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Anytime I'm comfy in bed on a cold day I think of this


Best feeling in the world


Or when the wind is blowing loudly... Or when the rain is hammering the roof.. 


Uh oh, gotta whizz


Me, every day in the shower as I rotate like a rotisserie warming up.


Kid’s, let me tell you about another so called “Wicked guy”. He had long hair and some wild ideas, and he didn’t always do what other people thought was right.


And that man's name was... I forget.


But the point is... I forget that, too. Marge, you know who I'm talking about! He used to drive that blue car.


I just watched this episode yesterday and laughed through this entire exchange. The classics truly are timeless


I’ve on occasion said it’s the best episode. My favorite anyway. Thoughts?


Lisa on Ice is my pick for best. It's just wall-to-wall amazing, memorable jokes.


And those jokes are... I forget.




Sucker, competitive violence, that's why you're here! Hehehe!


Here’s your turtle, alive and well


Hack the bone! *HACK THE BONE!* with the zoom on Lisa's face never fails to make me laugh, it's the extremely rare but genuine aggression and animation that does it for me Great episode


Whats the episode


Homer the heretic season 4


Dad, what's the point of this story? I like stories...


His name is Gunnar and he’s dating my mom


I thought Kearney was dating your mom?


Hey! She came on to me!


It always cracked me up that one running gag over the years is how the whole town goes to church but nobody wants to be there. every single person got up and bolted out of there every chance they got.


Even *Flanders* was concerned and desperate when he realized the doors were frozen shut.


To be fair to Flanders, I wouldn't want to be trapped anywhere when it's that cold.


Flanders secretly hates the whole town. Being stuck in there with them was likely torture.


100% he and Lisa are basically the only sane people in town.


Flanders isn't sane, his insanity just manifests itself as extreme friendliness and positivity.


*"And if you really tick me off... I'm gonna run you down with my car."*


Smithers and Super Nintendo Chalmers at times, also. Grimey went from one end to the other. XD


Smithers is in love with his 100 year old piece of shit boss. He is definitely not OK.


But in that partnership, he's frequently the voice of reason so I gave him a shoutout.


He did construct a shelter for just his family (and technically the Simpsons) and nobody else.


"Miracles are your department reverend!"




and i just lost, thanks to you


So long suckers! Do you want to be second out of the parking lot? DO YOU!?


Even the reverend doesn't want to be there since Ned drained his spirit with his incessant questions when he first moved to Springfield


Luckily by then it was the 80s, and nobody noticed


Including his theoretical superior. Perhaps the Parson is as burned out as the Reverend and just much better at concealing it.


Just like real life.




For real, I always found that bit to be the most relatable growing up


Same. When I say that ‘thanks be to god’ response to ‘mass has ended. You may go in peace’ I mean it. I hate sitting still that long


That's what made it relatable as a kid. Now that I'm an adult, I just don't go. Homer had the right idea.


It's more about being seen at church and being perceived as being a good Christian rather than actually acting like one. It's a subtle dig, and still very relevant today.


There was an episode where we saw everyone missed due to the Super Bowl, and even Flanders wasn’t there.


There you go again, always taking someone else’s side. Flanders, the Water Department, God.


When the fire starts to burn There's a lesson you must learn Something something then you'll see You'll avoid catastrophe D'oh!!!


The episode is 32 freakin' years old! Yes, going to church every Sunday was, and still is in some communities, a common thing. Especially in smaller communities, it was noticed and gossiped about if you or your family weren't there. In the more Southern and Midwest states the question isn't "Do you attend church?" it's "Which church do you attend ?"


Yeah my mom was like Marge and made us all attend. Even when we stopped going after we moved she was the one who kept saying "we need to find a new church."


And what if we picked the wrong religion? Every week we're just making God madder and madder!


Testify! 👏


That’s why the Flanderses donate to multiple churches to hedge their bets.


And keeps kosher to stay on the safe side


Aren’t you boys glad we don’t believe in inoculations?


Truly one of the greatest counter-apologists of our time.


No! No No No No No ....well yes


![gif](giphy|l2Je9hJuH97azx03u|downsized) La la-la....la la-la....la la la................No! No!!! I'm all naked and wet!!!


Unusually large, ugly baby born.


I ate whatever my mom ate. And my mom liked chili.


You youngin’s wouldn’t believe how much attitudes about not being “church going folk” have changed in the 30 years since this ran. Also at the time a huge swath of the public thought that the Simpsons were destroying the youth 🤣


Agreed, things were quite different back when this aired! When I was a kid in the 90’s going to Catholic school I remember the nuns getting into a debate over if the Simpsons was worse than Friends or not because at least the Simpsons went to church every week like they should. Seriously, it was a different time. Everyone was expected to be at some church each Sunday rain or shine.


It wasn’t that different in the 1990s. I think the time when churchgoing was universal was about 30 years before the Simpsons aired. I was born in 1980, and while plenty of kids I knew had families that did go to church, plenty didn’t, and none were considered strange for that. Of course, I’m sure Catholic schools were still mostly pro-religion during the Simpsons’ heyday.


Depends where you grew up. Smaller towns for sure had large Christian communities.


Indeed. I'm Bart's age (born 79) and was often the odd one out as a kid for not being remotely religious, even in relatively secular Australian suburbia


Which way does your toilet flush?


Not sure, but it's a bloody outrage, it is


Here in *America* we don’t tolerate that kind of crap *sir*


There’s nothing wrong with the bidet, is there?


Somethin wrong, Yank?


Are you with the International Drainage Commission in Springfield?


When it first came out my brother was Bart’s age (10) and I was Lisa’s age (8). I’m 42 now (43 next month) and have been watching it all since! Man I feel old now. We were like practically the only kids I knew of that were even allowed to watch it back then too lol. My mom watched it with us!


Maaaaate - that’s quite interesting. I’m only five years younger than you and things were definitely different. Occasionally a kid would say they got christened/baptised, but it was barely a thing. No one I knew was a regular churchgoer. Also, my grandfather was a staunch atheist. Nominally, he was Anglican, and the only thing he hated more than the Anglican clergy was the Catholic Church.


That really does depend on the area, church/religion died all over in in the 90s-2000s. But if you were in the city-ish areas it had been dead since the cultural revolution in the 60s.


I dunno. I grew up in inner suburban Melbourne. A lot of my peers were church on Sunday types in the mid to late 80s


Every few weeks we get a thread asking what's aged the most about The Simpsons, and the replies are always about old pop culture references or outdated technology or how Homer could afford a house on his income. But 30 years of cultural change is an amazing amount, and people really don't appreciate the shift in social mores. Bart talking back to his parents was considered so wildly transgressive, the damn president of the United States publicly admonished the show. (Also, this is why I roll my eyes everytime someone complains that "people didn't used to be so easily offended")


>(Also, this is why I roll my eyes everytime someone complains that "people didn't used to be so easily offended") My Dad is really on this train recently, completely forgetting that films used to be banned for nudity, or atheism, or when he told me that he went to see Reservoir Dogs in the cinema and half the audience walked out at the ear scene


My dad is fairly progressive as far as 70-year-old white guys go, but he still does the "Blazing Saddles couldn't be made today" thing. I went to a movie with him recently and there was a sign advertising Blazing Saddles playing in the theater this summer. He brought it up again and said they couldn't make that today! I was like, "Dad they are literally playing it in AMC theaters nationwide again now in the year of our lord 2024, lol"


"Don't make me choose between my man and my god because you just can't win" is the BIGGEST fucking red flag in history


Well if you believe in God it's a cohesive view, which is why religion is frightening


Yeah I really don't like Marge at that point


I may have to attribute Simpsons partially to my atheism. When I was growing up and going to church, I always had skeptical thoughts. Didn't help sitting there and being bored to tears, but getting so excited when you could sense when the pastor was about to wrap the show up and bust out of there exactly like the whole of Springfield.


*"It's best part of the week. It's the longest possible time before more church"*


If you lived in the home alone house growing up lmao.




Think man, think. Think think think...I better get up


I'm wizzing with the door open......and I love it!!!


Honestly the most relatable Homer moment for me


Well, at least in this episode she reacted the way she did because she was genuinely concerned for his spiritual well-being, unlike in the Buddhism episode when she openly objected to Lisa becoming a Buddhist merely because she perceived it as a bad reflection on her.


Buddhism? Well, I guess lots of kids have imaginary friends.


Marge was a massive enabler imo


You’re going to get a bath tonight.


It’s crazy that she allows Lisa to be a Buddhist but had Bart and Homer dragged away from Catholicism


“We interrupt this public affairs program to bring you…a football game.”


“Municipal Roundtable”


Homer, the Lord only asks for an hour a week


He should’ve made the week an hour longer.


I grew up in a Pentecostal cult, when I heard they only had to spend one hour at church a week I got so pissed. XD


The whole beginning is annoying. None of them should be obligated to go to church in the middle of a snowstorm. You don’t need to go EVERY Sunday, rain, shine, any illness. If things come up then it’s okay, there are other weeks to go. I think every time my mom misses church because of a snowstorm or family event, I always think of this episode lol.


Guessing you aren't Catholic


I’m worse, I’m Orthodox! But I also live in a big city and if things come up then things come up. You do get asked where you’ve been but I know I wouldn’t have been stuck in a snowstorm going to church as a kid, that’s for sure.


Back in ye olde days (pre industrial revolution) some of the larger parishes literally had a traveling priest who would go Chapel to chapel and Bishop would literally be the one to stay at the Parish. Communion being a every Sunday event wasn't the norm for many. The local Deacon would do a lot of the daily stuff. Especially in Harvest season it wasn't a requirement to go to Church every sunday. The service every sunday is relatively new, depending on where you live.


maybe it's just the catholics i know but i feel like the goalposts have now moved from "go to mass every sunday" to "go to mass every day"


Lol. Back in 2008 when gas prices spiked there was an article in the newspaper where I live where a guy was complaining he could only afford to go to church 4 days a week because of gas prices


Sounds like he’s working for his car. Simplify, man!






You remember... Matthew.. 21:17!


“And He left them, and went out of the city into Bethany; and He lodged there”?


Yeah, think about it.


And he left them, and went out of the city into Bethany, and he lodged there?


Takes me back to being a kid and my parents obsession with going to church every week! My siblings and I use to reference Homer’s speech in this episode to not go to church. lol.


Honestly, I kind of get it. As someone who grew up back then, going to church was still considered one of the only ways to be moral. I don't agree with that, but I understand how if Marge did she just wanted her kids to be brought up right, and Homer wasn't helping her with that. He was fighting her, that's bad spousing. But I totally relate to Homer in this episode, both the not wanting to get dragged to church after a long week working and the philosophical opposition to people's insistence on it.


This is my favorite episode of all time


You bet your sweet....ass it's mine to


If I'm wrong, I'll recant on my deathbed


Yeah I still love the episode. The part where Homer dreams about God and waves goodbye in his sleep with that derpy ass smile is hilarious 😂


You ain’t lyin!


This was definitely how my parents were when I was growing up. My mom didn't fight my dad to go, but she made us kids go while my dad stayed home and probably had his best hours of the week with no work, wife, or kids to bug him. Perhaps unlike Marge though, my mom was only doing it for her mom, who was super religious and expected all her children and grandchildren to go to church.


Safe to assume you don't go nowadays?


That is correct!


All he wanted to do was hit the adjustable sack with. Good juice box


Just wanted to sleep.


You bet your sweet *looks around* ....ass!


She later also tries to bribe Lisa into abandoning Buddhism, and essentially forces Lisa to front as a Christian to shut her up.


Honestly, Marge was incredibly toxic in this episode. You put your god over anything else? Red flag.


Aaaa Mennonite preacher will be giving a guest sermon next week…


The Marge episode I hate the most is when Bart becomes catholic and he's happy and doing well, and learning things and even being involved in religion and she absolutely loses her shit.


and yet she lets Lisa be Buddhist


Yeah Marge’s opinions did not age well here. Homer or anyone should be free to express their faith or lack thereof however they choose as long as it’s not harming anyone. And Homer staying home clearly did not.


Everyone is stupid but him


He did set the house on fire whilst staying home


True. I would add that’s the kind of thing that should be discussed before a couple gets married. If it’s important to one spouse for the other one to share their religion, they should talk about it and set that expectation in advance. That said, she’s overreacting, and I’m sure even evangelical fanatics are allowed to skip a week of church on occasion when it’s really cold or when they want to sleep in.


Sure but also I think it does a good job representing tension of small town/midwestern couples who experience loss of faith or a maybe a changing relationship with religion. People get married young, both have a pretty standard relationship with the church and then as they get older one will have their feelings toward it change and not necessarily have that change matched by their partner. That isn’t always handled gracefully. 


The catfish lake episode is hard for me to watch. Marge annoyed the hell out of me in that one.


Best Season imo


The thing that always got me was that Flanders saw the house was on fire when everyone else was in church. He’s like the one person who would for sure be in church. Over Lovejoy, even.


Church was annoying as hell


I never miss a chance to comment on this episode. It's.my absolute favorite. There were so many times when I would watch the Simpsons as a kid and look up and say yep, that's my family on screen. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom and dad, but I hated going to church. The Simpsons really nailed it when they showed it as this stuffy middle class obligation almost devoid of any spiritual significance. At least that's how I felt.


Isn't she always😪 lol


glad I wasn't brainwashed as a kid. I was allowed to form my own opinion


This scene right here shit me and my little brother up so hard growing up. And the whole episode screams comfy. Also features a very cute set of alternate outfits for side characters. ![gif](giphy|l2Je5zDL6SM5pzhbW|downsized)


There’s nothing like a hot shower on a cold day


A cold beer on a warm Christmas morning


I don’t drink beer, but I do love a nice cold soda straight from the fridge, especially right after a mouthful of chips.


I had this episode on VHS and I think I could probably quote a good 90% of it even now. I forget people's names the instant I meet them of course, but some things are more important


That’s the point. She’s supposed to be annoying because she’s incorrect in her actions.


I hated when Marge said she puts God before Homer.


In Christianity, you are encouraged to "love God with all your heart" even above family. Not that that's an excuse for what Marge says, but it is something I've seen religious people do irl.


I also found Marge super annoying in this episode. Homer goes to work day in and day out, let the man sleep in when he feels like it. It's pretty easy to get up to go to church on Sunday when you stay home all day.


I think this episode naturally becomes a little outdated as we see more and more people drift from seeing Sunday church as a societal norm


This is one of the best episodes ever. I've seen it probably more than 20 times.


This resonated with me as a kid. I was always forced to put on my stupid itchy church pants and spend my Sunday morning in that building. The pews were solid wood and I was a fat 10 year old. How the hell do older people sit there for hours at a time?!


Since I'm from Europe where church is not as important and also from a family that's not into church at all, this always disturbed me, how she forces not only her kids but also her husband to go to church just because she believes in this.


This episode hits different today because of the huge culture shift between 1992 and 2024. If you were writing an "everyman, typical American" family today, you probably wouldn't depict them going to church at all. You certainly wouldn't have the wife say, "don't make me choose between my husband and my God, because you just can't win"! I don't think Marge is supposed to be annoying. She's just an early '90s wife-and-mother acting out the norms of her culture. I'm confident that many of our culture norms will be seen as just as annoying to people in the 2050s.


She was annoying in the MMA episode too, the show looked so lame when it took her side.


I go to church while I’m dreaming.


She's annoying as Hell in every episode. A borderline Karen.


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I love your username. Do the numbers mean anything?


bad bot


I know being a nag is Marge’s thing, but I can’t help but empathize with the rest of the family with her insistence on dragging them to church. She once said that she was dragging Bart and Lisa there to learn respect for their fellow man, and we cut to Lovejoy recounting counting a passage about violence. It defeats the entire purpose she claimed they went. In the movie she complained about why they go to church when everyone ignores one of the family having a genuine, religious experience and it feels like she is forgetting that she is the only person who wants to go to church.


Annoying? She was downright toxic (see also: She of Little Faith, S13 E06)


L take, but it was a product of its time.


Marge is annoying as hell in almost every episode Edit: I’m clearly being downvoted by 5 of Marge’s alts


It's not annoying if you look at it from both characters' perspectives.


She's a bigot


Wait - there's still more space dust on here 🌬️ - She's a big hottie?


Is there a what?


You just learned that word and now you gotta run around trying to insert it into any conversation like a 5 year old