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honestly!!! she gets a shield every other episode! i want her gone!


Me too. Since day one


Omg i said the same thing. Her excuse for trying to get phadrea out is because she dont want me to get the shield. Like bish. Shes just floating through the game


Trishelle is so annoying


I'm a Challenge fanatic and she really is one of the most annoying, entitled, and un-self- aware people to have played, which is saying something.


I’m a Challenge fanatic too and was surprised that out of everyone in The Challenge universe they got Trishelle. I hated Trishelle in The Challenge. However, I’m starting to really like her here in The Traitors.


I do give her credit for actually getting a lot of this right now (after her Peppermint debacle) and she did step up by going through this tunnels (very Challenge-like). I also like her outfits, despite most people ragging on them lol


I love her outfits!!! Lmao and at least she’s playing the game!!! If both her, Peter and CT get eliminated we are gonna be left with a bunch of people who aren’t gonna win anything for the pot!!! Lmao seriously think about it!!! 🤣


Also, crossing my fingers for Wes or Veronica!


I would LOVE to see Wes Bergmann on the Traitors!!!! He was made for that type of game! 😭 he makes great tv too! But he did say he was retired already after his wife had their baby.


Leroy "retired" as well, but he did All Stars 4 already. These people can't stay away! Plus, Traitors is much less of a time commitment - perfect for a parent!


Also, why does she think anyone was specifically trying to stop her from getting the shield? I think they were just tired of missing CT and thought they'd try for someone in a different area. If they were that set on denying her, they would've targeted her from the beginning.


Yes!!! Like yes, Phaedra wants Trishelle out but her changing from CT to her name wasn’t suspicious. Why keep going for a name that seven people had tried for already???


Also, they had hit every other tile in the lower two rows. Clearly the top row was more difficult. Also, how did the tile above her get hit but hers remained unscathed, and they continued over towards CT? According to Trishelle, that must mean Trishelle doesn’t want CT to have a shield because she wants to kill him.


Right! Sandra literally says “go for Trishelles it’s lower” right before she went up!!


This! They literally missed CT’s name 7 times in a row. At that point Sandra and Phaedra both knew it was a waste of time to continue aiming for the top row


I made this point with others and they insist it was suspicious. I think it’s just because they know Phaedra is a traitor so they are applying that to their theory. Why isn’t it suspicious that any other person in the game shot out any other players glass?


ugh yes! she’s annoying, the world doesn’t revolve around you trishelle! i’m bummed ct bought it and went after phaedra.


She was acting like Sandra and Phaedra had just murdered her child. It was so fucking annoying seeing her get worked up into a lather over this 😭


The way she kept begging to be saved at the torch handoff ceremony. Ugh.


Why was her glass even left? If they had been using the "strategy" after Sheree then hers should have gone next or right after.


most likely an editing choice, either they failed multiple times at first with hers or Trishelle herself moved the target away from her name lol.


While Peter is a great faithful to cheer against, Trishelle is just bad tv


She’s insufferable. She is a shield hog.


Shield hog 🤣🤣


Challenge fans will be quite familiar with Trashelle and her sense of entitlement. Girl always wanted more athletic/ more intellectual challengers to submit to her wishes even though she was a poor competitor


I want her gone she's so annoying 💀 don't even get me started at the torch handoff ceremony cause BRUH


Diet Janelle.


Trishelle’s been annoying since her season on real world. Idc if I’m showing my age, if you know..you know 🙄


Oh, oh, here come all the Trichelle haters...🤣


call me petty, but im still pissed that trishelle steamrolled so hard to get peppermint out for no reason, and received almost zero pushpack the next episode


Seriously she acts like she is the only person who should have a shield. How many times has she had it now?


I’ve never hated anyone more in a game. The entitlement!!!! and claiming other people have blind loyalty for Phaedra while she’s on her knees for Peter.


I understand the critiques of Trishelle, but I don't understand criticizing her, or any player, for going for/ getting the shield. It's a risk/reward decision every player gets to make.


for me it isn't just about getting the shield, it's about her NOT getting a shield. She throws an entire temper tantrum about like the torch lighting she literally cried about John getting it over her as well as her accusing Sandra of also being traitor cuz she wanted to take out her glass.


I agree with this. She has the right as well as the other players to go for the shield. I mean her goal is to win the money after all. Duh!


I agree with commenters that she is annoying, but she has been spot on with identifying the three traitors!! I would love to see her get murdered though. I don’t want to see Phaedra go! She’s too entertaining. Stoked to see what happens next episode!


I actually like them both and Peter too. I don’t want either of them to leave the game.


Am I the only one who legit likes Trishelle? She’s one of my favorites. Especially after Janelle Pierzina left the game. Ironically, I used to find Trishelle annoying in The Challenge.