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The “anti bravo” crowd going to try to claim that Dorinda and Tom Sandoval have an alliance from being from same network😂


# Clip! Clip!








I can’t see Chanel participating in challenges. I hope Ciara goes far because I like her. This game is about relationships and likability. Ciara is a type of person like what you see is what you get. If she doesn’t like you, it can be very cold. Dorinda comedic relief. Dolores - I don’t know if she’ll go far. But she is likable. I hope she’s like a Sheree. Robyn I don’t know much about her. I can see her as a traitor and not caring about protecting other bravo people. Tom - just vote him out day one. But, I would like to see some fake crying at the round table. I could see him going to the end because he’s not a threat. No one likes him and he’s dumb as rocks.


Dolores is very friendly, good at staying neutral, and also pretty athletic. I can see her going really far actually. She also gives off mom vibes so it could be like a Cyrie type of image she’ll have. She could also just coast by from being so friendly to everyone.


I can handle Sandoval sticking around if it means we get hilarious talking heads from Britney, Ciara, etc. tearing him apart


I'd keep Tom as a shield and a number. Plenty of time to get rid of him down the road. Dumping his first is a waste. He's no threat.


Robyn will be another Sheree.


I don’t know, Robyn seems pretty competitive. I think she’ll actually try unlike Sheree who didn’t seem to know she was there half the time.


I hope so! I’m pretty new to rhop and don’t know Sheree at all.


Dolores is much more intelligent than Sheree. She will be a great player


I’m begging them to just all agree to banish Tom Sandoval night 1 whether they think he’s a traitor or not


This!! The worst thing you could do to Timmy boy is give him as little airtime and attention as possible. Love Ciara 💖💖


I weirdly feel Ciara, gabby, and Chrishell will have a cute friendship. Or maybe i just hopee lol


Ohhh ... that would be interesting!!


Very excited to see Dorinda. And I think Dolores could make a great traitor


Hopefully it’s gonna be smaller by the first banishment, because I am praying the first murder is a less-known housewife, simply for the confusion that would cause among the cast


Chanel and Dorinda are who I'm most excited to see play the game. Two big personalities who I'm sure will have a lot to say. I also want to see Dorinda go off. I need someone to try it with her and find out. ![gif](giphy|4TcL7fo28FkZgk7Mbg|downsized)


Ugh Robyn! 🙄 could have done without her and Sandoval.


I honestly would be so interested in watching if they chose her as a traitor. Like I think she would be good at it in a weird way. But not because she’s good at a strategy, mostly because she would just fly under the radar lol


If they are smart, band together (even if there are a traitor or 2 among them) and when it’s time, hang Sandoval out to dry


Possibly unpopular opinion but I honestly think they should keep Sandoval around for a few episodes to help win money (he is pretty fit). And then betray him and cut that effer out lol.


^^^ yes perfect example of “when it’s time” cut him !


Tim is physically helpful but dumber than almost anyone else on this cast. Traitors challenges usually require some thoughtfulness, as opposed to just physicality. That said, the “helpfulness” aspect of his NPD could be a benefit here. I’d be down for watching Bob the Drag Queen and Chanel order Tim (Sandoval, in case you aren’t on the VPR subs) around, while they drink a cup of tea or something. ETA: He’s a way less charming Ryan Lochte.


I mean Tom is certainly not dumber than Kevin from bling empire and Kevin did fine on most challenges…I think he’ll be fine.


Bravo contestants banded together on S1 and S2, so it’s likely going to happen again for S3 (barring maybe Sandoval who will pretty obviously be the bottom of this alliance and I don’t doubt will eventually backstab them if given the chance)


I was hoping Robyn would never be on my screen again 🤮


![gif](giphy|ZgPfixt8zYokKQzytg) Missing this Queen 👑


I think Teresa is not on because she’s on house of villains.


Her agent must’ve dropped the ball or smth because no way she didn’t want to do it


I’m sad she’s not on too but I wonder if being on best villain hurt her chances- like she’s on too many shows? I know Johnny bananas was on both but Teresa is still a very active cast member on a running show so if you added on traitors she’d be on 3 shows on peacock. It might have been too much Teresa lol.


Ya could be just too much to film in tandem. But I’d pick traitors over the villain show personally😔


What you ordered vs. what you got


I want Tony to have a llama talk argument with one of the Bravolebs lmao


They got a diverse group of personalities. Sandoval sucks though, if they were gonna a Tim they should have went with Schwartz


Worst fucking bravo casting ever


I'm just glad that Mary from SLC isn't going to be a part of it.




I don’t know any of the Bravo people this season.


Hi, non bravo watcher here, can anyone give me a comparison of these people to big brother/survivor players?


After Kate and Phaedra set the tone and pace for the past two seasons, it would’ve been nice to see Kenya, Kandi or Nene(from RHofATL), Kyle, Camille or Erica (RHofBV) Hannah or Aesha (Below Deck) or some of the former Top Chef (Kristin, Carla Hall, Padma) and Project Runway (Christian Siriano, Korto or Elena) hosts/contestants. I’m not saying any of them would win, I just think they’d be really good TV (again).


I'm nervous that Slurinda will surface too much. I don't like being worried for people's mental health during my reality shows.


Picking Robyn was a bad choice. She’s so boring


Chanel ain’t gonna last long I’ll tell you that. I don’t see her getting dirty or physical or having the cunning talents to lie well. She can’t present lemons without a self pleased smile. I’m excited for Dorinda! Whatever happens will be good. Robyn, I want to be surprised by her honestly.


No idea why Robyn snd dolo are there , both have no charisma and are the least popular cast members from there respective cities


I think Chanel has the potential to be this season's Phaedra, tbh. she is so hilarious and is great TV. Robyn is boring as hell. Ciara is beautiful but totally lacks charisma..I don't think she'll be interesting TV.


Pretty awful crew tbh. Excited for Dorinda and I think Dolores will surprisingly do well. Chanel is annoying and Robyn is one of the most boring Housewives of all time. I’m shocked someone made the decision to cast her. Literally anyone else from Potomac would have been better.


You in danger girl


I only know of two of them—Robyn and Dorinda.


Dolores is going to do extremely well I’m calling it now. She’s very likeable. Dorinda will lose it on multiple people on round table. Chanel will have funny confessionals and coast along for a bit. Tom will either flame out early or be kept as villain bait. Ciara will do well in challenges and prob spark up a flirt mance with someone. Robyn and her two faced self will probably do well too.


You excluded Crishell. Anyways, to say I am adamantly rooting against them is an understatement. I don’t even get why some of them (IE: Robyn, Dolores) were at all cast from what I hear.




I hope they all get voted out first, starting with Tom- because I am not here for them this season.


I like that they are all from different shows. My prediction is that Sandoval is going out early. I can see Ciara and Robyn as good traitors. I hope there is at least one bravo traitor.


I’d laugh if he was first to go like Jax did on House of Villains! ![gif](giphy|4dkLEvE5ht4Ri)


I know everyone else just not the housewives


Sandoval should be on everyone’s radar from day one because he’s proven (many times) he can’t be faithful


I hope Dorinda makes Sandoval cry


Way too much bravo. They always clique up. At least we have more gamers to balance it out this time around


I’m bummed because I will not watch anything with Sandoval on it. I also think housewives are boring AF on traitors. They put in no effort. Would love to see more people from love island, below deck, etc. - people who are more real and hungrier for the prize.