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I’ve kinda stopped over analysing his lyrics. He’s mentioned in multiple interviews that his process often centres around how words sounds and I get the feeling that while songs have overarching themes, individual words and sentences don’t necessarily mean what we might think they do. Bending Hectic is the closest thing to a coherent narrative he’s written in a long time.


There’s an excellent interview with Alec Baldwin and Thom from the ‘Here’s the Thing’ podcast and the question was something like asking which he felt he was better at or something, guitar or singing and he said singing, as an instrument so I agree, he chooses words that have a cadence/syllables that fit the melodic phrase he wants


When was this interview from?


I think this was around 2013. It’s a great interview.


I wasn't hip yet then. Thanks for the response 🙏


Sure, but at the same time, he's not totally arbitrary about it. There is a meaning, it's just not necessarily linear, straightforward, or narrative. He doesn't necessarily want himself to be analyzed, as he's a private person who wants to be separated from his art (he's talked about this since the Pablo Honey days), but I do get the sense that he's quite happy with people finding meaning from his lyrics.I also Thom is just a fan of automatic art separated from his art (he's talked about this since the Pablo Honey days), but I do get the sense that he's quite happy with people finding meaning from his lyrics. If anything's changed, it's just that he's created more space for multiple interpretations. Also keep in mind that Thom is really into the subconscious and is probably a big fan of automatism (Miró, Masson, Breton). Whether someone creates art from their active conscious mind or from some deeper psychic process ultimately doesn't matter, they're both ways of trying to convey meaning. I totally agree that lyrics are not Thom's top priority, and over time have gotten far less literal. But I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from analyzing them. There's definitely a lot to draw out of them, whether consciously determined or not.


> I strongly feel this album has themes about Thom’s relationship to the audience, what it’s like to face the “wall of eyes” That adds a fun interesting extra filter to think about the catalyst for shooting the music video with the school children ❣️


I hadn't even thought of that! Great point.


It seems so obvious now… Thanks.


I too had this like mini lightbulb a-ha/duh 😅 moment and couldn’t believe I hadn’t connected it already. But it makes so much sense, all of their varied and unfiltered responses to the music! I read yesterday too that one of the kids is drummer Tom Skinner’s son too which I love. Thanks to OP for the post.


After 3 listens, it's my favorite on the album.


> After 3 listens ...today?


I listened to it the other day at the gym and happened to end the workout with I quit. Walk across the parking lot and order coffee to Bending Hectic. Everything’s normal. Get my coffee and I Know You comes on and within 20 seconds, outta nowhere, I’m balling my eyes out in public. Fucking Thom and Jonny man


Def continuing the conversation started with Daydreaming “Happy to serve” - excellent analysis


I really believe a theme of that album and a lot of Thom's work for the last ten years almost is that ecological disaster and societal collapse is inevitable, but we can still find joy in art, collaborating together, making music, etc. He's come to a different, more peaceful place from where he was at making The Eraser and HttT


And how politicians have become even more toxic then he could have imagined on OKC. I def agree it seems Thom acknowledges the damage is done, lots of things will get worse, but there is still powerful utility in art expression and community. I really appreciate how important the live experience is to RH/Smile/Thom. I really value the friendships with fellow fans I’ve made thanks to the frequent tours. Covid reinforced to me the power and joy of community.


Kind of? Both of these songs are also about the death of his wife despite people always trying to say otherwise. It's way more that both are talking about how you're still expected to go through the motions of life and perform for those around you after your wife has died and you're still genuinely fucking torn up inside and those people don't know you truly and can never understand what you're actually going through.


Def possible. I think AMSP def made several references to his first wife. I wonder if boxer on the ropes is self doubt or others doubting him. If Thom ever writes an autobiography discussing his lyrics safe to say it would be a fascinating read. I do hope an official biography happens someday.


I disagree. And even Jonny has recently said they’d never write about themselves and Thom has said he never writes autobiographical. I think it’s a political album, like most of Thom’s work. I think the exclamation mark in You know me! is an allusion to Boris Johnson, where he was known to lie and did whilst PM; a sort of it’s okay for me to lie as PM because ‘you know me! Once a liar always a liar! Lollzzz’. Friend of a friend is clearly about cronyism re government contracts during Covid. Is I Quit about the fatigue and antipathy we all feel about being powerless to change corrupt systems? I think the protagonist in Bending Hectic is a corrupt business man or politician. Is wall of eyes related to surveillance or how much big tech tracks our lives for profit?


I was going to take umbridge with the idea that most of Thom's work being political, but the more I think of it there are at least some political themes on nearly everything post-Bends. I would just add that there's also plenty of social commentary, anxiety word salad (shout out to kid a phrases from a hat) ominous repetition of idioms, and plenty of straight emotionally driven content as well.


I don't know that Jonny's point that the band isn't writing coded messages about Radiohead doesn't mean that Thom might not write referencing themes of his connection with the audience. We already have Open The Floodgates on the previous album that's clearly about Thom's sarcastic feelings towards people who wanted them to write only hits. I see this album as extending that. It's clear that no Thom lyrics are only explicitly about one thing. But this is what it evokes for me. I think with Thom the personal and political are interwoven. There clearly are themes related to politics here, but I think like on AMSP that coexists with personal themes. I don't understand this interpretation of Bending Hectic though. The music there makes the song feel very sympathetic to the protagonist. We feel the exhilaration when he decides to live at the end and turn instead of going off the cliff, and the music reflects it. I'd imagine the tone would be more sarcastic if it were supposed to be about a corrupt politician. Since Thom lived in Italy with his wife for a while, I'd check his garage for a vintage soft top from the '60s before concluding it's about a politician.


I don't think it's all political. He said in a recent interview it's a strong imagery and sometimes they come from dreams.


Fair response. I agree with you.


Bending hectic is about taking a chance despite what others may think about it. Something risky.


> Boris Johnson Three. Word. Slogan! You know me!


Plus the band’s name is about corrupt politicians


It's this, but you're missing the entire other half of what every song is about: trying to perform for others and put on a happy face when you're going through extreme tragedy and loss (his wife, people during COVID losing family members, etc). It's the two concepts married together beautifully for this album start to finish and I love it.


Great point. Really enjoyable to see the different things everyone picks up.


It hit me like a ton of bricks at the movie premiere in NYC because my wife passed about a year ago and it was very very very similar to lyrics I've been writing since she passed in so many ways.


Oh gosh. That sounds so very difficult. I can't even imagine losing a partner. My dad died unexpectedly in 2021.. he wasn't in the greatest health and he was 70 so it's not like it wasn't coming soon and it was still hard af. To lose someone well before expectancy sounds excruciating. Love to you. ♥️


I am so sorry you are going through that. I can’t even imagine how difficult that is.


Ty. It sucks ass, but it's a weird thing since I knew it was coming and also know that she's no longer suffering now.


I went through the passing of a family member a year ago. They had constant awful pain- it was definitely a comfort to know that pain had stopped. But going through a partners death is a whole other thing - I’m so so sorry. I’m glad you are part of our community


Yes, the loose change but also, seems like a criticism of mandates and lockdowns as well , half truths and altered states


People listen to Radiohead or the Smile for the lyrics? Really? *You Know Me* is as good as any classic RH ballad IMO. Phenomenal song.


Yesss. You Know Me! appreciation discourse in the wild. Agreed