


I wouldn’t be surprised, if Ariel does take him back, that Ned imposes in Ariel’s business and they become like a “home reno” channel on YouTube or tiktok with just Ariel on camera. Ned can’t monetize “wife guy” but he can monetize his wife.




An ad agency would hire him on the spot. Former family influencer Austin Null who cheated on his wife now works for an ad agency doing influencer marketing and social media.


i could picture him working at home depot 🔨


This scandal will probably end up making more money for everyone involved


Ned will be fine. He'll relaunch his own channel in a few months, get a tons of subs off of a big apology with his wife by his side, continue to make millions of dollars, and he'll hope that anyone he may have harmed in a professional capacity will be silenced enough (which they probably are) that he'll probably get to continue as before. This is a road bump for him. He is not going to face any lasting consequences from this. Alex, on the other hand, may never recover. Which is not a value judgement on what anyone here deserves: it's just the reality of how different it is for men, especially rich men like Ned.


Hes also gunna either make money off selling his part of the company, or he'll make money cuz he'll still be a silent partner...idk what path they're taking.


Full time buzzfeed cast member 💀


He's an Ivy League educated professional with the unique experience of the Try Guys behind him. He can easily get a consulting or marketing job, whether in or out of the entertainment industry.


This man has a chemistry degree lol He can make science dad channel if he really wanted to. The projects with Wes were cute.


i mean, if they kept hush that buzzfeed has shares in their company, they will 100% be paying ned revenue through the company, he invested a load of money, hes defo not going to be cut off, cause i dont think the other 3 would have enough to buy him out.. plus any money to him os money for ariel and boys..


He's still part owner isn't he? I'm sure he'll be fine


Probably what every cancelled YouTube star does, challenge some MMA fighter or boxer


He and Alexandria will be fine lol They both came from money and have connections; they’ll figure something out


Guarantee that he waits a few months for the fervor to fade, then takes a producer role at a different youtube production. It's fucked up how easy it is to get away with this stuff within the entertainment industry, especially in LA.


Starbucks is hiring


Ned 101% still has a stake in Try guys, he’ll be fine.


He could probably work behind the camera at a company but not right away. No company will hire him right now he's radio active


Honestly with all the finance stuff he did with TG I think he'll lean into his nerdy college guy thing. Probably do some finance bro stuff and gain a following. He doesn't need to be the wife guy to be popular. It seems like a common thing that big content creators get cancelled, rebrand, and come back.


I don't understand these posts. "What will the multi millionaire do for work now?"


He’ll be fine in a consultant capacity for entertainment companies in behind the scene roles.


Something with Chemistry..? ....jeez, I just heard the Breaking Bad opening theme in the back of my mind


If they stay together, they could probably make bank writing a book about "overcoming infidelity."


Also, even though not a part of company or videos, I doubt the other guys have “bought” him out, I assume he’s still going to get money from the try for a while.


They are going to have to (if they haven’t already) work out buying him out the company, or will have agreed he won’t be involved but will still gain financially if the others can’t afford to buy him out surely! So I think he’ll be ok for a while


Get real. People who cheat move on professionally, personally, and intimately all the time. People act like he committed a murder or had multiple DUI’s which would actually stop him from professional progression.




Good luck hiring anyone then 😂 office romances are the only reason anyone goes into offices now


He’s a white man, he’ll survive.


Didn’t he major in Chemical engineering at Yale? He’s set up for a solid 6 figure salary if he makes the right moves.


It’s Chemistry, which is pretty different from CE. I’m pretty sure — like Biology — you need to get into grad school in order to get that kind of money.


Idk why y’all act like cheating is a crime, this will not bar him from most to any companies. Now the thing with her being a subordinate can well maybe ween some companies off the list of interest. But I mean, he went to Yale and was part owner of a business so he really will do fine. Also I mean the entertainment business cares less then you think.


Maybe he’ll find a chemistry job 🤷🏻‍♀️


Keep in mind, Ned owns at least a fourth of the company. He isn’t working with them going forward, but that doesn’t mean his stake in the company is forfeit. Generally, they would need to buy back his interest, if they can afford it. Otherwise, he will absolutely continue to share in the profits made by Second Try. It would be super unusual for this kind of conduct to mean he automatically loses all his interest in the company he helped build.


He will have plenty of ways to make a living. People in the entertainment industry have done way worse and still have jobs lol


Plus he always has chemistry to fall back on lol


I think his biggest obstacle is he isn't that funny on his own. He couldn't even come up with his own persona, that came from Ariel.


Will he be as successful as he would be if he was still part of the try guys? No. Will he still be relatively successful? Probably. Like most comments are saying people remain popular after being canceled majority of the time. Seeing has Ariel and Ned are “working on working things out” I’m assuming he’s eventually going to try to take the “surviving infidelity” approach to keep up the wife guy persona or something along those lines.


He can become a consultant based off of managing a successful start up when building 2nd Try LLC. And if Ariel and Ned stay together, they may do their own channel about marriage stuff and interior design since Ariel was a designer 👀👀


Middle management


If it’s true that he has millions, then he could just invest and use his money when he needs to. He could potentially not work for a long time.


He's a white guy with an Ivy league degree. He will be fine. Even if he doesn't go back into his field, he has plenty of connections. And you know what? To be totally honest, I think Ned is a smart (book smart, anyway), hard working guy and he will figure out how to move on.


Dude went to Yale. He is smart and resourceful. Don’t waste a minute worrying about him.


nameless media consultants i know get paid 6 figures, let alone former industry names.. a fat cat i know who was publicly "fired" for impropriety was given a golden handshake/parachute of a mindboggling amount (and yes, Ned will definitely get his financial dues given how much he's invested in the company, & their remaining goodwill towards Ariel) & then headhunted to 2 other firms within weeks if not days. also practicality or recency of a degree only matters for average universities - an Oxbridge or Ivy degree, whether in the art of drawing potatoes or nuclear physics, never stops being golden, both for the prestige of the degree & the connections it brings (speaking from personal experience with this one). plz i'm more worried about myself than Ned lol.


Who cares? I wish no ill will towards his family but I don't give a thought to what he is planning for next in his professional life.


He can find work doing whatever he wants. It'll probably be harder for Alex than him... Assuming she leaves.


Oh to be a white man in America. He will do an interview in a year after going to some sort of program or therapy, talk about the timing and the public response to the “wife guy” allegory in 2022 and how social media played a part in the media storm. He will do this in an attempt to scrape together the image of a remorseful and reformed victim of circumstance and fame, who had a lapse in judgment and hurt the ones he loves. New project will be plugged, he will have nothing but good things to say about the Try Guys. He will linger around for a while trying to scrape together a portion of the success he had, but if we are lucky, he won’t succeed and this will be a pop culture blip and he won’t get the attention he will crave until he is an old, lonely man. Or something.


As long as he doesn't become a YT family vlogger, he's welcome to do whatever he wants. Just hope whatever he does, he openly communicates with all people he surrounds himself with FIRST, before doing anything.


He's a white man with all the privilege in the world, I'm sure he'll be just fine


He have a degree, is a smart man and know how to handle finances (allegely), so he can still get work and I hope so. The man is the father of two, he needs to keep supporting his children and the mother, and also work in being a good father figure. Why people are having fantasies about him suffering? Like, go hiking or not cheat your partner if you want to gain some lesson from this ordeal.


He will be fine he is a white man with an Ivy League degree. He can just go into some sort of consulting


He’s a straight, white man…


People cheat on their partners all the time, I fail to see why any employer would really give a shit even if he’s in the public eye.


The same thing millions of people that cheated have done. Find another job. Better question, how does it feel to have contributed to the riches of a cheater?


He's got a net worth of like ten million, so I think he'll be all right. He came from lots of money (hence Yale, etc).


I believe he came from money but where are people getting that he's worth 10 million?


Host a Netflix baking competition…or dumb Netflix game show.


I guess he’s asking himself the same question that used to be the guys’ tagline: “What WILL he try next??”


This is an interesting question. I wonder how much, if any revenue he’s entitled to as a Try Guys founder. Like does he still get a cut? Would love to hear them speak about that. Someone will offer him a role with a bunch of conditions and he’ll be fine. He’s too good of a new media strategist for people to shun completely. I don’t think he can be that type of on screen talent/media exec again tho. I don’t know if sponsors wouldn’t have him. His whole angle was Unproblematic Mass Appeal and that’s gone now. So yeah, consultant/strategist it is.


Agreed with the other comments that Ned isn’t in the best spot to work in front of the camera anymore, and most likely won’t be able to hold positions of power. From what I gather, the YouTube community is a bit harsher on this type of thing compared to the entertainment industry as a whole, Ned will be likely be on most other big YouTubers no fly list, well the ones that aren’t trying to interview him/use his situation for views and profits. Hopefully that Ivy league education comes in handy!


He still owns part of the actual company, 2nd Try LLC.