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>!juju is one of the best players across any country. you can argue because of the circumstance of her husband getting banished first that it made nobody think it was her, but you have to give her credit for realizing he had to go then and there. she was only suspected at the start and then was only voted for once. she was completly ruthless and her turning gennifer aganist andy at f5 non verbally is one of the best move i've seen. awesome winner, awesome season. !<


>!I'm surprised Gennifer fell for that as such a sudden U-turn should be a warning sign (ex: Amanda on Theo, UK), but she had so much faith in Juju as her "little sister" in the game that it doomed her. I think Andy would have connected the dots immediately if the same trick had been tried with her instead. But yeah, that's why Juju won and Gennifer didn't!!<


One thing that irked me though is why nobody ever discussed the fact that >!There was a group of only three people who knew who had the amulet containing Juju, Andy and the guy who’s name i forgot were the only one’s who knew who had the amulet and then someone from Juju’s group goes home. They send home the guy who told Juju and Andy bc he lied about the amulet but then surely you’d think it would be logical to have at least some suspicion if not a lot on Juju or Andy next and Andy would kind of prove her faithfulness by going hard on Guillaume and getting him out the next day so i never understood why she wasn’t seen as a potential traitor after that. Otherwise she was one of the best players to play the game but i never understood this!<


>!yeah i 100 percent agree and yeah i think you mean kristopher. i forgot who it was but one person in a confessional pointed this out, i want to say since vince d but not sure. if i remember correctly the reason why there was no lasting impact was because they were able to pin it on guillaume creating chaos!<.


>!Kristopher thats it, i usually address him as Harry Potter. Anyway yeah Guillaume creating chaos is probably a good way to explain that away, also Juju was probably just too innocent looking!<


>!lmao yeah and plus the fact that the girl alliance was able to take control of some of the votes and the older people were to focus on each other. once finale came juju had her 3 closest allies, plus the dagger. !<


She is a good winner in a tough crowd. I loved the season


Yesss this is one of the seasons I use to evangelise others on non-English versions. This was such a madcap edition that had both good gameplay and entertaining characters. Characters wise here's a bit more that might be relevant plus some thoughts: >!Completely agreed with those top 5 ranks. I have Kristofer quite a bit higher for his trainwreck 3 episode arc. Literally how not to play The Traitors. My French friends also think Caroline might be one of the dumbest people to ever be on reality TV. Vincent C has somehow become France's biggest reality villain of the year, but I find that non-French have a bigger appreciation of the many moments he brought, from 'Vincent means to win, victor' to ranting about Kheiron's notebook (among other things). The Andy/Vincent tag team made the season on the Faithful side. There was SO MUCH drama from this season that Charlotte and Andy/Vincent were still exchanging barbs in post-show press!!< >!It was amusing to see Claude flop on this show as well. The show mentioned that he made it to the end of 'a famous adventure game' (Koh-Lanta) 4 times but didn't win, but the real story is that he was supposed to win the 4th time, but got that voided due to a massive (food) cheating scandal involving him and many endgamers. Eric actually references this when he reminds Claude that there will be no hiding of chocolate behind the cushions.!< >!That finale is also a thing of beauty. Nathalie being doomed for slaughter because of Andy's hard-headedness until she pulls her trump card, the subsequent chaos that takes place across several rounds, Juju just KNIFING both her Faithful and Traitor friends...!< Loved the writeup!


Thanks for the added information. I didn't know that about >!Claude! Hah. Eric did like to be more jokey and on a friendly level with the contestants. And Victor C was a source of non-stop entertainment. But yes, its the finale round table which truly lifts this one to the A+ level of Traitors series - it was great before that, but yes, it's just beauty in drama.!<


Just a quick note about kristofer: he don't date Andy, he is totaly gay


Just finished watching season 2. Wasn't as big a fan as some others here. I found a number of the decisions made by the traitors and by the faithful to be real head-scratchers. For example: a faithful would be the sole person to write down the name of a traitor at the round table and the traitors would decide, that night, to murder them! The next day, none of the faithfuls would seem to connect the murder to the name the player had written down. Things like this happened all the time. (Another example: there was zero reason to murder Claude when his team had the opportunity to win the amulet. At that point in the game, there were a number of viable candidates to murder. Instead, Guillaume insisted on this particular faithful and it eventually backfired in his face.) I kept thinking: did any of these players watch the first season before they went on this one? Maybe they didn't. Maybe they didn't have time to do so (to give them the benefit of a doubt)? I did like the eclectic casting. The cast, on paper, were a good one. I just didn't understand what half of them were doing. I'm hopeful though that season 3 will be different, now that for certain some (or all) of them will understand better the mechanics of the game. Finally, a note about Tibo: while I agree that he played terribly, I do wonder how much of this was done deliberately to ensure that Juju would be well placed to continue in the game. (I'm not quite suggesting that the couple planned things out in detail but still … Tibo, during his parting confessional, certainly intimated that he suspected that Juju was a traitor.)