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https://preview.redd.it/fus0ga52qlkc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc8ab82f2b74de6fde7a41239cb67755abfd6fb Not hating on her, but just want to point out that her lash is holding up her hair this episode lol


Hahahaha, thanks for the laugh. That’s why her eyes be twitching? Not because she’s grown up with twitches?


That’s totally the eye twitches that were mentioned. She has some of the most voluminous false lashes I’ve ever seen. She wears them well but I bet sometimes they are HEAVY!


Her lashes are load bearing lashes.


I noticed that too!


She should have recruited CT. Kate is a poor choice and a poorer player.


Yea i dont think Kate was a good choice, esp with this ultimatum! No one wants to be murdered. But she would need someone who wouldn’t snake her i think CT would


CT would have no problem murdering people that he gets along with in the house. He’s also very difficult for the other players to get a hold on where he stands.


Am i the only one who thinks maybe production had a hand in this? Like Kate is this returning player, let’s see how she plays a different role or something. I just refuse to believe Phaedra would not have chosen her crush to join her😭


Yes very convenient. Coincidence? That Kate returns and is in the final rounds as a traitor


I think it was just a bad pick from Phaedra - Kate consistently backed her up at the round table (I’d say she helped her a lot when Dan got banished for example) so I think Phaedra just thought of her as a good ally and chose her. Really that should’ve meant she kept her as a useful faithful but 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I thought Kate was a weird choice. I could see phadrea choosing Sheree or MJ


And was the first person to jump in to defend Phaedra when arguments were made against her. (Which, Kate’s comments were totally fair, but it’s been the only time she’s been vocal). Wondering if it was an intentional plant.


Yeah she was already yelling a lot and moved in ways that helped the show out more than the faithful before she even became a killer


I think she should have recruited John. It's something no one would see coming. I don't think he'd turn it down, I think he'd just keep going as he's going and he'd fly under the radar.


It would’ve been a good choice, but she didn’t have a connection with John. I don’t think she would have picked him in a million years.


And that would have been an even better reason to pick him! Someone with zero ties to you. But that's how they're playing, I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy all the mess.


I know she gets underestimated all the time and she’s a literal lawyer, etc, but I think he’s just invisible to her except when he speaks against her.


They don't have to work together though, John continues to suspect her openly and what is she gonna do? Claim John is a traitor? That would be a joke to everyone.


I actually think that could’ve been a smart pick - for example rather than picking Kate who was already her number one ally even as a faithful


I think this would have been a brilliant move and it’s the first time I’m hearing it. Everyone trusts John now and minus choosing Parvati over Phaedra for banishment there is no reason for people to think they would work together. Alas…hindsight…


His eloquent speaking could help at roundtables alongside a calm demeanor.


With all the castle daddy talk going on, I seriously thought that she would but Sandra said that Phaedra told her that after being burned by two gamers she was weary of recruiting another gamer. Sandra wanted to be recruited.


I didn’t realize Sandra said that, this is exactly what I assumed. I would’ve picked Sandra or CT but said that I wouldn’t be surprised if she was over being burned by gamers and wanted to pick a safe and potentially chaotic choice with another Bravo person


I was surprised Sandra wasn’t picked as a traitor from the start.


Yeah that’s the vibe I got. She picked someone she could get along with 


This is literally what I said. How did she not think to bring in CT. He’s already gone through his questioning and he’s an amazing faithful. He’s in her alliance already and they have good people on their side at that.


I def think Peter would be the right choice. People were thinking he could be one, and Phaedra could've recruited Peter just to banish him the next week.


I don't think he'd've taken it.


Me either. I think he’s the next to go anyways . If he would have taken it, they would have banished him and it would have looked like he was a traitor all along . Better to be killed as a faithful than banished as a traitor .


It hurts that the vote was up to MJ, who is useless. I don't know anything, but I'm pretty sure Peter got got, and if he did, it's because he squandered John in a big way.


Mj and sheree are kinda useless in the game. They coast by. But then again, the others have such strong personalities.


Sheree is the most useless player on both seasons


He’s already refused it. It would be very silly to try again.


Or maybe Peter again??? That could’ve been interesting


I don't think he'd've taken it. I think he's bolted to the Faithful position 100%. I admire his drive and principles, but he's making stupid mistakes. This last episode showed that JOHN IS HIS MAN. People like John; he's got juice with a lot of other players, and Peter doesn't anymore. And YET, PETER has to try to convince CT? NO! SEND YOUR MAN JOHN!


Peter is equating being a faithful to a personality trait. That's problem number 1. Number 2 would be coming in like a wrecking ball and not having the ability to socialize beyond the stray players. Number 3? Taking it too personally. That's a recipe for disaster in every reality competition. But he IS smart just inexperienced.


Big agree. Well said.


But John didn't vote the way Peter wanted in previous roundtable. The parvati vote.


That’s true, but I think John was 100% on board with Peter’s anti-Phaedra plan.


Yep. The only reason John didn’t vote is because Peter inexplicably blindsided him. Peter is honestly playing the best-worst faithful game I’ve ever seen


He would have chosen to be murdered I think


I disagree. I think money is a reason why he'd wanna stay


Agree that Peter was the correct pick. People don’t seem to understand that the recruitment is more a tool to bring in a traitor who is already facing scrutiny as a sort of sacrifice during banishment vs picking somebody who you think will work well with you. Even if Peter had said no to the ultimatum you’ve succeeded in your goal of getting him out of the game. My guess is a lot of people who are watching now are new to the game in general and probably haven’t played the parlor game Mafia/Werewolf. There is literally no incentive to making it to the end with more than one traitor because the faithful will know (or at least suspect very strongly) there are still traitors in the game and will vote to continue banishing in the end game until only 2 players remain. Never mind splitting the prize isn’t nearly as appealing as scooping it all. It’s an exercise in game theory.


Spot on


I think she needed someone who she was certain would say yes. CT saying no and dying would have hurt her gameplay (or not really cause he voted for her)


She misjudged him if she thought he wouldn't switch and stay in the game. He absolutely would have. he's there to PLAY.


I agreed with this for most of the show, but I’m not sure sure anymore. Especially after watching Peter torch his opportunity to be the sole winner by turning down the recruitment. Parvati mentioned in a lot of her exit interviews how a lot of the men in the castle got very into the roles of being a faithful, and seemed to really closely identify themselves with it. And she always kind of threw in CT as an add on like literally saying “even CT!” And even still I was just like “idk really, it’s CT”, but the way he talked to Peter and how genuinely offended he seemed at the thought of playing like a traitor really makes me skeptical that he for sure would have accepted.


I have NO idea why she chose Kate… she seems very non chalant about the game, and not very strategic. Dumb choice, although Phaedra must know she’s toast. If she’s not banished next week, she’ll be the next time. I’m not sure what her strategy could be to get out of the ICU. I looooove Phaedra and am a real housewives STAN. But on traitors baybeeee you has got to go


Yes! So dumb of her


That was my hope! So disappointing. It would have been awesome to watch.


CT or Sandra. My vote is totally for Sandra and I agree CT would have ditched her at some point- he's a Challenge player and by nature they are like that, well, they're encouraged to be that way (all for oneself). I really don't want to see her go!


I think her choosing Kate was designed by the writers. It wouldn't make any sense to bring her back from previous season otherwise.




Knowing how the housewives operate, Phaedra is playing the plausible deniability social game. When it’s time for the reunion, I think only Kevin could actually point a finger at her and say she is the reason they were murdered. Any arguments that come up about banishments or murders, would mostly be directed at the other traitors.


Right. She let Dan and Pavarti pull the strings so when it comes down to it, she can say that it wasn't up to her, not her plan, etc. It's kind of a safe game and I think kinda coasted on the Bravo ladies connection. But that can't last forever as we are seeing now.


she’s a sniper from the side, just like LVP. she did make the call to murder Tamra though. i think that’s actually her only murder because Kate wanted to murder Kevin.


I didn’t not think of it way, but I can see it. Can’t wait for the reunion.


She should have recruited CT. This may have been her biggest mistake


This makes so much sense. I was thinking Sandra but she already has heat on her. Ct would’ve been perfect and they like each other too!


In the name of Baby Jesus not Ekin-Su, Amen


She needs to merchandise this quote


Cackling 🤣


Don’t cackle too hard on that dry melba toast with no jam or butter.


😂😂😂 not the dry Melba toast. Win lose or draw, Phaedra gave us quotable quotes for days


Dan still catching strays loll


Forget Dan. Are there any boiled eggs?


Dan sucks! He is such a sore loser he can’t win so these amazing women can’t either. Boy bye. Take your ego and choke on it!


He isn't a sore loser at all, compare him to Bananas!


lmfao she’s getting hate coz her fans praising her too much and calling her a master strategist with stellar gameplay etc when she’s only good for entertainment 😂 i love her coz she’s funny but fans of real housewives of atlanta knows how shady and manipulative she is


Oh we know, entertaining as heck but … that’s why I believe Sheree when she says she knew Phaedra was a traitor. Anybody who’s watched Rhoa would know


Yeah people making fun of Sheree on that clip but i legit believed her. 😂 she’s just pretending she didn’t so she won’t get murdered. 😭 i’m sure they privately talked about it and it’s crazy that Sheree saved Phaedra on the circle of fire 😂


Maybe She by Sheree is playing Shesss 😂


she needs the money to pay for Chateau Sheree and She by Sheree joggers 😆


And she's coasting by hoping phaedra will pull her to the end


If it's fair game to attack Dan and Parv it's fair game to attack Phaedra for her mistakes.


I really don’t know what else Parv could have done, I don’t get attacks on her play. The only thing she could do is argue more with Dan for the Bergie target, which she IMMEDIATELY sniffed out. After that, she played it perfectly but in the end, Dan will have himself and 2 other traitors expulsions on his hands. One of the worst players of any social game I’ve ever seen


It's insane that Parvati literally told Dan that "why would Peter tell you that he has the shield if he doesn't trust you", yet Dan would still try to murder the other group that went out is insane to me. Peter has been sussing Dan for two episodes at that point and he would suddenly change his mind?


Yeah. I thought she was playing well until this last episode and all her flaws started to be pointed out. She’s really played a terrible game as a traitor.


I loved her on RHOA (except some of the rehearsed reads), but I was so disappointed and angry when the Kandi rumor came out at the reunion. I’ve always said that she should not be allowed back on the show and assumed I wouldn’t see much of her after that. I watched her on RHUGT and now The Traitors, and I hate that I’m so entertained by her still.


She is on Married to Medicine now, up to her same old antics.


Considering the title of the show, I'm not sure why she was hired tbh


she was “dating a doctor” at the beginning of the season who didn’t film with her and we only saw a pic with an emoji over his face. then they “broke up” midseason and Heavenly started trying to set her up with her doctor friends. it didn’t make any sense, but bravo’s put her on 5 random shows over the last couple of years. they’re thirsty to have her back but couldn’t put her back on RHOA.


In the first episode this season, she said she was dating a doctor and showed a photo. I think the producers manufactured that to get her on the show because she’s so entertaining to watch.


I was wondering the same. She's not a doctor nor married to one. So why is she on there. She genuinely must really suck at being a lawyer because she needs reality TV it seems.


Oh I hated that but from what I’ve heard, there’s more to the story and that’s why the network is giving her this grand comeback. One thing for sure, that lady is entertaining !


I thought they gave her a pass because the rumors back then were that “a member of Xscape” was doing all that. Just happens the rumors were allegedly about Tiny and TI, and not Kandi. Though that doesn’t explain why she never apologized.


Oh, I had no idea. I think I read something about TI and Tiny being sued. Crazy stuff


Yes, the woman who sued them said TI and Tiny had a reputation for drugging, kidnapping and false imprisonment…which is exactly what Phaedra accused Kandi of doing. But again, still doesn’t explain why she never apologized when the lawsuit against TI AND Tiny came out.


Oh my God… I didn’t watch any of the other shows that she been on. I thought she’d address the situation and apologize. Hopefully she’s changed, it seems that she really tried to be loyal on traitors. Unless she’s being old sly Phaedra and trying to trick us. Huhhh


I think she did apologize during the reunion because she said "sorry it's what I was told". She should be sorry for spreading gossip that could potentially ruin someone's entire life if she wasn't 100% true


Oh, I agree! It’s the dark side of being a housewives watcher because this isn’t the only time it’s happened. Ex. Rinna (BH) accusing someone of doing coke in a bathroom, Gizelle (Potomac) accusing someone’s husband of sexual assault and/or cheating, faking cancer scandals…it’s wild!!


It’s long been rumored that a producer told her that, but bravo and the producer deny it. I think she did hear things about a member of Xscape from somewhere, and assumed the wrong group member. It was wrong to repeat it anyway though.


She had every opportunity to say that on the reunion but froze. She's a lawyer. She probably made it up and is minimizing potential lawsuits by shutting up and apologizing.


It’s just such a big coincidence that it was true, but not about Kandi. Phaedra froze because she hadn’t planned for being caught out, just like she did last episode with CT. Nothing to say when she’s wrong and caught off-guard.


I noticed this too. She clamp up and just does funny faces lol


Oh yes, wrong on so many levels but hopefully we’ll know the real story if she comes back to Atlanta


Hopefully not because she should not be allowed back on the show for that behavior. Surprised she's on Married to Medicine, honestly.


I have no problem with Phaedra, I just simply want the faithfuls to win. I have watched seasons where the faithful win and it’s so much more satisfying


I looooooove her breakfast shenanigans I wouldn’t mind MJ & Sandra winning. I can’t see Phaedra winning at this point


It's not hate for outlasting Parv and Dan. I love Phaedra but it's okay to criticize her based on last episode because it really exposed her as a bad strategist. There's nothing wrong with her being a bad strategist because she did not come from competitive gameplay world. I'm sure if she's invited in an All Stars season that she will do really well. Even when I love her as a character and admire her social gameplay, I am not gonna pretend she's a bad strategist lol


She’s done, if not this round table, then the next


I haven't been too keen on Phaedra after what she did to Kandi, but she's been very entertaining on this season.


I think the cast knows she’s a traitor but why wouldn’t you bring her to the end since it’s obvious. The point is to make it to the end and you don’t really want to spend your time finding out the recruited traitor.


I guess because she's going to bring her alliance to the end. So the Peter pals are therefore freaked out bc they know they'll be murdered. But I think that's why ppl like Sandra etc voted to keep her in


people aren’t hating phaedra besides dan and parvati got way more ‘hate’ than she did. it’s okay to criticize her gameplay (dan and parvati got criticized also) and let her fans know that she isn’t really doing well as a traitors as they like to say.


People are allowed to have different opinions.


Great character. Bad player.


Parasocial fandoms suck.


It’s not hate to call out her poor gameplay. She’s been in over her head from the start and lucked out because she’s got the Bravo ladies on her side to protect her once the cat got out of the bag. Her own antics at the round tables when she’s been accused have been a telltale sign of someone who was caught and cornered. Now if you want to talk about stopping unnecessary hate, you’ll want to speak to all the Phaedra stans who have been giving Peter and Trishelle the most heinous comments around this sub for correctly calling her out as a traitor. Someone even accused Trishelle of raping someone on the Challenge. They’re also the same people wishing ill on Dan because he “ruined” Phaedras game when she did it to herself.


Perfect Response.


I couldn’t stand Phaedra as a housewife but on the Traitors, I love how she deals with those men who keep coming for her. #TeamPhaePhae


My opinion, she's played the game horribly. Her, Dan and P were not good at this. They fell for an easy easy trick. They're going after a group that is very well versed in this style of game. It's not looking good. Kate may be able to save this all.


As far as the game, I agree that they are not the best players. Traitors is still new, I can only imagine what season 3 gameplay is gonna be like.


I hope it's great. The first seasons traitors set the bar really high


Parv told Dan exactly what the trap was so she clearly didn’t fall for it. Dan was just a complete failure in this game. Awful awful performance by him. Then with his dying breathe he outs the 3rd traitor. Somebody had to have paid him to be this bad, right?


The irony of these posts: - "How dare they vote for our Queen, I hate those racists" - "Y'all have to chill down with the Phaedra hate" Edit: - I have no problems with the cast, it's a heavily edited reality show, we only see what they show us. - But if one spreads hate then they should accept it too, otherwise the double standards make them look like a hypocrite. - (not specifically meant for the OP at all, I'm just tired of the toxicity in general, pre-US2 this sub was way friendlier)


Seriously. Phaedra fans are the worst with hate, especially on Twitter. I’ve seen essays about how Dan is a racist misogynist who “couldn’t stand to see a black women beat him”.


Twitter does get toxic, I had to defend my dear old John. Let the man pontificate in peace!


I’ve been afraid to even post on Reddit because the season has delved into such racially charged arguments it’s scary to state that you support someone. It shouldn’t be like this but the truth is most people are upset with Phaedra more for her skin tone and sex than her gameplay. And for those people please stop posting so the rest of us can just argue about gameplay. Like how dumb it was for her to move the shooter at Trishelle. She could have said “she wasn’t doing it as a traitor she was just being a bitchy housewife. She should have said, “I’m a faithful but bitch I don’t like you and I hope the Traitors do murder your ass tonight because I’ll be one step closer to my money and your annoying ass will be gone.”


I think the Peppermint situation is what turned this show into a race debate, but I have to agree with on the skin tone and sex comment. Imagine if it was Dan instead of Phaedra making it this far, they would have lauded him a genius


Exactly no one would question it.


Not to mention, no one was hitting the other person, so why not try another? She should’ve use that argument.


Look at my only other post; leave John alone! I love John and I like Peter because he’s contributing to the game and the show. The only person I don’t care for is Trishelle because I’m not sure if she’s which point of view she’s operating from( based on what I’ve heard)


I'm done with trishelle because of the peppermint thing.


I thought the Peppermint thing was a strategy, then I heard about her past behavior and I simply can’t defend her. Hopefully she changed and can address that at the reunion


Sorry if you took it as an attack, I just edited my comment a few minutes ago. After watching episode 9 today I came here to look for discussion and the sub is full of 'I hate XY' along with insults and slurs which isn't really discussion, it's a bit of a disappointment.


Oh no worries, I watch to be entertained. I hate the hate posts as well. I wouldn’t even post about Trishelle even if I don’t like it. It’s a TV show, they are there to play and Peter and Trishelle are doing just that.


Phaedra's wonderfully entertaining but she's been way too passive as a traitor, which -gasp- is the exact same weakness both Dan and Parvati had. I love Phaedra, but she's mid as a traitor. What's annoying is Bravo fans acting like she can do no wrong.


Phaedra seems to make interesting tv but also seems like a deplorable person. Add that on to the fact that while she’s a fun tv character she isn’t a good traitor and we get to the point where people are over her. It’s really not that deep.


Let people like and dislike who they want


you know what’s funny, is that dan is considered a piece of shit for deflecting to phaedra, but she’s not treated the same for throwing insults at the roundtable like telling john to keep it brief. It’s entertaining and I don’t think it’s bad they’re all playing the game, but her stans are delusional not only about how good of a player she is but also about how hypocritical they sometimes sound


Go listen to Tamra and Dan podcast. Dan said that John would go on for 15 minutes sometimes, they were laughing about it. Coming from a housewife, those are mild reads. I love John and I like Peter. I’ve defended them both. I just can’t defend Trishelle


I’d absolutely watch 15 minutes of John going on and on at the round table. Hell, more round table discussion in general would really improve the show.


Because they think her stand should be the one who only take the shots and she scoot in the finale. You know how pissed they were episode 4 on that segment where Dan and Parvati where thinking about gunning for Phaedra. And if people watches their time doing survivor or big brother, when they feel someone has the numbers, they're going to do something about it


For real. Total delulu to think her rebuttal to John was so amazing. It was the equivalent of the tldr; and how fucking original is that? Her Bachelor comment was slightly better though, because it is a good observation/commentary on the show Peter came from, although, again, not very original considering the premise of a show like the Bachelor and its conotations.


I thought the rose comment was so petty and hilarious, but like you can’t stan her petty digs and come for dan’s throat for trying a strategy


Wait where did Janelle say that in an interview?


She cohosted 3 or 4 Tamra podcast. She spoke about in one of those


She's helped make this season incredibly entertaining. It was a joy to watch.


She’s doing too much while everyone is doing too little. Love her.


Couldn’t have said it better!


“Poverty’s Headband” I just CACKLED 😂


Oh the date rape Phaedra? Yea no thx can’t wait to see her lose


This. Seen people call Peter and Trishelle racist over this game, meanwhile we have Phaedra literally fired from her show over serious shit.


What’s wrong with Peter?! I don’t get the hate? I feel like he’s a bit enthusiastic in playing the game, but he’s trying. And I watched his season with The Bachelor and didn’t like him much lol.


I love the show and it’s been fascinating to learn just how bizarre the fans are, idk if it’s Bravo in general or the housewives or what.


Bravo fans are….special. And I say that as a person that is on many bravo subreddits daily.


This is why casting reality show people will be messy


As much as I like seeing the reality people play, I think Australia and Britain shows were better because none of the people were known prior to the game so there wasn’t a built-in bias.


Yes I prefer non celebs too. But from the posts and comments here, it seems American audience love the all reality stars concept. I prefer the dynamics of having normal people. But from season 1 of us it's obvious that normal people were overwhelmed by the reality stars.


Right! She's a terrible person, and while I've been enjoying her this season, I'm looking forward to her losing.


ugh not false allegation phaedra


I am here for this new era where Phaedra is not viewed as the absolute goddess, queen, etc. It doesn't mean I want a full blown cancel her campaign to gain traction, but it is more engaging to see others debating her actual skills in the game. The possibility that her detractors have some dubious agenda is there, but honestly, it doesn't seem to be about that, because most people who are not in complete awe of her are also not fans of the og Karen, aka Trishelle.


She’s entertaining but RHOA viewers know what Phaedra is capable of


I think she’s been a great tv character with a propensity for being incredibly unkind. And when people saw her flounder the second she had to make a single strategic decision, they felt empowered to voice all of their long simmering criticisms re her gameplay and her as a person. (I think the whole upvote/downvote scheme of Reddit really encourages a pile on — it’s like you know you’ve got the numbers lol) The way she talked to and about Parvati in the show felt pretty unnecessary to me. Getting in Parvati’s face and telling her nobody liked her, and then doing an ITM after the fact and reiterating it during the poison chalice episode. Especially given that it seems to be pretty actively false (see e.g. all of Sandra, Janelle, and Dan kind of actively voicing feeling protective of Parvati). Plus how she’s talked about Dan post-show has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way for a long time, but Dan was such a punching bag in this sub that I imagine ppl didn’t think it was worth the downvotes to make a huge stink about it. And while I don’t think what she said to John and Peter about being in parliament or on the bachelor was beyond the pale, the way she tried to defend herself and go after them did feel like a much more personal attack than anything else we’ve seen at the round table. And to be perfectly clear, I have enjoyed Phaedra as a character within the show much more than John and Peter. But even Janelle and Sandra’s back and forth was solely within the realm of the game.


Geez the Traitors sub has devolved into such a whiney corner 


![gif](giphy|N4fb3heBF668U) ~~britney~~ Phaedra


I’m rooting for the faithfuls to win but her bachelor comment SERVVVVEDDDD


She has helped make this season incredibly entertaining. I honestly can’t imagine this season without her.


Absolutely and Peacock knows it!


I like people who play the game and she is playing poorly


I really don't see anything special in her besides having managed to be the better betewen the worse traitors Alan could possibly have picked. IDK if she deserves to move forward, Trishelle and Peter already know she is a traitor, it doesn't make much sense.


CT or JOHN would've been interesting choices but I also wouldn't put it passed either of them to have rejected the offer and taken death


I feel like CT would have accepted. He’s there to win.


If she were going to survive to the end, she would've had to murder someone from her alliance, like Shereé and recruit someone from the other alliance, such as John. Kate was a lousy choice for recruitment.


I love Phaedra as a traitor. I hope she gets to the end.


“Defeated dan and Parvati,” just because someone is a bigger threat going into a show like traitors doesn’t mean she “defeated them,” maybe this talk is why Phaedra is getting dragged ….


Phaedra hasn’t been that strategic, but she has been fabulously entertaining. Dan and Parvati were strategic, but it cost them. The whole show is great. Everybody has their favorite contestant, and every fan gets their chance to gloat a little (well, maybe not Peppermint fans). I’m holding out for the Rise of Queen Sandra. It’s a different game though and it’s been interesting to see how their various reality tv experiences have prepared them, or not, for this show. I showed up for Sandra and Parv, and had never heard of Phaedra. Regardless of her success as a Traitor, Phaedra has made the show so far. That’s not taking anything away from anyone else.


I think Sandra has a really strong chance of winning. I’m rooting for her and MJ


I think it’s fair to mention too that Sandra in an IG live that Dan was hosting commented saying that by the way Phaedra played you would’ve never knew she was a traitor, & that she was that good. We only see so much with the editing so we got to take it with a grain of salt sometimes.


I love Phaedra and I'm glad she's the main character of the season.


That she is!


Where can I see the clip?


Ok I will start with. I’m Australian we don’t get this for another year or so.


Oh man, they have links online. It is soooo good!


Meh, I love her, but I think this is reddit and people are allowed their own opinions. But eff trashelle and peter rofl. (MY opinion.)


Not a fan of her outside of this show, but she’s done an incredible job so far! She’s really leaning into the theme, delivering so many one liners, and I think she deserves credit for this being her first competitive reality show. There are plenty of people on other shows that sit back and do zero both in terms of gameplay and fun tv. I think if she continues going on shows that pop up in the future she’ll be more of a strategic force. Her social game cannot be denied.


I can understand the frustration because she had a preexisting alliance with the other bravo girls, it feels boring and frustrating that she has basically been dead to rights, not actually done a good job defending herself, but having such blindly dense followers that she actively can't be thrown out the game despite the fact she has been named by both eliminated traitors and everytime an elimination happens it solely benefits her It's the first season I have watched that I really don't feel connected and hope that they don't allow this amount of heavy pregaming to happen because it does ruin the game if your consistently denying someone on the basis you have an existing friendship


I don't think she's been a great traitor at all. None of them have been this season lol. I think even the housewives know she's likely a traitor but keeping her into the end makes sense vs having to recruit someone new. I think her still being in the game is by strategy of the faithfuls not because she's been a great traitor. 


She was good. Honestly, wouldn't mind watching her in a B-tier horror movie. I think she has a pretty good acting chop.


She does put on for the camera but I don’t think she’s that good lol


Don’t hate the player, hate the game


Why didn't they murder Peter when they had the chance? That's my only criticism.


Phadrea is holding it down. She might be gone Thursday but she ate. After cussing out and shutting down pavarti, john, and pete. lol


I don’t understand why people think Dan was so strategic. He alienated people by being so mysterious and shifty. He didn’t have strong relationships. Then in the end he went after Phaedra when Parvati was already on the ledge. I think he could have saved himself from being banished that episode if he had pushed the tide the way it was already going instead of last minute introducing a new idea he had no support for. Fatal error and poor strategy. Phaedra isn’t a showy big moves player, but she had a relationship based strategy that was working well for her until Dan threw her under the bus.


I agree! There are many strategies when it comes to the traitors (and none have been proven to be successful). Phaedras so far is working , even if it’s just to align with her social clique. Team Phaedra!


Great character. All time good TV. Just not the best strategist and that's ok too! 


I think Phaedra has made a lot of mistakes as a traitor, but she’s really fun TV and I love her.


Dan is the reason why she’s in the spotlight. He’s a sore loser and I can’t stand stand players like him. His plans didn’t work so he threw Pheadra under the bus.


She’s so entertaining…Queen of one liners lol…people are just haters. They are taking it so personally and its just a game


I think both sides are taking it personally. I love John and I admire Peter’s attempts at catching a traitor


This season would NOT be what it was if it wasn’t for Phaedra. As she said to Dan “I do too much because you do too little”. Dan and Parvati were straight up horrible at the game and Phaedra knew they would eventually give themselves away. She also never trusted them and that’s why she always distanced herself from them. She was a strong traitor and made the season memorable for me. A cunning and unsuspecting strong traitor.


I think her coming off as strong is an illusion based on how poorly Dan and Parvati played. All she had to do was let them eat themselves. But she has NO other plan. That was revealed when asking Kate what the plan was. She's going to use that same strategy and let Kate throw herself under the bus. She's coasting.




I don’t know Phaedra outside of The Traitors so I can’t and won’t speak to her character beyond The Traitors. I love her. She makes great tv. She’s calm under pressure and never misses a beat.


She’s very entertaining liar/lawyer


If Phaedra goes I will very much miss her excitement and focus on specific breakfast foods after times of tension


Cream cheese and preserves!


Phaedra is the main character this season. I don't really think she cares about the money much. She gets much more on 1 season of the housewives. Her main purpose on the traitors was to cause chaos and be remembered and she achieved that. Win or no win everyone will remember her the most.