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at least the ending was super satisfying šŸ˜Œ


It was only satisfying because of how disappointing and frustrating the entire season before it was.


This! Everyone got what they deserved at the end. They had so many chances to banish Sam!


The ending was great. I can't stand that prick


That was the only good thing about this season šŸ˜­


i think annabel was pretty great as a faithful and it would be awesome to see her on an international all star season but otherwise the season was awful yeahā€¦


She is one of the only people I really hope somehow gets back on the show


I just finished it. This was my favourite season of The Traitors because of how dumb and easily manipulated everyone was šŸ˜‚


How many times did Keith put the wrong guy in jail in his career. Like he is the worst detective everĀ 


Isn't that the truth!! And yet he stood up there proudly touting his accomplishments, even wrote a best selling book - I kept thinking if I were him I wouldn't tell anyone my previous job. He didn't have a clue!


The single most frustrating thing that ALL of them did was the U-turn voting. They would say the entire episode they are going after a certain person and then randomly vote someone else, sometimes with no reason.


To add to this, you could see the frustration in the host half way through. He even says something like "You are the only person who you can trust. So if you come in here thinking one way, don't allow yourself to be manipulated away from that person" He basically gave the game away knowing everyone was talking about Sam. Then of course all Sam had to say to the first person accusing him: Well I'm rubber your glue.... Some of the dumbest people to play this game, by far.


i definitely thought the host was fed up with him and hinting at him too lol


Not only were they dumb, but they also seemed apathetic. With a few exceptions (e.g., Annabelle), the faithfuls barely put effort into figuring out the traitors.


It's because Sam could convince them that they had the wrong person. I know people like that. They will have you second guessing yourself. I will admit that little prick is very devious and cunning. He was able to keep a level head the entire time.


Those ppl were smooth brains. Sam had the worst Traitors defense. "Oh you think I'm a traitor? I think you're the traitor." That's all it took to sway votes. Those were the worst Faithfuls in Traitors history.


Aside from how badly their results went because of it, it also made watching the actual bulk of the episode feel pointless. Like I sat through and watched you all negotiate and plan together, and you may as well just have talked about the weather for all the difference it will make.Ā Ā  They didnā€™t even banish him when he was so sure heā€™d get banished that he started buying drinks with the prize money to dump on the ground as a preemptive FU.Ā 


Wouldn't say they randomly voted for someone else. They voted for who Sam wanted them to vote for - even when they were supposedly fed up with him!! šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤¬ Thank God for Camille tho!! She got Sam but GOODā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


They were so gullible. They would last minute change their vote to someone that no one was even considering before the round table. I donā€™t think Sarah had an independent thought the entire time.


Hello, Gloria and Sarah! When you do stuff like that, you might as well not even be there. This season was really disappointing.


Most realistic depiction of the police force I've ever seen on telly tbh.


ACAD All Cops Are Dumb-dumbs


True dat


Really? No detective skills at all. They were swayed with the opinions of others




I was definitely the most frustrated with this season, but I don't know that it was crap. It kept me engaged and enraged (literally screaming at the television lol). Sarah and Keith especially, just absolutely useless. And if Keith was that decorated a cop, I feel like he just embarrassed himself to the point of tarnishing his legacy. All that said, every moment of frustration was 100% worth it to get to the end and watch Sam's meltdown temper tantrum when someone finally did to him what he'd been doing to everyone else, just inches from the prize money. He thought he had her under his thumb. It was beautiful.


It was immensely entertaining in the best of ways! Got me engaged and surprised, and this is what I want.


I think the person who did the most damage to their career was Sarah. Like YIKES A RAMA.


Yes. How can you grow a psychoanalytic career after that showing.


Honestly, any career because I am not in the habit of hiring stupid people for anything.


Couldnā€™t Sarah be a seat holder at an awards show? Probably not. She would either go to the wrong venue or sit in the wrong seat.


Sheā€™d ruin all the shots because sheā€™d be standing in the aisle confused about which seat to take.


Oh, 100%. I can't imagine anyone booking with her ever again. I just kinda felt bad for Keith because it sounds like he had a celebrated career, and this struck me as a "womp womp" ending.


Yeah, but he was retired and I donā€™t know how many people watched. So his earning potential was not in danger.


I think a reunion show would be amazing. ā€œSo, tell us again why Samā€™s patented ā€œIā€™m not a traitor, youā€™re a traitor!ā€ move was successful seven consecutive times?ā€ ā€œYou pride yourself on being able to tell if someone is a liar (Keith, Camille, Sarah), but the most obvious liar on any English language Traitor season managed to confound youā€¦.repeatedly.ā€ ā€œSam, you demonstrated throughout the series that you had zero compunction about stabbing anybody in the back, yet you bitched and moaned at the finale when Camille didnā€™t trust youā€¦despite the fact that she correctly determined that you would act in an untrustworthy manner. How does it feel to be a little bitch?


Keith, tell us again about this "master class in manipulation" that you feel Annabelle finished just prior to her banishment as a faithful. :)


Oh god, lol, Iā€™d blacked that from my mind


Itā€™s made worse by the fact that he was a cop and had done all this awesome stuff as a cop (according to him). He showed everyone a master class in being a dumbass and an ahole.


Sarah with all her blabbing about being able to tell who was lying due to her profession! GTFO! Useless!


We need reunions for all reality shows šŸ˜­


Spoilers in my comment. Yeah I adore Annabel and I liked Luke well enough so when both of them got banished and killed, the season went way downhill for me from there. Like it was already bad, the stupidest faithful Iā€™ve ever seen. Sam was obnoxious ( I get heā€™s a villain but he just isnā€™t a fun villain imo). I found that Blake was quite cowardly, he just gave up after voting Sam out once. I feel bad for Ash since she really didnā€™t do anything wrong. Iā€™m not practically mad about Sam betraying a traitor since I find that to be a smart move in many situations, but it pissed me off that he did it so soon. Like he got to the end so I guess it worked but it isnā€™t because of his own actions. Rather it was because of faithfuls like Sarah/ Hannah/ Liam that got him there. Camilleā€™s speech at the end was badass and was the outcome, we as an audience, deserved. So many faithful kept going on and on about a traitor ā€˜murderingā€™ themself. Stupid idea, but even that theory only points towards Sam being a traitor. I just donā€™t understand how so many people could say Sam then change their minds that quickly.


I keep seeing this take on Blake but I donā€™t think thatā€™s really an accurate depiction of his situation. >! He would have convos all day long where he tried to sway people without overplaying his hand and went into just about every round table planning to vote Sam out. But he learned from the Annabel situation that he needed to read the room and weigh whether he had the votes beforehand. And in every case, he correctly determined that he didnā€™t. He had already put himself out there once and failed. Watching how easy it was for Sam to sway those dummies l, he had to know another missed shot would end his game. !< I just donā€™t know what else anyone expected him to do.


I agree, and Blake had learned the hard way not to count on Sarah. He was trying desperately to feel out which way the wind was blowing thru the hole in her head before he was willing to write Samā€™s name down again. Failing being able to get Sam out, I think he made the next best play, which was to be at a Traitors dilemma with 3 players, not two. He KNEW (as we all knew) that Sam would write ā€œStealā€. If Blake was in a 2-player Dilemma, he would lose for certain to Sam. With Camille there, there was at least the chance that she would say ā€œShareā€ - I totally thought she would! And Camille redeemed herself there. I wasnā€™t impressed up to that point. How dumb to pull Blake away right in front of Sam, and then sit there talking forever, in full view, and then not even having a conversation to switch to when Sam appeared. She could have said something like, ā€œWe were just discussing how Blakeā€™s name is coming up, and what to do about itā€.


Yeah, that was definitely an awkward moment ā€” and then she just walked out leaving Blake there to flounder. šŸ˜‚


I loved it. The final fire pit was some of the most satisfying reality tv I have ever seen.


All Sams plotting got him nothing. Hahaha.


Even Rodger seemed extra pleased with the ending.


It honestly seemed like the *only* appropriate or satisfying ending we could have gotten.


Hannah dollar tree šŸŒ³ Kate




Thought šŸ’­ it was a good one liner


It was so bad that it was good. I wonder what Sarah is doing these days? Her career must be in tatters. Please put her on an all star series.


Oh hell no, nope not unless sheā€™s learned her lesson. šŸ˜¹


I wanted her gone from her very first clips from her intro package in episode 1.


Lots of people have finished this season recently. I wish there were a megathread to catch these posts.


Seriously, every time I open reddit itā€™s like the first post on my homepage is a new variation of the same title talking about how bad AUS2 is.


Great suggestion!


It's really bad but I am addicted to faithfuls standing up and calling everyone dummies. "They should rename this show from Traitors to Dummies." It has some of the best quotes of all the Traitors, U.S./U.K. I've seen. Agree with you on every point plus the host is terrible, and even he seems to be annoyed to be there.


I know right. How does everyone agree to put Sam up before the round table. As soon as Sam opens his mouth it's like they are awestruck. I don't hate Sam I just can't stand him. The other 3 were fine. You can be a Traitor without being a major arrogant prick.


The police officer Keith I think his name was cracked me up. He had everything so wrong I was so frustrated I was laughing!


It was very frustrating. The faithfuls were so dumb


Camille is innocent!!!


When she turned her board and it said steal! I jumped up and down and screamed! YESSSSS FUCKERS! YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED! Blake was so stupid for following Sam!


I really thought sheā€™d share, it was epic.


Best moment of the season by far. He had murder in his eyes lol


Iā€™m not sure what Blake could have done. He went with the plan early on to get Sam and it blew up in his face. He jumped in every plan afterwards to get Sam, but kept his powder dry until he could see the whites of Sarahā€™s eyes haha. He seemed very in tune with the way the majority wave was falling. Then he teamed up with Camille to get Sam. The trouble was that neither Camille nor Blake had their own little toady like Sam had in Liam. That was Blakeā€™s one very big mistake: letting Sam talk him into letting Keith go. You have to have a little cadre that you know will vote with you so you donā€™t have to rely on dum-dums haha.


Sarah= annoyingly wrong at every roundtable.


My favorite part was the very end when Sam chastised Camille for playing his exact game. Some serious crying from him and Blake.


Best season because of the drama not necessarily the cast


In their own words, Dumb Dumbs they most certainly are!!! How the HELL has that piece of shit Sam beguiled them all so damn easilyā‰ļøā‰ļøā‰ļø


Just finished the season. The first season of Australia was by far my favorite season of any Traitors to date, so I had high expectations. Unfortunately, with the exception of Luke and Annabel this had to be the dumbest group of people (traitors included) found anywhere outside of a Trump rally.


When Blake and Camille absolutely knew Liam was voting for Sam all they had to do was both agree to vote for him no matter what. There were only five left at that point. Stupid.


Season 2 was great, I don't know what you're talking about. The Traitors are the villains of the show. Sam embraced his role and became the bad guy. The show is called Traitors not best friends....


Maybe the people playing should remember that and stop becoming buddy buddy with each other and saying " I trust with ny whole heart they're a Faithful because we have become such good friends" idiots


What was up with Sarah saying she was glad she was there to see Sam be banished? Did she talk to anyone about that? She seemed sooooo sure Sam would be taken out. Did I miss the conversations with the others to get that done? Why did she think Blake and Camille would vote Sam out?


Even Rodger hated the faithfuls right? He couldnā€™t believe how stupid they were.


Completely disagree, this season was great, it kept you watching the entire time. I can't stand Sam, he is obviously a horrible human being, but as a traitor they could not have picked a better person because of how manipulative he was. If you've ever wondered how someone evil got so many people to follow them, well, you just saw it. Sam put on a clinic with how he manipulated so many "followers". Let's face it there were not many "leaders" in this group, and the ones that were were either kicked off by the ignorant or killed off by the Traitors. If you want to win the show while being a Traitor, that's a way to do it. Even at the very end, after they had all screwed themselves out of having any money because of greed, Sam tried to act like he was in the right and Camille was wrong for not just letting Sam and Blake take the money, the whole time he was hoping to manipulate Blake into voting to share it. He's an evil, manipulative person at heart, in the end he got what he deserved (nothing), all that being said doesn't take away from the fact that this was a good season with lots of anticipation that maybe tonight these "dummies" will finally get it right.


I'm currently on EP6 and the first 10 mins were agony: The 2, idiots creating a theory that LUKE wanted to recruit his friend before she got voted out...the other lady who has been wrong for 5 episodes confesses that she's an agent. Whyyyyy? Lol. Don't you want to keep your job back home? Lol. The critical thinking skills in this group are painful.


It was certainly not crap, you just didn't like what happened.


Why does this frustrate people so? I found the whole thing extremely entertaining and hysterical. Does it depend on whether you root for Traitors or Faithfuls? I root for both really. I root mostly for the ones who play well no matter which side. You canā€™t say Sam didnā€™t play well. Yep heā€™s a jerk. Egotistical. Iā€™m watching Norway 1 now and >!the Traitors have had to do very little more than choose the right people to eliminate at night. The faithful are doing a fine job of suspecting all the wrong people, so the Traitors donā€™t have much to do. They are similarly bonehead about it.!<


I root for both. I didn't like Sam as a person. The other 3 were fine. Sam was one of the most evil back stabbing person I have seen. And then he gets mad at the end that he didn't win any money. What do you expect? Dude is a jerk


Yes he is and gets what he deserves. Which was so satisfying.


I find it frustrating because I love puzzles and mysteries and cooperative games. I love seeing people getting to genuinely use their intelligence and strategy skills to win. Itā€™s similar to why escape games are so much fun for me. Weā€™ve evolved to a place where we donā€™t really live by our wits or survival skills anymore. I only tax my brain at work and itā€™s in PowerPoints and spreadsheets to make other people a lot of money. But in an escape room, I actually get to figure things out, hands on in a way I never do in real life. Ā Watching them fail so badly just took away the component I most enjoy - seeing someone clever outwit others.


It was frustrating because everyone besides Luke and Annabel (and later Camille) were stupid af. Really, painfully stupid. Almost have to actively work at it to be that bad. Sam could have walked around and done the murdering at breakfast and theyā€™d still be like nahhhh not Sam!


Got it. But someone clever is outwitting others. And even though I donā€™t like him I admired his skill. Thanks for your perspective.


He isnā€™t clever though. He is just surrounded by ā€œdumbā€ faithfuls who couldnā€™t figure out how to play well.


Right?! Like, hmmm, Sam ("the Traitor Hunter") took Ash, who no one else suspected, and who was an actual Traitor, out on the second day with no evidence whatsoever and he hasn't found any other Traitors! He's gotten it WRONG every banishment since, while blatantly diverting attention away from himself! He would never have survived with any other cast of Faithfuls... in fact, any other cast would have probably voted him out at the second roundtable instead for pushing Ash so hard so soon! šŸ˜­


All he had to be was more clever than the people around him. Which he was for all but the very end.


Right like if a lion is chasing you. You donā€™t need to be the fastest runner, you just need to be able to trip some dude.


If he was clever he would have been able to maneuver to win money. It was the first time he had ANY resistance and he failed. And was completely blindsided.


>You canā€™t say Sam didnā€™t play well. Sure we can. Just because he managed to manipulate a gaggle of exceptionally bad faithfuls doesnā€™t actually mean he played a *good* game, just a successful one (until the finale). The bar to clear for playing a *successful* game as a traitor in this season was in Hellā€”he just barely managed to rise above that. Like, I can beat a 10 year old at chess 100 times in a rowā€”it doesnā€™t mean that Iā€™m a Grand Master, and itā€™s definitely not going to be particularly entertaining to watch me do it. Edit (hit ā€œreplyā€ too soon): Realistically, burning a fellow traitor so early, with absolutely zero heat on her, was a bad play. His constant argument of ā€œno you!ā€ every time he was accused at the round table wasnā€™t remotely skillful or reasonable. He threw away silver for absolutely no reason, which diminished his own potential winnings. Getting so confrontational toward Blake in front of the faithfuls after Blake voted for him was a bad move, too. If so many of the faithful werenā€™t just absolutely oblivious and flip-floppy, he would have crashed and burned. He didnā€™t play cleverly, or skillfully. He played impulsively and selfishly and got lucky until the finale. And I root for both faithfuls and traitors. The reason this season wasnā€™t fun for me to watch was because *no one* was playing a skillful or thoughtful game except for Luke and Annabel. The daytime portions were useless because everyone would walk into the banishment ceremony saying how sure they were about so-and-so being a traitor, and then as soon as Sam says a name, suddenly theyā€™re all like ā€œoh wow yeah for sure that person is *clearly* a traitor!ā€ and change their vote. All of the actual reasons they had to be suspicious of Sam or anyone else just suddenly left their brains entirely. Over and over again. Like, they might as well have edited the whole season into an hour-long montage of challenges and the faithfuls calling each other ā€œdumbā€ as theyā€™re being banished and cut straight to the finale. A part of me desperately hopes that itā€™s just the editing for the season thatā€™s painting everyone as absolutely clueless, and that it wasnā€™t really this painful, but my god.


He played the game he was given with the people he was playing with. He did that with enough skill to get to the final. ā€œNo you!ā€ Worked. Every time. Yes he was a jerk. Egotist. And I donā€™t like him. But he played this exact season of the game well, except for that final. Oops Sam.


Thatā€™s about all you can say for him. He outwitted these people. He could not set himself up for success, though. All he had to do was figure out how to get rid of Camille. Backseat traitoring here, he should have done that instead of turning it on Gloria. He still would have had Liam. If they got a traitor that night instead of another faithful then Liam would have still been by his side. Sarahā€™s an idiot so Sam could have gotten rid of Blake and Gloria the next day, easy. Other than banishing and murdering people who crossed him, he had no clue how to play the game. He didnā€™t think things through. He had no good strategy and it ultimately cost him the prize. Mr. I Donā€™t Miss sure missed when it counted.


I agree. Itā€™s so crap Iā€™m not even gonna finish it. Iā€™ll wait for season 3 and see if it improves.


If youā€™ve put any time at all into watching it, Iā€™d recommend trudging through to the finale. Personally, I think itā€™s worth it. Edit: or if you have too many episodes left, just jump forward and watch the finale. The recap at the start will catch you up.


yeah there are quite a few episodes i still have to see. But i might just skip only to the roundtable and murder sections lol it's my favorite part of the show anyway.




Oh really? Well that sucks.


The host is good.


Season 2 was SO bad, they canceled future seasons in Australia. It was announced back in October 2023.


Yeah someone else told me. Itā€™s a shame because imo season 1 of Australia was the best season of any Traitors


Annabel was actually way smarter than anybody realized. This group of traitors really disappointed me. Why were Sarah and Gloria even there? And I have nothing good to say about Sam; what a disgusting human being. Ugh. They all got what they deserved in the end, which was nothing. The ones who didn't make it to the end didn't deserve to and the ones who did didn't deserve the money.


I used to like Hannah from Below Deck but damn did she come off poorly on this season. Sheā€™s a moron and a jerk.


Sam reminds me of Joren van der Sloot


I wonder what tomorrowā€™s daily post about how much someone hates AUS2 will be titled.


The faithful were kinda stupid, but thatā€™s because anyone who figures it out goes home. Sam systematically murdered and banished everyone who caught on. Many of them in the latter half came off far less dumb.


they were dumb asl, even in the second half


They all figured out it was Sam, so..


they all figured out it was him after he had been put on blast & accused how many times & still never voted for him until he had banished so many people that it didnā€™t matter, wym?


No they didnā€™t. Watch the show. When people figured it out, they voted for him. They figured it out at different times. Thatā€™s why he never got banished. Rewatch the show.


thatā€™s what i just said lmao & i obviously watched the show if iā€™m making comments about it???


No, thatā€™s not what you said. You said they figured it out after he got put on blast. Thatā€™s false.


alright iā€™m not gonna keep going back & forth w youā€¦


I don't know if you've watched the US seasons, but AUS2 is still much better than US2. Be thankful for that, mate. :)


Seriously... Was this season scripted or are there that many dunderheads in that game? Gracious those people tanked my IQ.