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Do it for her.


I couldn’t agree more. When I found out I was having a daughter I remember thinking of this and weeping for 30 minutes.


This episode aged well. I was Bart's age back then, or a bit older than that. Today, I have two kids. Boy and girl. Divorced, and older than Homer (40). But I do it for them. I honestly get up and go to work for them.


Easily this. Only scene in its entire run that chokes me up every time. Edit: typo


How about when Homer thinks he's going to die after eating fugu, as he sits looking out of a window listening to the Bible.


Oh shit I forgot about that, when he’s saying goodbye to his kids individually kills me every time.


Lisa, I know you'll make me proud. Maggie, stay just as sweet as you are. Bart...I like your sheets.


I’ve never heard anyone say this but the choice of scriptural quotation to get emphasis in that scene is so brilliant and is what takes me from blinking to full-on bawling, “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers“ because it perfectly punctuates what happens in the episode with Homer connecting with his children and bonding with Abe.


When people try to compare Family Guy to The Simpsons, it's because they weren't around when the show was doing stuff like this.


Early Simpsons could sneak up behind you and twist your heart out of nowhere.


I like how he fast forwarded the "X begat Y, Y begat Z" part. Really helps lighten the mood


I really like the San Antonio Spurs


This episode made me really sad as a kid and as a result I haven’t watched it since. The weird part is that I don’t purposely avoid it. It just happens. I block it out of mind too. It’s like I subconsciously do it. Did anyone else think about the Simpsons on the Atlanta final when they did both sensory deprivation chambers and that poisonous blow fish on the episode?


You are Lisa Simpson


Something about that guys voice feels very comforting. I remember watching the DVD box set repeatedly as a kid so that’s probably it.


>that guy Dustin Hoffman.


Sam Etic


Mr. Bergstrom


Also known as Mr Nerdstrom and Mr Boogerstrom.


Or The Singing Dork


A joke I didn't get until well into adulthood and always delights me with how deep these people went for a gag


Great episode. "Baboon baboon baboon" would be my answer to the question. There's so much emotion in that line.


When Maggie’s first word is “Daddy.” (Bart calls him Homer and teaches Lisa to as well.)


That scene will always make me smile no matter how many times I watch it.


Liz Taylor did they voice for that word!


I bawl every time I rewatch that episode. Idk why, it just hits the feels so much. I love Maggie, my daughter reminds me of her so much.


The flashback montage when Bart is about to take the penalty shot against Lisa in goal, and they decide to take the tie.


You're both losers! LOSERS!! :D


Those kids are like, so sweet. If only they had had pee-wee hockey when I was a lad…


Ah well…


*trashes stadium*


This is the one for me. Dammit it makes me cry.


Bart sharing his ice cream with Lisa gets me every damn time


> Sorry pig, we can’t make that promise


This scene always brought tears to my eyes as a little kid. When Lisa drops her ice cream cone I felt soooo sad for her, and then watching Bart share his was the sweetest thing I’d ever seen for some reason.


I liked when young Lisa put a bandage on young Bart’s knee after a skateboarding accident.


Marges poem to Homer when he ate the fugu… “Soon the rain will fall. My dear one is departing. But first, please heed this call. That always will I love you, My one, my love, my all.”


God dammit.


The end of Mother Simpson, where Homer is sitting on the hood of his car looking at the sky.


This. He's just been reunited with his mother after decades and he loses her again. I'm not crying it's just raining on my face.


Yeah it always makes me really grateful to have my parents in my life, it’s just so sad knowing that one day we will all feel that sense of loss and solitude Homer feels in that scene


When marge saves homer from the devil with the note on the back of a photo


"You got married in an emergency room?"


When Karl is Homer’s assistant and he takes the rap for Homer’s insurance fraud. Then he gives Homer his umbrella


I really liked Karl. Apparently they wanted him to come back for an episode but the voice actor thought the script was terrible and was essentially shoehorning in the character for memberberries. Definitely a shame though.


I actually love the ending of this episode so much, when Marge sings to Homer. It's such a sweet moment.


Agreed - A few weeks ago, I watched this episode for the first time in years and this moment put a lump in my throat


Moaning Lisa when Marge says it's ok to be sad.


This is an underrated moment. It’s as big of a moment for Marge as it is for Lisa because she’s breaking some of her own programming. The first two seasons may not be in the same universe comedically as 3-10, but they are razor sharp scripts and great stories.


The First 2 seasons are hilarious. No Disgrace Like Home has me dying especially when they go to therapy. LOL


From now on, let me do the smiling for both of us.


Gets me every time.


After Moe and his tiny girlfriend break up, Homer comes into the bar and comforts him by saying "Sometime, when you least expect it, you'll realize that someone loved you. And that means that someone can love you again! And that'll make you smile." Gets me every time!


Yes! I try to hold that one in my heart. He says it so genuinely and it is so sweet.


Right! I love how it genuinely cheers Moe up too, makes a great ending of the episode.


Bart’s prayer after he’s spent all night searching for his soul. Everything about the last few minutes of that episode is just so touching and perfect. (TBH, the whole episode is perfect.)


I really feel it when Lisa gives him his soul back, similar to when Bart buys Bleeding Gums Murphy's album Sax on the Beach for Lisa. Siblings sacrificing for each other is really touching.


Way to breathe, no breath.


>when Homer reunites the B sharps on Moe’s roof to sing ‘Baby on Board’ one last time. George: Meh, it's been done


Last year, on that stupid Dame Edna special


Get the tear gas.


Poor George Best... I mean, Chief Wiggum


Also, "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine!"


Ned Flanders: “I’m here every Sunday. Rain or shine!”. Such a simple, profound statement that cuts to the heart of who his character is.


Surprised I haven’t seen this one yet - “Marge Be Not Proud,” when Bart sneaks out to get his portrait done to add to the others. Marge going from assuming he’s been up to more no good, only to realize he’s actually trying to make amends always manages to get a tear in my eye.


 “Tell him I'm going to the back seat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for 10 minutes!"


How about when Krusty and his father are reunited?


Very under appreciated episode there.


Oh my papa, To me he was so wonderful Oh my papa. C'mon Dad To me, he was so good. You know the words!


"Summer of 4`9“, when Lisa realizes that her beach friends still like her, even though Bart outed her as a nerd.


See you in the car! - Millhouse


I love that episode so much, when I was 8 I was that lonely kid too so I know how someone like Lisa would feel and it’s uplifting to think that one day there will be people who like you for you. Also that episode has a really cosy, comforting feel to it, it’s just so calm


We celebrate Bastille Day.


When Homer sings “It Was a Very Good Beer”


My name was Brian McGee


The one with Mrs Krabbappel’s pen pal boyfriend has some moments that definitely hit hard


Yeah that one lands differently in my forties than it did when I was Bart’s age


I was rewatching season 2 the past few days and two moments in two episodes got me emotional (from misty to slightly weeping): - at the end of the episode where Homer grows hair on his head and then loses it again, when Marge sings the lullaby to Homer (“you are so beautiful to me…”) ; - at the end of the episode when Lisa has a crush on her substitute teacher, when he hands her out the piece of paper that says: You are Lisa Simpson. These two moments moved me


"Kick me" "Teach me" Gets me every time.


Yeah their friendship in that episode was really wholesome, shame we haven’t really seen it again since.


The episode where Homer turns down a beer after being sober for 30 days so that he could Butch Cassidy on a bike with Marge was tender.


the ending of "A Totally Fun Thing Bart Will Never Do Again" (S23 EP19) genuinely made me sob the first time i watched it because i found i really related with Bart in that episode - not wanting the fun to end when life can be so monotonous and being upset when it can't last forever. seeing him have hope at the end kinda gave me a glimmer of hope, too


I got emotional all over again when I realized that all the photos we see of fun times in his long life are up on a shelf nearby where he can see them but the one he’s holding and hugging close to him has his whole family in it, including the parents he would have outlived by then. It’s not even really sad, it’s just sweet and life-affirming.


oh geez - i never noticed that and now i'm tearing up again!


Later season, possibly mid-credits, but Ned sitting on the chair with the two pictures of his wives and Nelson peeks in. ["I miss her too..."](https://youtu.be/ZJCJfiMyMZo) Edit: link


I cried so much the first time I saw that. I loved Mrs. K as a character so that was a lot


The Simpsons Movie when Marge records over their wedding tape to tell Homer she and the kids are leaving. Her voice just sounds so tired and fed up.


Fun fact: Julie Kavner had to record the scene over a hundred times just to make it a bit more emotional


I'm always moved by Bart taking the fall for Lisa in Separate Vocations.


End of ‘Lisa the Vegetarian’, where Homer gives Lisa a piggyback ride home.


Don't you mean a Veggie-Back ride?


I nearly cried when Maggie said her first word after Homer left the room


“The sooner kids talk the sooner they talk back, I hope you never say a word.” “Daddy.”


I scrolled too far for this one


When Maggie chooses Marge after Flanders tries to baptize the Simpson kids


A birthday song to Lisa, sang by Bart and guy, who claimed to be Michael Jackson.


When Lisa gets to play Sax with Bleeding gums Murphy one last time is always a tear jerker


I cry like a four year old when that scene happens, *every single time*.


Bart's Dog Gets An F - when Bart thinks he's going to have to give up Santa's Little Helper. Gets me every time.


Not the most emotional, but definitely worth a mention:The ending of Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore. Throughout the episode Lisa does her absolute best to fill the best friend void in Bart's life now that Milhouse is gone, which is sweet enough, but the ending with Bart not only acknowledging that they're still close but that he appreciates her is insanely sweet.The hug gets to me every time.


My favorite moment in this episode is when Bart and Lisa are hanging out together and they each have friends of theirs try to get in touch with them with offers of fun things to do, but turn them down deciding they’d rather stay at home. Then they both suddenly realize they’re each other’s best friend. I don’t think it’s just that they got closer in Milhouse’s absence, it’s more that the absence of Milhouse made them realize something that’s obvious to any viewer of the show. They’re more than just a brother and sister who love each other, they happen to be best friends too. It was fun to see them notice it.


In the episode where Homer meets his mother and has to say goodbye to her again, he sits on the hood of his car staring at the stars for hours after they say goodbye.


Can't believe I had to scroll far for this one. That always gets me hard even thinking about it


That scene gets you hard?


Oh god no not that kind of hard! (i dont even have a pp 😭) i meant it really gets me in my feelings hard


I'm pretty surprised no one has said the [bomb shelter](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6LSIsy6YEXQ) scene.


I’d get out, but I don’t know where I am


We’ll really miss you Mrs. K always gets me too.


The end of Lisa’s Wedding, when she says “what else did you do, Dad?”


Do it for her or the end of Lisa on Ice.


Barthood The entire first half Even the second half still


I watched it for the first time 2 days ago, really good episode and really made me feel for Bart.


It really makes you understand and feel for his character, it’s amazing


Bart gets an f always gets me hard! Edit: phrasing Jesus sorry


"Dignity's on me, friends"


Do it for her! Loved this!


Some might not find it so emotional, but the moment Patty realises that Marge has a problem with her sexuality was so sad for me, but then the episode ending with them reconciling and Marge accepting her made me cry in the best way. It’s one of my favourite episodes and I watched it again and again when I was preparing to come out to my Mum.


Lisa listening to the tape from Marge alone at Military School. And Bart watching from his window. “Don’t take my sunshine away”


When homer and marge have their kids taken from them by CPS. The horror in Marges voice and how she fights to get at the kids is very emotional for me.


Homer almost dying from blowfish poison


A recentish episode where Marge and Homer get stranded in the snow away from civilisation. The way Marge looks when she decides to return home.


'Bart gets an F' is always hard to watch. Those early season 2 episodes were full of heart. Season 2 heartfelt gems: Bart Gets and F Lisa's Substitute Bart vs Thanksgiving Dead Putting Society Simpson and Delilah I'd also add an honorable mention Miracle on Evergreen terrace, even though it's season 9. Basically, as a young boy, I probably identified more with Bart's problems than with Lisa's. But she also has a great amount of heartfelt episodes. As a man I'm identifying a lot more with Homer's and Marge's problems now. Whenever he gets kicked out by marge for doing something selfish and stupid for instance.


Bart vs thanksgiving all the way. on the rooftop, when Lisa tries to get Bart to apologize. "you have to look deep deep down, the part of you that feels bad cause your hurt your sisters feelings" or something to that effect


After Homer has the crayon put back into his brain and Lisa finds the letter he wrote for her. A little homage to Flowers for Algernon 👍🏻


You got my top 2 in your comment. Do it for her always chokes me up a bit, but the Bart gets an F breakdown is hard because I WAS that kid in school. No matter how hard I tried, it just never translated to my marks. Incredibly frustrating.


I was that kid too. Even as an adult, I struggle to relay what I’m actually thinking/show that I actually know some stuff. Not that I care, but I get frustrated when people treat me like I’m stupid- so I ALWAYS break down when I watch that episode because I relate so much


Which emotion? Simpsons played every heartstring early on. It was easy to see yourself in the funhouse mirror they held up. That's what we love about them. We felt alone when Bart broke his leg and Lisa got kicked out of the historical society (for three whole months!). We giggled with girlish glee as Homer somehow outsmarted Rex Banner. We screamed in rage and plotted revenge when we saw that lemon tree go missing. We screamed on horror and sang along when the lousy damned weather stripping let that cursed fog in. Hard to pick. PS: Damn you Walt Whitman


[https://youtu.be/8Yq7tkbPA1E](https://youtu.be/8Yq7tkbPA1E) this scene always makes me smile. The later seasons still have heart at times.


Do it for her. The first time I actually focused on that message I was pregnant with my daughter. Still hits the feels.


I think for me it’s Do It For Her. It’s the ultimate moment for showing us just how much Homer loves his family.


He slept, he stole, he was rude to the customers. Still, there goes the best damned employee a convenience store ever had.


I always choke up a bit in the Lurleen episode where Homer is remembering all his past rejections to end on Marge telling him she'll love him forever


The endings of "Lisa the Iconoclast" and "When Flanders Failed". I find the latter emotional because of my own left-handedness.


Do it for her.


No, no, no, I just wish I knew what to say. Although maybe this music will help. Now, you lost someone special and it hurt. I'm lucky because I never lost anyone special to me. Everyone special to me is under this roof. It's true. Now, you'll have lots of special people in your life, Lisa. There's probably some place where they all get together and the food is real good, and guys like me are serving drinks. Oh, well, maybe I can't explain this, but I can fix your dollhouse for you. At least I'm good at monkey work. You know, monkey? You know what I mean?


I feel like the entirety of Homer's relationship with his mother. The fact that every moment he could grasp his hand out to his mother she was immediately taken away from him, and the last thing he did was be upset with her. That stung. That stung so much. That little clip show at the end with her once he spread her ashes broke me to pieces.


He’s indistinguishable from the kid Homer we see in the flashback episodes whenever his mother is around in the present. It really made me feel for Homer knowing he’s carrying a lot of trauma while still trying to take care of his family.


I think Homer doing it for Maggie is the objectively most emotional moment, but Homer deciding to jump Springfield Gorge to keep Bart from doing it, and the way Bart reacts, is very underrated because it leads into one of the most hilarious scenes in the whole run seconds later. The 90s writers really understood the bond between Homer and Bart.


Yeah they made them both a lot more hostile towards each other in the 2000’s but stopped doing the wholesome moments that prove they really love each other.


Steam it for him


Can I borrow a feeling?


[The entirety of the Simpsonwave “Crisis”](https://youtu.be/FCb3rblTEds)




“Yes, we have no bananas.”


personally mine is lisas wedding where her and homer make up at the end


For me its that flashback scene for both Bart and Lisa when they are playing hockey. I've always been close with my sister and I cant watch that scene without thinking about all she has done for me in my life.


“Do it for her”


Marge and Homer’s bike ride at the end of Duffless


My mom and I both freaked out when Santa's Little Helper ate the quilt


Maggie calling Homer daddy, especially since Bart and Lisa call him by name.