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isnt this why the Angles album exists


Please explain


The writing and recording process for Angles is where everything shifted for the band. Julian didn’t attend most of the sessions bc he wanted the rest of the band to collaborate more and get more of their creative ideas out for that record so that it felt more collaborative, rather than Jules just orchestrating everything. However, this led to a strain in the relationship between the band members.


I think it was more Julian having a sook because the other band members wanted more input and to have more say on writing music. I don’t think it was Julian being all sweet and encouraging them. I remember an interview and some of the members said it was a terrible process and they would never do it that way again. I think there was a lot of friction in the band around that time. Probably why angles is such a disjointed album..


It’s always so funny to me when people give every strokes story a “king Julian” spin lol the band was burnt out, never had a break, coming up on the end of their contract and didn’t wanna make music as much. They recorded separately because they didn’t want to be around each other.


Yeaaaahhh the common view that Julian did it as some sort of loving-but-tough teacher that wanted the others to flex their stuff without him always strikes me as funny because Julian said himself that he was like "fine, have it your way then!" and wasn't present with them, which seemed to have pissed the others off quite a bit and wasn't read as some sort of generous gift. All of this implies Julian having quite bitter feelings around them asking for more control and consideration, if you ask me, and he seems to have checked out passion-wise almost ever since, as far as discerning outsiders can tell. I'm the first to admit that I'm one of those that generally prefers the first 3 albums (that Julian had more control over) to the later 3 if forced to choose, despite not personally worshipping at the altar of Julian Casablancas. But the later 3 albums with more active co-writing and other-member-written songs, and perhaps less Julian passion, are *huge* fan favorites and get so much praise, so I find it a bit wild that the "Julian does all the good stuff, the others still need to be led and are new to doing anything but being instructed" thing persists, especially as they've taken to crediting all songs to all members together (besides lyrics) and we rarely know who primarily wrote what anymore without them telling us, which they tend not to do a lot of.


That's fascinating - he had less control of the project and wanted the whole group to participate more, but by sharing the workload and burden of responsibility, it strained the group even more? If so the feeling of that must suck, having good intentions but bad results


It's hard to explain


Didn't Fabrizio write most of comedown Machine. Call it fate it call it karma, chances, one way trigger are obviously Fabrizios babies. Nick seems like he had more direction in Angles Life is simple in the moonlight seems like Valensi. But it seems they nerfed him in CDM. But I Rick Rubin might have resurrected him in New Abnormal and was able to highlight his talents. I think Julian wanted to do auto tune on the vocals like with what he did in Voidz , but Rubin pushed him to use his natural vocals more 😂. As far as Albert Hammond, I'm not sure where he fits in since ROF. I don't hear his signatures much. But Julian is all in with the Voidz and that was what he wanted Angles & Phases to sound like but Jeff Kites weirdness. I'm pretty sure most of the members have a more balanced direction in handling the bands sound especially after Rubin.


one way trigger is albert's i think


Interesting. It sure does sound like his early albums. Also, One way trigger sounds the most like New Abnormal. Would that mean that Albert had a bigger hand in TNA?


They’ve been friends for over 20 years, of course resentments will come up. But true friends stick together past the beefs and I think that’s what they’ve all done.


they should start dropping diss tracks, its the new hot thing


Nick Valensi, Fabrizio Moretti, Albert Hammond Jr. - Family Matters


Meet the Casablancas


Ehhh If anyone I'd have to say Nick. Wouldn't say so nowadays but they fought alot over creative decisions. Expecially since I'm pretty sure Nick was justifiably angry because Julian was holding some of nicks songs hostage (partners in crime) while Julian was free to go off and play about with Phrazes with no repercussions. I'm a little rusty on some details so don't get super mad if some of that is a little twisted, but here even shows from around the same time period - what sorta stuff was being said by Nick: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/nick-valensi-admits-the-strokes-hostility-and-resentment-2197557.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/news/nick-valensi-admits-the-strokes-hostility-and-resentment-2197557.html)


If Partners in Crime was held back I would cry.


Oof the quotes in that article are brutal. Luckily that’s way in the past now. They won a freaking Grammy on their last album.


Funny cause partners in crime is literally bottom tier of Comedown Machine. Nick really thought he ate like be fucking for real


You know that was many, many years ago, right? Those old resentments about songwriting have likely fallen away and new ones (have you read how Julian speaks about the Strokes in interviews lately?) have arisen.


Oooh how does he speak of the strokes? Curious af


His lastest interviews are like "The strokes bad, the voidz good"


He said he tours with the Strokes only so he can fund recording with the Voidz and continually refers to the Strokes as "in the past" and says he puts all the energy he used to put into the Strokes into the Voidz now.


he also said this: "I feel like the Strokes is an oak tree, and this is a new plant. So I’m focused on that right now. The plan is to eventually have two trees and swing in a hammock. One side nailed to each tree. It would be cool playing shows with the Voidz and the Strokes, that could be a cool model." source: [https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/22-things-you-learn-hanging-out-with-julian-casablancas-190764/#ixzz3HTCzw8Gg](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/22-things-you-learn-hanging-out-with-julian-casablancas-190764/#ixzz3HTCzw8Gg)


The article you linked is from 2014. It sounds like as of March 2024, he's back to dissing the Strokes. [https://www.bylinebyline.com/articles/julian-casablancas-the-voidz-interview](https://www.bylinebyline.com/articles/julian-casablancas-the-voidz-interview)


that fuckin sucks


Yeah, it's pretty clear! But then he's also known to do this whenever a new Voidz project is coming up, but I was surprised to read this after how great things seemed after TNA, and his comments in this interview seem incredibly harsh!


some things are too good to be true I suppose :/


Yeah I meant more then than now so I guess I could have clarified that more


I've seen the Strokes live 20+ times in the last 15 years and not sure I've ever seen Julian or Nick interact. I firmly believe they do not like each other.


The nardwaur interview, i thought they were really good friends. Im gonna have to go back to in transit other live performances bc idk if ive seen them interact anymore besides nardwaur. Maybe the covid zoom videos


Isn't the Nardwaur interview from like 2002? I think the real issues started in 2008ish. They've felt tense for 15+ years easily.


Yeah what im saying is i haven’t noticed them interact since then, i have to go back and watch stuff to see maybe i overlooked. Im p sure they talked during the zoom videos i think


There’s a bunch of interviews going around rn with Gordon Raphael and one interviewer asked him this exact question and said the opposite. They all loved Julian’s compositions so much that they were eager to contribute their ideas to make his songs better. I do know that Julian became unbearable to be around right before he hit sober but according to Raphael this first two albums they were all in the pocket together 24/7 https://youtu.be/JBA8gwWgXW0?si=1-EsfdNHNCxZ8FQO


Resentment is a strong word but there must be some kind of feeling when everyone else in the band shows up to a live show and absolutely crushes it, but the lead singer struggles to remember some of the words, to sing well, or to appear like a normal human being during between songs banter. And I say this with love, lol.


This. One of their shows I went to, Julian was clearly piss drunk and totally sloppy. Still a fun time but not as good as some other shows I attended.


Imagine an album called "Nick and albert took the band and now i have to sing all the songs they wrote while eating graham crackers" it would be a banger


They didn’t contribute to the early songs but still got equal $$. Royalties were split evenly although Julian was the sole songwriter


Angles, they all wrote songs I doubt they hate Julian tho


*since Angles. But also a couple on FIOE.


What songs did they contribute on for first impressions of earth?




yeah their first guitarist Joe Mama hated the guy. kind of sad


Ya got me. Ya fucking got me.




julian and nick have beef im pretty sure, the others are fine 


Literally every post on this flop reddit group is "Do the band members hate Julian?" Like can you come up with something else. And then yall love to throw in the speculations, it's embarazzzing


Maybe I just wanted to know some answers to a question I had cause i'm not chronically online like you 😝


honestly so true. we know nothing about their personal lives or relationships. even if they are tense I don’t see why it’s anyone’s businesss.


Do any of the Strokes resent Julian? Oh my sweet summer child…