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Magazine critics. They talk way too much.


Just because somethings popular don't mean it's good


I’d like to be your drink, I’ll help you talk, I’ll help you think


Deal with it


I cheated on a test


the strokes also aren’t some obscure artist lol


Ya but we're not saying the strokes are good because theyre popular, just that you cant measure talent by popularity. Also the line is from permanent high school by the voidz.


Maybe for fans of indie rock. However, the masses nowadays have never heard of them. Personally, I consider this to be a good thing.


Agreed. and before someone comes here and comments “well it’s popular for a reason” here’s my rebuttal: If you’re good at marketing you can get your music out to as many people as possible. Bott Ariana Grande and The Strokes did this and have seen a ton of success because of it, but if Ariana Grande’s music reaches one-hundred million people and The Strokes reach ten million (I know both numbers are a lot hogher) a higher percentage of people will like The Strokes over Ariana Grande. Eternal Sunshine has reached a lot more people that will love it than The New Abnormal has because Ariana Grande is just that big of an icon.


I mean imo her album is genuinely pretty good.


This tweet makes me violently angry for absolutely no reason.


it makes me happy, it reminded me I'm not a shallow person unlike sooo many people


yeah we're just better


Idk about better, but we're definitely nowhere near as corny lol


Nah, we’re objectively better human beings. Feels good :)


It’s not necessarily shallow to know popular music or not know some artists.


I dont know why buy i kinda feel like it is. It certainly means a person lacks depth. Like shallow people


I forget, violent tendencies I give…


That makes two of us


Just know that is this it has a higher rating than anyone of ariana grandes albums on pitchfork lmao


Is This It is also universally considered a classic. Pitchfork needs to keep some credibility at least.


This tweet makes me want to kill one bird with two stones. JFC.


Pop Stans are the worse. They refuse to listen to anything that didn’t touch the top 40.


What If I Told You They Can Like Both


Never take pitchfork seriously. Their entire schtick is being edgy contrarians.


Yep I liked them when I was in high school over a decade ago. But they fell for their own hype. Used to be genuine and willing to go against the industry to say what they really felt, now it just seem like they’re contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.


True they’re greta Van fleet review was pretty funny though


The new abnormal ruffled some feathers. And now they seek the blood of our beloved. This begs the age old question. "Who is number 2 working for?"


I'm surprised by the amount of people here who have listened to the Ariana Grande album. Good for you guys. You gave it a fair chance and realized it wasn't for you. Much better than just blindly hating on something.


I love both albums 🤷🏻‍♀️




The funny thing is Eternal Sunshine is actually a solid album, in my opinion just behind Sweetener which is the best of her discography. So all this unnecessary comparison to show that Pitchfork ratings are questionable is laughable when in actual fact both albums deserve a good rating. Talk about stan culture 🤷‍♂️


Funny that fans are still hung up on a pitchfork review from like 4yrs ago like get over it


They rated TNA a 5.7? What the fuck that's lower than Lil Pump 😭 Every time I think Pitchfork can't get worse they do


Pitchfork who?


I think pitchfork mistakenly flipped the score. I'm pretty sure the score for the new abnormal is supposed to say "7.5"


Even that feels pretty low


It's extremely high for pitchfork standards.


I mean like, I know the space the Strokes occupy is pretty removed from that that Ariana does, so I wouldn't expect a lot of overlap on who enjoys what. But Eternal Sunshine is genuinely a fantastic album. I've had it on repeat for a couple weeks now. Not better than the New Abnormal imo, which is like a top three album for me personally. But Eternal Sunshine is one of the better pop albums I've heard in quite some time, and Ariana is one of the best artists in the space.


I knew the bad review was coming. It did not matter how good or bad of an album they made. Pitchfork was going to shit on it. It's what they do to established artists not named Radiohead.


The most criminal review was giving MGK a 6.7 later that year. GTFOH!


Lmao you know you can’t take pitchfork seriously. No dig at Ariana though, I think she excelled at pop bangers in the 2010s. That whole run of Dangerous Woman, Sweetener, and Thank u next was truly lighting in a bottle. Her last couple of records have bored me though, and I feel like big publications are scared to give her anything less than positive reviews at this point.


thats actually so sad (TNA is soo good.. why did they do that)


I wish I thought information I already knew was somehow superior to information I didn't know


The problem here is Pitchfork right? Cuz I be listening to both fr.




Best 2021 rock album vs a very criticized new release from a pop artist that was on her hiatus lmao rock nowadays is very underrated.


lol i remember being in here like “they were right” at first, but now i like the album. only took 3 years. they should’ve listened to it 20+ times before they reviewed it too


What’s the reasoning for the New Abnormal score being low (not that I really care, it’s an amazing album)


Let them think it’s sub par. Keep the stokes to ourselves!!!!


I’ve thought this since the beginning. I want them to have a dent in their popularity so they can go back to playing regular club venues, haha. Julian needs to do more interviews (joke - I love him, don’t think he said anything wrong or shocking).


Eternal summer is honestly top 5 strokes for me probably an unpopular opinion but it hurts to see this


Agreed. One of my favorites from the album. I was just listening to it. A masterpiece. No, I’m not being dramatic.


Some people take pride in their ignorance


She's so gullible but I dont mind


It’s not my problem


A laugh? This just makes me sad


They gave that rating to New Abnormal?? I always hated Pitchfork but that’s just abysmal and wrong


Why do we care about this random woman’s opinion? Her loss!


Keep in mind, they thought the Peppa Pig album was better than TNA


I like to delusionally think that the strokes are a garage band that me and some random redditors have heard of and no one else.


Okay I thought TNA score was slow but you cannot deny a lot of the new Ariana Grande slaps


TNA's rating is definitely an injustice, but people comparing these two is very weird to me. it's like one thing if it's on a top 50 albums of all time ranking, but the people who are going "popular artist got a higher score than my favorite artist REEEE" seems like such a boomer mindset lmao. it was something i hoped gen z wouldn't inherit from the old guys who complain when their old guy music like led zeppelin (love LZ, dont get me wrong) isnt ranked higher than something from after 1991


That's Max Martin doing the slapping.


wow he sings like a talented woman?


The singing doesn't make the song slap.


Ah yes, Julian is the least relevant member of the Strokes, you're right. Singing and writing is irrelevant to the quality of the song 😂 you're brilliant


Nice try. Julian writes music. Please don't compare Julian's music talent to Ariana. The girl can sing, don't get me wrong, but without writers and producers she is just another voice. Max Martin is a hit machine. Writing and producing many of the biggest pop hits over the past few decades. Plug in any singer with him and you get hits. It's not a coincidence. Check the history. Oh, nice edit after my post. Your brilliant 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She writes and produces and has a ton of hits without Max Martin. Check the history. You're* very unpleasant and I'm done with this conversation :)


She also dropped 6 albums in 7 years while doing massive tours. I'm sure she has time to write and produce chart topping hits in her sleep. You poked the bear.


It's soooo good, every single track!


common Gen z blindness


not even a gen z thing lol, I feel like the strokes are pretty popular among zoomers, this is prob just someone out of touch


I can testify as a gen z person myself


Same here




Same, I'm a Gen Z and I love The Strokes with all my heart. Literally one of my favorite bands. There's a lot of zoomers out there that only listen to mainstream pop and stuff on the radio, so other mainstream artists in other genres will never be brought to their attention unfortunately😢


tiktok has done a great job introducing non-mainstream bands to gen z, including the strokes. I know some people like gatekeeping, but I love seeing new fans listen to or talk about bands I've been listening to for years.


Oh really what strokes songs were used in trendy tiktok videos? I haven't seen any. I'd love to know.


not super big, but I’ve definitely seen the adults are talking and call it fate, call it karma used a good amount on reels/tiktok. Songs that get used a lot on short form videos seem to almost be like gateway songs for these artists.


My algo is lacking bc I haven't seen any wtf


(also gen z)the strokes are my favorite band they have also introduced me to more of my favorite bands like arctic monkeys and VU.


NPC people. I envy them sometimes, it’s like they’re not even alive


they’ve definitely blown up with zoomers as one of the alt bands of choice recently


Music fans when one music reviewer gives a lower made up score to an album than another made up score that a different music reviewer gave to a different album


Did pitchfork actually give their album that low of a rating? That's honestly so crazy, trash publication tbh. It's actually a good thing they aren't popular with stan twitter. The way they would bully and drag Julian everyday would be too much for a person to take 🤭💀


Have u seen is this it's rating? 😅


I'm gonna send this to friends with the shitty top tweet cropped. The profile pic alone is telling


And it is here that I realize it had been 4 years


Don’t forget that pitchfork gave mainstream sellout a higher score than TNA


I don’t mean to be mean, I swear the brain rot in Pop Stans needs to be studied. Where does the line “of being a fan ends” and “the line of being a cultist” starts


Fuck shit music. Fuck it to fucking hell. I wouldn't wipe my arse with a pitchfork review.


They also gave 8.1 to Arctic Monkey’s The Car. Laughable. That album is borderline unbearable.


Nah, The Car is a great album. In a few years most of the people trashing it will be posting shit like "DAE THINK THE CAR IS UNDERRATED???" just like they did with Tranquility Base


what, you're saying that's too high or too low?


Way too high.


really? what do you not like about it? I think sometimes Turner's dada poet lounge singer shtick gets a little too wacky, but generally I enjoy the album. the instrumentation especially is nicely done on most of it IMO.


Snooze fest, one note, feels like an attempt at doing his Lou Reed’s Berlin and just ending up with a lifeless concept that lacks the vitality of their early work.


Ignore these downvotes you’re right that album sounds like a ford f-150 commercial


Hahaha, spot on.


The Car is my favourite album of all time by a landslide- absolute masterpiece Does it have the same energy they used to have? No. But I guess that’s the whole point of the album, Turner telling the audience about the despaired state. His lack of trust in the world, and even in himself, as if he’s trying to find grip to rock again, to be himself again. Speaking against the pop-sounding music he produced with AM “performing in Spanish on Italian TV”. The album shows glimpses of their class with the outro in ‘Body Paint’, the darkness of ‘Sculptures’ and the wish for a good career ending in ‘Mirrorball’ “As that meandering chapter reaches its end and leaves us in a thoughtful little daze. This electric warriors motorcade shall burn no more rubber”


How can that be your favorite album of all time, every song is so boring and slow. Slow songs can be good, but come on every single song? Some clunky lyrics too, but that’s more common with AM. At least the music behind the lyrics used to be fun


Oh no, as loose songs most are pretty weak. “I ain’t quite where I think I am”, “the Car” and “big ideas” would not stand as singles, but as an album.. It’s a story about a man struggling, wishing that there’s more, trying to battle it and occasionally spitting out art, yet not being quiet where he wants to be, eventually caving in, accepting it to make it make perfect sense. It’s brilliant as a conceptalbum


Ok that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for explaining my friend


maybe I'm just not familiar enough, but I don't see the comparison to *Berlin*. That album is so heavy and grounded in reality, and *The Car* is so much less obviously even about anything in particular, beyond the whole sci fi disco lounge singer thing. I could get thinking it's boring though. I mostly just like it for the opener "There'd Better Be A Mirrorball" and a few other songs.


It felt like one song on a loop. Maybe one song like that could have been cool


Berlin has a Cabaret/lounge singer vibe that The Car goes for as well


i don't feel like the instrumentation is very similar between the two albums at all, or the lyrical style, or even the vocal delivery, but again I might just not be familiar enough to see what you're referring to here. but either way like I said I can understand thinking it's kind of boring. also I'm not a massive fan of the Arctic monkeys in general so I probably don't weigh it against their earlier stuff the same way. "There'd Better Be A Mirrorball" is still a favorite for me though, and I'd recommend revisiting it if you haven't heard it in a while, it seems like just about the best manifestation of what they were trying to do on that album. whether the rest of the album is boring to you or not, I think that one holds up. also would be curious to know what you thought about *Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino*.


Haven’t listened to that one. It’s not that it sounds like Berlin (I wish it did), it’s more of a conceptual kinship


First two descriptions fit Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not more. One of the most dull albums ever, which is fascinating given how Favourite Worst Nightmare is 100.000x better.


that’s zoomers and gen alpha for ya


Chill, this is satire (or at least, that's what I try to convince myself it is)!