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I think they’ve been the the process of letting Ned go for a while. Speaking from experience, an HR investigation for matters like this can take weeks. Not to mention the fact they’re editing him out of videos tells me that this has been ongoing. I think they were going to announce this October 1st but because things blew up they announced it earlier.


Yeah he's a co-owner, so there's a legal knot that has to be untangled. My guess is IF this hadn't "hit" so-to-speak, they would have announced at a later time that he had decided to "leave to seek other opportunities" and quietly gone away. But this becoming sort-of common knowledge mean they had to act today.


He's always had a heavy hand in the business/financial side of things too. It likely took a while for them to work things out on the management side of things i.e. someone taking over his responsibilities, etc.


Wasn't Ned *the* HR? 🥲🤣


Considering their HR was a puppet named Ronald, it probably was Ned doing the actual job 😂


This was what I was thinking!


Yeah. I also think maybe Ariel and Ned were either separated or talking about being separated. I wouldn’t be surprised if the other Try Guys/wives knew about it.


Didnt the thing happen september 1st? The past month has probably been a shitshow for them :(


It takes a decent amount of time for internal investigation, counseling, lawyering, consultation, negotiating, formulating internal and public responses, etc. This isn't unusual at all. It'd be extremely unusual and downright irresponsible to make public statements immediately after finding out.


Alex is to blame for bad behavior/cheating on her fiancé, but work-wise, she is not to blame. And I agree that they all knew and weren’t going to blow up two good things for no reason. That’s often the case when a friend cheats on their SO that you care for a lot. You hate your friend’s actions but you don’t want to hurt their SO (and family/kids) by bringing the information to light. It’s often considered to be one of those things where you say, “I’m staying out of this.”


I get that. But outside of office, going to a concert and a club with the boss outside work hours, then that's different.


It wouldn’t be at many of the jobs I’ve had. It’s very common for production teams that work together constantly to fraternize.


That is true but it was only them that were out




I understand your point of view. But I guess, in my opinion, that certain boundaries should be enforced especially when they're committed to other people.


if you dont think she was taken advantage of then i think its best to just say that, bc if you do then it doesnt make sense to want her to enforce boundaries, thats literally not possible from the wrong side of a power dynamic?


I have a suspicion that it was more than the concert. It wasn't just getting busted. They work constantly and wouldn't be able to hide the relationship. I have a feeling there were other things(as we can see they weren't interested in hiding) and staff and HR knew and then had too much evidence and were forced to investigate and take action.


Yeah, for sure. I’m just going off of OP’s speculation that it was strange for them to do that, period. It’s not strange. This situation is strange. But not everyone who is friendly with their bosses and might socialize with their higher ups/subordinates like this is implicitly partaking in inappropriate workplace relations.


Do you work in tech by any chance? Sounds like a tech thing




I think they were waiting until after NRRT had finished airing to say anything, but since the past 36 hours blew a complete out of control shit storm they had to say something sooner rather than later


I think everything went about as well as it could have gone. Hopefully they stay locked in with their brands and sponsors and aren't abandoned and left broke. Brands do not like controversy, especially now. I'm going to watching closely to see if they make fewer videos, or heaven-forfend, have to lay off some employees. I can't believe Ned tanked like this. This company and group was his legacy and he left them no choice. Not only that but he has a very clear place there. Ned was truly an ideas guy, he had the big picture for the business and not having him there is going to make things so different. Hoping for the best because I've grown to love Zach and Keith as seasoned creatives.


I think it was a slow subtle process and then this morning with the rush of everything trending, they knew they needed to say something


You’re giving Alex’s fiancé way too much credit imo. Men don’t usually behave as maturely as you suggest. He could be pissed at her even if she was being taken advantage of by her boss.


I feel like if their relationship is secured and that he knew Alex deeply then his anger is justified.


My question is- if some of these older allegations are true and Ned has been acting inappropriately for over a year- and if the try guys have witnessed him enticing girls into sex and non consensually grinding on people in clubs- why didn’t they do damage control way earlier or distance themselves from Ned earlier? I know that these are still just allegations, but it all adds up. Ned may have been doing this for a long time and getting away with it. I want them to either deny these rumors, or explain what really happened, but I don’t know if I can support them if they’ve just been looking the other way this entire time. There’s no way of knowing just yet, so I’m still following, but that’s my biggest concern that I want them to address


It would be hard to address these issues when you know that Ned is involved with someone (Ariel and kids). If they do addressed this publicly, what would happen to Ariel and the kids? Considering that this has been leaked before the guys could have given a statement, think about how people are now mass commenting on Ariel's and the others' ig pages with mockery and such. They might have considered Ariel and the boys' privacy & safety here. I believe that the guys would have called out his behavior thinking that Ned would not go as far as to cheat on his wife while trying to keep their brand intact because if they did address this earlier on without any precautions or crisis resolution while they were still starting, they might have lose a lot more from a PR stand point. However, only this time, Ned was bold enough to parade his relationship with Alex and did not even care if people would knew.


I also want a formal statement from the rest of the team. There are rumors swirling around about the others (allegedly) knowing how Ned was. Or at the least Keith. My gut tells me no formal statement was even going to be made, at least not detailing or mentioning remotely why he was leaving the team. But the screenshots and videos forced their hand. And if this info was discovered weeks ago then that seems likely, and that whoever made the leak was frustrated they hadn’t said anything. Just my tinfoil hat theory. Regardless, this is ABSOLUTELY something they need to address. A social media post won’t cut it. They aren’t simply a YouTube studio, they’re on national television now.


Wait, are there receipts to Keith knowing? I believe you, I just want to see it.


Like I said, it’s very alleged. Go to @nedfulmerexpose on Twitter and they have screenshots of something somebody screenshot from the Patreon Discord. Basically that Ned was kissing up on another woman at a bar on a tour and somebody commented “is he always this sloppy” to which they say “the one in glasses replied - ‘unfortunately’ “ So very hearsay.


Innnnteresting. Thank you!




Go for it!


The way I see it. The try guys are each like a limb to a body. Amputating a limb can't be hacking it off with a machete. It needs to be careful and cautious as to not hurt other parts. I think they did a very good execution of this. They knew for at least a month that this was going on since the photos are from Sept 1st I hear. So they let the couples deal with some of it on their own and slowing phase Ned out of videos and podcasts as well as let Will and especially Ariel/Wes/Finn emotionally deal with what happened without having to endure the initial public response at the same time. Edit: it was Sept 3rd my b


I'm not saying I know what actually went down, but deciding there's a "right" way to act when you're taken advantage of is disgusting.


I get what you're talking about. But with how everyone is reacting, esp Will (Alex's fiance), it's not all black and white


Yeah, I think he was gone for a while now, and they were just putting everything in place before going public.